If You're a youtuber, please do this or my Candy mods showcase. Decorate your maps with this mod whitch adds 3 new types of blocks (not craftable, since it causes a crash). Block IDs: 252 - Emerald Block 251 - Redstone Block(non-functionable) 250 - Soul SandWell that's it. Leave a reply and hope you like it
Decorate your maps with this mod whitch adds 3 new types of blocks (not craftable, since it causes a crash).
Block IDs: 252 - Emerald Block 251 - Redstone Block(non-functionable) 250 - Soul SandWell that's it. Leave a reply and hope you like it
Link: https://www.dropbox....e Blocks Mod.js
DrummerBlock0109 Update if i see this mod on DrummerBoy0109's channel.
Upcoming mods: Craftable camera mod, Jaffa cake mod, HotDog mod, Butter mod(if TheButterMiner10 will agree).
Well i kind a forgot it for a second. I accept almost any requests.
It adds all MC blocks!
It's not that hard.
Well i was planning that for future. But OK.