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Quote from gearstkm I want to create a mod for iOS MCPE in binary IOS modified to walk faster the player. as that function is called sorry for my English speak Spanish
print(msg); getPlayerX(); getPlayerY(); getPlayerZ(); getPlayerEnt(); setPosition(ent,x,y,z); setVelX(ent,amount); setVelY(ent,amount); setVelZ(ent,amount); explode(x,y,z,radius); addItemInventory(id,amount,damage); rideAnimal(rider,mount); spawnChicken(x,y,z,url); spawnCow(x,y,z,url); getCarriedItem(); preventDefault(); setTile(x,y,z,id,damage); clientMessage(msg); setNightMode(false/true); getTile(x,y,z); setPositionRelative(ent,x,y,z); setRot(ent,yaw,pitch); getPitch(ent); getYaw(ent); spawnPigZombie(x,y,z,item,url); spawnMob(x,y,z,typeId,url); getAddress(); getPlayerEnt();
MCPE in binary IOS modified to walk faster the player. as that function is called
sorry for my English
speak Spanish
yet! Link:
you can make modPE mods for iOS 0.7.2 though.
go to:
and only use these functions:
To use them follow here:
Hope this helps!
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