Single Player Commands v13 Connor4898 and I created a mod that gives you the ability to use Single Player Commands. And not just ordinary commands.And with give words too!
/give steak 9000
Anyways, this mod is still highly in development. New features are being added constantly.
Patch, and get started by typing in
Status: TESTING (Not yet confirmed to be working, please report if it is. Thanks!)
Using ModPE, this script enables you to use commands in single player.
// Gives you a block or item.
// Sets the block your standing on on fire. (?)
/tp X Y Z
// More coming soon.
Because this script is still in early stages, please confirm if this works on your device. Specify your device in a post and whether or not it isn't working.
Sorry if I beat you to it. If a command also doesn't work, please tell me.
I'm still stuck with 0.7.1 so it isn't supported for me.
Awesome work! I haven't tested it yet, but I will and comment again with the device im using etc.
Status: TESTING (Not yet confirmed to be working, please report if it is. Thanks!)
Using ModPE, this script enables you to use commands in single player.
// Gives you a block or item.
// Sets the block your standing on on fire. (?)
/tp X Y Z
// More coming soon.
Because this script is still in early stages, please confirm if this works on your device. Specify your device in a post and whether or not it isn't working.
Sorry if I beat you to it. If a command also doesn't work, please tell me.
I'm still stuck with 0.7.1 so it isn't supported for me.
Status: TESTING (Not yet confirmed to be working, please report if it is. Thanks!)
Using ModPE, this script enables you to use commands in single player.
// Gives you a block or item.
// Sets the block your standing on on fire. (?)
/tp X Y Z
// More coming soon.
Because this script is still in early stages, please confirm if this works on your device. Specify your device in a post and whether or not it isn't working.
Sorry if I beat you to it. If a command also doesn't work, please tell me.
I'm still stuck with 0.7.1 so it isn't supported for me.
Finally got it working. You need MCPE 0.7.1 and Block Launcher Lite for it to work
How can it only work for 7.1? Mine works for 7.2. Also here mine has /tp and /tprel for teleporting, tprel is for moving relative, it also has /homeset and /home, self explanitory. It has /give and /explode, /help, and /jump.....Try not to copy my commands mod exactly I was doing it first so it wouldn't be fair. Anyway, liked your version, hope to see some I didn't think of.
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Connor4898 and I created a mod that gives you the ability to use Single Player Commands. And not just ordinary commands.And with give words too!
Anyways, this mod is still highly in development. New features are being added constantly.
Patch, and get started by typing in
(By Connor4898)
+ Colors! Requires the latest beta:
Single Player Commands v12:
+ /entity command
Single Player Commands v11:
+ /eval command
+ Added rapid fire to launcher (/launch mobname rapid)
Single Player Commands v10.5:
+ /enderpearl command
+ Made /mc a less laggy
Download SPC v13 Zipped
Download SPC v13 With Give Words
Download SPC v13 With Give Words Zipped
Raw SPC v13
Raw SPC v13 With Give Words
Connor4898's Forum:
This uses WhyToFu's sprinting implementation.
Thanks to Antisober552 for testing the iOS Version!
© 2013 Connor4898 & CheesyFriedBacon
The program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
"one does not simply hook Creeper::getMaxHealth"
Im guessing you're using the Amazon App Store? D:
Check out my game! It's an open-world, sandbox text adventure.
Follow @hexdro_
Hexdro © 2012-2015
Sadly, I am using the Amazon App Store. How long has it been? Like 3 months?
"one does not simply hook Creeper::getMaxHealth"
Mainly Android. And Kindle Fire does not come with Google Play store.
"one does not simply hook Creeper::getMaxHealth"
what device are you using, and make sure to read the original post again.
"one does not simply hook Creeper::getMaxHealth"
As I said in the original post, what device are you using?
"one does not simply hook Creeper::getMaxHealth"
Rooting is illegal since a Kindle Fire is a 'tablet computer'
"one does not simply hook Creeper::getMaxHealth"
Check out my game! It's an open-world, sandbox text adventure.
Follow @hexdro_
Hexdro © 2012-2015
Even if I could, my computer is broken.
Anyways, I have updated the dl link, tell me if that works.
"one does not simply hook Creeper::getMaxHealth"
Delete the script from block launcher and local memory then redownload and put it back.
Try /give 51 1
Try give 51 1
What version of minecraft are you running?
"one does not simply hook Creeper::getMaxHealth"
"one does not simply hook Creeper::getMaxHealth"
No. Treebl hasn't updated it for iOS. Use an Android Device.
You can check his progress from the original thread and his twitter.
"one does not simply hook Creeper::getMaxHealth"
Back to modding! Follow me on Twitter @byteandahalf
Back to modding! Follow me on Twitter @byteandahalf
Doesn't work for lenovo a60+