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Quote from The_Loopster are u using an andriod? If yes tell me and I will tell u how to fix it (mabye, it worked with pile of bodies)
U.S. Coin Collector, 5 Wheat Cents Left Untill Set Is Complete
Quote from blairbear222 nope, #ios4life
Quote from Kawashi Impressive. I played the captain sparklez hunger games map and loved it!
Quote from DJPartyPanda Adamantis is absolutely amazing thank you so much for porting it
Quote from doctorwho17575 Can you help my think of an a map I can build. And give me some tips how to build it
Quote from Jexter I have a question about the gta san adreas map you ported what are the spawn coridinates?
Quote from iParadox How about aspenwood village Its a great secluded medieval village Thanks in advance
Quote from jdog5509 Can you port a cruIse shIp map?just send a lInk to [email protected]
Quote from Flrocks902 Can you port the bridges map. If you could that would be awesome!
U.S. Coin Collector, 5 Wheat Cents Left Untill Set Is Complete
Click the button if you like my post, I complemented you, or helped you in any way.
Speak for yourself! Galaxy S4!!!
Thanks! That means a lot!
U.S. Coin Collector, 5 Wheat Cents Left Untill Set Is Complete
U.S. Coin Collector, 5 Wheat Cents Left Untill Set Is Complete
I completely agree! You are welcome!
Why don't you download one of my maps for inspiration?
Its a great secluded medieval village
Thanks in advance
I believe they are: 128x, 64y, 128z.
Already ported a cruise ship, please check the first post on this topic.
Which one? there are several bridge maps that people have made in minecraft...
Nice ports though