First, Good job! I love most of your ports. You said something about doing some to fit new update. Do you have any race tracks or roller coasters? I feel like it would be a good idea. Let me know!
Dude I love ur ports they are so freak'n awesome and hey in the fallen kingdom map (nice job) there is a pretty large way to enter the void with out breaking anything. Then at the end of that hole there is a gaint large dirt wall could u plz fix it? (Nice work with the port and *clap clap clap* the person who made this map is AWESOME!
I am having trouble getting to use your steampunk map. When I downloaded it, Minecraft pe doesn't detect it as a map. Do I have to save it as a certain file type? I've already tried saving it to my world folder, but it doesn't work. Please help. Ps. I saw a Youtube video on it and it looked amazing. I was planning to finish the houses.
Hi megaenzo im new here my name is prince_heirs or princeken and I'm already 16 years old can you plss port stark tower and the walking dead: woodbury map and of course adventure time map I will do anything for these three map plss I'm begging you: )))
Are you able to port large chunks of PC worlds or full PC worlds into infinite MCPE worlds? It seems like a stupid question, I'd imagine, but I'm not exactly an expert when it comes to porting, so can you fill me in? Even if you're only able to port portions, I'd love to see lots from the World of Keralis series, if possible.
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"Every cigarette smoked puts another year on Keith Richards' lifespan. Don't smoke, kids."
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Idk but i do have an idea,like the original way Take all the world(or chunk)of the pc.Paste it in a chunk.dat.Put it in a folder with a random level.dat and load it.Mcpe should fix it and load the same thing.I need someone to test it.
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PS can you port ethos lp world 302 it is easy to find on the web
Megenzo do you take pc maps and port them to minecraft pe if yes plz port this awesome world war two map http://www.planetmin...-military-base/ please port all map that I give you please Mega
Okay this is my last wish Mega please and i know all your friend here on Minecrafr forum and this one thank you in advance of your going to port this by they thank you in advance but port all this map please
"Every cigarette smoked puts another year on Keith Richards' lifespan. Don't smoke, kids."
Who thinks it is good
PS can you port ethos lp world 302 it is easy to find on the web