The Super Racing Map is a minigame that can be played singleplayer or multiplayer.If you play singleplayer,you can time yourself to see how long it took you to complete the map,post your time in the comment section below and try to get in the"Hall Of Fame". If you play multiplayer,you can race with your friend and who crosses the finish line at the end first wins!!! HAVE FUN!!!!
Rules : 1.Do not brake or place blocks. 2.Do not use the sprinting mod or the fly mod. 3.Play on peaceful.
The Super Racing Map is a minigame that can be played singleplayer or multiplayer.If you play singleplayer,you can time yourself to see how long it took you to complete the map,post your time in the comment section below and try to get in the"Hall Of Fame".
If you play multiplayer,you can race with your friend and who crosses the finish line at the end first wins!!!
Rules :
1.Do not brake or place blocks.
2.Do not use the sprinting mod or the fly mod.
3.Play on peaceful.
Pictures :
Spawn room
the racing area
birds eye view of the map
Hall Of Fame : none yet
Videos : none yet
Download Link : http://www.mediafire...22oaa4d3zld2f4a
go to my profile if you want to download my other maps
Could you make a LP of this map?
Sure.Post a link to the video when your done.
Lol.Just kidding
I'm here
i will make the font smaller,thanks!
Sorry,i had no time to make the font smaller.
I will do it tomorrow.