Survival Mode

Discuss the Survival Mode here. Pictures, discoveries, buildings, explorations and the lot all goes here
Thread Latest Post Replies Views
What have you done recently? >>
by Mute
6,640 889,429
Need a friend to play Minecraft with? Click here! >>
by thepenmen22
6,551 751,543
The Art of War [Check Current Topic List] >>
by Valerius_Maximus
2,739 290,774
[Challenges] ♦Fantasy City Build♦ >>
by warlock274
2,582 395,609
Beta 1.6 Discoveries, Bugs & Discussion! >>
by Juze
2,532 193,023
Unsticky this >>
by Kris18
1,885 497,691
Beta 1.5 Discoveries & Discussion! >>
by P_B
1,704 69,711
Minecraft Beta 1.3 Discoveries and Discussion! [POLL ADDED] >>
by Hiro
1,557 150,867
[DESIGN CHALLENGE] unbreakable vault (now in testing!!!) >>
by spectrrr
1,495 192,653
Is mob farming a balanced game mechanic? >>
by mountainjor
1,328 30,594
How did you last die? >>
by Kingdaro
1,273 50,971
Challenge - The Tree Spirit >>
by Lilariel
1,266 457,143
TNT Cannon Science -- Revived! >>
by ZirumsHero
1,225 195,337
First thing you said when you saw minecraft >>
by _survivor_
1,064 51,124
by deathtamer666
1,007 96,386
Beta 1.4 bug report & list of bugs >>
by P_B
985 60,909
We were all noobs once. What is your minecraft noob story? >>
by FlameGameWaffle10
924 92,490
[Challenge] Castle Building Challenge >>
by Steelfeathers
921 236,927
Beta 1.4 Update Thread (Out!) >>
by Basic
850 116,100
The Collector: Reborn >>
by Kastrel
841 82,435
Thread O' Links >>
by Paininabox
805 312,786
What would DESTROY minecraft? >>
by WoodPlanking
805 60,443
What was the first mod you installed? >>
by quez1
788 37,351
The Invisible >>
by duckyroannubbles
689 51,812
Too many caves! Game is too easy >>
by Frogging101
683 71,838
Beginner Guide and FAQ >>
by jefe
675 286,323
Survival can, and should be, improved (Part 2: Electric Boogaloo) >>
by Insurrection
673 80,007
Notch: Wolves are a BAD idea >>
by FlowerChild
662 82,826
How do you organize items on your hotbar? >>
by stuntdude
611 48,170
14 Year old Survival world >>
by leangreen76
606 151,513