Survival Mode

Discuss the Survival Mode here. Pictures, discoveries, buildings, explorations and the lot all goes here
Thread Latest Post Replies Views
Beginner Guide and FAQ >>
by jefe
672 283,823
Thread O' Links >>
by Paininabox
805 311,257
Java How I UPGRADED my XP FARM! Minecraft 1.21 Survival! >>
by steampunkminer
0 4
Java Nether portal/ruined portal bugged? >>
by MamaFoxTTV
2 122
Java Skyblock again - Testing Skyblock Infinite 1.1.2 (seed 2) >>
by Humbe76
11 292
14 Year old Survival world >>
by leangreen76
592 147,787
Rate my Starter Survival Oak House in Minecraft from 0-10. >>
by NothingStone
2 139
Java Thanks Mojang(/sarcasm) >>
by Noob6000
5 183
Need a friend to play Minecraft with? Click here! >>
by thepenmen22
6,512 734,320
What if the hostiles are our lichs? >>
by allyourbasesaregone
0 99
i found a farland >>
by TheCreatorNotch
7 635
TheMasterCaver's World (version 5.10 / 10th anniversary update) >>
by TheMasterCaver
73 6,902
Zeno's Improved Generation Journal >>
by Zeno410
523 33,832
My new Ultimate Survival House. Please rate it! >>
by NothingStone
9 495
Feedback? >>
by Luke0701
0 141
Drowned spawning in excessive numbers in ocean ruins in my friend's server >>
by allyourbasesaregone
1 212
Java Would anybody be interested? - [Challenge] >>
by Luke0701
2 246
Java Can this be considered cheating? >>
by MiladMoro88
4 209
What have you done recently? >>
by Mute
6,600 875,831
[Challenges] ♦Fantasy City Build♦ >>
by warlock274
2,582 393,406
Minecraft Complete Guide And Walkthrough >>
by VikerusNew
3 3,198
Java MINECRAFT XP FARM with BOGGED & DOUBLE SKELETON Spawner? 1.21 Survival! >>
by steampunkminer
0 236
Java I spent over a year digging a hole under the ocean in Hardcore. Now to build a base... >>
by raevhynn
0 209
new world >>
by kayseyz
2 341
Java Rate my Ultimate Medieval Tower Survival Base in Minecraft from 0-10. >>
by NothingStone
0 179
Java Help me build a freeze machine >>
by Dominator646
0 198
Java How I made a CUSTOM TREE! (Cherry) >>
by steampunkminer
0 166
Java Let's Build a WELL! (Hanging Signs) >>
by steampunkminer
0 148
How I Terraformed my Starter Base! >>
by steampunkminer
0 241
Is it possible to get killed by a bat? >>
by ComatosePhoenix
15 8,595