Welcome to my thread of a new SMP i'll be having with my friends from retromc. It will be hosted on the version 1.7.10 (which i have explained my affinity for multiple time) and it is a large biome world. While discussing the version of the server, i considered 1.6.4(mainly to explore the caves TheMasterCaver always talks about) but i let my friend decide and he chose 1.7.10. This will be a world of mischief and experiments. I am quite exited for the future of this world and the heights it will reach. Updates will be around once a week, unless something happens in-between. Finally, anyone know a good 1.7.10 texture pack, can never find one.
I used John Smith (Legacy) for the longest time back when I played my original world from 1.2.5 to 1.10.That world is updated to relatively recent versions and I still use that resource pack with it (many things were built around its look), but I mostly play other worlds now.
These days, I typically use the default textures (or a higher resolution variant, like Depixel or Faithful) because the vanilla textures are much better to tolerate since the update to them in 1.14. The growing number of blocks/items to the game over the years seems to have resulted in fewer resource packs sticking around long term.
If I ever go back to older versions now (insofar as this discussion goes, that would mean pre-1.14 since that's where the textures were updated, but I basically consider 1.16 and older "old"), then I usually use something that gives them the newer textures, like Modernity. I used that in my recent 1.6 and 1.8 world and was happy with it. I was a bit shocked at how bad some things (wool colors...) looked when I tried it without that for a moment.
First things first, the server has changed versions due to my friend not being able to load up 1.7.10. It has changed to 1.12.2. We spawned in a mountain range next to an ocean, there were a couple of trees, and after gathering stone tools and spending the first night underground we headed to the only place that wasnt surrounded by water. We traveled this way till we came to a riverbed and traveled there until we came to a deep ravine. We collected iron and after me falling from a peak near the ravine and surviving on half a heart, we left and slept right outside of the ravine. The next day we traveled across the mountain range, where we found a small forest, which is where we decided to live. The house was a rectangular shape, or a box, it has two floors, a cellar (W.I.P) and a small wheat and sugarcane farm.
When initially discovering the forest, I found a very old generation bug that i thought was out of the game for years before 1.12. The top layer of grass blocks had failed to generate revealing stone right beneath it. It could just be the server hoster, but i don't know.
This happened twice, my friend saw on two occasions a green thing fly across the screen, unexplainably. He said it couldn't have been a zombie or something like that, so what was it? A possible explanation is it could have been a hallucination; he does live 10 hours ahead of me, and I was playing at 11AM, so it was late for him, and he said he had a headache at that time, so he could have totally had a sleep induced hallucination, but I'm not soooo sure. Hopefully that's what that was, and not some sort of sign of a mental disorder.
The spots where the surface blocks are stripped away may have been the result of something that wasn't a bug, but a feature. They were meant to imitate erosion, and could sometimes be quite large.
While technically not a bug (there is code that causes them to generate when a value is less than 1) I never liked how they looked and patched it, even in my first world, where I manually filled in existing ones (I refer to them as "basins" because that is what they were originally called):
// Fixes "basins" caused by depth of surface layer going below 1
if (var12 < 1) var12 = 1;
// Sets blocks used on surface and a few layers below
byte var14 = var10.topBlock;
byte var15 = var10.fillerBlock;
// "basin" code (removed in my mods)
if (var12 <= 0)
var14 = 0; // "air"
var15 = (byte)Block.stone.blockID;
One of the issues with them is that there was a bug with the way the noise field was generated (the dimensions were set to 16 x 16 x 1 instead of 16 x 1 x 16) so you ended up with strange linear formations along chunk borders, as in this example in the seed for my first world:
This is also visible elsewhere at the interface of the dirt/stone layer, as well as affecting soul sand and gravel in the Nether (this bug used to be much worse, in Alpha/Beta it also affected the surface block type, e.g. grass/sand, so you'd see patterns of grass and sand like shown above between biomes):
Those have always been something I've been indifferent about. I wouldn't mind them being there, but I also wouldn't mind them not being there. As a concept, they're fine, but they could be done better. The larger occurrences at least have enough surface coverage to make them work well, but the smaller occurrences do seem too "improper", like they are something wrong instead of a terrain feature. Hm, maybe stone half slabs in the gaps, now that they exist, would make these work a lot better.
Apparently they don't generate since 1.18 (but should), which explains why I don't recall seeing any in recent versions.
I wonder if they're less common since 1.7 (and up until 1.18) as that was another change up with terrain generation. If so, that might explain why they seemed like a bug that was getting fixed. I noticed them a lot in 1.6 and older worlds, but my time in 1.7+ isn't long enough to say if they are the same or less. I don't recall seeing too many (if any?) in the overworld in my recent 1.8 world (I noticed some in the nether though).
I think they were less common after 1.7 because I had a world in that version and I never saw a single one, so thats this one took me so off guard, also that forest just felt like a beta forest, I cant really explain it, it just looks like beta.
I used John Smith (Legacy) for the longest time back when I played my original world from 1.2.5 to 1.10.That world is updated to relatively recent versions and I still use that resource pack with it (many things were built around its look), but I mostly play other worlds now.
These days, I typically use the default textures (or a higher resolution variant, like Depixel or Faithful) because the vanilla textures are much better to tolerate since the update to them in 1.14. The growing number of blocks/items to the game over the years seems to have resulted in fewer resource packs sticking around long term.
If I ever go back to older versions now (insofar as this discussion goes, that would mean pre-1.14 since that's where the textures were updated, but I basically consider 1.16 and older "old"), then I usually use something that gives them the newer textures, like Modernity. I used that in my recent 1.6 and 1.8 world and was happy with it. I was a bit shocked at how bad some things (wool colors...) looked when I tried it without that for a moment.
The spots where the surface blocks are stripped away may have been the result of something that wasn't a bug, but a feature. They were meant to imitate erosion, and could sometimes be quite large.
While technically not a bug (there is code that causes them to generate when a value is less than 1) I never liked how they looked and patched it, even in my first world, where I manually filled in existing ones (I refer to them as "basins" because that is what they were originally called):
One of the issues with them is that there was a bug with the way the noise field was generated (the dimensions were set to 16 x 16 x 1 instead of 16 x 1 x 16) so you ended up with strange linear formations along chunk borders, as in this example in the seed for my first world:
This is also visible elsewhere at the interface of the dirt/stone layer, as well as affecting soul sand and gravel in the Nether (this bug used to be much worse, in Alpha/Beta it also affected the surface block type, e.g. grass/sand, so you'd see patterns of grass and sand like shown above between biomes):
MC-6820 The generation of terrain surface layer produces local straight glitches (fix included)
TheMasterCaver's First World - possibly the most caved-out world in Minecraft history - includes world download.
TheMasterCaver's World - my own version of Minecraft largely based on my views of how the game should have evolved since 1.6.4.
Why do I still play in 1.6.4?
Those have always been something I've been indifferent about. I wouldn't mind them being there, but I also wouldn't mind them not being there. As a concept, they're fine, but they could be done better. The larger occurrences at least have enough surface coverage to make them work well, but the smaller occurrences do seem too "improper", like they are something wrong instead of a terrain feature. Hm, maybe stone half slabs in the gaps, now that they exist, would make these work a lot better.
Apparently they don't generate since 1.18 (but should), which explains why I don't recall seeing any in recent versions.
I wonder if they're less common since 1.7 (and up until 1.18) as that was another change up with terrain generation. If so, that might explain why they seemed like a bug that was getting fixed. I noticed them a lot in 1.6 and older worlds, but my time in 1.7+ isn't long enough to say if they are the same or less. I don't recall seeing too many (if any?) in the overworld in my recent 1.8 world (I noticed some in the nether though).