Help me, in EVERY created world i spawn near a random structure, most commonly a village, can anyone help me? but please don't tell that it's luck, i know that it's bug
I don't think there's really a "why" other than structures in general are very common in Minecraft these days. It's a design flaw, not a bug per se. There's a complaint thread in the Discussion forum right now (including some discussion of how we got to this state), and also some discussion in Princess Garnet's Adventures in Gaia thread.
But it doesn't happen *every* time. Just for fun, I tried a 1.20 Amplified world yesterday and I spawned in forests with no structures nearby. So if you don't want to spawn in a developed county, maybe try restarts until you get a forest spawn.
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Geographicraft (formerly Climate Control) - Control climate, ocean, and land sizes; stop chunk walls; put modded biomes into Default worlds, and more!
RTG plus - All the beautiful terrain of RTG, plus varied and beautiful trees and forests.
Better Forests Varied and beautiful trees and forests, in modern Minecraft.
It's not a bug really, as mentioned. People complained there wasn't enough to find or something so they increased the amount of structures, plus there's just a bunch now so there's more to find. There's a program called AMIDST that will show a biome map of a seed you can enter, and it will show where structures will form, and where you will spawn. You could use that to try different seeds fairly quickly until you find one without a village close to where you spawn. There's also the seed sharing forum as well, someone might have already posted one.
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To tell them how to live is to prevent them living.
It's not a bug really, as mentioned. People complained there wasn't enough to find or something so they increased the amount of structures,
Everybody always says this but this is simply not true (I mean "they increased the amount of structures", as in implying an actual change to how often the game attempts to generate them, not because of other changes, like the frequency of the biomes they can spawn in or the overall biome layout):
// From decompiled source code for 1.6.4
public MapGenVillage()
this.field_82665_g = 32;
this.field_82666_h = 8;
// Includes desert temples, jungle temples, and witch huts
public MapGenScatteredFeature()
this.maxDistanceBetweenScatteredFeatures = 32;
this.minDistanceBetweenScatteredFeatures = 8;
MCP names aside, the values 32 and 8 mean that a structure attempts to generate once per 32x32 chunk region with an offset of 0-23 chunks (or 32 - 8 = 24 possible locations from 0-23) and gives a center-center spacing of 9-55 chunks or 144 to 880 blocks between two structures (and yes, this means it is possible to see up to 4 structures even at a very low render distance, just 4 chunks or 9x9 total, and the distance is even less when accounting for their size, e.g. villages can span multiple chunks):
Three villages in sight a ta render distance of 16 chunks (which is not supported in vanilla 1.6, you only get 10 chunks due to the internal server being fixed at 10, unless you use Optifine):
Even at 8 chunks two are still visible:
I once came across two that were even closer, with a desert temple to boot, in one of my Survival worlds:
Some comparisons between 1.6 and 1.20; the 1.6 map actually has more villages (and yes, it is on Large Biomes while 1.20 is on default but as the next comparison shows, which is a 1:1 comparison of a map of one of my worlds, with villages marked by red squares, overlaid on another 1.20 map, Large Biomes really was about the same as the current biome size):
Large Biomes (1.6), with 72 villages:
Default (1.10), with 46 villages, and biomes are even larger in 1.18+ (I used 1.10 since this is from an archived page and the current site doesn't use the same scale/size, making 1:1 comparisons harder. 1.7 didn't directly change the size of biomes but added "climate zones" made up of mostly the same few common biomes, plus the odd rarer variant):
You can see that the distance between villages is the same between 1.20 and 1.6 (overlayed map), as is the biome size of what used to be Large Biomes and the modern default generation (as you can imagine, modern Large Biomes is even bigger, 4 times the width to be exact):
And that is why they seem so common; the frequency was originally tuned for much smaller biomes and players did far less exploring due to lack of need or means of fast travel. Biomes like Plains are also far more common than they used to be (in 1.6.4 they are 1/7 of common biomes, with forests as a sub-biome and rivers further reducing their area to around 9% of land areas; deserts were similar, and the game did not consider them to be a valid "spawn biome" for the world spawn point so it was almost never in desert, with plains being one out of 4 valid biomes (plains, forest, jungle, taiga). I have no idea what 1.18 considers to be a valid spawn biome (I know that they hadn't updated the list as recently as 1.12).
Also, if modern versions generated worlds like this you'd be far less likely to spawn near a structure (prior to any biases in the world spawn point, etc), and they would be far less likely to generate close together - any individual biome is only 1-4% of the total land area:
Then again, I did spawn within sight of a village, but for only the second time in numerous worlds (mostly modded with structure frequency increased to offset the reduction in the area covered by their spawn biomes; the one other world with a village near spawn was vanilla). There is also a major bias due to the fact I have the game choose one of several biomes according to what I want to spawn in, placing one at spawn if one doesn't exist (vanilla will just choose a random grass block in any biome) and many happen to have villages.
Also, all the threads like this only increase my contempt and loathing of post-1.7 world generation and - the very reason why I never updated past 1.6 (with the possible exception of mods; and speaking of which, my first biome generation mod was not actually for 1.6 but a mod for 1.7 which removed the horrid climate system), even a decade later (if more due to other changes than biome generation; I bet very few modern players know that 1.7 was the "anti-cave update").
It's not a bug. This is what Mojang wanted, or at least didn't care enough to change. Structure frequency can be altered with datapacks; I found it surprisingly hard to find one to decrease structure generation, (and surprisingly easy to find INCREASED structure generation, WHYYYY?!?!?!) but here's one that claims to reduce structure frequency by 3:
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Geographicraft (formerly Climate Control) - Control climate, ocean, and land sizes; stop chunk walls; put modded biomes into Default worlds, and more!
RTG plus - All the beautiful terrain of RTG, plus varied and beautiful trees and forests.
Better Forests Varied and beautiful trees and forests, in modern Minecraft.
It's not a bug. This is what Mojang wanted, or at least didn't care enough to change. Structure frequency can be altered with datapacks; I found it surprisingly hard to find one to decrease structure generation, (and surprisingly easy to find INCREASED structure generation, WHYYYY?!?!?!) but here's one that claims to reduce structure frequency by 3:
I downloaded it and looked at the files and it makes structures WAY more than just 3 times rarer - they seem to have erroneously thought that the "spacing" was a linear function but it it applies in two dimensions (x and z), thus you have to use the square root of the desired difference; 32 * sqrt(3) = 55 (that is to say, 55^2 / 32^2 = 2.95):
Of note, I actually made a similar error when I increased structure frequency in TMCWv1; I took the average of spacing and separation (which I only knew as "min-max" distance based on MCP's namings in MapGenScatteredFeature, similarly modified, and the code that calculates structure location is rather convoluted) to be the average distance, I did know that it was a 2D function though; this resulted in 2.56 times the frequency per unit area of spawn biomes, not that I noticed the difference (the double village within sight that I found was the exception, a few other villages were widely scattered around the world):
public MapGenVillage()
// Average spacing decreased from 20 chunks (8-32) to 14 chunks (8-20), doubling density in x/z
// directions to compensate for rarer plains/desert biomes (do not spawn in hilly plains and
// mountainous desert except where normal plains/desert generate as sub-biomes)
this.field_82665_g = 20;
this.field_82666_h = 8;
The current spacing is set to 22, making them 2.11 times more common per unit area of spawn biomes; this was actually decreased from 24 (1.77x) in TMCWv4 due to the addition of more biomes and other changes. And yes, I may reduce it further if I add more biomes.
Everybody always says this but this is simply not true (I mean "they increased the amount of structures", as in implying an actual change to how often the game attempts to generate them, not because of other changes, like the frequency of the biomes they can spawn in or the overall biome layout):
Ah thanks for the detailed explanation as always! I probably could have worded that better.
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To tell them how to live is to prevent them living.
Turn off structures or spawn in a customized world (large biomes/single biome is best).
Large Biomes will make things even worse and is a large part of why structures seem a lot more common - back in 1.6.4 most biomes were so small they rarely had a chance of having a structure (the average size of a "biome unit" was 256 chunks, while the game makes one attempt at generating a structure every 1024 chunks, which comes out to an average of one structure every 4 biomes, even less when factoring in rivers and sub-biomes, e.g. villages can't generate in "desert hills", which are no longer a thing so that space is no longer taken away).
They were still plenty common though; I've found 3 desert temples, 2 villages, and a witch hut in the past month, despite an incredibly slow (to most) rate of exploration (about 100 chunks per day, so even in an all-desert world I'd only find a village or temple once every 10 days, 5 days for one of either). A large part of this is also the size of the desert I've been exploring, one of the largest I've ever seen in 1.6.4, which would be multiple individual biomes grouped together (just by random chance, there were no "climate zones" unless you count snowy areas):
Note that this is a level 4 map, 2048x2048 blocks, and I've seem maps of 1.7+ and 1.18+ worlds with deserts the size of the entire map, so even this desert is small by comparison:
A similarly large desert with structures outlined (2 desert temples, 2 jungle temples, 1 village, and 1 witch hut; the area shown is 1200x975 blocks), you can also see how small many biomes are (there are only 7 different biomes so they do tend to group, there is also a long strip of forest to the northwest of the desert):
An older screenshot of my map wall, with the desert shown above near the bottom-center; a single biome this large is the exception, aside from "snowy areas" as mentioned before (these are in fact generated the same way as in 1.7, which just added more zones and separated the extremes):
Also, you can use data packs to increase the "spacing" between structures (Zeno410 previously posted an example of a data pack that does this, you may want to tweak it as desired, keeping in mind that the relative frequency is squared, e.g. 64 chunks instead of 32 = 1/4 the frequency, the data pack actually makes them much rarer than claimed) but there is still no guarantee that they won't generate close to spawn (in an earlier version of my own mod I actually restricted them from within 512 blocks of 0,0, partly contributing to the fact I've spawned near a village only twice in 10 years. One world even could of had two villages near spawn).
Help me, in EVERY created world i spawn near a random structure, most commonly a village, can anyone help me? but please don't tell that it's luck, i know that it's bug
I don't think there's really a "why" other than structures in general are very common in Minecraft these days. It's a design flaw, not a bug per se. There's a complaint thread in the Discussion forum right now (including some discussion of how we got to this state), and also some discussion in Princess Garnet's Adventures in Gaia thread.
But it doesn't happen *every* time. Just for fun, I tried a 1.20 Amplified world yesterday and I spawned in forests with no structures nearby. So if you don't want to spawn in a developed county, maybe try restarts until you get a forest spawn.
Geographicraft (formerly Climate Control) - Control climate, ocean, and land sizes; stop chunk walls; put modded biomes into Default worlds, and more!
RTG plus - All the beautiful terrain of RTG, plus varied and beautiful trees and forests.
Better Forests Varied and beautiful trees and forests, in modern Minecraft.
do you know how to fix this bug?
It's not a bug really, as mentioned. People complained there wasn't enough to find or something so they increased the amount of structures, plus there's just a bunch now so there's more to find. There's a program called AMIDST that will show a biome map of a seed you can enter, and it will show where structures will form, and where you will spawn. You could use that to try different seeds fairly quickly until you find one without a village close to where you spawn. There's also the seed sharing forum as well, someone might have already posted one.
To tell them how to live is to prevent them living.
Everybody always says this but this is simply not true (I mean "they increased the amount of structures", as in implying an actual change to how often the game attempts to generate them, not because of other changes, like the frequency of the biomes they can spawn in or the overall biome layout):
MCP names aside, the values 32 and 8 mean that a structure attempts to generate once per 32x32 chunk region with an offset of 0-23 chunks (or 32 - 8 = 24 possible locations from 0-23) and gives a center-center spacing of 9-55 chunks or 144 to 880 blocks between two structures (and yes, this means it is possible to see up to 4 structures even at a very low render distance, just 4 chunks or 9x9 total, and the distance is even less when accounting for their size, e.g. villages can span multiple chunks):
Even at 8 chunks two are still visible:
I once came across two that were even closer, with a desert temple to boot, in one of my Survival worlds:
Some comparisons between 1.6 and 1.20; the 1.6 map actually has more villages (and yes, it is on Large Biomes while 1.20 is on default but as the next comparison shows, which is a 1:1 comparison of a map of one of my worlds, with villages marked by red squares, overlaid on another 1.20 map, Large Biomes really was about the same as the current biome size):
Default (1.10), with 46 villages, and biomes are even larger in 1.18+ (I used 1.10 since this is from an archived page and the current site doesn't use the same scale/size, making 1:1 comparisons harder. 1.7 didn't directly change the size of biomes but added "climate zones" made up of mostly the same few common biomes, plus the odd rarer variant):
You can see that the distance between villages is the same between 1.20 and 1.6 (overlayed map), as is the biome size of what used to be Large Biomes and the modern default generation (as you can imagine, modern Large Biomes is even bigger, 4 times the width to be exact):
And that is why they seem so common; the frequency was originally tuned for much smaller biomes and players did far less exploring due to lack of need or means of fast travel. Biomes like Plains are also far more common than they used to be (in 1.6.4 they are 1/7 of common biomes, with forests as a sub-biome and rivers further reducing their area to around 9% of land areas; deserts were similar, and the game did not consider them to be a valid "spawn biome" for the world spawn point so it was almost never in desert, with plains being one out of 4 valid biomes (plains, forest, jungle, taiga). I have no idea what 1.18 considers to be a valid spawn biome (I know that they hadn't updated the list as recently as 1.12).
Also, if modern versions generated worlds like this you'd be far less likely to spawn near a structure (prior to any biases in the world spawn point, etc), and they would be far less likely to generate close together - any individual biome is only 1-4% of the total land area:
Then again, I did spawn within sight of a village, but for only the second time in numerous worlds (mostly modded with structure frequency increased to offset the reduction in the area covered by their spawn biomes; the one other world with a village near spawn was vanilla). There is also a major bias due to the fact I have the game choose one of several biomes according to what I want to spawn in, placing one at spawn if one doesn't exist (vanilla will just choose a random grass block in any biome) and many happen to have villages.
Also, all the threads like this only increase my contempt and loathing of post-1.7 world generation and - the very reason why I never updated past 1.6 (with the possible exception of mods; and speaking of which, my first biome generation mod was not actually for 1.6 but a mod for 1.7 which removed the horrid climate system), even a decade later (if more due to other changes than biome generation; I bet very few modern players know that 1.7 was the "anti-cave update").
TheMasterCaver's First World - possibly the most caved-out world in Minecraft history - includes world download.
TheMasterCaver's World - my own version of Minecraft largely based on my views of how the game should have evolved since 1.6.4.
Why do I still play in 1.6.4?
It's not a bug. This is what Mojang wanted, or at least didn't care enough to change. Structure frequency can be altered with datapacks; I found it surprisingly hard to find one to decrease structure generation, (and surprisingly easy to find INCREASED structure generation, WHYYYY?!?!?!) but here's one that claims to reduce structure frequency by 3:
Geographicraft (formerly Climate Control) - Control climate, ocean, and land sizes; stop chunk walls; put modded biomes into Default worlds, and more!
RTG plus - All the beautiful terrain of RTG, plus varied and beautiful trees and forests.
Better Forests Varied and beautiful trees and forests, in modern Minecraft.
I downloaded it and looked at the files and it makes structures WAY more than just 3 times rarer - they seem to have erroneously thought that the "spacing" was a linear function but it it applies in two dimensions (x and z), thus you have to use the square root of the desired difference; 32 * sqrt(3) = 55 (that is to say, 55^2 / 32^2 = 2.95):
Of note, I actually made a similar error when I increased structure frequency in TMCWv1; I took the average of spacing and separation (which I only knew as "min-max" distance based on MCP's namings in MapGenScatteredFeature, similarly modified, and the code that calculates structure location is rather convoluted) to be the average distance, I did know that it was a 2D function though; this resulted in 2.56 times the frequency per unit area of spawn biomes, not that I noticed the difference (the double village within sight that I found was the exception, a few other villages were widely scattered around the world):
The current spacing is set to 22, making them 2.11 times more common per unit area of spawn biomes; this was actually decreased from 24 (1.77x) in TMCWv4 due to the addition of more biomes and other changes. And yes, I may reduce it further if I add more biomes.
TheMasterCaver's First World - possibly the most caved-out world in Minecraft history - includes world download.
TheMasterCaver's World - my own version of Minecraft largely based on my views of how the game should have evolved since 1.6.4.
Why do I still play in 1.6.4?
Ah thanks for the detailed explanation as always! I probably could have worded that better.
To tell them how to live is to prevent them living.
enjoy it
hey is everything alright
Villages are pretty common to find, especially if you spawn in the plains biome. Which are also pretty common. Best guess is you’re lucky.
Turn off structures or spawn in a customized world (large biomes/single biome is best).
Large Biomes will make things even worse and is a large part of why structures seem a lot more common - back in 1.6.4 most biomes were so small they rarely had a chance of having a structure (the average size of a "biome unit" was 256 chunks, while the game makes one attempt at generating a structure every 1024 chunks, which comes out to an average of one structure every 4 biomes, even less when factoring in rivers and sub-biomes, e.g. villages can't generate in "desert hills", which are no longer a thing so that space is no longer taken away).
They were still plenty common though; I've found 3 desert temples, 2 villages, and a witch hut in the past month, despite an incredibly slow (to most) rate of exploration (about 100 chunks per day, so even in an all-desert world I'd only find a village or temple once every 10 days, 5 days for one of either). A large part of this is also the size of the desert I've been exploring, one of the largest I've ever seen in 1.6.4, which would be multiple individual biomes grouped together (just by random chance, there were no "climate zones" unless you count snowy areas):
A similarly large desert with structures outlined (2 desert temples, 2 jungle temples, 1 village, and 1 witch hut; the area shown is 1200x975 blocks), you can also see how small many biomes are (there are only 7 different biomes so they do tend to group, there is also a long strip of forest to the northwest of the desert):
An older screenshot of my map wall, with the desert shown above near the bottom-center; a single biome this large is the exception, aside from "snowy areas" as mentioned before (these are in fact generated the same way as in 1.7, which just added more zones and separated the extremes):
Also, you can use data packs to increase the "spacing" between structures (Zeno410 previously posted an example of a data pack that does this, you may want to tweak it as desired, keeping in mind that the relative frequency is squared, e.g. 64 chunks instead of 32 = 1/4 the frequency, the data pack actually makes them much rarer than claimed) but there is still no guarantee that they won't generate close to spawn (in an earlier version of my own mod I actually restricted them from within 512 blocks of 0,0, partly contributing to the fact I've spawned near a village only twice in 10 years. One world even could of had two villages near spawn).
TheMasterCaver's First World - possibly the most caved-out world in Minecraft history - includes world download.
TheMasterCaver's World - my own version of Minecraft largely based on my views of how the game should have evolved since 1.6.4.
Why do I still play in 1.6.4?