This is where I will show my two Minecraft worlds from the perspective of a new character I have created.
I'll skip the lengthy backstory, but a summary of what might be important to know is...
I started playing in 2012 with version 1.2.5, and I have largely stuck to the original world I created. That world is named Crafterra.
I mostly play to build up a world; to build villages and locations, and I have enjoyed networking them together. I have loosely created lore for that world, to give it purpose.
The world updated to 1.10 at the latest, with 1.12 seeming like it might be the latest I'd ever update that world to. Minecraft was up to version 1.16 at the time, and I wanted to play with new features, so I started a new world. That world is named Terra.
I wanted to feel connected to the new world, so I linked them in lore. The name is also something I played on. Specifically, it's a prequel world of sorts, and a "time event" was involved. So, yes, expect paradoxes and perhaps messy writing as time is involved.
Both versions are now updated to 1.19 and I play them interchangeably, but tend to focus on one at a time (currently, it is the older one, and it will probably predominantly be the one of the two worlds that this thread focuses on).
Each world has different texture packs (the older one uses a modified John Smith Legacy, and the newer one uses Depixel, a higher definition vanilla), so they will be a bit distinct when it comes to any pictures, but I will try and headline each entry with what world I am in.
Above all else, I am no writer, so I apologize for poor writing. It's part of why I never did anything like this before now. Please give feedback or suggestions, if you have any. Updates may also be inconsistent or slow, and I apologize, but I felt some attempt was better than none.
For formatting, I will show some pictures at times, and give the story occurring. Anything italicized with quotes is verbally spoken. Anything italicized without quotes is thoughts.
With that being said, I introduce the world of Crafterra (and eventually, Terra)...
As I overlooked my surroundings, a world unlike one I had ever seen stared back at me. Things stretched on towards the horizon, maybe forever. This landscape was foreign to me. It was so vast, and unlike the islands of land decorating an eternal void that I was accustomed to. I thought maybe water seemed to merely be in place of the sky here. It was, after all, strange to be on this ship in such a large amount of water coming here to begin with. The sky was only above. But, no, the water had a solid foundation of land beneath it too. It's like this was some massive island itself, too large to comprehend.
As I prepared to leave the ship and take my first steps into the new land, a settlement stood before me.
I was overwhelmed by the vast landscape that just stretched on. The foliage was also distinct to what I had known. It was so Green, and I could see a variety of tree types just in the local vicinity.
I hesitantly took my first steps off the ship, as though I were leaving security and safety behind. I had nothing... nothing but my book.
I stared into the water, in awe of not only the large amount of it, but by how the land extended below it. This truly was a landmass of unimaginable size to me.
There's no going back now. I have to find out more about her.
There appeared to be two entry ways beyond the boardwalk, so I took the closest one. Fishers and workers went about their business. Everything appeared to be happening at a rather brisk pace, and it was making things more overwhelming.
I stared down what seemed to be a central path, and decided to explore around.
Looking down the first path to the side, there appeared an opening into the great expanse beyond. There were also crops, and farmers tending to them.
I decided it was best to stick to the area for now instead of wandering out. I didn't know what lay beyond.
Perhaps someone here can help direct me to what I am seeking.
As I headed back to the main path, a tower overshadowed everything else in the village.
I headed down the main path and came across an opening at the center, with a small park in the middle that was overlooked by many buildings.
I explored some other paths that lead to "gateways into the infinite expanse". One lead to a towering group of even larger trees than any of the other ones around.
The other led to a beach, where I noticed a small tower off into the distance, and a single dwelling in a tree on a small island off the shore. I made mental notes of these things.
I headed back towards the center of the village, and then to the other direction I hadn't explored yet, to see it leading back to and overlooking where I had arrived.
I suppose I'll try and find someone in the nearby area who may be able to help. But... many of them seem preoccupied. Who would I not be a bother to disturb?
I entered a gathering and trading market...
...And approached an idle woman.
Girl: "Excuse me?"
There were many others gathered inside here. Some looked over materials and objects, while others bantered amongst one another. The woman behind the counter replied to me.
Woman: "Can I help you, miss? And you'll have to speak up. Nobody will hear you speaking so softly."
This was the first person that I had ever interacted with outside where I had come from. I was almost frozen, and I almost panicked as I realized I had come here for a reason.
I drew closer to the counter, placing the book on it. I started opening it, meekly huddling over it as I did.
Girl: "I'm... I'm trying to find someone. Do you know who can help me?"
The woman glanced down at the book. She paused for quite some time, overlooking the girl, and eventually replied.
Woman: "Well, miss, I just run the trading market here. I'm afraid I might not be able to do you of much service at this moment. But my son manages the inn across the way. His name is Samuel. Head over and tell him 'Abby sent me' and he'll be able to assist you. Oh, and welcome to Luna Harbor."
I panicked again as I struggled to digest all the information she had just given me, and then responded.
Girl: "Th... thank you so much, miss. A... Abby."
I began making my way towards the door, until the same voice stopped me.
Abby: "Miss?"
I paused, still panicked for some reason, and turned around.
Abby: "You're forgetting your book."
Despite my state of frozen terror, I hastily returned to the counter to gather it.
Girl: "Th... thank you..."
Before I could attempt to leave again...
Abby: "Miss... may I ask what your name is?"
I froze, more than ever. And I didn't even know why.
Girl: "Suh... Sarah."
There was an uncomfortable pause, although it was hard to tell if time had just stopped for me, or if there actually was a long pause.
Abby: "I see. Welcome again to Luna Harbor, Sarah, and don't forget to see Samuel. I will be there after my roles have been finished here for the day."
I swiftly left the building in a panic, only realizing afterwards how rude it may have been.
As I returned outside, the sky was confusingly dark. What's more is that... water was falling from it!?
Great! So much for dry clothes... What is this place!?
I almost felt like I wanted to just escape. And I didn't even know why... or from what... or to where! And venturing into the unknown wasn't an option. I was already having to figure out the unknown that I was already amongst, so Abby and Samuel seemed like my only options so far.
I headed across the path towards the inn, and rushed inside to escape the noisy onslaught of falling water.
As I rushed in, the sudden change in noise became apparent. Myself and a younger man were the only two people inside, but it still felt like the world was watching me after I had caused a commotion barging in.
An awkward silence commenced, something I was causing all too often it seemed. I broke the silence myself before letting it linger for too long this time...
Sarah: "Hello. Are you Samuel?"
The man replied.
Man: "I am. Welcome to Luna Inn. Are you looking for a room, miss?"
I wasn't entirely sure how to respond, so I acted upon the instructions Abby had given.
Sarah: "A.. Abby sent me. And told me to ask for Samuel. I..."
The man interjected...
Samuel: "I see. Well, I'll show you to your room in the meantime, if you wish?"
I wasn't sure what this meant.
Sarah: "My... my room?"
Samuel: "Yes. You may have a room, and for the night. Surely you want to get out of the rain?"
Sarah: "The rain? And I'm looking for someone. I need to..."
Samuel: "Well yes... it's raining. And you're... soaked, miss. Don't you want a place to dry and rest for the night? My mother will arrive shortly, and in the morning she will see if she can help direct you towards who you're looking for."
I froze, again unsure of what to say or do.
Samuel: "You may have the room on the third floor upstairs. I will show you to it if you wish?"
I began rushing upstairs...
Sarah: "Th... thank you Samuel. I would like to have it."
...Again only realizing my rudeness immediately after I had done so.
I entered the room on the third floor and closed the door. Curiously, I noticed another set of doors, and slowly opened them.
It led to a balcony outside, which wasn't going to do me much good with this falling water... this, rain?
I went inside, setting my book on a table, and taking my outer robe off and letting it dry. I got into bed. An endless flurry of thoughts raced through my mind, and suddenly I was asleep without trying. Put to sleep by the weight of all my thoughts...
I suddenly awoke, in a panic. Not even knowing where I was, at first, until remembering.
I panicked again. What was going on now?
I opened the door to the balcony. It was well into the night now it seemed, and exceedingly dark beyond my imagination. The rain continued.
An occasional loud sound startled me every so often, with the sky lighting up as it did.
This... this place is so... strange.
I went back inside, trying to fall asleep. This time it was harder, but eventually I did.
Off to a flying start here. What a gorgeous ship! Tell me she has a name. Also I bet that rigging was pure suffering to build.
Watching your character begin to explore Luna Harbour, I'm already fascinated by the depth and breadth of this world. I can tell you have built A LOT. It's really lovely how all the buildings here are different shapes yet fit together in style.
Several paths and possibilities have been teased. I wonder where we'll go next!
So, outside of creative writing, how old is Luna Harbour? The shaders are messing with me a little, I couldn't tell whether the roofs were built from dark oak or spruce. It looks old in terms of build style (only oak trapdoors as shutters eh? smoking gun!) but that could just be a style choice. You've got 1.4.x decoration items but that doesn't mean much either.
I like to build my stories in real time with my worlds and play as if every time is the first (for my character). "What's that green thing walking up to me?" "Why was I left here and why am I hungry" etc.
The best fun in lore is if it's organic and consistent enough that every play session feels like part of the adventure and a chapter in the protagonist's life.
Oh MY! Now THAT is an establishing shot! Your builds do indeed make a great setting for a story.
Thank you! I did try and start with something that would give an impression, and starting at spawn seemed proper. Yes, this village is right at spawn.
Hopefully I can write well enough to keep it engaging. I have enough of a story (details aside, which I try and make up as I go to serve as spice for the main story line) for many, many more chapters, and I already have a few major plot... arcs (is that the proper word?) all planned out.
Oh, speaking of writing, I noticed a couple of places for improvement, and even an error. I somehow wrote "the second floor" twice, despite it actually being the third floor. My mind was thinking "second floor above the ground level floor" which I think is how some countries (like the UK) actually do it, so depending on where one is reading from, that might not be a mistake after all! And it's a very minor detail, but I'll try and keep clean of making such errors going forward.
But for improvement, I'm thinking I will add the characters names in bold before something is spoken. Going forward, it might not only be much easier for the reader to track who is saying what in back and forth exchanges, but especially once more than two people are speaking, it will become more mandatory maybe. So that will be a change going forward.
Off to a flying start here. What a gorgeous ship! Tell me she has a name. Also I bet that rigging was pure suffering to build.
It doesn't. And do you mean the first time I built it and died falling a lot, or the sixth time I built one and was even starting to memorize some of it?
Out of everything I've ever built across my two worlds, that ship might be my favorite. So that's it, we've peaked, time to close the thread and go home, haha.
Watching your character begin to explore Luna Harbour, I'm already fascinated by the depth and breadth of this world. I can tell you have built A LOT. It's really lovely how all the buildings here are different shapes yet fit together in style.
I'll give a fair warning; temper your expectations. I deserve no such praise. My villages can tend to look repetitive, at least within themselves but sometimes compared to others.
Most of these villages date back the better part of a decade.
Several paths and possibilities have been teased. I wonder where we'll go next!
Thank you! Hopefully that means I'm doing SOMETHING right. I'll be trying to leave subtle details that you might be able to look back on and appreciate more with hindsight, but I don't know how successful I'll be at that.
So, outside of creative writing, how old is Luna Harbour? The shaders are messing with me a little, I couldn't tell whether the roofs were built from dark oak or spruce. It looks old in terms of build style (only oak trapdoors as shutters eh? smoking gun!) but that could just be a style choice. You've got 1.4.x decoration items but that doesn't mean much either.
Yes, this is partly what I meant above. While building is what I like to do most, my build can be simple and repetitive. I don't do any of this intricate stuff like adding depth or gradients for their own sake, as has become the trends. This was, after all, done in survival and years ago, and it shows, but I'm also maybe a modest builder at best. And yes, while the world is now in 1.19, that was only a recent update. Prior to this, the world was in 1.10, and MOST of this stuff dates back more to 1.6 or 1.7, and earlier. You'll even see some "petrified oak" later, which this texture pack makes look different now.
Oh, and it's dark oak wood for the roofs. The other, lighter wood is acacia (no, not birch). Spruce will be a bit lighter. and has a different texture entirely (dark oak shares a texture with jungle wood, but the boards go the other direction and it is much darker). Dark oak is probably one of my favorite wood types in the texture pack.
I like to build my stories in real time with my worlds and play as if every time is the first (for my character). "What's that green thing walking up to me?" "Why was I left here and why am I hungry" etc.
Unfortunately, I was a decade late for that, but better late than never?
And yes, I want to try and incorporate meeting mobs. Not every time, of course, but the first times.
I don't want to spoil too much, but it should be apparent she isn't too familiar with everything of the world she is in, and comes from a different place.
Also, some things will be "wrong" there too. Like I wrote her describing a beach, despite it being hinted at that the world she comes may not have such a thing, or a word. So the non-spoken and non-thought text will sometimes be something she may not know (or at least the word for it), but for sake of skipping over showing her learn everything, I might just write it out. The bit about being unfamiliar with the process of rain was one example where I wrote it out, though.
What would you be more interested in seeing for the next chapter, a continuation of the first chapter, or an introduction of the other world?
I'm not sure how many will answer (if none or few and it doesn't seem unanimous, that is fine and I'll just pick something), but I was wondering if people would be interested in seeing this continue more, or getting a glimpse into "the other half". Keep in mind that the story started so far will be continued eventually anyway (and if I do jump to the other world for the next chapter, it will only be for one chapter mostly for the sake of introducing some new characters, places, and light hints at events, and then we'll be right back here). More importantly, the thread/story is definitely going to stick to the older world far, far more, so I'd hate to exhaust "material" for the other world so early. But I do have plenty to work with there, so that's not really a huge concern. If I do immediately continue with the story started so far, then it will probably be for a couple/few chapters and then I have a key story point in mind where I might shift to the other for one chapter.
I was wondering if readers would rather see a quick introduction to the other side, or see this continue a bit more first before that.
It will probably be up to a week or so before the next chapter comes (maybe earlier if I get around to it fast).
I think you're likely to be a much better judge of how to balance things than any of us. That said, I think split stories work better with more plot advancement before a switch, and generally I'd think a couple of episodes on each topic would work a little better. If you foresee a key point to switch, then I'd go with that.
I tend to do things loosely in groups/arcs of 2-5 episodes before a switch to a different subject. That's mostly a reflection of my actual play; I'm working on a goal and slog towards it for a while, or I have a new tool and play around with it for a while. But those switches are driven by me personally feeling I've done enough on something for a while and want to try something else, and you could argue that a reader would have at least a similar desire to "stay with something til you get somewhere, and then switch to something else for freshness".
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Geographicraft (formerly Climate Control) - Control climate, ocean, and land sizes; stop chunk walls; put modded biomes into Default worlds, and more!
RTG plus - All the beautiful terrain of RTG, plus varied and beautiful trees and forests.
Better Forests Varied and beautiful trees and forests, in modern Minecraft.
That's sort of what I was reasoning with myself, but I was also okay doing an immediate switch if a little more introduction up front would be more appealing to anyone reading, given I am working with two worlds.
The other world is definitely going to occupy far less time either way, so I won't be sticking with that one for many chapters often. I might be jumping to it for as little as one chapter at times, and that will likely be the case the first time it shows up as well. So yeah, going from one, to the other, and then back to the other so soon might be a bad way to go. I also have some material for the next chapter(s) here, and I sort of have a good time to make that switch story-wise, so I may as well stick with the current one for a bit right now.
I've slightly updated the first post. Nothing that warrants re-reading it, of course. It was mostly some typo and grammatical changes, but I also changed the format to include character names above spoken dialogue, to make it consistent with all chapters going forward. Before a character is known by name, I will use generic descriptors (and not all characters will get names; for example, not if they are just minor characters).
Something else also occurred to me as I was thinking about introducing the new world. I plan on largely assuming the role of my original character in the other world, from before my skin change, in the newer world. I'm not liking the idea of having to change my skin back and forth so often, though.
Oh I know a workaround for that. You can change char.png or whatever it's called now with a texture pack and log on to your world in offline mode to change the displayed skin without messing with account details.
Oh, right, I didn't think of that. Thank you for the suggestion, I might indeed do it that way. Does that work for layers though? If it does, I'm good to go with doing that. If not, then I'm not, haha.
I'm a big fan of mystery and this particular journal approach, so I'm looking forward to seeing what you've developed with these characters. Of course, I am one to agree that it's better late than never, as this was my own case too. I think the standard of survival journals starting from the very beginning of a world is an archaic one, and while it may make certain aspects of the journal easier to follow, this isn't always the case as it depends largely on the style of storytelling you choose. Such is the case here.
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LP series? Not my style! Video series? Closer, but not quite. Survival journal, maybe? That's better. Now in Season 4 of the Legends of Quintropolis Journal (<< click to view)!! World download and more can be found there.
This chapter ended up being longer... much longer than I thought it would be. I thought it would be a bit shorter than the first, but it's probably nearly twice (?) as long. Oh well, that's not a bad thing. So anyway...
I awoke the following morning to a world so serene, a world in stark contrast to the harsh night before.
I could hear what I presumed was wildlife beginning their day. The air smelled quite pleasant, though I wasn't sure why, or what it meant.
Am... am I still really here? Is this the same place?
The bright sun pierced through the windows. The onslaught of falling water had subsided!
I arose from bed, and gathered my robe. It was a bit unkempt now, but mostly dry. Though, I was curious as to why the settlement seemed ill prepared to deal with the nature of this world. I dressed, and as I went to gather my book, I realized it was not where I had left it, and nowhere to be found! I panicked, and made my way out of my room. I expected to find Samuel or Abby, but neither were to be found.
Sarah: "Hello?"
I called out, in case someone, anyone, was awake and nearby. There was no response. I did, however, find my book laying on the counter. I swiftly grabbed it, and made my way outdoors in search of someone. The village in the immediate area was rather quiet, though I was again relieved to see the sun.
I made my way across the path to the park, and a paper fell out of my book. I gathered it up, and looked it over.
It appeared to be a map of the immediate area, but why was it in my book? I wasn't sure how helpful this would be. I wanted to find Abby or Samuel, so I headed to the trading market where I had first met Abby the day before. But the doors were closed, and I couldn't get in.
I felt lost in a sea of houses, and panicked at the thought of trying my luck at them, or at shouting into the village.
Instead, I remembered the towering building in the village, and headed there. I slowly approached and knocked, but to no answer. I tried opening the door, and it swayed ajar. I headed in to an open room, with stairs leading to a lower level, and a ladder up to what appeared to be the top of the tower. I considered looking downstairs first, but I instead headed for the ladder, since it seemed like the lesser of the unknown. I never was afraid of heights, after all.
As I reached the top, I overlooked the landscape.
The large forest was too dense to have an idea of what was beyond it, but from up here, I could more make out what lay the other way. It was open, and if I had to venture out on my own, I felt it was the safer option.
I made my way back down the ladder, and towards the end of the village. I paused at the border, and sighed.
Well... you're never going to find anything out unless you seek it.
I had remembered my father's words, though it was painful to think about.
Accept all of the help at your disposal, but be careful who you lay your trust in.
Prioritize your safety first and foremost, for without it, you will have no chance. But you will have to take risks if you are to get anywhere.
Why has it come to this... what, what happened!?
I noticed I had started crying, and began walking, almost without thought, to push myself to progress.
I continued walking, without even looking back.
But while I may have been walking, faster, and then almost running, I couldn't escape my thoughts. The tears kept coming. His words, advice as I recalled them moments ago, now haunting me.
Sarah! Go! Stop for no one, and let no one get in your way!
That night again started playing through my head. I started running faster. I started crying more. Until...
Samuel: "Sarah!? Wait!"
I stopped, although I was momentarily still too lost in my thoughts. I was now overlooking a bridge crossing into a vast landscape, devoid of any foliage or Green life that dominated everywhere else I had seen so far.
The rush of footsteps approached behind me, and then stopped.
Samuel: "Sarah, wait. You shouldn't go. You shouldn't go that way."
I had heard his words, but was lost in my thoughts still.
Samuel: "Sarah.. ?"
I stood frozen, until I felt a heavy hand on my shoulder.
I turned around, as Samuel was breathing heavily. While he rushed to catch his breath, despite standing unresponsive, he could tell I was the one exhausted. Noticing the tears...
Samuel: "Are... are you okay?"
I desperately attempted to cease my sorrow and responded.
Sarah: "It's fine... I'm fine. It's just..."
I paused, even if I was covering up my sorrow, I was still at a lack of thought as for explaining myself.
Sarah: "I need to try and find anything about her..."
I again lost my thoughts, and Samuel and I stood unresponsive for a short time, myself gathering my thoughts, emotions, and composure, while Samuel gathered his breath and energy.
Samuel: "I'm sorry Sarah. I was with my mother. I went to look for you and you had left, but you shouldn't go... not this way. Please come back and speak with my mother and I. Maybe she can help."
Sarah: "I shouldn't be troubling you. You've done enough to help. I really have something I need to do."
Samuel: "It's not safe, Sarah. At least let us help you. There are things you need to know."
I paused, finally having overcome some of my prior mood, and finally gaining some reasoning back.
Sarah: "Why... are you helping me? I mean, why to this extent?"
Samuel sighed.
Samuel: "Because I know you're not safe, and if you continue down this path unaided, you will endanger yourself."
Sarah: "I will have to take care of myself. I... 'will never find anything unless I seek it', so I have to try."
Samuel: "Then please, before you go... help us help you. Please come and speak with my mother."
I paused, but not for long, becoming a bit better, or at least I had hoped, at not freezing moments awkwardly.
Sarah: "Okay..."
There was another short pause, and Samuel smiled.
Samuel: "We should be swift. Time is short, and not on our side. My mother is expecting us."
Samuel started walking back towards the village, and I started following him. One word he just said in particular had my attention.
Time... ?
We reached the village, and approached the towering building again.
Samuel: "Wait inside here, please. I will go and get my mother."
I did as he said.
Samuel: "It won't be long, I promise."
As I went inside, I again thought of the stairs leading below. I desired to head down them, but I did as Samuel asked. I trusted in him, and waited. I sat upon a bench.
In the middle of the prior night, at the Luna Inn...
Samuel: "Are you certain, mother?"
Abby: "I couldn't be more positive."
Samuel: "But... she said her name was Sarah?"
Abby: "And I genuinely believe that it is."
Samuel: "Then how... could she..."
Abby: "Samuel, listen to me. Either way, I am telling you that she is in danger, and so are we if she is here."
Abby glanced down at the book.
Abby: "Tomorrow morning, we shall convene at the tower before the village awakens and begins its day. If any of this is at all true, and I have little reason to doubt it is, then we need to give her the best chance at finding what she is after, and setting her on her way. We are ALL in danger otherwise. We might already be in danger anyway..."
Back at Luna Tower...
As he promised, Samuel arrived shortly after with Abby.
Sarah: "Hello Abby. It's nice to se.."
Abby: "Come with me. We probably haven't much time."
She was noticeably brisk and right down to business, even compared to yesterday. And, again, the word stole my attention...
Abby led Samuel and myself down the stairs. As I reached the lower level, I was relieved that all my wonderment of what lay below was answered with a safe and simple "it's a small room". What appeared to be a large map, however, commanded attention as seemingly the sole purpose of this room.
I glanced at it, immediately overwhelmed.
I began to ask...
Sarah: "Wh.."
Abby: "You're looking at the greater established regions of our world; the countries of Zi and Alexandria. You're presently in the former, in Luna Harbor, which is in Western Zi, and the capital of Ziland is to the far East of here. The legendary Zi made his pilgrimage around a few hundred years ago, after himself first establishing the oldest known origins of this world, starting at a place just North of here. I suppose you would want to start there."
While I struggled with the surprise of what I had just heard, and with the genuine information overload, I wasted little time responding.
Sarah: "So you know what it is I must do?"
Abby: "In detail, no... But I understand what you are ultimately after. You are not safe here. Unfortunately, you arrived as a target, and you're going to have to be careful. I'm afraid I can't be of much help, but Samuel here is willing to see you on your way. He may be able to help you start what will likely be a tough journey."
Samuel mostly stood silent, though actively listening.
Sarah: "Why are you helping me?"
Abby: "I have little reason not to. However, I will be honest with you. I wanted to send you on your way this morning, for all our sake. Samuel insisted he can help though, and I have nothing but trust in my son, and he can make his own decisions. At this point, I fear it's a choice between bad or worse..."
Sarah: "What do you mean?"
Abby: "You really should be on your way. Samuel will see things from here."
Abby began making her way up the stairs.
Abby: "It was very nice to meet you, Sarah. I do hope we'll meet again."
Abby continued her way up the stairs, and made her way out of the building.
I turned to Samuel, who hadn't said a word since he returned.
Sarah: "What... what happens now? Where do I go now? I mean, what do we do now?"
After a brief pause, Samuel finally spoke.
Samuel: "Come with me, Sarah. And let's be quick."
He began making his way up the stairs now, too.
Samuel: "There's a place just North of here we should stop at. We need to avoid being seen by as many people as possible."
I followed after Samuel.
What... is going on... ?
Samuel and I swiftly made our way out of the village, which was now slowly coming to life. Samuel, usually ensuring what I was doing and where I was going, was instead just focused on progressing out of the village, and didn't look back often to make sure I was following. I kept right behind him.
As we left the village, we headed towards the large towering cluster of trees. I glanced to my side as I left, I read the sign meant to instead greet me.
As we continued a bit further, I stopped momentarily and turned back to Luna Harbor. Would this be the last time I see it?
There wasn't much time to ponder. I needed to look ahead.
As I approached the tall trees, an overwhelming anxiety began to overshadow me, just as they were.
Samuel was starting to get ahead of me, having made his way just into the forest. I noticed he had stopped, and I thought he was waiting for me, so I swiftly began into the dense trees to catch up. As I approached, I noticed he was stopped at a split in the path.
Luna Harbor... and, Logan Harbor?
Sarah: "What's this?"
Samuel: "The next nearest town isn't too far from here. But we're not heading that way. Follow me."
Samuel continued down an unmarked path, and I followed him.
Just as soon as we entered the dense trees, they began to diminish for smaller ones. I could also see the tower I noticed from Luna Harbor the day before.
Sarah: "Where are we..."
Samuel stopped, and then my head started feeling dizzy. He was overlooking an area, and I joined him.
My vision started fading, and my head started feeling heavy. I started to feel my consciousness slipping, and I felt like I was hearing things in my head.
Sarah: "What... I?"
Samuel: "Sarah? Are you alr..."
I fell unconscious.
I awoke, I think shortly after, but I had no way to tell. It was day still, at the least.
Samuel: "Sarah? Sarah!? Thank goodness you're... alright? I mean... you are alright?"
I sat silent, expecting Samuel to continuing seeking response from me that I was indeed alright, but instead he stood silent.
After a few short moments, I stood up.
Sarah: "Samuel... where am I?"
Samuel: "Are you alright?"
Sarah: "I don't know. What is this place!?"
For the first time, I was stern.
Samuel: "This is what we call the "place of origins". It's the furthest place back we can track Zi's expedition to. I..."
Sarah: "I see. What was it that made you want to bring me here?"
Samuel: "I'm sorry. I didn't know this would happen. It was beca..."
A sudden voice filled the area.
??? "This way!"
The sudden and heavy sounds of rapid movement and footsteps began echoing throughout the forest.
Samuel whispered, though with urgency.
Samuel: "Hide! Get down!"
I rushed off the path and behind a tree. Further down the path, back towards the split, a group of numerous horses galloped towards Luna Harbor.
??? "Be ready, men!"
??? "Aye!"
??? "Yes, captain!"
I stood frozen, as petrified as this forest must be, as the group made their way towards the village.
Samuel: "My mother was right..."
Sarah: "Right about what?"
Samuel: "You're not safe. Sarah, I must get you out of here."
Sarah: "To where?"
Samuel: "Wherever it is you will go..."
There was a pause, as I understood the extent of devotion to me that he was declaring.
Sarah: "Where... where should we go?"
Samuel: "I'll return the trust in you Sarah. You've trusted me. But right now? Anywhere but Luna Harbor. Logan Harbor may also not be safe. We should probably avoid anywhere populated."
Sarah: "Then what should be my... our next move?"
Samuel: "I apologize for not having much time to explain, but we should leave Zi and head to Alexandria. If my mother is right, Ziland will be aware of you and will be after you..."
Sarah: "What!? Why!?"
Samuel: "There's not much time to explain, but you will be safer the further we are from Zi. You'll be safer in Alexandria."
Sarah: "How certain of that are you?"
Samuel: "I can't promise your future safety, Sarah. But I can promise your urgent lack of safety here and now. We should head away from here."
I again paused, but only briefly.
Sarah: "I trust you..."
I started heading further down the path...
Samuel: "Sarah, while that route gets us off the country proper the quickest, it's too risky. We will have to take to open waters in small boats for days. I believe we should head East a bit, and then North. The Northwest of Zi is sparsely populated, and while it's also risky... I think we should head towards Alexandria that way instead."
Sarah: "Okay. Before we leave though... may I... may I see what is here?"
Samuel went silent, and I could sense his disapproval.
Samuel: "I will follow after you, Sarah. But please, be careful. We are not safe..."
I followed the path down to the opening of the small place I had glanced over earlier. Something was overwhelming my senses here.
There was a deep entrance into the land to the Left, and what appeared like a small shelter to the Right. The place stood in ruins. I glared into the darkness, and something withdrew from it...
I initially panicked. A life form came from within.
Is... is someone living here?
It was a life form without arms and without legs. It advanced slowly upon four feet, and walked right off the edge of the collapsed bridge and into the water. I curiously watched it.
Sarah: "Hello."
It slowly continued to the back of the area, and came up towards me...
Samuel: "Sarah! No. Get away!"
Samuel's voice terrified me, and I turned and ran.
Moments later I heard a loud noise, and a force tripped me and pushed me to the ground. My ears rang, and as I got up and turned around, I was at a loss as to where the life form had gone. It was there one moment, and then gone the next.
A small hole now existed where it last was.
Samuel rushed down to me.
Samuel: "Sarah! Are you okay?!"
Sarah: "I think so, yes."
Samuel sighed deeply.
Samuel: "I'm sorry. I should have warned you."
Sarah: "Warned me of what? What was that? Is that why I'm not safe?"
Samuel: "No... I mean yes... I mean..."
Samuel sighed again.
Samuel: "This world is unsafe. There are many creatures that are dangerous, and they come from the dark. That's not your immediate danger, but you should be aware there are many dangers."
Sarah: "I... I see."
I paused.
Sarah: "Thank you for helping me, Samuel."
I started walking forwards once more.
Samuel: "You are welco... wait! Where are you going? Sarah!"
I took a small leap onto a remain of the collapsed bridge. And then I took another into the entrance of this place. There was something... calling me, here. I continued inside through the thick cobwebs.
Another of those lifeforms awaited inside, and while it was also slowed down by the cobwebs, I swiftly retreated.
I panicked and rushed back across the way.
???: "And what have we here!?"
Samuel: "Sarah! Run!"
I glanced up to see Samuel restrained by some of the men we had evaded earlier.
I went to hop across the second gap and slipped and fell, down into the water. Moments later, I felt my wrist being grabbed, and I was pulled up.
I can't promise fast updates, but I'll try not to let things go too long! Unfortunately, this chapter was both longer than I expected, and yet came sooner than I expected, so I'm probably setting high expectations already. My original plan was for the chapter to be shorter and come out around the middle of next week. I'm not sure when the next chapter will come, but if it ends up like this one where it's "what I thought would be a chapter and a half or two rolled into one" then it might be later. I mostly want to avoid gaps measured in months, but sometimes there may be a couple weeks between chapters.
With where I'm at now, I'm expecting about two more chapters (maybe three at the most), and then I'll be introducing the other world for a chapter or two, before cutting back to this one.
The creeper was something I just went with, and the missing terrain is the result of a natural explosion. The story was going to come down to ending when I came back out anyway, but there happened to be a creeper there (and then another one inside!), and it was a good time to introduce my character to the existence of mobs.
Unfortunately, despite the fact that they are supposed to drop every block destroyed, that has not been my results lately. They definitely drop most (as opposed to less than half or whatever it used to be), but it destroyed one stone and three wood planks blocks, yet dropped two wood blocks. I've had that luck lately where it drops around 90% instead of all blocks. Maybe it's not supposed to be all but I thought it was. Not that it matters; I can fix it later but for now it's missing a block.
She's got some temporal connection with spawn or so it seems... And now a faction of bad guys making an appearance. Intriguing. Many secrets are being hinted at.
Off topic - Would that spruce forest be the artificial forest you've mentioned?
Hehehe John Smith creepers. Without the Optifine variation they're all so adorable. Ó^Ò
Yes, that is indeed one of the forests I grew. The fields surrounding the village, and the small "savanna" nearby are also my own changes.
Initially there was a regular forest and taiga (which was snowy) here.
The first is today, and the second was how it looked in 1.6.4 with the same seed (my original one is actually 1.2.5 so there might be slight differences but it won't be much).
The Yellow area in the first one shows the extent of where the story has taken place so far (the second is just showing where the village and place of origins are). Needless to say, I have a lot of places and material left to work with at least, and over the next couple of chapters, expect to see things move some distance.
For comparison sake, here's my "original" spawn village before I completely redid it to what you see above.
The original village was largely a central fountain with a tower, an inn, two shops, a "portal house" (where the portal was underground) and a dock. For the most part I kept those key features. A park replaced the fountain, and the two shops were consolidated into a larger single trading market, but everything else remains and was done better.
Well ORIGINALLY it was just a small building with a nether portal so we could get back to our places if we ever had a mishap, but I wanted it to be something more, so I made a tiny village (no houses though, which is what spurred the redo) and started adding paths to network our places together.
I'd like to add villagers to this village one day to liven it up, but given these are spawn chunks, I'm not sure if that would add to constant demand on the world.
The village to the North is Logan Harbor, and that was also expanded at one point, as the picture shows.
Last remark; I like to go with variety so both of them being harbors isn't something I'm keen on. Originally, the spawn village was named Sunrise Grove. No, no special sunrise views, but it signified the beginning (spawning) in of the world. As I redid it, the Moon (Luna) was sort of the opposite of the sun (Sol) so it felt fitting for a complete tear down and rebuild which is NOT something I often do, and it became a harbor too, so I just went with that for its new name. And I do like the new name better than the old one.
This is either a longer chapter that is shorter on pictures, or a shorter chapter longer on text. You decide.
"This chapter came sooner than expected and was longer than expected."
Where have I heard that one before. This was something that was actually going to be an insert into what will be the chapter after this one now, but I decided to explore it more and make it its own thing. Hopefully I did well by doing that, and sorry if there's errors. I probably edited my above chapters a dozen times spotting errors despite trying to proof read them first.
Anyway... the world of Crafterra...
Chapter 3: An Approaching Storm
A lone man riding a Black horse swiftly breezed through a large forest. Day had just begun to break. An arrow flew through the air, narrowly missing the pair, as it continued across the path and back into the other side of the forest.
??? "Not much... further now, girl."
The man held at his side with one arm. The horse accelerated a bit in pace, passing through a short tunnel, and then advancing up the path through the forest.
??? "That's it... We're almost there..."
The sun arose more fully over the horizon.
Another arrow came from within the forest, this time striking the horse on its side. The horse reared up slightly, stamping back down.
??? "Ah! No..."
The horse resumed its escape attempt, more slowly now. It careened around a corner, and approached the exit of the forest.
A wide open field with a village within it came into view.
??? "We... we made it. That's a good girl..."
The horse was struggling to continue, but advanced at more than a walking pace.
A ship could be seen arriving from beyond the village.
The man and his horse continued into the village, and approached the park.
??? "That's it..."
The man dismounted the horse, and attached it to a post in the park.
The man was quite rugged, a bit taller than normal, with unkempt dark Brown hair, and light facial hair. He wore a White shirt, though it may as well be light Brown from dirt, and Black pants. He had Brown leather kneecaps, and carried a sword. He pulled something out from a bag he had wearing over one shoulder.
A subtle glow came from what the man withdrew. It was a portion of a small carrot, and lightly Gold in color.
The man looked down at his side for a moment, and then at his horse.
??? "It'll be all right, Midnight."
The man gave the carrot to the horse, which ate it slowly.
He gently brushed the head of the horse, and then turned towards a building.
??? "Hopefully they'll have something for that wound of yours..."
The man glanced down at his side again.
??? "And mine too, as a bonus."
...He said with a chuckle.
He advanced into the building adorned with a sign that read "Luna Trading Market".
A few others were gathered here. One called out to him.
Man: "Eh! Dale! Good to see ya!"
The man sighed, though with a chuckle...
Dale: "What's got you here, Terry? Don't tell me you were fishing all night, again?"
Terry: "Naaaah. I'm here to get some supplies... so I can fish tonight!"
Dale sighed.
Terry: "But what's with you? You're here quite early yourself. And you look rough. Tough patrol night again?"
Dale exhaled...
Dale: "Yeah... you could say that..."
Terry: "Well Luna Harbor is always here for ya! If ya have a spare day, don't be shy to join us like old times. In the meantime, ya take care of yourself. I'm off, old friend..."
Terry made his way out of the building, and Dale walked over and started glancing at some equipment near another man. Displays of shields, armor, reinforced clothing like chain mail and pads, and supplies like bags, rope, axes, and others decorated the area. Dale continued glancing around a bit, and then sighed. He turned around, and headed towards the counter.
Dale: "You wouldn't happen to know when you'll next have some potions in, would you Vance?"
Vance: "I'm afraid not, sir. Though we do have a shipment arriving in town now, so perhaps we'll have some shortly."
Another voice across the shop rang out...
Abby: "Miss? You're forgetting your book."
Dale glanced over at Abby behind another counter on the other side of the building, and smiled. He glanced at an unusually dressed girl approaching the counter.
Dale: "I see. I'll check back in later, Vance."
Vance: "Heading to the inn, sir?"
Dale grunted...
Dale: "Yeah... I better try and rest while I wait. One way or another, Midnight and I need it."
Vance: "I'll send for you if we happen to get the potions in, sir."
Dale: "Thanks, Vance..."
Dale made his way out of the building. He continued back to the park. As he approached it, his pace quickened.
Dale: "What... where!?"
Dale became agitated, as he shouted.
Dale: "Midnight!?"
Dale's horse was gone. The rope that held it to its post was cut.
Dale walked around the corner, to find his horse down the path near Terry, with the remainder of the rope hanging along the ground. He sighed...
Dale: "Midnight... you restless girl."
He approached Midnight and Terry.
Dale: "One of these days, you're going to have to get your own horse."
Terry bellowed in laughter.
Terry: "I can't help it if she likes me more than you!"
The sun had yielded in the distance to overcast skies.
Dale: "Looks like rain approaching?"
Terry: "Looks like it! And you know what that means!"
Dale: "Yeah, yeah. I'm going to take Midnight to the stable and then head to the inn to rest."
Terry: "Sure ya aren't up for some fishing? For old time sake?"
Dale paused...
Dale: "I'd love to Terry, and I've got some time... but I better rest up. Maybe tomorrow?"
Terry: "Sure thing..."
Terry headed down towards the docks.
Dale took Midnight a bit across the village, and led her into one of the stables.
Dale: "I don't suppose you plan on breaking out of here too, old girl? I'm going to go rest. I know you find the rain peaceful so I'll leave you here. I'll be back before nightfall. I'll have more carrots, too. I promise..."
Dale made his way over to the inn, and entered.
As he entered, a voice greeted him.
Samuel: "Good day, sir Dale! Would you like to reserve a room?"
Dale: "Hey Samuel, and yeah."
Samuel: "It is yours. We have both rooms available."
Dale: "I'll take the one on the second floor. Better take it easy. It's nothing serious, but until I get some potions for this..."
Samuel: "I see. A shipment of them should be arriving today, so you're on good timing. I'm sure the market will have some."
Dale: "Yeah, I checked there earlier and they said they weren't in just yet. Vance might send word when they have them in. If he does, can you hold it for me? I'd really like to rest and not be disturbed for a bit."
Samuel: "Sure thing, sir."
Dale: "Thanks. Tell Abby I said hi for me if you see her, would you? She was in the shop this morning but it's been one heck of a day so far."
Samuel: "No problem, Dale."
Dale dropped a generous looking amount of coins on the counter, and began to make his way upstairs.
Dale: "Thanks again, kid."
Dale entered the room, and shut the door. He collapsed onto the bed. It had grown overcast outside now, and was starting to rain. Listening to the soft rain outside, he quickly drifted asleep.
He awoke the sound of thunder roaring outside. Dale shot up out of bed.
Dale: "Midnight..."
Dale rushed out of his room, almost stumbling down the stairs.
Abby and Samuel were behind the counter. Abby closed a book, and came out into the room.
Abby: "Dale!"
Dale exhaled...
Dale: "Uh... hey Abby. I... I overslept..."
Abby: "You should be rested, then. And the potions came into the shop today. Vance requested me to bring some, so I got two here for you. It's on me."
Dale: "You shouldn't have... but, thanks. I hate to be short, but I need to check on Midnight."
Abby: "Of course."
The sound of thunder echoed.
Dale made his way outside the inn. It was pouring rain, and flashes of lightning occasionally pierced the sky. Dale rushed over to the stables, and sighed in relief to find Midnight sleeping.
Dale whispered...
Dale: "She always loved the rain... Not even a storm disturbs her."
Dale headed back towards the inn, but passed it and went towards the farms. He pulled a carrot from the ground.
Dale: "Still a bit young, but she'll have to do."
He headed back towards the stable, and lay the carrot next to Midnight's head.
Midnight awoke, and slowly snacked on the carrot.
Dale took one of the potions, and rubbed in on the horse's side. Midnight neighed softly, but continued eating the carrot.
Dale: "I'll be back in the morning, girl. Enjoy the rest of the night."
Dale returned to the inn, and Abby was gone. Samuel remained.
The storm continued...
Samuel: "Welcome back, sir. All well, I hope?"
Dale: "Yeah, we'll be fine. I'm going to rest. The rest of the guys will be here tomorrow night. I'd like to catch up with Abby sometime tomorrow before then."
Samuel: "Sure thing, sir. I will let her know."
Dale advanced back upstairs, noticing the subtle sound of external doors on the floor above shutting. Dale wondered who would be crazy enough to use the balcony in a night of rain.
Dale: "Midnight's human counterpart..."
He whispered to himself, as he smiled.
Dale entering his room, and took the second potion and rubbed it on his side.
He climbed into bed, and as before, swiftly fell asleep.
Dale shot up. The light of day brightly shown in. Instead of thunder, he scrambled up to the sound of pounding on his door, and shouting from beyond it...
Golden carrots as a horse treat... someone's flush with cash.
So we have a patrolling faction of knights or border defenders of some sort. I first assumed our guy was one of the bad guys and that this was a direct continuation of the previous narrative, but shortly thought "hang on, I like him, he's being positively portrayed = not bad guy". It's cleverly written.
The screenshots are so cosy with the shader, warm light and afternoon shadows. Luna Inn interior is so nostalgic to me as well, it reminds me a lot of some of my own older buildings. Oak trapdoor indoor planter gang represent. (Wait, "older buildings"? I still use oak trapdoor indoor planters!)
Regarding the harbor thing - well, water transport is so crucial, so many settlements got built on lakes or rivers or seashores specifically for that. That seems fine to me to to have two harbor towns. Looking at your map especially the original one with the old road, I would think it might have been safer to take goods around the long way by sea rather than trying to transport valuables through those dangerous forests--thus two harbor towns. I think about my own world a lot in such context.
Yes, this chapter wasn't a direct continuation of our heroine protagonist's story. As I mentioned, originally this call back scene was going to be done, but only as a portion of what is going to be the next chapter along the lines of a "meanwhile" or "flashback" sort of thing. I decided to make more of it though. That's part of why this last chapter came so quick, because I I already had most of it ready in my mind. I don't want to break the pacing too much though, so the next chapter shouldn't be interrupted by this one much.
As for the towns, yes, maybe it could make sense to have two nearby and I have no real objection to that. Both are unique in some ways despite both being harbors, as you'll see when I eventually show pictures of the other one. One has more of a boardwalk with shops on/within it whereas this one has more of docks rather than a boardwalk (despite be calling it a boardwalk in the first chapter...). They have different looks and feels. So "lore-wise" I have no reservations with them as they ended up, but I wouldn't have originally chose to have two so close, so I wanted to touch upon the "why it's like that" reason.
This is where I will show my two Minecraft worlds from the perspective of a new character I have created.
I'll skip the lengthy backstory, but a summary of what might be important to know is...
For formatting, I will show some pictures at times, and give the story occurring. Anything italicized with quotes is verbally spoken. Anything italicized without quotes is thoughts.
With that being said, I introduce the world of Crafterra (and eventually, Terra)...
Chapter 1: Arrival
What... is this place?
As I overlooked my surroundings, a world unlike one I had ever seen stared back at me. Things stretched on towards the horizon, maybe forever. This landscape was foreign to me. It was so vast, and unlike the islands of land decorating an eternal void that I was accustomed to. I thought maybe water seemed to merely be in place of the sky here. It was, after all, strange to be on this ship in such a large amount of water coming here to begin with. The sky was only above. But, no, the water had a solid foundation of land beneath it too. It's like this was some massive island itself, too large to comprehend.
As I prepared to leave the ship and take my first steps into the new land, a settlement stood before me.
I hesitantly took my first steps off the ship, as though I were leaving security and safety behind. I had nothing... nothing but my book.
I stared into the water, in awe of not only the large amount of it, but by how the land extended below it. This truly was a landmass of unimaginable size to me.
There's no going back now. I have to find out more about her.
There appeared to be two entry ways beyond the boardwalk, so I took the closest one. Fishers and workers went about their business. Everything appeared to be happening at a rather brisk pace, and it was making things more overwhelming.
I stared down what seemed to be a central path, and decided to explore around.
Looking down the first path to the side, there appeared an opening into the great expanse beyond. There were also crops, and farmers tending to them.
I decided it was best to stick to the area for now instead of wandering out. I didn't know what lay beyond.
Perhaps someone here can help direct me to what I am seeking.
As I headed back to the main path, a tower overshadowed everything else in the village.
I headed down the main path and came across an opening at the center, with a small park in the middle that was overlooked by many buildings.
I explored some other paths that lead to "gateways into the infinite expanse". One lead to a towering group of even larger trees than any of the other ones around.
The other led to a beach, where I noticed a small tower off into the distance, and a single dwelling in a tree on a small island off the shore. I made mental notes of these things.
I headed back towards the center of the village, and then to the other direction I hadn't explored yet, to see it leading back to and overlooking where I had arrived.
I suppose I'll try and find someone in the nearby area who may be able to help. But... many of them seem preoccupied. Who would I not be a bother to disturb?
I entered a gathering and trading market...
...And approached an idle woman.
"Excuse me?"
There were many others gathered inside here. Some looked over materials and objects, while others bantered amongst one another. The woman behind the counter replied to me.
"Can I help you, miss? And you'll have to speak up. Nobody will hear you speaking so softly."
This was the first person that I had ever interacted with outside where I had come from. I was almost frozen, and I almost panicked as I realized I had come here for a reason.
I drew closer to the counter, placing the book on it. I started opening it, meekly huddling over it as I did.
"I'm... I'm trying to find someone. Do you know who can help me?"
The woman glanced down at the book. She paused for quite some time, overlooking the girl, and eventually replied.
"Well, miss, I just run the trading market here. I'm afraid I might not be able to do you of much service at this moment. But my son manages the inn across the way. His name is Samuel. Head over and tell him 'Abby sent me' and he'll be able to assist you. Oh, and welcome to Luna Harbor."
I panicked again as I struggled to digest all the information she had just given me, and then responded.
"Th... thank you so much, miss. A... Abby."
I began making my way towards the door, until the same voice stopped me.
I paused, still panicked for some reason, and turned around.
"You're forgetting your book."
Despite my state of frozen terror, I hastily returned to the counter to gather it.
"Th... thank you..."
Before I could attempt to leave again...
"Miss... may I ask what your name is?"
I froze, more than ever. And I didn't even know why.
"Suh... Sarah."
There was an uncomfortable pause, although it was hard to tell if time had just stopped for me, or if there actually was a long pause.
"I see. Welcome again to Luna Harbor, Sarah, and don't forget to see Samuel. I will be there after my roles have been finished here for the day."
I swiftly left the building in a panic, only realizing afterwards how rude it may have been.
As I returned outside, the sky was confusingly dark. What's more is that... water was falling from it!?
Great! So much for dry clothes... What is this place!?
I almost felt like I wanted to just escape. And I didn't even know why... or from what... or to where! And venturing into the unknown wasn't an option. I was already having to figure out the unknown that I was already amongst, so Abby and Samuel seemed like my only options so far.
I headed across the path towards the inn, and rushed inside to escape the noisy onslaught of falling water.
As I rushed in, the sudden change in noise became apparent. Myself and a younger man were the only two people inside, but it still felt like the world was watching me after I had caused a commotion barging in.
An awkward silence commenced, something I was causing all too often it seemed. I broke the silence myself before letting it linger for too long this time...
"Hello. Are you Samuel?"
The man replied.
"I am. Welcome to Luna Inn. Are you looking for a room, miss?"
I wasn't entirely sure how to respond, so I acted upon the instructions Abby had given.
"A.. Abby sent me. And told me to ask for Samuel. I..."
The man interjected...
"I see. Well, I'll show you to your room in the meantime, if you wish?"
I wasn't sure what this meant.
"My... my room?"
"Yes. You may have a room, and for the night. Surely you want to get out of the rain?"
"The rain? And I'm looking for someone. I need to..."
"Well yes... it's raining. And you're... soaked, miss. Don't you want a place to dry and rest for the night? My mother will arrive shortly, and in the morning she will see if she can help direct you towards who you're looking for."
I froze, again unsure of what to say or do.
"You may have the room on the third floor upstairs. I will show you to it if you wish?"
I began rushing upstairs...
"Th... thank you Samuel. I would like to have it."
...Again only realizing my rudeness immediately after I had done so.
I entered the room on the third floor and closed the door. Curiously, I noticed another set of doors, and slowly opened them.
It led to a balcony outside, which wasn't going to do me much good with this falling water... this, rain?
I went inside, setting my book on a table, and taking my outer robe off and letting it dry. I got into bed. An endless flurry of thoughts raced through my mind, and suddenly I was asleep without trying. Put to sleep by the weight of all my thoughts...
I suddenly awoke, in a panic. Not even knowing where I was, at first, until remembering.
I panicked again. What was going on now?
I opened the door to the balcony. It was well into the night now it seemed, and exceedingly dark beyond my imagination. The rain continued.
An occasional loud sound startled me every so often, with the sky lighting up as it did.
This... this place is so... strange.
I went back inside, trying to fall asleep. This time it was harder, but eventually I did.
Oh MY! Now THAT is an establishing shot! Your builds do indeed make a great setting for a story.
I also wanted to pick this out as really atmospheric:
The rain effects and the village lighting just look amazingly like a nice town in the rain, with the lights shining through the gloom.
Geographicraft (formerly Climate Control) - Control climate, ocean, and land sizes; stop chunk walls; put modded biomes into Default worlds, and more!
RTG plus - All the beautiful terrain of RTG, plus varied and beautiful trees and forests.
Better Forests Varied and beautiful trees and forests, in modern Minecraft.
Off to a flying start here. What a gorgeous ship! Tell me she has a name. Also I bet that rigging was pure suffering to build.
Watching your character begin to explore Luna Harbour, I'm already fascinated by the depth and breadth of this world. I can tell you have built A LOT. It's really lovely how all the buildings here are different shapes yet fit together in style.
Several paths and possibilities have been teased. I wonder where we'll go next!
So, outside of creative writing, how old is Luna Harbour? The shaders are messing with me a little, I couldn't tell whether the roofs were built from dark oak or spruce. It looks old in terms of build style (only oak trapdoors as shutters eh? smoking gun!) but that could just be a style choice. You've got 1.4.x decoration items but that doesn't mean much either.
Journals - Gregtech New Horizons | Tree Spirit Challenge [current]
I like to build my stories in real time with my worlds and play as if every time is the first (for my character). "What's that green thing walking up to me?" "Why was I left here and why am I hungry" etc.
The best fun in lore is if it's organic and consistent enough that every play session feels like part of the adventure and a chapter in the protagonist's life.
Thank you! I did try and start with something that would give an impression, and starting at spawn seemed proper. Yes, this village is right at spawn.
Hopefully I can write well enough to keep it engaging. I have enough of a story (details aside, which I try and make up as I go to serve as spice for the main story line) for many, many more chapters, and I already have a few major plot... arcs (is that the proper word?) all planned out.
Oh, speaking of writing, I noticed a couple of places for improvement, and even an error. I somehow wrote "the second floor" twice, despite it actually being the third floor. My mind was thinking "second floor above the ground level floor" which I think is how some countries (like the UK) actually do it, so depending on where one is reading from, that might not be a mistake after all! And it's a very minor detail, but I'll try and keep clean of making such errors going forward.
But for improvement, I'm thinking I will add the characters names in bold before something is spoken. Going forward, it might not only be much easier for the reader to track who is saying what in back and forth exchanges, but especially once more than two people are speaking, it will become more mandatory maybe. So that will be a change going forward.
It doesn't. And do you mean the first time I built it and died falling a lot, or the sixth time I built one and was even starting to memorize some of it?
Out of everything I've ever built across my two worlds, that ship might be my favorite. So that's it, we've peaked, time to close the thread and go home, haha.
I took inspiration from this thread, so i have to credit that for being able to create it. The particular ship I took inspiration from was called "Princess Doria" though, and mine is nowhere near as elaborate, and yet it's my favorite thing I've ever made (at least if I count having built around half a dozen of them).
I'll give a fair warning; temper your expectations. I deserve no such praise. My villages can tend to look repetitive, at least within themselves but sometimes compared to others.
Most of these villages date back the better part of a decade.
Thank you! Hopefully that means I'm doing SOMETHING right. I'll be trying to leave subtle details that you might be able to look back on and appreciate more with hindsight, but I don't know how successful I'll be at that.
Yes, this is partly what I meant above. While building is what I like to do most, my build can be simple and repetitive. I don't do any of this intricate stuff like adding depth or gradients for their own sake, as has become the trends. This was, after all, done in survival and years ago, and it shows, but I'm also maybe a modest builder at best. And yes, while the world is now in 1.19, that was only a recent update. Prior to this, the world was in 1.10, and MOST of this stuff dates back more to 1.6 or 1.7, and earlier. You'll even see some "petrified oak" later, which this texture pack makes look different now.
Oh, and it's dark oak wood for the roofs. The other, lighter wood is acacia (no, not birch). Spruce will be a bit lighter. and has a different texture entirely (dark oak shares a texture with jungle wood, but the boards go the other direction and it is much darker). Dark oak is probably one of my favorite wood types in the texture pack.
Unfortunately, I was a decade late for that, but better late than never?
And yes, I want to try and incorporate meeting mobs. Not every time, of course, but the first times.
I don't want to spoil too much, but it should be apparent she isn't too familiar with everything of the world she is in, and comes from a different place.
Also, some things will be "wrong" there too. Like I wrote her describing a beach, despite it being hinted at that the world she comes may not have such a thing, or a word. So the non-spoken and non-thought text will sometimes be something she may not know (or at least the word for it), but for sake of skipping over showing her learn everything, I might just write it out. The bit about being unfamiliar with the process of rain was one example where I wrote it out, though.
I have a question.
What would you be more interested in seeing for the next chapter, a continuation of the first chapter, or an introduction of the other world?
I'm not sure how many will answer (if none or few and it doesn't seem unanimous, that is fine and I'll just pick something), but I was wondering if people would be interested in seeing this continue more, or getting a glimpse into "the other half". Keep in mind that the story started so far will be continued eventually anyway (and if I do jump to the other world for the next chapter, it will only be for one chapter mostly for the sake of introducing some new characters, places, and light hints at events, and then we'll be right back here). More importantly, the thread/story is definitely going to stick to the older world far, far more, so I'd hate to exhaust "material" for the other world so early. But I do have plenty to work with there, so that's not really a huge concern. If I do immediately continue with the story started so far, then it will probably be for a couple/few chapters and then I have a key story point in mind where I might shift to the other for one chapter.
I was wondering if readers would rather see a quick introduction to the other side, or see this continue a bit more first before that.
It will probably be up to a week or so before the next chapter comes (maybe earlier if I get around to it fast).
I would be happy with any of those. I think you should do whichever you'll enjoy doing most.
Journals - Gregtech New Horizons | Tree Spirit Challenge [current]
I think you're likely to be a much better judge of how to balance things than any of us. That said, I think split stories work better with more plot advancement before a switch, and generally I'd think a couple of episodes on each topic would work a little better. If you foresee a key point to switch, then I'd go with that.
I tend to do things loosely in groups/arcs of 2-5 episodes before a switch to a different subject. That's mostly a reflection of my actual play; I'm working on a goal and slog towards it for a while, or I have a new tool and play around with it for a while. But those switches are driven by me personally feeling I've done enough on something for a while and want to try something else, and you could argue that a reader would have at least a similar desire to "stay with something til you get somewhere, and then switch to something else for freshness".
Geographicraft (formerly Climate Control) - Control climate, ocean, and land sizes; stop chunk walls; put modded biomes into Default worlds, and more!
RTG plus - All the beautiful terrain of RTG, plus varied and beautiful trees and forests.
Better Forests Varied and beautiful trees and forests, in modern Minecraft.
That's sort of what I was reasoning with myself, but I was also okay doing an immediate switch if a little more introduction up front would be more appealing to anyone reading, given I am working with two worlds.
The other world is definitely going to occupy far less time either way, so I won't be sticking with that one for many chapters often. I might be jumping to it for as little as one chapter at times, and that will likely be the case the first time it shows up as well. So yeah, going from one, to the other, and then back to the other so soon might be a bad way to go. I also have some material for the next chapter(s) here, and I sort of have a good time to make that switch story-wise, so I may as well stick with the current one for a bit right now.
I've slightly updated the first post. Nothing that warrants re-reading it, of course. It was mostly some typo and grammatical changes, but I also changed the format to include character names above spoken dialogue, to make it consistent with all chapters going forward. Before a character is known by name, I will use generic descriptors (and not all characters will get names; for example, not if they are just minor characters).
Something else also occurred to me as I was thinking about introducing the new world. I plan on largely assuming the role of my original character in the other world, from before my skin change, in the newer world. I'm not liking the idea of having to change my skin back and forth so often, though.
Oh I know a workaround for that. You can change char.png or whatever it's called now with a texture pack and log on to your world in offline mode to change the displayed skin without messing with account details.
Journals - Gregtech New Horizons | Tree Spirit Challenge [current]
Oh, right, I didn't think of that. Thank you for the suggestion, I might indeed do it that way. Does that work for layers though? If it does, I'm good to go with doing that. If not, then I'm not, haha.
I'm hoping to have the next chapter up shortly.
I'm a big fan of mystery and this particular journal approach, so I'm looking forward to seeing what you've developed with these characters. Of course, I am one to agree that it's better late than never, as this was my own case too. I think the standard of survival journals starting from the very beginning of a world is an archaic one, and while it may make certain aspects of the journal easier to follow, this isn't always the case as it depends largely on the style of storytelling you choose. Such is the case here.
LP series? Not my style! Video series? Closer, but not quite. Survival journal, maybe? That's better. Now in Season 4 of the Legends of Quintropolis Journal (<< click to view)!! World download and more can be found there.
This chapter ended up being longer... much longer than I thought it would be. I thought it would be a bit shorter than the first, but it's probably nearly twice (?) as long. Oh well, that's not a bad thing. So anyway...
The world of Crafterra...
Chapter 2: Departure
I awoke the following morning to a world so serene, a world in stark contrast to the harsh night before.
I could hear what I presumed was wildlife beginning their day. The air smelled quite pleasant, though I wasn't sure why, or what it meant.
Am... am I still really here? Is this the same place?
The bright sun pierced through the windows. The onslaught of falling water had subsided!
I arose from bed, and gathered my robe. It was a bit unkempt now, but mostly dry. Though, I was curious as to why the settlement seemed ill prepared to deal with the nature of this world. I dressed, and as I went to gather my book, I realized it was not where I had left it, and nowhere to be found! I panicked, and made my way out of my room. I expected to find Samuel or Abby, but neither were to be found.
I called out, in case someone, anyone, was awake and nearby. There was no response. I did, however, find my book laying on the counter. I swiftly grabbed it, and made my way outdoors in search of someone. The village in the immediate area was rather quiet, though I was again relieved to see the sun.
I made my way across the path to the park, and a paper fell out of my book. I gathered it up, and looked it over.
I felt lost in a sea of houses, and panicked at the thought of trying my luck at them, or at shouting into the village.
Instead, I remembered the towering building in the village, and headed there. I slowly approached and knocked, but to no answer. I tried opening the door, and it swayed ajar. I headed in to an open room, with stairs leading to a lower level, and a ladder up to what appeared to be the top of the tower. I considered looking downstairs first, but I instead headed for the ladder, since it seemed like the lesser of the unknown. I never was afraid of heights, after all.
As I reached the top, I overlooked the landscape.
The large forest was too dense to have an idea of what was beyond it, but from up here, I could more make out what lay the other way. It was open, and if I had to venture out on my own, I felt it was the safer option.
I made my way back down the ladder, and towards the end of the village. I paused at the border, and sighed.
Well... you're never going to find anything out unless you seek it.
I had remembered my father's words, though it was painful to think about.
Accept all of the help at your disposal, but be careful who you lay your trust in.
Prioritize your safety first and foremost, for without it, you will have no chance. But you will have to take risks if you are to get anywhere.
Why has it come to this... what, what happened!?
I noticed I had started crying, and began walking, almost without thought, to push myself to progress.
I continued walking, without even looking back.
But while I may have been walking, faster, and then almost running, I couldn't escape my thoughts. The tears kept coming. His words, advice as I recalled them moments ago, now haunting me.
Sarah! Go! Stop for no one, and let no one get in your way!
That night again started playing through my head. I started running faster. I started crying more. Until...
"Sarah!? Wait!"
I stopped, although I was momentarily still too lost in my thoughts. I was now overlooking a bridge crossing into a vast landscape, devoid of any foliage or Green life that dominated everywhere else I had seen so far.
The rush of footsteps approached behind me, and then stopped.
"Sarah, wait. You shouldn't go. You shouldn't go that way."
I had heard his words, but was lost in my thoughts still.
"Sarah.. ?"
I stood frozen, until I felt a heavy hand on my shoulder.
I turned around, as Samuel was breathing heavily. While he rushed to catch his breath, despite standing unresponsive, he could tell I was the one exhausted. Noticing the tears...
"Are... are you okay?"
I desperately attempted to cease my sorrow and responded.
"It's fine... I'm fine. It's just..."
I paused, even if I was covering up my sorrow, I was still at a lack of thought as for explaining myself.
"I need to try and find anything about her..."
I again lost my thoughts, and Samuel and I stood unresponsive for a short time, myself gathering my thoughts, emotions, and composure, while Samuel gathered his breath and energy.
"I'm sorry Sarah. I was with my mother. I went to look for you and you had left, but you shouldn't go... not this way. Please come back and speak with my mother and I. Maybe she can help."
"I shouldn't be troubling you. You've done enough to help. I really have something I need to do."
"It's not safe, Sarah. At least let us help you. There are things you need to know."
I paused, finally having overcome some of my prior mood, and finally gaining some reasoning back.
"Why... are you helping me? I mean, why to this extent?"
Samuel sighed.
"Because I know you're not safe, and if you continue down this path unaided, you will endanger yourself."
"I will have to take care of myself. I... 'will never find anything unless I seek it', so I have to try."
"Then please, before you go... help us help you. Please come and speak with my mother."
I paused, but not for long, becoming a bit better, or at least I had hoped, at not freezing moments awkwardly.
There was another short pause, and Samuel smiled.
"We should be swift. Time is short, and not on our side. My mother is expecting us."
Samuel started walking back towards the village, and I started following him. One word he just said in particular had my attention.
Time... ?
We reached the village, and approached the towering building again.
"Wait inside here, please. I will go and get my mother."
I did as he said.
"It won't be long, I promise."
As I went inside, I again thought of the stairs leading below. I desired to head down them, but I did as Samuel asked. I trusted in him, and waited. I sat upon a bench.
In the middle of the prior night, at the Luna Inn...
"Are you certain, mother?"
"I couldn't be more positive."
"But... she said her name was Sarah?"
"And I genuinely believe that it is."
"Then how... could she..."
"Samuel, listen to me. Either way, I am telling you that she is in danger, and so are we if she is here."
Abby glanced down at the book.
"Tomorrow morning, we shall convene at the tower before the village awakens and begins its day. If any of this is at all true, and I have little reason to doubt it is, then we need to give her the best chance at finding what she is after, and setting her on her way. We are ALL in danger otherwise. We might already be in danger anyway..."
Back at Luna Tower...
As he promised, Samuel arrived shortly after with Abby.
"Hello Abby. It's nice to se.."
"Come with me. We probably haven't much time."
She was noticeably brisk and right down to business, even compared to yesterday. And, again, the word stole my attention...
Abby led Samuel and myself down the stairs. As I reached the lower level, I was relieved that all my wonderment of what lay below was answered with a safe and simple "it's a small room". What appeared to be a large map, however, commanded attention as seemingly the sole purpose of this room.
I glanced at it, immediately overwhelmed.
I began to ask...
"You're looking at the greater established regions of our world; the countries of Zi and Alexandria. You're presently in the former, in Luna Harbor, which is in Western Zi, and the capital of Ziland is to the far East of here. The legendary Zi made his pilgrimage around a few hundred years ago, after himself first establishing the oldest known origins of this world, starting at a place just North of here. I suppose you would want to start there."
While I struggled with the surprise of what I had just heard, and with the genuine information overload, I wasted little time responding.
"So you know what it is I must do?"
"In detail, no... But I understand what you are ultimately after. You are not safe here. Unfortunately, you arrived as a target, and you're going to have to be careful. I'm afraid I can't be of much help, but Samuel here is willing to see you on your way. He may be able to help you start what will likely be a tough journey."
Samuel mostly stood silent, though actively listening.
"Why are you helping me?"
"I have little reason not to. However, I will be honest with you. I wanted to send you on your way this morning, for all our sake. Samuel insisted he can help though, and I have nothing but trust in my son, and he can make his own decisions. At this point, I fear it's a choice between bad or worse..."
"What do you mean?"
"You really should be on your way. Samuel will see things from here."
Abby began making her way up the stairs.
"It was very nice to meet you, Sarah. I do hope we'll meet again."
Abby continued her way up the stairs, and made her way out of the building.
I turned to Samuel, who hadn't said a word since he returned.
"What... what happens now? Where do I go now? I mean, what do we do now?"
After a brief pause, Samuel finally spoke.
"Come with me, Sarah. And let's be quick."
He began making his way up the stairs now, too.
"There's a place just North of here we should stop at. We need to avoid being seen by as many people as possible."
I followed after Samuel.
What... is going on... ?
Samuel and I swiftly made our way out of the village, which was now slowly coming to life. Samuel, usually ensuring what I was doing and where I was going, was instead just focused on progressing out of the village, and didn't look back often to make sure I was following. I kept right behind him.
As we left the village, we headed towards the large towering cluster of trees. I glanced to my side as I left, I read the sign meant to instead greet me.
As we continued a bit further, I stopped momentarily and turned back to Luna Harbor. Would this be the last time I see it?
There wasn't much time to ponder. I needed to look ahead.
As I approached the tall trees, an overwhelming anxiety began to overshadow me, just as they were.
Samuel was starting to get ahead of me, having made his way just into the forest. I noticed he had stopped, and I thought he was waiting for me, so I swiftly began into the dense trees to catch up. As I approached, I noticed he was stopped at a split in the path.
Luna Harbor... and, Logan Harbor?
"What's this?"
"The next nearest town isn't too far from here. But we're not heading that way. Follow me."
Samuel continued down an unmarked path, and I followed him.
Just as soon as we entered the dense trees, they began to diminish for smaller ones. I could also see the tower I noticed from Luna Harbor the day before.
"Where are we..."
Samuel stopped, and then my head started feeling dizzy. He was overlooking an area, and I joined him.
My vision started fading, and my head started feeling heavy. I started to feel my consciousness slipping, and I felt like I was hearing things in my head.
"What... I?"
"Sarah? Are you alr..."
I fell unconscious.
I awoke, I think shortly after, but I had no way to tell. It was day still, at the least.
"Sarah? Sarah!? Thank goodness you're... alright? I mean... you are alright?"
I sat silent, expecting Samuel to continuing seeking response from me that I was indeed alright, but instead he stood silent.
After a few short moments, I stood up.
"Samuel... where am I?"
"Are you alright?"
"I don't know. What is this place!?"
For the first time, I was stern.
"This is what we call the "place of origins". It's the furthest place back we can track Zi's expedition to. I..."
"I see. What was it that made you want to bring me here?"
"I'm sorry. I didn't know this would happen. It was beca..."
A sudden voice filled the area.
"This way!"
The sudden and heavy sounds of rapid movement and footsteps began echoing throughout the forest.
Samuel whispered, though with urgency.
"Hide! Get down!"
I rushed off the path and behind a tree. Further down the path, back towards the split, a group of numerous horses galloped towards Luna Harbor.
"Be ready, men!"
"Yes, captain!"
I stood frozen, as petrified as this forest must be, as the group made their way towards the village.
"My mother was right..."
"Right about what?"
"You're not safe. Sarah, I must get you out of here."
"To where?"
"Wherever it is you will go..."
There was a pause, as I understood the extent of devotion to me that he was declaring.
"Where... where should we go?"
"I'll return the trust in you Sarah. You've trusted me. But right now? Anywhere but Luna Harbor. Logan Harbor may also not be safe. We should probably avoid anywhere populated."
"Then what should be my... our next move?"
"I apologize for not having much time to explain, but we should leave Zi and head to Alexandria. If my mother is right, Ziland will be aware of you and will be after you..."
"What!? Why!?"
"There's not much time to explain, but you will be safer the further we are from Zi. You'll be safer in Alexandria."
"How certain of that are you?"
"I can't promise your future safety, Sarah. But I can promise your urgent lack of safety here and now. We should head away from here."
I again paused, but only briefly.
"I trust you..."
I started heading further down the path...
"Sarah, while that route gets us off the country proper the quickest, it's too risky. We will have to take to open waters in small boats for days. I believe we should head East a bit, and then North. The Northwest of Zi is sparsely populated, and while it's also risky... I think we should head towards Alexandria that way instead."
"Okay. Before we leave though... may I... may I see what is here?"
Samuel went silent, and I could sense his disapproval.
"I will follow after you, Sarah. But please, be careful. We are not safe..."
I followed the path down to the opening of the small place I had glanced over earlier. Something was overwhelming my senses here.
There was a deep entrance into the land to the Left, and what appeared like a small shelter to the Right. The place stood in ruins. I glared into the darkness, and something withdrew from it...
I initially panicked. A life form came from within.
Is... is someone living here?
It was a life form without arms and without legs. It advanced slowly upon four feet, and walked right off the edge of the collapsed bridge and into the water. I curiously watched it.
It slowly continued to the back of the area, and came up towards me...
"Sarah! No. Get away!"
Samuel's voice terrified me, and I turned and ran.
Moments later I heard a loud noise, and a force tripped me and pushed me to the ground. My ears rang, and as I got up and turned around, I was at a loss as to where the life form had gone. It was there one moment, and then gone the next.
A small hole now existed where it last was.
Samuel rushed down to me.
"Sarah! Are you okay?!"
"I think so, yes."
Samuel sighed deeply.
"I'm sorry. I should have warned you."
"Warned me of what? What was that? Is that why I'm not safe?"
"No... I mean yes... I mean..."
Samuel sighed again.
"This world is unsafe. There are many creatures that are dangerous, and they come from the dark. That's not your immediate danger, but you should be aware there are many dangers."
"I... I see."
I paused.
"Thank you for helping me, Samuel."
I started walking forwards once more.
"You are welco... wait! Where are you going? Sarah!"
I took a small leap onto a remain of the collapsed bridge. And then I took another into the entrance of this place. There was something... calling me, here. I continued inside through the thick cobwebs.
Another of those lifeforms awaited inside, and while it was also slowed down by the cobwebs, I swiftly retreated.
I panicked and rushed back across the way.
"And what have we here!?"
"Sarah! Run!"
I glanced up to see Samuel restrained by some of the men we had evaded earlier.
I went to hop across the second gap and slipped and fell, down into the water. Moments later, I felt my wrist being grabbed, and I was pulled up.
"And what... do we have... HERE!?"
Don't make us wait *too* long for the next chapter!
I do like the feel that the paths create. Did you actually let a creeper blow a hole in your bridge for that pic?
Geographicraft (formerly Climate Control) - Control climate, ocean, and land sizes; stop chunk walls; put modded biomes into Default worlds, and more!
RTG plus - All the beautiful terrain of RTG, plus varied and beautiful trees and forests.
Better Forests Varied and beautiful trees and forests, in modern Minecraft.
I can't promise fast updates, but I'll try not to let things go too long! Unfortunately, this chapter was both longer than I expected, and yet came sooner than I expected, so I'm probably setting high expectations already. My original plan was for the chapter to be shorter and come out around the middle of next week. I'm not sure when the next chapter will come, but if it ends up like this one where it's "what I thought would be a chapter and a half or two rolled into one" then it might be later. I mostly want to avoid gaps measured in months, but sometimes there may be a couple weeks between chapters.
With where I'm at now, I'm expecting about two more chapters (maybe three at the most), and then I'll be introducing the other world for a chapter or two, before cutting back to this one.
The creeper was something I just went with, and the missing terrain is the result of a natural explosion. The story was going to come down to ending when I came back out anyway, but there happened to be a creeper there (and then another one inside!), and it was a good time to introduce my character to the existence of mobs.
Unfortunately, despite the fact that they are supposed to drop every block destroyed, that has not been my results lately. They definitely drop most (as opposed to less than half or whatever it used to be), but it destroyed one stone and three wood planks blocks, yet dropped two wood blocks. I've had that luck lately where it drops around 90% instead of all blocks. Maybe it's not supposed to be all but I thought it was. Not that it matters; I can fix it later but for now it's missing a block.
She's got some temporal connection with spawn or so it seems... And now a faction of bad guys making an appearance. Intriguing. Many secrets are being hinted at.
Off topic - Would that spruce forest be the artificial forest you've mentioned?
Hehehe John Smith creepers. Without the Optifine variation they're all so adorable. Ó^Ò
Journals - Gregtech New Horizons | Tree Spirit Challenge [current]
Yes, that is indeed one of the forests I grew. The fields surrounding the village, and the small "savanna" nearby are also my own changes.
Initially there was a regular forest and taiga (which was snowy) here.
The first is today, and the second was how it looked in 1.6.4 with the same seed (my original one is actually 1.2.5 so there might be slight differences but it won't be much).
The Yellow area in the first one shows the extent of where the story has taken place so far (the second is just showing where the village and place of origins are). Needless to say, I have a lot of places and material left to work with at least, and over the next couple of chapters, expect to see things move some distance.
For comparison sake, here's my "original" spawn village before I completely redid it to what you see above.
The original village was largely a central fountain with a tower, an inn, two shops, a "portal house" (where the portal was underground) and a dock. For the most part I kept those key features. A park replaced the fountain, and the two shops were consolidated into a larger single trading market, but everything else remains and was done better.
Well ORIGINALLY it was just a small building with a nether portal so we could get back to our places if we ever had a mishap, but I wanted it to be something more, so I made a tiny village (no houses though, which is what spurred the redo) and started adding paths to network our places together.
I'd like to add villagers to this village one day to liven it up, but given these are spawn chunks, I'm not sure if that would add to constant demand on the world.
The village to the North is Logan Harbor, and that was also expanded at one point, as the picture shows.
Last remark; I like to go with variety so both of them being harbors isn't something I'm keen on. Originally, the spawn village was named Sunrise Grove. No, no special sunrise views, but it signified the beginning (spawning) in of the world. As I redid it, the Moon (Luna) was sort of the opposite of the sun (Sol) so it felt fitting for a complete tear down and rebuild which is NOT something I often do, and it became a harbor too, so I just went with that for its new name. And I do like the new name better than the old one.
This is either a longer chapter that is shorter on pictures, or a shorter chapter longer on text. You decide.
"This chapter came sooner than expected and was longer than expected."
Where have I heard that one before. This was something that was actually going to be an insert into what will be the chapter after this one now, but I decided to explore it more and make it its own thing. Hopefully I did well by doing that, and sorry if there's errors. I probably edited my above chapters a dozen times spotting errors despite trying to proof read them first.
Anyway... the world of Crafterra...
Chapter 3: An Approaching Storm
A lone man riding a Black horse swiftly breezed through a large forest. Day had just begun to break. An arrow flew through the air, narrowly missing the pair, as it continued across the path and back into the other side of the forest.
"Not much... further now, girl."
The man held at his side with one arm. The horse accelerated a bit in pace, passing through a short tunnel, and then advancing up the path through the forest.
"That's it... We're almost there..."
The sun arose more fully over the horizon.
Another arrow came from within the forest, this time striking the horse on its side. The horse reared up slightly, stamping back down.
"Ah! No..."
A wide open field with a village within it came into view.
"We... we made it. That's a good girl..."
The horse was struggling to continue, but advanced at more than a walking pace.
A ship could be seen arriving from beyond the village.
The man and his horse continued into the village, and approached the park.
"That's it..."
The man dismounted the horse, and attached it to a post in the park.
The man was quite rugged, a bit taller than normal, with unkempt dark Brown hair, and light facial hair. He wore a White shirt, though it may as well be light Brown from dirt, and Black pants. He had Brown leather kneecaps, and carried a sword. He pulled something out from a bag he had wearing over one shoulder.
A subtle glow came from what the man withdrew. It was a portion of a small carrot, and lightly Gold in color.
The man looked down at his side for a moment, and then at his horse.
"It'll be all right, Midnight."
The man gave the carrot to the horse, which ate it slowly.
He gently brushed the head of the horse, and then turned towards a building.
"Hopefully they'll have something for that wound of yours..."
The man glanced down at his side again.
"And mine too, as a bonus."
...He said with a chuckle.
He advanced into the building adorned with a sign that read "Luna Trading Market".
A few others were gathered here. One called out to him.
"Eh! Dale! Good to see ya!"
The man sighed, though with a chuckle...
"What's got you here, Terry? Don't tell me you were fishing all night, again?"
"Naaaah. I'm here to get some supplies... so I can fish tonight!"
Dale sighed.
"But what's with you? You're here quite early yourself. And you look rough. Tough patrol night again?"
Dale exhaled...
"Yeah... you could say that..."
"Well Luna Harbor is always here for ya! If ya have a spare day, don't be shy to join us like old times. In the meantime, ya take care of yourself. I'm off, old friend..."
Terry made his way out of the building, and Dale walked over and started glancing at some equipment near another man. Displays of shields, armor, reinforced clothing like chain mail and pads, and supplies like bags, rope, axes, and others decorated the area. Dale continued glancing around a bit, and then sighed. He turned around, and headed towards the counter.
"You wouldn't happen to know when you'll next have some potions in, would you Vance?"
"I'm afraid not, sir. Though we do have a shipment arriving in town now, so perhaps we'll have some shortly."
Another voice across the shop rang out...
"Miss? You're forgetting your book."
Dale glanced over at Abby behind another counter on the other side of the building, and smiled. He glanced at an unusually dressed girl approaching the counter.
"I see. I'll check back in later, Vance."
"Heading to the inn, sir?"
Dale grunted...
"Yeah... I better try and rest while I wait. One way or another, Midnight and I need it."
"I'll send for you if we happen to get the potions in, sir."
"Thanks, Vance..."
Dale made his way out of the building. He continued back to the park. As he approached it, his pace quickened.
"What... where!?"
Dale became agitated, as he shouted.
Dale's horse was gone. The rope that held it to its post was cut.
Dale walked around the corner, to find his horse down the path near Terry, with the remainder of the rope hanging along the ground. He sighed...
"Midnight... you restless girl."
He approached Midnight and Terry.
"One of these days, you're going to have to get your own horse."
Terry bellowed in laughter.
"I can't help it if she likes me more than you!"
The sun had yielded in the distance to overcast skies.
"Looks like rain approaching?"
"Looks like it! And you know what that means!"
"Yeah, yeah. I'm going to take Midnight to the stable and then head to the inn to rest."
"Sure ya aren't up for some fishing? For old time sake?"
Dale paused...
"I'd love to Terry, and I've got some time... but I better rest up. Maybe tomorrow?"
"Sure thing..."
Terry headed down towards the docks.
Dale took Midnight a bit across the village, and led her into one of the stables.
"I don't suppose you plan on breaking out of here too, old girl? I'm going to go rest. I know you find the rain peaceful so I'll leave you here. I'll be back before nightfall. I'll have more carrots, too. I promise..."
Dale made his way over to the inn, and entered.
As he entered, a voice greeted him.
"Good day, sir Dale! Would you like to reserve a room?"
"Hey Samuel, and yeah."
"It is yours. We have both rooms available."
"I'll take the one on the second floor. Better take it easy. It's nothing serious, but until I get some potions for this..."
"I see. A shipment of them should be arriving today, so you're on good timing. I'm sure the market will have some."
"Yeah, I checked there earlier and they said they weren't in just yet. Vance might send word when they have them in. If he does, can you hold it for me? I'd really like to rest and not be disturbed for a bit."
"Sure thing, sir."
"Thanks. Tell Abby I said hi for me if you see her, would you? She was in the shop this morning but it's been one heck of a day so far."
"No problem, Dale."
Dale dropped a generous looking amount of coins on the counter, and began to make his way upstairs.
"Thanks again, kid."
Dale entered the room, and shut the door. He collapsed onto the bed. It had grown overcast outside now, and was starting to rain. Listening to the soft rain outside, he quickly drifted asleep.
He awoke the sound of thunder roaring outside. Dale shot up out of bed.
Dale rushed out of his room, almost stumbling down the stairs.
Abby and Samuel were behind the counter. Abby closed a book, and came out into the room.
Dale exhaled...
"Uh... hey Abby. I... I overslept..."
"You should be rested, then. And the potions came into the shop today. Vance requested me to bring some, so I got two here for you. It's on me."
"You shouldn't have... but, thanks. I hate to be short, but I need to check on Midnight."
"Of course."
The sound of thunder echoed.
Dale made his way outside the inn. It was pouring rain, and flashes of lightning occasionally pierced the sky. Dale rushed over to the stables, and sighed in relief to find Midnight sleeping.
Dale whispered...
"She always loved the rain... Not even a storm disturbs her."
Dale headed back towards the inn, but passed it and went towards the farms. He pulled a carrot from the ground.
"Still a bit young, but she'll have to do."
He headed back towards the stable, and lay the carrot next to Midnight's head.
Midnight awoke, and slowly snacked on the carrot.
Dale took one of the potions, and rubbed in on the horse's side. Midnight neighed softly, but continued eating the carrot.
"I'll be back in the morning, girl. Enjoy the rest of the night."
Dale returned to the inn, and Abby was gone. Samuel remained.
The storm continued...
"Welcome back, sir. All well, I hope?"
"Yeah, we'll be fine. I'm going to rest. The rest of the guys will be here tomorrow night. I'd like to catch up with Abby sometime tomorrow before then."
"Sure thing, sir. I will let her know."
Dale advanced back upstairs, noticing the subtle sound of external doors on the floor above shutting. Dale wondered who would be crazy enough to use the balcony in a night of rain.
"Midnight's human counterpart..."
He whispered to himself, as he smiled.
Dale entering his room, and took the second potion and rubbed it on his side.
He climbed into bed, and as before, swiftly fell asleep.
Dale shot up. The light of day brightly shown in. Instead of thunder, he scrambled up to the sound of pounding on his door, and shouting from beyond it...
"Dale!? Dale! Let's go!"
Golden carrots as a horse treat... someone's flush with cash.
So we have a patrolling faction of knights or border defenders of some sort. I first assumed our guy was one of the bad guys and that this was a direct continuation of the previous narrative, but shortly thought "hang on, I like him, he's being positively portrayed = not bad guy". It's cleverly written.
The screenshots are so cosy with the shader, warm light and afternoon shadows. Luna Inn interior is so nostalgic to me as well, it reminds me a lot of some of my own older buildings. Oak trapdoor indoor planter gang represent. (Wait, "older buildings"? I still use oak trapdoor indoor planters!)
Regarding the harbor thing - well, water transport is so crucial, so many settlements got built on lakes or rivers or seashores specifically for that. That seems fine to me to to have two harbor towns. Looking at your map especially the original one with the old road, I would think it might have been safer to take goods around the long way by sea rather than trying to transport valuables through those dangerous forests--thus two harbor towns. I think about my own world a lot in such context.
Journals - Gregtech New Horizons | Tree Spirit Challenge [current]
Yes, this chapter wasn't a direct continuation of our heroine protagonist's story. As I mentioned, originally this call back scene was going to be done, but only as a portion of what is going to be the next chapter along the lines of a "meanwhile" or "flashback" sort of thing. I decided to make more of it though. That's part of why this last chapter came so quick, because I I already had most of it ready in my mind. I don't want to break the pacing too much though, so the next chapter shouldn't be interrupted by this one much.
As for the towns, yes, maybe it could make sense to have two nearby and I have no real objection to that. Both are unique in some ways despite both being harbors, as you'll see when I eventually show pictures of the other one. One has more of a boardwalk with shops on/within it whereas this one has more of docks rather than a boardwalk (despite be calling it a boardwalk in the first chapter...). They have different looks and feels. So "lore-wise" I have no reservations with them as they ended up, but I wouldn't have originally chose to have two so close, so I wanted to touch upon the "why it's like that" reason.