Hello, I have been playing some Minecraft demo lately, but noticed something pretty strange. Melee mobs like Zombies, Vindicators or Wither skeletons dont seem to attack me. Creepers only attack if I attack them first. My world is unmodded, does anyone know a fix?
4 years later and i think i have an answer for you, this problem also is bugging me but i think ive got the jist of it, if you are playing on minecraft demo im sure that you've tried to extend the demo time bcuz u werent able to afford minecraft or for another reason i guess, but mainly this problem is due to to the minecraft demo countdown timer, see when the demo time hits 0, the game takes a second to change every single mob's "aggressive factor" from 1 to 0, this means that no mobs will be able to attack you, other than mobs that use projectiles to attack such as skeletons, i haven't found a fix for right now but ill try and dig into more research if theres a fix for it, ill let you know so wait patiently, thanks for reading
Hello, I have been playing some Minecraft demo lately, but noticed something pretty strange. Melee mobs like Zombies, Vindicators or Wither skeletons dont seem to attack me. Creepers only attack if I attack them first. My world is unmodded, does anyone know a fix?
4 years later and i think i have an answer for you, this problem also is bugging me but i think ive got the jist of it, if you are playing on minecraft demo im sure that you've tried to extend the demo time bcuz u werent able to afford minecraft or for another reason i guess, but mainly this problem is due to to the minecraft demo countdown timer, see when the demo time hits 0, the game takes a second to change every single mob's "aggressive factor" from 1 to 0, this means that no mobs will be able to attack you, other than mobs that use projectiles to attack such as skeletons, i haven't found a fix for right now but ill try and dig into more research if theres a fix for it, ill let you know so wait patiently, thanks for reading