Negligible block drops from creeper explosions.
Unless I mine some dirt on my own elsewhere and bring it to the crater the landscape starts to look like a WW1 No Man's Land whenever I fail to prevent creeper detonation. Being severely damaged by explosions, lack of gunpowder drop and need to build over the crater after the fight is a punishment on its own.
Dwarf gamer found:
Buildings - square, not round
Materials - from rubble mound
Dark caves - lit 'n' cleaned out
Settlements - deep underground
Farmability - to grinder bound
Shields - made creepers but sound
Axes and crossbows - taking mobs out
Dwarf gamer found:
Buildings - square, not round
Materials - from rubble mound
Dark caves - lit 'n' cleaned out
Settlements - deep underground
Farmability - to grinder bound
Shields - made creepers but sound
Axes and crossbows - taking mobs out
Peaceful mode sucks anyway, no monsters remember? even Creepers can be tolerable if you got good armour on and a decent trading system set up to replace the stuff they destroy, usually biome related items like dirt. And a wandering trader will give you dirt in the form of podzol.
and Cave Spiders are interesting enough that I wouldn't want them removed from the game.
The least popular hostile mob appears to be the Phantom however, because now building sanctuaries don't work, as they will spawn on the third night if the player hasn't slept. It means players can no longer leave their character on their home balconies or whatever while the player goes to get a drink or use the toilet. Because Phantoms would kill their character, (let's call him Steve) and they could potentially lose all their equipment.
Now it doesn't make as much of a difference on how well lit your bases are, plus there are Pillagers.
Before these were introduced, Overworld hostile mob spawns were entirely dependent on light level and opaque blocks, and had nothing to do with anything else.
I would remove ridiculously expensive firework star recipes. Firework stars can require some really rare materials for very few fireworks in return. The fade effect alone requires a diamond for just three fireworks. And if you want a big ball shape you need a fire charge which are kind of annoying to collect. The creeper shape is even worse. You need a creeper head for three fireworks with a cool shape. They should change it so it requires a pattern like banners that can be used as much as you want, not a single use item.
I'd personally remove creepers, or tone them down. They're incredibly deadly in the early game (especially with sadistic mob spawns), and late game they're just irritating - destroying creative structures, etc.
I'd personally remove creepers, or tone them down. They're incredibly deadly in the early game (especially with sadistic mob spawns), and late game they're just irritating - destroying creative structures, etc.
I agree, and wasting resources, some of which are not easily obtained in infinite quantities.
and Minecraft worlds are not truly infinite in size, this has been proven.
even if resources were easy to obtain in infinite quantities in survival, it's still wasting our time putting back what was destroyed either by Creepers or other players who griefed the build.
Skeleton Horsemen have also demonstrated you can pose a threat to players without griefing their buildings in survival.
You can even give the skeleton riders enchanted armour and bows and it still wouldn't be half as annoying as Creepers are.
If you go inside your house or castle or whatever your base be called, you survive, but you can also be stuck there for a while recovering from damage mobs caused you from outside. It's also possible to be trapped in your base if you don't have a good way to defend yourself from hostile mobs, just as it you can be stuck in a dirt hole all night without a bed, waiting for dawn early game.
And not all hostile mobs burn in daylight, Witches for example don't burn just because it is day time.
I'd tone Creepers down, not remove them if I was a developer, they already have stealth on their side,
their ability to delete blocks on top of their insane kill zone against players with full diamond armour makes them a little OP,
they definitely shouldn't be able to delete stone immediately if its a placed block.
we don't have windows on every build we do, so we can't be expected to know whether or not one is just outside 100% of the time.
Even with lighting preventing their spawn, it is still possible for a careless player to attract a Creeper from outside your village into your territory.
phantoms, they are just annoying. Most people use mending on elytras and I've never seen anyone use slow falling potions
I've used slow falling potions, plenty of times. Me and friends used these to avoid falling into the void in End when using ender pearls to hop from island to island. I handed a friend some membranes I had farmed off Phantoms for that purpose.
I agree with allyourbasesaregone's suggestion in a different thread about this tho, I do think Phantoms could have been handled differently, and should spawn exclusively in End only.
I may be in the minority when I say this, but I'd rather not risk losing such a rare and expensive item in the Void along with my entire inventory just to use the elytra in End, I and friends used alternative means to get across the Void in End because it was safer, and it paid off.
Slow falling potions can be used in conjunction with the elytra, so can ender pearls,
but it is advised to use fireworks if you use the elytra and for that you have to farm gunpowder.
Fireworks don't just make travel faster, they can also prevent you from falling in the void.
I don't have a lot of fireworks or gunpowder, so I had to improvise.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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I'd remove the Endermens ability to trample crops via teleporting onto them. Every night without fail leaves a few endermen panic teleporting in the morning across the wheat field I built for decoration in front of my house which takes 1 to 2 in-game days to patch and repair due to the scale of the field. Fighting them causes them to teleport even more making it all feel like a punishment for trying to stop them from trashing the place.
Negligible block drops from creeper explosions.
Unless I mine some dirt on my own elsewhere and bring it to the crater the landscape starts to look like a WW1 No Man's Land whenever I fail to prevent creeper detonation. Being severely damaged by explosions, lack of gunpowder drop and need to build over the crater after the fight is a punishment on its own.
Dwarf gamer found:
Buildings - square, not round
Materials - from rubble mound
Dark caves - lit 'n' cleaned out
Settlements - deep underground
Farmability - to grinder bound
Shields - made creepers but sound
Axes and crossbows - taking mobs out
I would remove the alien type cave sounds in a heartbeat. Those sounds have taken several years off my lifespan
For peaceful players, that is
Nonsense, I love them.
There is an option to turn ambience off in sound settings.
And it can be also replaced with blank sounds via resource pack.
Dwarf gamer found:
Buildings - square, not round
Materials - from rubble mound
Dark caves - lit 'n' cleaned out
Settlements - deep underground
Farmability - to grinder bound
Shields - made creepers but sound
Axes and crossbows - taking mobs out
I'd take that opportunity to replace it with something funny ot silly to lighten the mood.
phantoms, they are just annoying. Most people use mending on elytras and I've never seen anyone use slow falling potions
I used them some times. You don't even need phantoms to get phantom membrane. You can tame cats and they will give you membranes as gifts.
So you won't lose this item if you deactivate insomnia.
The only ingredient i never used is the ghast tear. I've also never brewed the other healing potions with glistering melons.
Injuries? Pah! I cure them with beef.
My projects:
-are abandoned for now. I might pick 'em up in the future.
For now i'm working on a private modpack that suit's my own playstyle.
I am gonna stay in modded 1.12.2 untill my potato dies. No mercy! :Q
Peaceful mode sucks anyway, no monsters remember? even Creepers can be tolerable if you got good armour on and a decent trading system set up to replace the stuff they destroy, usually biome related items like dirt. And a wandering trader will give you dirt in the form of podzol.
and Cave Spiders are interesting enough that I wouldn't want them removed from the game.
The least popular hostile mob appears to be the Phantom however, because now building sanctuaries don't work, as they will spawn on the third night if the player hasn't slept. It means players can no longer leave their character on their home balconies or whatever while the player goes to get a drink or use the toilet. Because Phantoms would kill their character, (let's call him Steve) and they could potentially lose all their equipment.
Now it doesn't make as much of a difference on how well lit your bases are, plus there are Pillagers.
Before these were introduced, Overworld hostile mob spawns were entirely dependent on light level and opaque blocks, and had nothing to do with anything else.
I would remove ridiculously expensive firework star recipes. Firework stars can require some really rare materials for very few fireworks in return. The fade effect alone requires a diamond for just three fireworks. And if you want a big ball shape you need a fire charge which are kind of annoying to collect. The creeper shape is even worse. You need a creeper head for three fireworks with a cool shape. They should change it so it requires a pattern like banners that can be used as much as you want, not a single use item.
I would remove the glow squid and replace it...
I'd personally remove creepers, or tone them down. They're incredibly deadly in the early game (especially with sadistic mob spawns), and late game they're just irritating - destroying creative structures, etc.
Check out my:
I agree, and wasting resources, some of which are not easily obtained in infinite quantities.
and Minecraft worlds are not truly infinite in size, this has been proven.
even if resources were easy to obtain in infinite quantities in survival, it's still wasting our time putting back what was destroyed either by Creepers or other players who griefed the build.
Skeleton Horsemen have also demonstrated you can pose a threat to players without griefing their buildings in survival.
You can even give the skeleton riders enchanted armour and bows and it still wouldn't be half as annoying as Creepers are.
If you go inside your house or castle or whatever your base be called, you survive, but you can also be stuck there for a while recovering from damage mobs caused you from outside. It's also possible to be trapped in your base if you don't have a good way to defend yourself from hostile mobs, just as it you can be stuck in a dirt hole all night without a bed, waiting for dawn early game.
And not all hostile mobs burn in daylight, Witches for example don't burn just because it is day time.
I'd tone Creepers down, not remove them if I was a developer, they already have stealth on their side,
their ability to delete blocks on top of their insane kill zone against players with full diamond armour makes them a little OP,
they definitely shouldn't be able to delete stone immediately if its a placed block.
we don't have windows on every build we do, so we can't be expected to know whether or not one is just outside 100% of the time.
Even with lighting preventing their spawn, it is still possible for a careless player to attract a Creeper from outside your village into your territory.
I've used slow falling potions, plenty of times. Me and friends used these to avoid falling into the void in End when using ender pearls to hop from island to island. I handed a friend some membranes I had farmed off Phantoms for that purpose.
I agree with allyourbasesaregone's suggestion in a different thread about this tho, I do think Phantoms could have been handled differently, and should spawn exclusively in End only.
I may be in the minority when I say this, but I'd rather not risk losing such a rare and expensive item in the Void along with my entire inventory just to use the elytra in End, I and friends used alternative means to get across the Void in End because it was safer, and it paid off.
Slow falling potions can be used in conjunction with the elytra, so can ender pearls,
but it is advised to use fireworks if you use the elytra and for that you have to farm gunpowder.
Fireworks don't just make travel faster, they can also prevent you from falling in the void.
I don't have a lot of fireworks or gunpowder, so I had to improvise.
Dyed leather armor overlay
I'd remove the Endermens ability to trample crops via teleporting onto them. Every night without fail leaves a few endermen panic teleporting in the morning across the wheat field I built for decoration in front of my house which takes 1 to 2 in-game days to patch and repair due to the scale of the field. Fighting them causes them to teleport even more making it all feel like a punishment for trying to stop them from trashing the place.