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Choose one item, mob, or feature in the game that you would like to remove.
For me it’s got to be the Piglin Brutes. They’re incredibly annoying, so I mainly play in 1.16.1, which doesn’t have them, but once 1.17 comes out, that won’t be an option.
An interesting question. For me it's Pillagers. I'm thankful Pillager raids can be disabled; I wish the same could be done for outposts too. I appreciate the challenge they introduce and those who find Pillagers fun, but for me they're a nuisance.
It would be to remove the anvil prior work penalty nonsense, since this forces people to rely too heavily on mending as it currently is for all their equipment and never having to worry about anvil after the enchanting is finished.
Aren't anvils supposed to allow for repairs of items? then it stands to reason that anvils should be able to repair said item indefinitely, provided the minimum requirements are met.
But I've accepted the fact that it's a lost cause at this point, Mojang aren't listening to us, so they will never get rid of this annoying feature nobody wants.
I'd remove the feature that allowed Witches to spawn like regular mobs; it was always better for me when it was just in Witch Huts, gave you a reason to find one ...
I'd remove the feature that allowed Witches to spawn like regular mobs; it was always better for me when it was just in Witch Huts, gave you a reason to find one ...
They were too rare that way, besides cauldrons and black cats are still useful as well as the structure itself early game.
I never saw witches in Survival until I modded the game to let them spawn anywhere, so they may as well not have existed at all (natural spawning wasn't added to vanilla until 1.7; witches spawned with witch huts also despawned until 1.11 and with my playstyle I might spend hours exploring caves under/around a witch hut before I saw it). Also, witch huts can spawn witches far more frequently than they naturally spawn (I might encounter 2-3 over a play session with 300-400 mobs killed); likewise, while I added naturally spawning cave spiders (why are they called that if they don't actually spawn in caves?) they are still mostly encountered from mineshaft spawners; the next update to TMCW adds naturally spawning silverfish (which can't hide in blocks unless a player attacked them), endermites, killer rabbits (why even add mobs which never naturally spawn?), as well as husks and strays which can spawn underground (why even add mobs that I'll never encounter while caving?). Also, I see nothing wrong with polar bears, which help fill the "neutral" mob niche (mobs which may attack the player but are not outright hostile) and have added them myself, along with "brown bears" (a variant of a generic "bear" mob which spawns in certain forests).
As for things I would change, I'd revert changes to world generation in 1.7; namely, the underground as well as biome placement, both of which greatly reduced variation - most of the new biomes and structures may as well not even exist unless you specifically searched for them or spent a very long time in one world, or were very lucky/chose a specific seed (which spoils the fun); even with the biome layout in TMCW there are biomes I added in the first version which I've still never found in Survival, simply because there are so many. I also dislike the deeper oceans as well as 1.13's flooded caves as they both adversely impact underground exploration (as it is, I generally avoid oceans) - in TMCW I even have sandstone/cobblestone generate below patches of sand/gravel on the seafloor so they do not collapse into caves below.
I never saw witches in Survival until I modded the game to let them spawn anywhere, so they may as well not have existed at all (natural spawning wasn't added to vanilla until 1.7; witches spawned with witch huts also despawned until 1.11 and with my playstyle I might spend hours exploring caves under/around a witch hut before I saw it). Also, witch huts can spawn witches far more frequently than they naturally spawn (I might encounter 2-3 over a play session with 300-400 mobs killed); likewise, while I added naturally spawning cave spiders (why are they called that if they don't actually spawn in caves?) they are still mostly encountered from mineshaft spawners; the next update to TMCW adds naturally spawning silverfish (which can't hide in blocks unless a player attacked them), endermites, killer rabbits (why even add mobs which never naturally spawn?), as well as husks and strays which can spawn underground (why even add mobs that I'll never encounter while caving?). Also, I see nothing wrong with polar bears, which help fill the "neutral" mob niche (mobs which may attack the player but are not outright hostile) and have added them myself, along with "brown bears" (a variant of a generic "bear" mob which spawns in certain forests).
As for things I would change, I'd revert changes to world generation in 1.7; namely, the underground as well as biome placement, both of which greatly reduced variation - most of the new biomes and structures may as well not even exist unless you specifically searched for them or spent a very long time in one world, or were very lucky/chose a specific seed (which spoils the fun); even with the biome layout in TMCW there are biomes I added in the first version which I've still never found in Survival, simply because there are so many. I also dislike the deeper oceans as well as 1.13's flooded caves as they both adversely impact underground exploration (as it is, I generally avoid oceans) - in TMCW I even have sandstone/cobblestone generate below patches of sand/gravel on the seafloor so they do not collapse into caves below.
They should change the mob spawner system so that only direct kills from players would result in a drop imo.
In theory a daylight shaft with some sort of alternating piston + redstone contraption is all that is required to farm bones, arrows, rotten flesh and what have you from Zombie and Skeleton spawners.
This is wrong.
I've said many times, I'm not against farmable resources, but they should require direct player input, not AFK.
and to prevent cheesing the mob should be allowed to move around and not have any blocks in between, so players actually have to put themselves at risk in order to receive a valuable prize for the grind. It doesn't matter how many resources they farm, just as long as they are earning them legitimately.
The only exception being is crop farms, which are (if spawn proofed) zero risk regardless of the method of farming them, but it is more efficient to Fortune Hoe crops anyway so who cares. And it gives redstone another interesting use if crop farms are automated with a complex redstone build.
Agreed, Polar Bears don't bother me and never have. Not in terms of them existing in the game.
In fact I would advocate more neutral mobs being put into the game, not less, because it makes the ecosystem more diverse and less boring.
I'd remove Poisonous Potato if it were up to me, or if decided by a survey from the community, I'd implement a way to compost them if I could.
There are some items present in the game that serve little to no purpose, and are just there for the sake of being there, Mojang may be skilled developers, but for people who are supposed to be so good at game developing, they sure do some controversial things sometimes.
I'd remove Poisonous Potato if it were up to me ...
I must admint it a strange one, seems to me to be the perfect ingredient for a potion of somekind, the obvious one being poison i suppose (personally, i would change the spider eye to a different potion effect) ... still, when it does eventually become useful, my stashes in my various bases will finally serve a purpose (I never throw them)
I must admint it a strange one, seems to me to be the perfect ingredient for a potion of somekind, the obvious one being poison i suppose (personally, i would change the spider eye to a different potion effect) ... still, when it does eventually become useful, my stashes in my various bases will finally serve a purpose (I never throw them)
I suppose
but composting is another obvious change that could happen, because even spoiled food can be composted in real life, in fact letting food waste be broken down by bacteria and fungus is how it gets recycled in nature.
Another use for poisonous potato could be converting it into dirt blocks, therefore you get around the need for receiving podzol from wandering traders to get your renewable dirt and you can replace all the dirt that has ever been destroyed by teleporting Endermen or Creepers exploding, which will still require work from the player, but it is possible to keep your biomes in top condition this way, and you avoid the annoyance of having to migrate to other biomes to fix the one local to you.
Dirt as common as it is in the game, it is still a valuable resource because it is needed to grow trees and crops.
Also without grass blocks you can't spawn animals, at least not Sheep, Pigs, Cows, Horses or Donkeys.
Another use for poisonous potato could be converting it into dirt blocks, therefore you get around the need for receiving podzol from wandering traders to get your renewable dirt and you can replace all the dirt that has ever been destroyed by teleporting Endermen or Creepers exploding, which will still require work from the player, but it is possible to keep your biomes in top condition this way, and you avoid the annoyance of having to migrate to other biomes to fix the one local to you.
Dirt as common as it is in the game, it is still a valuable resource because it is needed to grow trees and crops.
Also without grass blocks you can't spawn animals, at least not Sheep, Pigs, Cows, Horses or Donkeys.
This is actually how I've implemented my own version of a composter block, which gives you dirt instead of bonemeal, and they accept poisonous potatoes with the same efficiency as baked potatoes and 1.5 times the efficiency of raw potatoes (my version requires an average of 15 baked potatoes per dirt block while Mojang's version averages 8.24 per bonemeal; I generally increased the number of items required as you are getting actual blocks from them), although they are too rare to really do much with them as you get an average of one poisonous potato per 50 crops regardless of whether Fortune is used (simply composting normal potatoes is dozens of times more effective).
That said, I simply eat them and even if I get poisoned (60% chance) there is no net loss in hunger since 5 seconds of Poison drains 4 health, which costs 3 hunger/saturation to regenerate while they restore a total of 3.2 hunger and saturation (this is no longer the case in newer versions since natural regeneration costs twice as much hunger; however, with Protection on your armor it is still possible to have a net gain, and since I always wear enchanted armor the actual loss is much less).
This is actually how I've implemented my own version of a composter block, which gives you dirt instead of bonemeal, and they accept poisonous potatoes with the same efficiency as baked potatoes and 1.5 times the efficiency of raw potatoes (my version requires an average of 15 baked potatoes per dirt block while Mojang's version averages 8.24 per bonemeal; I generally increased the number of items required as you are getting actual blocks from them), although they are too rare to really do much with them as you get an average of one poisonous potato per 50 crops regardless of whether Fortune is used (simply composting normal potatoes is dozens of times more effective).
That said, I simply eat them and even if I get poisoned (60% chance) there is no net loss in hunger since 5 seconds of Poison drains 4 health, which costs 3 hunger/saturation to regenerate while they restore a total of 3.2 hunger and saturation (this is no longer the case in newer versions since natural regeneration costs twice as much hunger; however, with Protection on your armor it is still possible to have a net gain, and since I always wear enchanted armor the actual loss is much less).
Thats very cool imo. I don't use the composter bc i usually don't need bonemeal. But i had many situations where i could have used more dirt.
It's not like there isn't enough dirt already but there could be other ways to get some.
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My projects:
-are abandoned for now. I might pick 'em up in the future.
For now i'm working on a private modpack that suit's my own playstyle.
I am gonna stay in modded 1.12.2 untill my potato dies. No mercy! :Q
Thats very cool imo. I don't use the composter bc i usually don't need bonemeal. But i had many situations where i could have used more dirt.
It's not like there isn't enough dirt already but there could be other ways to get some.
I agree
bonemeal from composters was completely unnecessary in my opinion, unless you play on peaceful mode which not everybody does, and every experienced or seasoned survival player should be ready for at least normal difficulty, if not hard or hardcore.
I understand that as we get older our reflexes decline, so does our memory.
But Minecraft is not a very hard game, why would it be? it was a game intended for people of almost any age.
However considering the fact that we got Skeleton spawners in addition to naturally spawning Skeletons in the Overworld at night time or underground, and in Nether Soul Sand Valleys they're all over the place 24/7.
Bonemeal can be obtained in insane quantities from these sources individually.
I'd much rather composters be capable of making dirt blocks, since that would serve a purpose that bonemeal does not.
I understand TMC's point about Protection armour making it possible to regenerate to peak health after the poison wears off after eating poisonous potato, the same could be said about spider eyes since the poison doesn't last long enough to drain your health all the way down, unless you eat one after another. I just wouldn't bother with it because there are so many superior food sources in the game that don't poison you or leave you with some other debuff.
To my knowledge, the only "food" item that does bring your health all the way down to half a heart in one meal
is Pufferfish. But poison status can be nullified using milk buckets.
Only hunger and void damage bypasses the invulnerability of Protection enchantment,
Protection resists all other damage types, including burn damage and explosives.
With Protection 4 stacked on Fire Protection 4 on another armour plate it takes over 30 seconds for lava to kill you on full health.
I would personally remove the mob drowned because they can get pretty annoying if you're just trying to swim and have them attack you. Although I do see how they add more combat to the ocean biome they can get a little bit annoying after a while.
Choose one item, mob, or feature in the game that you would like to remove.
For me it’s got to be the Piglin Brutes. They’re incredibly annoying, so I mainly play in 1.16.1, which doesn’t have them, but once 1.17 comes out, that won’t be an option.
Check out my YouTube.
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An interesting question. For me it's Pillagers. I'm thankful Pillager raids can be disabled; I wish the same could be done for outposts too. I appreciate the challenge they introduce and those who find Pillagers fun, but for me they're a nuisance.
Remove the ability of mobs to destroy blocks (aka mobgriefing off) except for sheep grazing, ideally.
It would be to remove the anvil prior work penalty nonsense, since this forces people to rely too heavily on mending as it currently is for all their equipment and never having to worry about anvil after the enchanting is finished.
Aren't anvils supposed to allow for repairs of items? then it stands to reason that anvils should be able to repair said item indefinitely, provided the minimum requirements are met.
But I've accepted the fact that it's a lost cause at this point, Mojang aren't listening to us, so they will never get rid of this annoying feature nobody wants.
I personally would remove the polar bear. Its probably the most forgettable mob in the game and it came in my least favorite update that being 1.10
They're relatively inoffensive to me.
I'd remove the feature that allowed Witches to spawn like regular mobs; it was always better for me when it was just in Witch Huts, gave you a reason to find one ...
Mintutor now works in 1.13!
MrKite & Mc_Etlam ... I salute you!

They were too rare that way, besides cauldrons and black cats are still useful as well as the structure itself early game.
I never saw witches in Survival until I modded the game to let them spawn anywhere, so they may as well not have existed at all (natural spawning wasn't added to vanilla until 1.7; witches spawned with witch huts also despawned until 1.11 and with my playstyle I might spend hours exploring caves under/around a witch hut before I saw it). Also, witch huts can spawn witches far more frequently than they naturally spawn (I might encounter 2-3 over a play session with 300-400 mobs killed); likewise, while I added naturally spawning cave spiders (why are they called that if they don't actually spawn in caves?) they are still mostly encountered from mineshaft spawners; the next update to TMCW adds naturally spawning silverfish (which can't hide in blocks unless a player attacked them), endermites, killer rabbits (why even add mobs which never naturally spawn?), as well as husks and strays which can spawn underground (why even add mobs that I'll never encounter while caving?). Also, I see nothing wrong with polar bears, which help fill the "neutral" mob niche (mobs which may attack the player but are not outright hostile) and have added them myself, along with "brown bears" (a variant of a generic "bear" mob which spawns in certain forests).
As for things I would change, I'd revert changes to world generation in 1.7; namely, the underground as well as biome placement, both of which greatly reduced variation - most of the new biomes and structures may as well not even exist unless you specifically searched for them or spent a very long time in one world, or were very lucky/chose a specific seed (which spoils the fun); even with the biome layout in TMCW there are biomes I added in the first version which I've still never found in Survival, simply because there are so many. I also dislike the deeper oceans as well as 1.13's flooded caves as they both adversely impact underground exploration (as it is, I generally avoid oceans) - in TMCW I even have sandstone/cobblestone generate below patches of sand/gravel on the seafloor so they do not collapse into caves below.
TheMasterCaver's First World - possibly the most caved-out world in Minecraft history - includes world download.
TheMasterCaver's World - my own version of Minecraft largely based on my views of how the game should have evolved since 1.6.4.
Why do I still play in 1.6.4?
They should change the mob spawner system so that only direct kills from players would result in a drop imo.
In theory a daylight shaft with some sort of alternating piston + redstone contraption is all that is required to farm bones, arrows, rotten flesh and what have you from Zombie and Skeleton spawners.
This is wrong.
I've said many times, I'm not against farmable resources, but they should require direct player input, not AFK.
and to prevent cheesing the mob should be allowed to move around and not have any blocks in between, so players actually have to put themselves at risk in order to receive a valuable prize for the grind. It doesn't matter how many resources they farm, just as long as they are earning them legitimately.
The only exception being is crop farms, which are (if spawn proofed) zero risk regardless of the method of farming them, but it is more efficient to Fortune Hoe crops anyway so who cares. And it gives redstone another interesting use if crop farms are automated with a complex redstone build.
Agreed, Polar Bears don't bother me and never have. Not in terms of them existing in the game.
In fact I would advocate more neutral mobs being put into the game, not less, because it makes the ecosystem more diverse and less boring.
I'd remove Poisonous Potato if it were up to me, or if decided by a survey from the community, I'd implement a way to compost them if I could.
There are some items present in the game that serve little to no purpose, and are just there for the sake of being there, Mojang may be skilled developers, but for people who are supposed to be so good at game developing, they sure do some controversial things sometimes.
I must admint it a strange one, seems to me to be the perfect ingredient for a potion of somekind, the obvious one being poison i suppose (personally, i would change the spider eye to a different potion effect) ... still, when it does eventually become useful, my stashes in my various bases will finally serve a purpose (I never throw them)
Mintutor now works in 1.13!
MrKite & Mc_Etlam ... I salute you!

I suppose
but composting is another obvious change that could happen, because even spoiled food can be composted in real life, in fact letting food waste be broken down by bacteria and fungus is how it gets recycled in nature.
Another use for poisonous potato could be converting it into dirt blocks, therefore you get around the need for receiving podzol from wandering traders to get your renewable dirt and you can replace all the dirt that has ever been destroyed by teleporting Endermen or Creepers exploding, which will still require work from the player, but it is possible to keep your biomes in top condition this way, and you avoid the annoyance of having to migrate to other biomes to fix the one local to you.
Dirt as common as it is in the game, it is still a valuable resource because it is needed to grow trees and crops.
Also without grass blocks you can't spawn animals, at least not Sheep, Pigs, Cows, Horses or Donkeys.
I would remove phantoms. I never liked beeing puneshed for not using the bed.
Since we have a gamerule for that it's unecessary to remove them.
My projects:
-are abandoned for now. I might pick 'em up in the future.
For now i'm working on a private modpack that suit's my own playstyle.
I am gonna stay in modded 1.12.2 untill my potato dies. No mercy! :Q
This is actually how I've implemented my own version of a composter block, which gives you dirt instead of bonemeal, and they accept poisonous potatoes with the same efficiency as baked potatoes and 1.5 times the efficiency of raw potatoes (my version requires an average of 15 baked potatoes per dirt block while Mojang's version averages 8.24 per bonemeal; I generally increased the number of items required as you are getting actual blocks from them), although they are too rare to really do much with them as you get an average of one poisonous potato per 50 crops regardless of whether Fortune is used (simply composting normal potatoes is dozens of times more effective).
That said, I simply eat them and even if I get poisoned (60% chance) there is no net loss in hunger since 5 seconds of Poison drains 4 health, which costs 3 hunger/saturation to regenerate while they restore a total of 3.2 hunger and saturation (this is no longer the case in newer versions since natural regeneration costs twice as much hunger; however, with Protection on your armor it is still possible to have a net gain, and since I always wear enchanted armor the actual loss is much less).
TheMasterCaver's First World - possibly the most caved-out world in Minecraft history - includes world download.
TheMasterCaver's World - my own version of Minecraft largely based on my views of how the game should have evolved since 1.6.4.
Why do I still play in 1.6.4?
Thats very cool imo. I don't use the composter bc i usually don't need bonemeal. But i had many situations where i could have used more dirt.
It's not like there isn't enough dirt already but there could be other ways to get some.
My projects:
-are abandoned for now. I might pick 'em up in the future.
For now i'm working on a private modpack that suit's my own playstyle.
I am gonna stay in modded 1.12.2 untill my potato dies. No mercy! :Q
I agree
bonemeal from composters was completely unnecessary in my opinion, unless you play on peaceful mode which not everybody does, and every experienced or seasoned survival player should be ready for at least normal difficulty, if not hard or hardcore.
I understand that as we get older our reflexes decline, so does our memory.
But Minecraft is not a very hard game, why would it be? it was a game intended for people of almost any age.
However considering the fact that we got Skeleton spawners in addition to naturally spawning Skeletons in the Overworld at night time or underground, and in Nether Soul Sand Valleys they're all over the place 24/7.
Bonemeal can be obtained in insane quantities from these sources individually.
I'd much rather composters be capable of making dirt blocks, since that would serve a purpose that bonemeal does not.
I understand TMC's point about Protection armour making it possible to regenerate to peak health after the poison wears off after eating poisonous potato, the same could be said about spider eyes since the poison doesn't last long enough to drain your health all the way down, unless you eat one after another. I just wouldn't bother with it because there are so many superior food sources in the game that don't poison you or leave you with some other debuff.
To my knowledge, the only "food" item that does bring your health all the way down to half a heart in one meal
is Pufferfish. But poison status can be nullified using milk buckets.
Only hunger and void damage bypasses the invulnerability of Protection enchantment,
Protection resists all other damage types, including burn damage and explosives.
With Protection 4 stacked on Fire Protection 4 on another armour plate it takes over 30 seconds for lava to kill you on full health.
Fossils in the nether are the easiest source of bonemeal.
Agreed, but if you're careful and use ranged weapons to your advantage you can collect vast amounts of bones off Skeletons.
I would personally remove the mob drowned because they can get pretty annoying if you're just trying to swim and have them attack you. Although I do see how they add more combat to the ocean biome they can get a little bit annoying after a while.