this method is for below 1.16 and may need slight adaptions depending on ur version
for 1.16 and up bring a boat to trap enderman in the nether warped forest biome
Why search them?
For pearls of course to make eyes of ender to find the stronghold to get into the end.
After you have acces to the end it gets really easy.
This makes it expensive to build a special farm for it because you only need tops 12 pearls.
But what to do in the meantime?
But why are they so hard to find in the overworld in the first place?
Because most mobs spawn in caves and otherwise spread out and theres like a ~1% chance of a mob being an enderman.
The old way is to run around at night untill rng grants you enough endermen.
So to find endermen fast you need to find hundreds of mobs fast.
To do that i have the folowing much faster solution:
Step1 find some decently flat area.
Step2 build a slightly taller then 128blocks pillar.
Step3 pour water to one side.
optional but recommended: turn the water stream into a water elevator to get back up quickly.
Now when you are on top of it all monsters will despawn.(f3 check lefttop e:nr to c how many entities there are should be 0+ passive mobs in the area)
Then slowly go 20blocks down. (f3 wait till entities amount goes up ~75)
Then descend. (can setup the waterstream so you can jump down instantly)
And tada 75 mobs very close to where you are.
Kill the enderman you find and repeat going back up and down untill you have enough enderpearls. (this method can also be used to find zombie villagers to start a villager farm anywhere)
See attachments for pictures of what to build including my killing spot for enderman.
There are two aspects to your method - one is to collect ender pearls, the other is to gain XP by killing Endermen.
1) getting pearls: I personally like to trade with villagers, so I can get more Ender pearls than I ever would need by trading and would not build an Enderman farm to get them.
I've been watching a lot of speedrunners lately on YouTube and they either trade with villagers or collect pearls along the way from Endermen they meet while racing to their next goal. Sometimes they get their very last necessary pearls by killing Endermen in a stronghold. I can't recall any other way I've seen them collect Ender pearls. None bother to build any kind of Enderman trap, so if speed in getting enough Ender pearls to get to the End is the only consideration, I assume that would be the way to go.
2) XP farm: I think your method would be very useful to kill two birds with one stone: getting XP and collecting pearls. Pearls are always useful to have if one is skillful enough to toss them accurately to teleport. Since I personally am more likely to toss them where I DON'T want to go, I only need them for making Ender chests. I don't use XP farms, so I can't judge the efficacy of your method, or compare it with other Ender farms, but if it works well I'm sure many will find it useful.
Well, concerning XP farming endermen, once you get to the end you only need to build a 5x5 roof 2-blocks high and you have your poor man's endermen farm, both for pearls and for xp.
Before that, I agree that farming villagers is easier provided you have a village to begin with (if you don't have a village, creating one is probably longer than the op proposal).
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All I have to do to find an enderman is go the basement of my house (where I keep my nether portal) and just sit and wait. Eventually one will teleport in to cause trouble. Next time though me and the dogs will be waiting!
Thank you for posting this! This looks like a really accessible method for early game enderman farming, and usually the best place to hunt endermans in the early game is a desert, but I don't have a nearby desert in current playthrough so I thought this method would be good to try. But unfortunately I couldn't make it work for me.
First of all, when I went down my tower 20 blocks down from ground+128, I watched the entity count and I couldn't get it above about 20 or so. Maybe I didn't start in a large enough plain, not enough spawn points? Idk
Secondly, when I got to the bottom of my water elevator I was just bumrushed by zombies, skeletons, and creepers. All my boats were full of zombies and skellies. A creeper immediately exploded the bottom pool i used for fall damage. I went back up the elevator 20 blocks from ground, and the skellies wanted to shoot me out of the air.
I will keep trying because it seems like it could be effective with some tinkering. Maybe a safety wall around the bottom pool, instead of just boats.
PS sorry for the necro. Since literally no one else who responded even tried the method, I thought you might like to know that at least one person out there appreciated and tried your method.
this method is for below 1.16 and may need slight adaptions depending on ur version
for 1.16 and up bring a boat to trap enderman in the nether warped forest biome
Why search them?
For pearls of course to make eyes of ender to find the stronghold to get into the end.
After you have acces to the end it gets really easy.
This makes it expensive to build a special farm for it because you only need tops 12 pearls.
But what to do in the meantime?
But why are they so hard to find in the overworld in the first place?
Because most mobs spawn in caves and otherwise spread out and theres like a ~1% chance of a mob being an enderman.
The old way is to run around at night untill rng grants you enough endermen.
So to find endermen fast you need to find hundreds of mobs fast.
To do that i have the folowing much faster solution:
Step1 find some decently flat area.
Step2 build a slightly taller then 128blocks pillar.
Step3 pour water to one side.
optional but recommended: turn the water stream into a water elevator to get back up quickly.
Now when you are on top of it all monsters will despawn.(f3 check lefttop e:nr to c how many entities there are should be 0+ passive mobs in the area)
Then slowly go 20blocks down. (f3 wait till entities amount goes up ~75)
Then descend. (can setup the waterstream so you can jump down instantly)
And tada 75 mobs very close to where you are.
Kill the enderman you find and repeat going back up and down untill you have enough enderpearls. (this method can also be used to find zombie villagers to start a villager farm anywhere)
See attachments for pictures of what to build including my killing spot for enderman.
plz leave a comment to tell if this was usefull
I didn't try it out yet but I'm gonna do it and say how it goes!
There are two aspects to your method - one is to collect ender pearls, the other is to gain XP by killing Endermen.
1) getting pearls: I personally like to trade with villagers, so I can get more Ender pearls than I ever would need by trading and would not build an Enderman farm to get them.
I've been watching a lot of speedrunners lately on YouTube and they either trade with villagers or collect pearls along the way from Endermen they meet while racing to their next goal. Sometimes they get their very last necessary pearls by killing Endermen in a stronghold. I can't recall any other way I've seen them collect Ender pearls. None bother to build any kind of Enderman trap, so if speed in getting enough Ender pearls to get to the End is the only consideration, I assume that would be the way to go.
2) XP farm: I think your method would be very useful to kill two birds with one stone: getting XP and collecting pearls. Pearls are always useful to have if one is skillful enough to toss them accurately to teleport. Since I personally am more likely to toss them where I DON'T want to go, I only need them for making Ender chests. I don't use XP farms, so I can't judge the efficacy of your method, or compare it with other Ender farms, but if it works well I'm sure many will find it useful.
Well, concerning XP farming endermen, once you get to the end you only need to build a 5x5 roof 2-blocks high and you have your poor man's endermen farm, both for pearls and for xp.
Before that, I agree that farming villagers is easier provided you have a village to begin with (if you don't have a village, creating one is probably longer than the op proposal).
All I have to do to find an enderman is go the basement of my house (where I keep my nether portal) and just sit and wait. Eventually one will teleport in to cause trouble. Next time though me and the dogs will be waiting!
Thank you for posting this! This looks like a really accessible method for early game enderman farming, and usually the best place to hunt endermans in the early game is a desert, but I don't have a nearby desert in current playthrough so I thought this method would be good to try. But unfortunately I couldn't make it work for me.
First of all, when I went down my tower 20 blocks down from ground+128, I watched the entity count and I couldn't get it above about 20 or so. Maybe I didn't start in a large enough plain, not enough spawn points? Idk
Secondly, when I got to the bottom of my water elevator I was just bumrushed by zombies, skeletons, and creepers. All my boats were full of zombies and skellies. A creeper immediately exploded the bottom pool i used for fall damage. I went back up the elevator 20 blocks from ground, and the skellies wanted to shoot me out of the air.
I will keep trying because it seems like it could be effective with some tinkering. Maybe a safety wall around the bottom pool, instead of just boats.
PS sorry for the necro. Since literally no one else who responded even tried the method, I thought you might like to know that at least one person out there appreciated and tried your method.