Big shout-out to Kris18 and WTFWatch for creating the Guides this one is based on. Neither of them are able to continue updating their threads so I have decided to do so myself. Also a big thank you to the Minecraft Wiki for providing a lot of the information found in this guide.
A Heads-up:
I am only human so there might be mistakes in some of the information provided. Please feel free to leave a comment or PM me with the corrected information. Also, please feel free to post any questions you might have about Minecraft below. I or someone else will be more then happy to answer.
Where am I?
[i]You are in the Minecraft Forums. Please note that while Notch has deemed it the "Official" Minecraft Forums, it is not owned or operated by Mojang[/i]
How do I register on the forum?
[i]Top Right corner where It's says "Register"[/i]
I'm tired of playing alone, where can I find some server IPs?
[i]You can find survival servers here and creative servers here[/i]
I started a server, where should I make a thread about it?
[i]You can post your survival servers here and your creative servers here[/i]
I have a technical question/issue with Minecraft, where should I post?
[i]You can post your support threads here[/i]
I made a map and I want to share it with people, where should I post it?
[i]You can post your maps/world downloads here[/i]
I have an issue with the forum/I want to make a suggestion for the forum
[i]You can post your issue or suggestion here[/i]
Minecraft Update Related
When will a new minecraft update be released?
[i]Jeb is releasing "Weekly Builds," check the front page of the Minecraft Forums or jeb's twitter for a download link[/i]
How do I know which features will be added?
[i]Look around Notch's twitter, Jeb's twitter or search in the forum,sometimes people post features that may be added[/i]
How do I know what the changes were made?
[i]http://www.minecraft...Version_history ,It contains every bugfix and feature added,and it includes new bugs along with the update.[/i]
Minecraft Related
Who develops Minecraft?
[i]Minecraft is developed by Mojang, a game developer company from Sweden. The main creator of Minecraft is Notch, who originally started it as an indie (independent) game. Time has passed, and Notch founded Mojang and many people joined him with work on Minecraft, mainly Jeb_ and JahKob.[/i]
Why can't I destroy blocks?
[i]Hold the LEFT mouse button.[/i]
How do I start out in Minecraft?
[i]A highly recommended route is through searching Youtube Let's Play's. They often give you great insight into your first couple of days in survival[/i]
What are difficulties?
[i]Difficulty can be toggled via the Options menu in Minecraft. Changing this option has a direct impact in the gameplay itself. No setting impacts the quantity of hostile mobs that spawn, including peaceful. There are currently four difficulties in the game. [/i]
Where do my screenshots go?
[i]Screenshots taken ingame using F2 go here: C:/Documents and Settings/User Name Here/Application Data/.minecraft/screenshots. For Windows 7 users: C:/Users/USERNAME/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/screenshots[/i]
What is the void?
[i]The void is the region below bedrock. It is almost pitch black and features some particle animations much like the underwater ones. Falling into the void to far will result in death[/i]
I started a world in Creative/Survival and now I want to switch, how can I?
[i]There are multiple ways to switch, the first being the Single Player Commands mod. Another option is NBTedit[/i]
What are tools?
[i]Tools are usable items that make blocks be removed easier,and being able to be picked up(Iron,Stone,Diamond,etc)[/i]
What are the tool types?
[i]There are 6 types of tools: Shovel, Pickaxe, Axe, Hoe, Sword and Shear.[/i]
Explain the shovel.
[i]The shovel is a tool that is used to remove dirt, gravel and sand faster.[/i]
Explain the Pickaxe
[i]Pickaxes are used to mine stone,iron,coal,lapis lazuli,redstone and diamonds faster,they are one of the most useful tools in Minecraft.[/i]
Explain the axe
[i]The axe is used to remove wooden blocks faster(Wooden Slabs are not included)[/i]
Explain the Hoe.
[i]The hoe's primary use is for tilling dirt/grass to make Farmland blocks[/i]
Explain the sword
[i]The sword is used to damage mobs(passive,neutral and hostile)with greater damage.[/i]
Explain the shear
[i]The shear is used to get wool from sheep, collecting Red Mushrooms from Mooshrooms, getting string from cobwebs, harvesting placeable leaf, vine and tall grass blocks.[/i]
What materials can I make tools from?
[i]Wood,Stone(cobblestone),Iron,Diamond and gold.While gold mines basic blocks(stone and coal) faster,it mines the other ones slower,with lower durability. It should be noted that Shears can only be made with Iron[/i]
What Does armor do??
[i]Armor adds extra protection via a separate health bar that reaches 10 armor points. [/i] What are the armor types?
[i]They are 4(Left To Right)Golden,Diamond,Iron and Leather Armour.
[/i] How do I craft armor?
Where as the iron ingot is the following material:Leather,Iron Ingot,Diamond,Gold
Image taken from the Official Minecraft Wiki.[/i]
[i]Stone, also known as Smooth Stone, is a type of block which was added very early in Minecraft's development,Stone appears abundantly on naturally generated maps,excluding air has the most blocks in an average map. [/i]
[i]Grass is a block that was introduced very early in the game.Grass only grows spontaneously during map generation. Afterward, it must spread from a nearby block.[/i]
[i]Dirt is one of the first blocks introduced in the game.It appears in spots that are not well lit.[/i]
[i]Cobblestone is a darker block, often looking like a roughly paved area. This block occurs naturally in dungeons, when water and lava flow into each other, NPC villages and in strongholds. It makes great walls for constructions such as castles, towers and roads. [/i]
Wooden Plank
[i]It's a block that is not naturally found on maps; it must be crafted by the player. It appears as a series of interconnected planks.Wooden Planks are a renewable resource, obtainable by breaking wood blocks and placing them into a crafting box in Beta. Wooden Planks can also be found in Abandoned Mine Shafts, NPC villages and Strongholds.[/i]
[i]Bedrock is a block that was added to Minecraft in version 0.0.20. Bedrock is completely indestructible; it can never be broken by tool and no explosion is powerful enough to destroy it. [/i]
[i]Water is a fluid that can only be placed by the player when using a bucket. On newly-generated maps, water is common at ocean level (elevation 63) in the form of lakes. It also appears in pools, (and in Indev, Infdev, Alpha, and Beta springs) underground and lakes above ground. Water reduces light by 2 for every block, in addition to normal dispersion. [/i]
[i]Lava is a fluid block which emits light and sets things on fire.Lava primarily occurs in large pools (magma pools) deep underground, on levels 0 through 10. It can also occur as lava rivers from a single spring block, most commonly in caves but also above ground (where it is a common cause of natural forest fires).Technically,lava found underground is called magma. [/i]
[i]Sand is a block type that was first added to Minecraft in version 0.0.14a.A notable fact about Sand is that if there is no block below it, it will fall until it lands on the next available block, thus making it one of four blocks which gravity applies to (the others being gravel, water, and lava). [/i]
[i]Gravel is a type of block typically found in naturally occurring pits, underwater, on beaches, or in The Nether. Gravely beaches are scarce, and gravel in The Nether is more scarce.In Alpha and Beta, gravel has a 10% chance of dropping flint once destroyed. [/i]
Gold ORE
[i]Gold ore is commonly found by stone blocks deep underground, generally in a vein of 2-6 blocks.It can be mined using an iron or diamond pickaxe. Gold ore can be smelted in a furnace to create gold ingots.[/i]
Iron ORE
[i]Iron is a mineral not-so-commonly found inside stone blocks underground or in cliffs as shown in the picture. It shows up at elevations ranging from 0 (the bottom of the map) to 67 (5 blocks above sea level). It is found in approximately 0.5% of rock below sea level, and falls off sharply in frequency higher up. [/i]
Coal ORE
[i]Coal Ore is a mineral that is a common sight on almost all maps. It is found at any elevation, inside caverns, cliff faces, and underground. A lump of coal can be mined directly from Coal ore using a wooden pickaxe or better (that is to say, it is not an ore block so much as it's a vein). [/i]
[i]Wood (previously known as Log) is a type of block first seen in Minecraft Creative mode 0.0.14a. They have a skin resembling bark on the four side faces, and a crosscut face on top and bottom. [/i]
[i]Darker than the normal wood,this type of wood has the same uses for crafting.Used as decoration also[/i]
[i]This type of wood resembles the wood of silver birch trees,has the same use as normal wood,Used as decoration due to it's silver color.[/i]
[i]They are abundant in normally generated maps, appearing on every tree,Leaves are available for use in Creative mode. They are often used in making plants, foliage, and tree houses. Leaf blocks are very weak, can be readily destroyed by hitting them with any tool, are extremely vulnerable to explosions and are highly flammable. Each of the three tree types (Normal, Pine and Birch) each have their own leaf style. It is possible, but extremely unlikely for a leaf block to stay on fire after catching on fire. [/i]
[i]Glass is a block that first appeared in Creative version 0.0.18a_02. Glass is not a natural block, and is never generated as part of the terrain. Glass blocks adjacent to other glass blocks are invisible when viewed through glass. Sunlight can penetrate through glass.[/i]
Lapis Lazuli ORE
[i]Lapis Lazuli is an ore block that was added with the 1.2 update, and is used to make blue dyes and decorative blocks. Like coal, redstone, and diamond ore, the block yields the resource immediately after mining, requiring no crafting table or smelting. It drops 4-8 blue dye, which can be used to create blue wool, crafted into a Lapis Lazuli block, or mixed with other dyes. [/i]
Lapis Lazuli Block
[i]Lapis Lazuli is a block that can be crafted from Lapis Lazuli dye. It is a blue colour, and looks similar to Gold blocks or other metal blocks. Its only uses are as a building block and as a form of storage of Lapis Lazuli dye. [/i]
[i]A Dispenser is a special block available since Beta 1.2. When right-clicked, a menu allows you to place items inside it. Each time the block receives power from a redstone circuit, a random item from its inventory drops out. Dispensers resemble furnaces, but the two blocks have different uses and crafting recipes.When placed, the dispenser faces the player. Unlike chests, when a dispenser is destroyed, the items inside are gone forever.[/i]
[i]Sandstone is a solid block. It can both be found naturally at the bottom of sand stacks and crafted with 4 blocks of sand in a square, and thus does not require the use of a crafting table. Sandstone can come in three flavors: Regular, Decorative or Smooth.[/i]
Note Block
[i]A note block plays a note when hit or when powered by redstone. Redstone current only causes the note to play once, even if it is a continuous current. A note block must have at least one block of air above it to play a sound. Notes can be heard up to 48 blocks away. Each time a note block plays a note, a note particle will fly out of the top, with the color depending on the pitch, but not the instrument. In order to wire Note Blocks to play a note, power must be applied to the side of the Note Block using Redstone Dust and a Switch or Redstone Torch, or to the bottom using a redstone torch directly. Simply placing a switch or pressure plate on an adjacent block or providing power to the block beneath the Note Block will not work. [/i]
Powered Rail
[i]The Powered Rail is a block that is used to stop or increase momentum of moving carts. It was added as a response to the Minecart booster bug which was fixed with the release of Beta 1.6. Powered Rails are operated by Redstone currents, whether this comes from a Lever, a Button, another circuit or a Detector Rail.[/i]
Detector Rail
[i]Detector Rails are a type of rail that acts like a pressure plate, and the first rail switch. When any kind of Minecart is on top of the Detector Rail, it will generate a redstone signal. The signal will be transmitted to blocks that are adjacent to the detector (including Powered Rail) and redstone placed under the rail, like pressure plates.[/i]
Sticky Piston
[i]The Sticky Piston is a block identical to the Piston with the exception of pulling as well as pushing blocks as opposed to just pushing blocks with a regular Piston. When extending, sticky pistons act exactly as regular pistons, pushing up to 12 blocks. When retracting, sticky pistons will pull along the block immediately in front of it. Obsidian, bedrock, note blocks, tile entities, and extended pistons cannot be pulled, just as they cannot be pushed.[/i]
[i]The Web can be found in Strongholds and Abandoned Mineshafts. Moving into a web limits your movement abilities. When you are "inside" the web, you will move at a speed equal to about 15% of the normal walking speed. Additionally, jumping will vibrate the player, akin to jumping in a 2 block high space. Unlike water, however, falling into a web will not prevent fall damage, although it will be delayed until you make contact with the ground. [/i]
[i]Pistons are blocks capable of pushing most blocks, depending on the direction they are facing[/i]
[i]Wool is a block derived from sheep that can be dyed 16 different colors. Wool blocks are weak, flammable, and do not offer much resistance against explosions.You can shear sheep from afar with a fishing rod without hurting them, making wool easier to harvest.
Color Patterns [/i]
Golden Block
[i]Gold blocks are blocks that were introduced in Creative version 0.0.20a, and do not appear in normally generated maps anywhere.Gold is now susceptible to destruction from TNT, and no longer resists explosions effectively. It only requires approximately 3 seconds to mine successfully [/i]
Block of Iron
[i]Iron block is a block which was made available in Creative version 0.30.The blocks are very durable and will be destroyed in an explosion. An iron block takes about 4 seconds to destroy.[/i]
[i]Slabs are blocks that allow the player to change elevation without jumping. They are not as compact as stairs, requiring twice the horizontal space for an equivalent change in elevation. There are 6 types of slabs: Stone, Sandstone, Wooden, Cobblestone, Brick and Stone brick[/i]
Brick Block
[i]Brick is a block first appearing in a version of Creative. Brick is available for use in Creative mode. It is mostly used to make nice looking homes or fireplaces, as well as towers. [/i]
[i]TNT acts like a normal block in Classic, but in Survival it produces explosions. Once set on fire, or energized by redstone, it will start smoking and flashing white, and be subject to gravity. After 4 seconds, it explodes, damaging surrounding blocks, mobs that are nearby, and even the player if they are not careful. Since the Redstone update, TNT monster traps can now be created and used successfully, making TNT a powerful defensive tool.[/i]
[i]Bookshelf is a block first added to Minecraft version 0.26.Bookshelves serve as decorations or furnace fuel ( although it is very ineffective as furnace fuel because it just burns for fifteen seconds ).Bookshelves can be mined fairly easily by hand, but quicker using an axe. Note that when bookshelves are broken in any way, no resource-blocks drop from them to be picked up. [/i]
Mossy Cobblestone
[i]It was first introduced in Survival Test and remained in all later versions of the game. It looks almost the same as Cobblestone, the only difference being that it is covered in moss.[/i]
[i]Obsidian is a deep purple block that was first released into the game in version 0.30. Obsidian may be found on rare occasions, when there is flowing Water and source Lava blocks nearby.Each obsidian block takes 15 seconds to mine when using a diamond pick. It can be broken with a non-diamond pickaxe, but this takes 50 seconds and will not yield a collectible block. [/i]
[i]The Torch is a type of block found in Indev onwards since the support for dynamic lighting. It is one of the many blocks that emit light. In addition, it adjusts its model in relation to how it is placed on a block, so that it can be made to attach to any side of a block except the bottom side. They look similar to Redstone torches in appearance.
From just one log and eight pieces of coal or charcoal 32 torches can be made, making them an easily obtainable item.Torches act as a full square, for the purpose of placing other objects or torches in the same area. Being a solid brick, this even prevents sand and gravel from falling down past a square with a torch on it, making it possible to build a roof completely out of these materials. [/i]
[i]Fire is a block that was first seen in Indev. It has an animated face on all four sides, and two faces on the inside at slants. Fire is not usually created naturally in a map, with the exception being in The Nether, it will only be created if the player or a Ghast causes it or Lava burns a flammable object. Fire produces 15 units of light.Fire can be used as an attack against mobs. Lighting dropped items or blocks on fire will cause them to burn away. This trick can be used to dispose of materials quickly. Anything that touches Lava, whether it is a mob or a dropped object, will be lit on fire. Although lava can set off TNT, it takes several minutes and is easily fixable if the lava can be reached and cleared. If Netherrack, found in The Nether, is lit on fire, it will burn forever. [/i]
[i]Stairs are blocks that allow the player to change elevation without jumping. They are a more compact alternative to Slabs, allowing a greater elevation change in a shorter horizontal distance. There are 5 kinds of stairs: Wooden, Cobblestone, Brick, Stone brick and Nether Brick. Upon destroying the block after placement, it will yield only one of the original material. [/i]
[i]Chests are placeable blocks that can store items. They have three texture faces - one on the top and bottom, one on the front, and one on the other remaining sides. A single chest can store up to 27 stacks of Items or Blocks. A large chest is created by placement of two adjacent chest blocks. Large chests have 54 storage slots and open as a single chest with six rows of slots. The top three correspond to the eastern or northern chest block and the bottom three to the southern or western chest block.Destruction of a chest containing items will drop all of its contents in the surrounding area. [/i]
Diamond ORE
[i]Diamond ore is generally considered to be the most valuable and elusive block in the game. It can be found in a vein of 1-8 blocks (with larger concentrations obviously being more rare). Diamond shows up at elevations ranging from 1 to 19 blocks above the bottom of the map, for comparison, sea level is around 64 blocks above the bottom of the map.[/i]
Diamond Block
[i]Available in Indev, Infdev, Alpha, and Beta and, obtainable by crafting nine diamond gems together in a 3x3 square.They currently serve no crafting purpose, and function only as decoration and as a means of storing diamonds in a compact fashion. Diamond blocks can only be mined successfully with an iron or diamond pick.[/i]
Crafting Table
[i]The workbench is a block available in Alpha and Beta. Right-clicking on a workbench will open the 3�3 crafting grid which allows you to craft more items than with the crafting grid in your inventory. A workbench is essential in order to advance far in the game. It is one of the most important blocks in the game as starting tools cannot be created without it. Items left in the workbench spaces will fall out when the crafting screen is closed. [/i]
[i]A Furnace is a special block currently only available in the Indev, Infdev, Alpha and Beta versions of Minecraft. Before the furnace appeared, smelting was accomplished by creating a fire and dropping the ores into it. The furnace, when right-clicked, has its own smelting menu where smelting operations can be done. It consists of one field for the object that will be smelted, one field for the fuel and one field for the output object[/i]
[i]Ladders are wooden blocks used for climbing walls either vertically or horizontally, and were introduced to the game in Infdev. They are created by arranging an H-shape of 7 sticks on a crafting table and can only be placed on the sides of other blocks. As of beta 1.5 ladders can not be placed every other block and still be climbable. Tough this won't be a problem since 7 sticks now gives you 2 ladder. Like torches, a ladder occupies one block from the side on which it is placed and cannot be placed on glass. Unlike torches, however, they resist water and will create an air pocket. [/i]
[i]Rails are Non-Solid blocks first seen in the First "Seecret Friday Update".The block has several sprites depending on their orientation when laid. They appear as a 2D image of straight track in the player's hand. Tracks do not appear anywhere on a natural map. For now, tracks can only be crafted in Infdev, Alpha and Beta mode. In the Beta 1.5 update, the Power Rail and the Detector Rail were added. [/i]
[i]A Lever is a special object that is used to open a Door or to be used as a switch to change directions on Minecart tracks. Levers - like the Stone Button - can be connected with Redstone (Wire) to be operated from up to 15 blocks away.The lever is one of three Switches currently in the game. [/i]
Pressure Plates
[i]Pressure Plates were introduced in the third Secret Friday update. If connected by wire to an object , they will provide power to that object or block when stepped on by either a player or a mob , and will stop when stepped off. Pressure plates are one of the three types of switches currently in the game.Stone and wooden plates can be recovered with a pickaxe. Both can also be recovered by destroying the block they are on.As of Beta 1.3, pressure plates only require two wooden planks/stone to craft.[/i]
Redstone ORE
[i]Redstone ore was introduced in Minecraft Alpha, version 1.0.1_01, and requires no smelting to be used. The material is common and can often be found in tiny ores (generally, a vein of redstone contains 2�6 blocks). Redstone ore cannot be mined with a stone pickaxe, as this will just destroy the ore.[/i]
Stone Button
[i]A Stone Button is a block that was introduced in the Seecret Friday Update 3. It has the same texture as a block of Stone. A button can be mined easily with the player's hands.The Stone Button appears in Alpha and Beta. It can be crafted by placing two Stone blocks in a vertical row. Like Levers and Pressure Plates, it sends a charge to an object when pressed. However, a button can only be activated by being pressed and will only stay pressed for .9 seconds. After this, the charge to the object will be lost and the button will pop out, ready to be clicked again. Unlike levers and torches, a button can only be placed on the side of a block. [/i]
Snow Block
[i]Snow blocks are blocks made from snow. They are crafted from 4 snowballs, which allows you to create them in your inventory. You cannot reverse the crafting process, but the block may be placed and destroyed with a shovel, yielding 4 snowballs. [/i]
[i]Cactus is a block that was introduced Alpha mode and remains in Beta.Cacti are found naturally on Sand that is not in standing water. The block can be harvested easily by either mining the block underneath or directly by hand, provided you don't get too close. [/i]
Clay block
[i]Clay is a block that was introduced in Alpha 1.0.11.Clay can be found on the surface in groups of varying number by a body of Water usually surrounded by Sand. It is usually exposed, but is sometimes found under sand or water.[/i]
Sugar Cane(Reeds)
[i]Sugar cane (Also called Reed or Bamboo)was added in the v1.0.11 patch. It can be found randomly on grass, sand, or dirt blocks that are near water and grows to a maximum height of four blocks as Beta 1.4, and an additional layer may be added manually by the player, or spawned during map generation. More sugar cane may be placed on top of them, and they will also support other blocks. There appears to be no pattern to the spawn algorithm.[/i]
[i]The jukebox was introduced in Minecraft Alpha version 1.0.14 and is included in Beta. Right clicking on a jukebox while a Music Disc is equipped will make it play music corresponding to the type of music disc you used. Right clicking on the jukebox again will stop the music and eject the disc. Music discs only play once before they must be ejected and reinserted. There are currently two types of music discs that can be used on the jukebox. [/i]
Fences are wooden wall blocks added in the Seecret Friday update 8. They count as one and a half blocks tall for player/mob collision, and one block tall for all other purposes. They cannot be jumped over from the same level as the fence but can have other blocks placed on top of them. A fence occupies the center space of blocks and automatically connects to one another when another fence is placed next to it. Fences are one of the many blocks that are broken more quickly with a sword, but deals double damage to it. Despite being made of wood, fences are not flammable (will not disappear due to fire). However, placing fences near lava will result in fire blocks appearing as the lava attempts to burn it.
[i]A Pumpkin is a somewhat rare block which was introduced in the Halloween update. They appear on grass in a similar manner to that of mushrooms. They can also appear in snow covered areas. They can appear alone or in groups of up to 20. Harvested pumpkin can be equipped as a helmet without any actual armor value; it is, however, unique due to it limiting the player's view of the world as seen from inside the pumpkin. The pumpkin helmet can be removed and placed into inventory. [/i]
[i]Netherrack is a block that is found only in the The Nether.Once Netherrack is lit on Fire using Flint and Steel or a Ghast's fireball, it will continue to burn until it is put out by the player. This makes Netherrack a good source of light and allows the creation of Netherrack traps, such as firewalls. Fire from the burning Netherrack will spread to nearby flammable blocks, but not to another Netherrack block. Fire lit on netherrack will not be extinguished by rain/snow. [/i]
Soul Sand
[i]Soul Sand is a brown-grey dirt-type block, found in The Nether. It is commonly mistaken that the best tool for harvesting soul sand is to be a shovel because harvesting it makes the same sound as dirt, gravel and sand. However, shovels make no effect in speeding up the process. Swords can harvest it slightly faster, but this costs two uses of the sword instead of one.This block will also prevent water currents from transporting items over it. An example is where used in a cannon to stop water from moving the TNT. When placed directly over an ice block, soul sand's slow effect is greatly increased. This affects both mobs and players. The slowing effect can also be used to fight large amounts of mobs at once, especially using a bow. A player cannot walk from a block of soul sand to a step without jumping,[/i]
Glowstone block
[i]Glowstone is a golden block that glows indefinitely. This block can only be found in The Nether. It grows on the undersides of blocks, commonly near lava, and forms unusual coral-like stalactites that may resemble frozen lightning. Glowstone has a luminance of 15.Glowstone clusters can be found way up high, or at almost ground level. It may be located over lava or in extremely high places, making it hard to harvest.[/i]
[i]The Portal is part of the October 31st Halloween Update. It consists of a frame of Obsidian, four blocks wide, by five blocks tall. The corners of the frame are not required, and only serve for aesthetic purposes. Once the frame is constructed, the player then sets the space inside the frame on fire, using a flint and steel, or Lava and a flammable block. This creates 6 portal blocks inside the frame, resembling a vortex.As of beta 1.6, Nether Portals can be used in multiplayer if the server has netherworld set to true. [/i]
[i]Cake is a solid block introduced in Beta 1.2 with the special ability to be used for healing multiple times, appearing as a brown base topped with white frosting and red square dots. Cake cannot be eaten while being held - it must be placed on a suitable surface as a block. Slices are removed each time the cake is used. Breaking the cake block or the block underneath it will destroy the cake and not return anything[/i]
Seeds(Farm Form)
[i]Seeds are an item used in farming. They can be found by destroying tall grass or by harvesting fully-grown wheat. Seeds can be placed in farmland by right-clicking, where they will grow. When left alone, seeds planted in farmland will grow to become wheat which can be harvested. Planted seeds need at least 1 block of air above them to grow, and grow more quickly when planted near abundant water and sufficient light.
Stages of Growth[/i]
Stone Brick
[i]Stone Brick was implemented in 1.8 and is one of the materials used in Strongholds. There are four types of Stone Brick: Regular, Mossy, Cracked and Circle Stone[/i]
Huge Mushrooms
[i]Huge mushrooms are composed of several blocks: mushroom stalks and either red or brown colored blocks for the cap. These blocks provide a valid spawn area for hostile mobs, and may be destroyed by hand to yield 0-2 normal mushrooms.[/i]
Iron Bars
[i]Iron bars were added in 1.8 and are found naturally occurring in Strongholds and NPC villages. They can be placed in much the same way as fences and glass panes[/i]
Glass Pane
[i]Glass Panes are transparent blocks which can be used as an alternative to Glass. Glass panes were released in 1.8. Their placement behavior is similar to Redstone, Iron Bars, and Fences. They have the same texture as Glass. They cannot currently be placed horizontally. Glass panes are present in buildings of villages. When placed without anything on the sides of it it will appear in the shape of a ? but when something is placed on the sides of it it will become flat or into an ? shape or a ? shape depending on the items surrounding it.[/i]
[i]Melons were first introduced in Minecraft Beta 1.8. Melon blocks grow from planted melon seeds, which grow over time until they reach maturity, randomly spawning melon blocks on adjacent farmland. Destroying a melon yields 3-7 melon slices. A melon slice can be consumed for food, or be crafted into a melon seed to be planted as a new stem[/i]
[i]Vines are placeable on walls and ceilings. They are found naturally in Swamp biomes. They are collectible using shears[/i]
Fence Gate
[i]Fence gates are only opened by right-clicking (unlike doors and trapdoors, which can be opened by left- or right-clicking) and are not affected by redstone, and always open away from the player. A fence gate can be opened both inwards and outwards. Fence gates can be placed indirectly on top of one another.
Like fences, fence gates count as one and a half blocks tall for player and mob collisions, and one block tall for all other purposes. This means that when closed, the player cannot jump over a fence gate.[/i]
[i]Mycelium is a block similar to grass, but it is only found natively in Mushroom Island Biomes. It can grow over dirt blocks that are in proximity in a similar way to grass.[/i]
Nether Brick
[i]Nether brick is used to form generated structures in The Nether, making up a majority of Nether fortresses, forming their walls and supporting pillars. Currently, the player can not craft Nether Brick[/i]
Enchantment Table
[i]The Enchantment Table will enchant swords, shovels, pickaxes, and axes of wood, stone, iron, gold, and diamond, as well as all armor. The hoe, shears, bow, fishing rod and flint and steel cannot be enchanted. If the table is surrounded by Bookshelves, with one block of air in between, various particles shaped like the glyphs from the enchantment interface float from the bookshelves into the book part of the table only when the player is nearby.[/i]
End Stone
[i]End Stone (also known as White Stone or Ender Stone) is a new block that appears in The End and makes up the surface of the world.[/i]
[i]Signs are entities that have text on one side of them. They may only be obtained through crafting.
Signs are available in Alpha and Beta. Signs were originally added in Survival Mode, but removed shortly after.Signs are one of the many blocks that are broken more quickly with a sword, but still have double damage on the sword. Due to the South/West rule, Signs can be used to create a Water Ladder, which allow the player to ascend quicker.[/i]
Redstone Wire
[i]When Redstone Ore is destroyed, it drops 4-5 pieces of Redstone Dust. This can be placed on the ground to make Redstone Wire. Redstone can also be crafted into a Redstone Torch and/or a Redstone (Repeater). These items can be used in more complex Traps or Redstone circuits. Redstone is a unique material in the game. Switches and Redstone Torches can provide electrical-like power to wires or objects. [/i]
[i]Beds allow the player to skip to the next dawn. In SMP, this will only happen when all online players are sleeping, otherwise it shows a first-person view of the player lying down, and a "Get out of bed" button.Beds, unlike typical blocks, take up two blocks of space. Basic placement requires at least this much space away from the player's facing direction. Like some other blocks, beds can not be placed on snow but can be placed on leaves. It is possible to create a "floating bed" if the blocks underneath the bed are destroyed.[/i]
Redstone Lamp
[i]A Redstone Lamp is a golden block visually resembling Glowstone (hence its crafting materials) that gives off light as long as it is powered. While powered, they have a luminance of 15, one level higher than a torch and the same light level as glowstone. They require constant input in order to emit light. Similarly to other light emitting blocks, they will melt snow and ice.[/i]
[i]Wolves are new mobs which were introduced in Beta 1.4. Notch had confirmed the addition of these animals upon having breakfast with an idol of his, likely Peter Molyneux.On March 18th, 2011, a video was posted showing a preview of the wolves, which were being made by Jeb. Wolves spawn in forest and taiga biomes.Wolves may also be considered the "pet dogs" as previously mentioned by Notch. Wild wolves are usually neutral.As of now, they are not known to drop anything. Wolves do spawn on Multiplayer servers.[/i]
Wild Wolves:
Wolves spawn in neutral (untamed) packs of 1-8, Wild wolves will randomly attack nearby sheep, but will not attack the player unless provoked. A good indicator that there are wild wolves nearby would be wool blocks floating on the ground and you didn't shear any sheep at that time. If you switch to a Bone, wild wolves will tilt their head to the side, indicating interest in the delicacy the player is holding up. Wolves can swim, and will shake water droplets off of their bodies when exiting water. They will not go underwater, however. They also seem to have a simple pack behavior.[/i]
Enemy Wolves(Hostile):
Wolves will become hostile towards the player if attacked. Hostile wolves change in appearance: their eyes become red and the contrast level of their fur texture increases (perhaps meant to indicate hair bristling). Hostile wolves will attack the player as a pack. On multiplayer if one player attacks a wolf, that wolf will be hostile to all players. Hostile wolves will growl when near the player. Although you can usually outrun hostile wolves, and a single wolf only has a 0.5 attack strength, it is not recommended that you turn a wolf hostile because they are rather rare and useful once tamed. However, in large groups they can take quite a toll on your health if the whole pack becomes hostile. Once a wild wolf becomes hostile, it can't be tamed. A fishing rod can make a wolf hostile if you try to pull the wolf[/i]
Tamed Wolves(Friendly):
When tamed, a wolf's eyes will change to two white pixels and one black pixel, making it look less aggressive. Tame wolves will join into melee combat against the player's current target, with a few exceptions. Wolves will only target one mob at a time and will not switch targets until it is killed. They will never attack creepers. They will also not attack if they are sitting, though they will stand and defend the player if he is attacked. They also stand up if they are attacked by the player. This can be utilized to "call" sitting wolves from a distance by throwing a snowball at them or catching them with a fishing rod.Tame wolves turn their head to the side and beg if the player is holding a cooked or raw porkchop. When told to sit, tamed wolves will perform an idle animation by turning around and looking at their surroundings.
Wolves do spawn in "Peaceful" Mode and will still attack if provoked. When changing the difficulty to "Peaceful," tamed wolves are not removed from the game.If you manage to hit yourself with an arrow, your tamed wolves will attack you. Because they will be friendly towards you after respawning, it is usually better to let them kill you than to kill them. You can also save and quit, then re-enter. [/i]
[i]Sheep are passive mobs that first appeared in Survival Test mode. The main purpose of sheep is to supply wool; a building material. Sheep are 1.25 blocks tall, 0.625 blocks wide and 1.4375 blocks long.Sheep wander around aimlessly. When they come to an obstacle they will often try to breach it by jumping, which makes for some odd behavior when at obstacles they cannot overcome. They will make no attempt to stay out of water, and a common sight is several sheep bouncing up and down in the water. Sheep often spawn in groups of 2-8. Like all other passive mobs, they move entirely randomly, and although it can appear that they are attracted to light, this is not the case. It is a common sight to see passive mobs clustered in lit areas at night, but this is only because that is the only place they can spawn, and they will often wander out into the dark. Differently colored sheep act exactly the same as their white counterparts. [/i]
[i]Cows are passive mobs that first appeared in Alpha. Their main value is as a source of leather which can be used to make the lowest tier armor. They are 1.6875 blocks tall, 0.625 blocks wide and 1.5 blocks long. Cows spawn in groups of 4-12 individuals and proceed to roam aimlessly. Cows will jump up small inclines, and frequently cows may be seen bouncing up hillsides. This may lead to their doom, as cows don't pay attention to long falls and often plummet to their deaths. Like all other passive mobs, they move entirely randomly, and although it can appear that they are attracted to light, this is not the case. It is a common sight to see passive mobs clustered in lit areas at night, but this is only because that is the only place they can spawn, and they will ofter wander out into the dark. They will make no attempt to stay out of water, and may often be seen splashing about in oceans and lakes[/i]
[i]Pigs are passive mobs that first appeared in Survival Test mode. The main purpose of pigs is to supply raw porkchops, and therefore are a renewable source of food. Pigs are 1.1875 blocks tall, 0.625 blocks wide and 1.25 blocks long. Pigs wander around aimlessly, when they come to an obstacle they will often try to breach it by jumping, and this makes for some odd behavior when at obstacles they cannot over come. They will make no attempt to stay out of water, and a common sight is several pigs bouncing up and down in the water. If you stand near a pig, it will turn its head towards you for a few seconds, then resume its wandering. Pigs often spawn in groups of 3-4. Like all other passive mobs, they move entirely randomly, and although it can appear that they are attracted to light, this is not the case. It is a common sight to see passive mobs clustered in lit areas at night, but this is only because that is the only place they can spawn, and they will often wander out into the dark. [/i]
[i]Chickens are passive mobs that first appeared in Alpha mode. The main purpose of chickens is to supply feathers and eggs, essential for arrows and cakes respectively. Chickens are 0.875 blocks tall, 0.5 blocks wide and 0.8125 blocks long. Chickens wander around aimlessly. They will make no attempt to stay out of water, and a common sight is several chickens bouncing up and down in the water. If you stand near a chicken, it will turn its head towards you for a few seconds, then resume its wandering. They appear to be drawn to caves, since they move more easily down ledges than up them. Since the Beta update they seem to be the most common mob. Chickens often spawn alone, but can spawn in groups of 1-3. Like all other passive mobs, they move entirely randomly, and although it can appear that they are attracted to light, this is not the case. It is a common sight to see passive mobs clustered in lit areas at night, but this is because that is the only place they can spawn, and they will often wander out into the dark. Like most other mobs, they also cannot jump over fences.[/i]
[i]Squid are the first water mob in Minecraft. They are 8-armed passive mobs introduced in the Beta 1.2 update. Squid are found in water of any depth in any location, and drop ink sacs when killed. They spawn on any difficulty and do not attack, akin to the other passive mobs found on land. When moving about, the squid's tentacles open and close, giving them an appearance of pushing themselves forward. Squid swim around aimlessly, and do not deliberately interact with the player.When forced onto land, squid become immobile. They take fall damage and burn like any land mob.Unlike any other mobs, squid are capable of freely swimming up a waterfall. [/i]
[i]Ocelots are passive mobs that normally spawn in Jungle Biomes. They are the second tameable mob to be added to Minecraft. They are mainly passive, "shy" mobs that will not attack the player. Should the player move or look too abruptly near one, it will sprint away. Creepers will actively avoid Ocelots should they come within a certain radius of the Ocelot. However, this will not deter them from chasing a player, only keeping the Creeper a distance away. An Ocelot will also fell if it comes in contact with a wolf, even though wolves can't attack an Ocelot. To tame an Ocelot, the player must be holding raw fish while standing perfectly still and not looking around too quickly.[/i]
Iron Golem
[i]Iron Golems are large, strong utility mobs. Their main purpose is to defend Villagers in a NPC Village from hostile mobs and siege attacks. They will automatically spawn in NPC Villages naturally, provided that there are 16 adult Villagers and at least 21 houses (counted as doors). An Iron Golem can also be crafted by placing 4 Iron Blocks in a T shape with a pumpkin or jack-o-lantern on top. Iron Golems roam in villages rather slowly. They avoid water at all times. When provoked, Iron Golems will move toward their target at a faster rate, swinging their arms up violently once in range to attack taking 3½ to 10 hearts damage to their target and flings them into the air. They can take damage from lava, fire, and poison. They do not take fall damage or drowning damage. Upon death, Iron Golems drop 3 to 5 iron ingots, and 0 to 2 roses. Iron golems do not despawn if the difficulty on peaceful.[/i]
Zombie Pigman
[i]Zombie Pigmen are neutral mobs that first appeared in Minecraft alpha. Now in Beta 1.5, pigs that are struck by lightning will become a zombie pigmanZombie Pigmen wander around aimlessly, avoiding cliffs and Ghasts. If you stand near a Zombie Pigman, it will turn its head towards you for a few seconds, then resume its wandering. Zombie Pigmen spawn in packs of 4-10 and tend to stay together. It seems, however, if space is limited (for example, a narrow tunnel), they may spawn in smaller groups or even alone. Attacking one Zombie Pigman will cause the entire group to become hostile, often swarming the player. This can make them very deadly when in a group due to each zombie pigman dealing 3 full hearts of damage. If the player moves a certain distance from a pack, waits a while or leaves the Nether and returns, they will become neutral again. Switching the difficulty to Peaceful will cause them to de-spawn completely and reset their neutrality in other difficulties. . Cooked porkchops are dropped by dead Zombie Pigmen, and are therefore a renewable source of food in the Nether.[/i]
[i]The Creeper is a green, near-silent, ambush/kamikaze mob that was first introduced in Survival Test version. Upon getting close enough to the player, it will let out a loud hissing sound and detonate after 1.5 seconds. Rarely creepers do have an idle sound; it sounds similar to a dying creeper (not exploding/people often mistake this for a spider). They do not catch fire when in direct sunlight, unlike Zombies and Skeletons which means that after a night there can still be dangers of running into a creeper in full sunlight. This won't happen when you go to sleep in the beginning of night because creepers need darkness to spawn.A creeper's path-finding algorithm seems to be a little more complex than most other hostile mobs. They will avoid directly approaching the player whenever possible, and seem to prefer standing in an alcove or around a corner from the front door of a fort or staircase. They likely determine this position by calculating where the player goes most often, and find a hiding spot nearby. The creeper will then rush in and ambush the player the next time they can find a path. Creepers are also capable of climbing ladders and swimming up waterfalls, although only when the pathfinding runs them right into one. Creepers possess a reputation among players, mostly because they can destroy player-made shelters and structures. In addition, their dangerous nature and strange appearance has made them a widely-recognisable icon for Minecraft. [/i]
[i]Ghasts are very large jellyfish-like mobs that float through the air and shoot fireballs from their mouths. Its body is a 4 by 4 by 4 block cube with 9 tentacle-like limbs hanging from the bottom. They first appeared in the Halloween Update. Ghasts are able to spawn anywhere in the Nether, as long as there is sufficient space. Ghasts normally float around with their eyes and mouth closed. They open their eyes and mouth when attacking. They make a chirp-like noise when shooting and scream loudly when taking damage. The sounds that Ghasts make have a minimum intensity regardless of their distance, so they often sound closer when they are actually far away.[/i]
[i]The skeleton is a hostile mob that was introduced to the game in Survival Test and remained in all later versions of the game. Skeletons are fairly fast-paced enemies that will shoot arrows at the player. Like Zombies, skeletons only spawn in dark areas, such as unlit areas on the surface at night, or in unlit caves. If the sun is at a 15 degree angle or greater on land, they will be set on fire and take burn damage until death. The skeleton is a hostile mob that was introduced to the game in Survival Test and remained in all later versions of the game. Skeletons are fairly fast-paced enemies that will shoot arrows at the player. Like Zombies, skeletons only spawn in dark areas, such as unlit areas on the surface at night, or in unlit caves. If the sun is at a 15 degree angle or greater on land, they will be set on fire and take burn damage until death. [/i]
[i]The Slime is the fifth hostile mob, and was added in Alpha 1.0.11. They appear as green semi-transparent cubes. Slimes come in four official sizes: huge, big, normal, and small. While slimes that are normal or larger will make a wet slapping noise, small slimes will make the same noise made when the player walks on stone. They are the first hostile mob that can spawn in both light and dark areas. These creatures are only naturally found deep underground in the bottom 16 layers of the map. They usually spawn in large, cavernous spaces or in open mines. This is partially caused by the fact that a large space is needed for them to spawn. [/i]
[i]Zombies are aggressive mobs that first appeared in Survival Test. Zombies have no obvious purpose other than supplying feathers (which can also be obtained from Chickens). Zombies are 2 blocks tall, 1 block wide and 0.25 blocks thick. Zombies often spawn in groups of 2-6. Zombies will pursue the player, making no attempt to avoid cliffs. When they come to an obstacle they will often try to breach it by jumping, and this makes for some odd behavior when they meet obstacles they cannot overcome. They will also make no attempt to stay out of water. [/i]
[i]The spider was the second mob added to the game. The spider's eyes glow red and can be seen in the dark, making their appearance rather creepy. Unlike most other hostile mobs (1x1x2 box), the spider is a flat mob (2x2x1 box). It cannot enter the same narrow spaces that zombies and other tall mobs can, but it can crawl into places where the ceiling is too low for any other mobs. As they are much larger than most hostile mobs (1x1x2 vs. 2x2x1), they can be hit rather easily with arrows. A lone spider is easy enough to deal with, but a pack can quickly close distance on the player due to their jumping and wall climbing abilities.Spiders make hissing sounds at all times. Their distinctive noises can warn the player of their presence. Creepers make a sound much like the spider's when hurt, though much shorter. [/i]
[i]The Enderman is a mob that was introduced in version beta 1.8. The Endermen are 3 block-high, black creatures with long arms and legs, glowing purple eyes and a purple particle effect similar to a Portal. They are rare in comparison to other mobs, but can still be seen regularly at night on the Overworld in groups of up to five. Their two iconic abilities are the ability to pick up and move blocks and teleportation. Endermen take damage from coming in contact with water (including water blocks and rain) and sunlight (like zombies and skeletons). As of Minecraft version beta 1.9 pre release 4, Notch has created End Dimension, where they spawn frequently. Due to the name of the dimension being the End, and Endermen simply having it as a prefix, it is believed that the Endermen originated in the End.[/i]
Cave Spider
[i]The Cave Spider is a hostile mob that was introduced in Minecraft Beta 1.8. It is a Spider with a blue re-textured skin and is more dangerous than the regular spider, but in turn they are much more rare than regular Spiders. Cave Spiders do not spawn naturally, they only come from Spawners found in Abandoned Mine Shafts. Cave Spiders are also smaller than regular spiders, presumably so that they can fit through the mine shafts that they spawn in, including 1 x 1 x 1 holes, and can pass through passages only half a block high. The most notable feature of the cave spider is its venomous bite. When bitten by a Cave Spider on any difficulty except Easy, the player's health bar turns yellow-green and gradually decreases. The venom inflicts half of a heart of damage about every second and a half (or 1.5 seconds), and lasts for 5 seconds. Armor does not affect venom; neither the conditions under which you will receive venom, nor the damage received from it.[/i]
[i]The Silverfish is a new mob added in Beta 1.8. Silverfish hide in stone bricks found only in strongholds, and pop out to attack when the blocks are mined. In regular gameplay, Silverfish blocks occur rarely. If left alone, silverfish can re-enter some blocks, including cobblestone. When attacked, Silverfish may awaken nearby Silverfish blocks. This can lead to a terrifying swarm if there are enough in the vicinity, and in which an uncontrolled swarm can quickly destroy dozens of stone bricks within a Stronghold. They scurry away after the player moves a short distance.[/i]
[i]Blaze (a.k.a. Nether Guard, Guardian) is a type of mob found in The Nether. In their searching state they are confined to the ground and do not blow smoke. They will not start flying unless they spot the player. When pursuing, they catch fire for a short while before making their attack in the form of a three round burst of fireballs. After the attack they have a short cool down and then they will catch fire and attack again. Their bodies are made up of a head atop a central column of smoke, and three rotating sections, each rotating section contains four floating yellow rods. They drop Blaze Rods, and can only spawn in Nether fortresses, often from Mob Spawners. The triple fireballs they shoot set players and mobs alike on fire. Despite appearing exactly like a Ghast fireball, Blaze Fireballs are not explosive, and cannot be deflected[/i]
[i]The Enderdragon is an upcoming mob that first appears in the 1.9 update. It exists only in its native dimension, The End. To kill them, you will have to hit them square in the head or in the soft underbelly. They will drop massive amounts of experience. The Enderdragon can destroy every block (even bedrock) except End Stone and Obsidian, which they pass through harmlessly. Nothing else is known about it at this time. [/i]
Magma Cube
[i]Magma Cubes are hostile mobs found around The Nether. They will be released in the full release of Minecraft. When killed, they release 2-4 smaller versions of themselves in addition to Experience Orbs, slightly unlike Slimes, which split into 4. When they move, they jump up and momentarily unravel into several layers, giving them the appearance of a spring and revealing a molten lava core inside. They are slowed by and sink in lava, but do not drown in it.[/i]
[i]Mooshrooms are cow-like mobs that spawn in the Mushroom Biome (although there have been instances of them spawning in other biomes as well), covered with red mushroom growths. They have 2 mushrooms on their body and one on their head[/i]
Snow Golem
[i]The Snow Golem is the game's first "utility mob", defined by Notch as any player created mob.[3] You will be able to create Snow Golems, using Pumpkins and Snow Blocks. Snow Golems will throw snowballs at enemy mobs and will melt in warmer Biomes. In cold biomes, they will not melt even when lava is near them, unless they fall in it. As Snow Golems move, they leave a trail of snow on the ground (but not in deserts or in the Nether). Once killed, the Snow Golem will drop 8 snowballs.[/i]
[i]A Villager is a passive NPC that spawns and moves about in NPC Villages. Their characteristic look is dominated by their large, bald heads, unibrows, and long, protruding noses. There are different types, distinguished by their attire and signifying their role in the community. Some spawn around the village, although most spawn inside buildings and leave once the door is opened. They spawn at their respective buildings corresponding to the role they have. As of 1.9 Pre-Release 3, there are 6 unique skins for the villagers which are found in the minecraft.jar file.[/i]
[i]Bones are items dropped by Skeletons when they are killed. Bones were added in the Minecraft Beta 1.2 update. Skeletons drop 0-2 bones on death. Bones can be used to make Bone Meal, which serves two purposes: it can be used as a fertilizer for farming that immediately makes plants grow to their mature state, or it can act as a dye that makes wool white and can be combined with other dyes. Bone Meal does not work 100% of the time when used as a fertilizer.As of Beta 1.4, bones are used to tame wild wolves. More than one bone will need to be used on the wolf in most cases. Bone Meal cannot be used to tame wolves. [/i][
[i]Books were added to Alpha in v1.0.11. Books are crafted from paper and currently serve no gameplay purpose except in the creation of the decorative bookshelf block.Though it hasn't been confirmed yet, it has been mentioned that with the new code Notch made up for the maps he will be able to in future updates make books that players can type in and actually share with other players. Same thing applies to custom paintings.[/i]
[i]Clay is the item received after mining clay blocks. Each clay block yields four clay.Clay can be crafted together to reform clay blocks or smelted in a furnace to create clay bricks. Clay bricks can then be crafted into brick blocks. [/i][
Clay Brick
[i]Clay bricks are Items that were added to the game on July 23, 2010 in Alpha mode version 1.0.Clay bricks are created from smelting pieces of clay. Bricks were added with clay blocks, clay, and brick blocks.Clay bricks only purpose is to create brick blocks. [/i]
[i]Coal lumps are harvested directly from coal ore blocks, which must be destroyed using any level of pickaxe. After this, they cannot be reverted back into block form.They are quite efficient as a source of fuel for Furnaces, being able to smelt eight units of ore per lump of coal (hence eight lumps will smelt a full stack of 64 ore units). Coal lumps and Charcoal are also the only fuels accepted by Powered Minecarts (providing approximately four minutes of transit each), although, again, Minecart boosters may be a better fast-transit choice in the long run.[/i]
[i]Charcoal was an addition to Minecraft in version Beta 1.2. Smelting Wood in a furnace creates Charcoal, which can be substituted for Coal in all uses, including making torches, powering minecarts, and smelting objects. This will undoubtedly make it easier to survive your first night as it allows the player to make torches much more easily, as no coal needs to be mined in order to craft torches anymore. Charcoal does not stack with Coal. Charcoal and Coal look exactly the same and cannot be changed with a texture pack as the texture is shared between the two. [/i]
[i]A Diamond Gem is an item dropped when diamond ore is mined. This (along with items in general) is only available in Indev, Infdev, Alpha and Beta mode. Diamonds are considered one of the most valuable items in the game due to their rarity and usefulness as a crafting material. Diamond is only useful when crafted into something, but tools and armor made from it are the most durable in the game. Diamonds can be used to make shovels, pickaxes, axes, hoes, swords, Armor and solid diamond blocks. As of the July 30th update, you can make a jukebox with diamonds.It cannot be mined using stone, wooden or golden pickaxes. It can only be mined using an iron or diamond pickaxe. [/i]
[i]Feathers are items dropped from chickens when they die. The only use for feathers at the moment is to make arrows to fire from a bow. Chickens drop 0-2 feathers upon death.[/i]
[i]Flint is an expendable object found by quarrying gravel. When destroying gravel blocks, there is a 10% chance that a single unit of flint will drop instead of receiving the gravel block back. Some players farm flint by erecting high stacks of gravel and then power-mining it down. Note however that this is a one-way process: there is no way of turning flint back into gravel. Gravel, along with other blocks that are affected by gravity, can be harvested quickly by placing a torch under a tall stack of it, then breaking the gravel immediately above it. The gravel blocks will break when they hit the torch, causing the entire stack to quickly break down. Using this tactic, however, will not yield flint; you must manually mine gravel with a tool or your hands if you wish to increase your supply[/i]
[i]Glowstone Dust can only be obtained by destroying glowstone blocks found in The Nether. Each glowstone block yields only one glowstone dust, while it takes nine glowstone dust to craft back into one glowstone block. Glowstone dust currently has no other uses. [/i]
[i]Gold is primarily used to craft clocks, powered rails and for decorative blocks or equipment (tools and armor).
Gold equipment is typically impractical as it has extremely low durability, and can only mine stone, cobblestone, coal and slabs. However, gold tools are the fastest at digging of all tools, and as such may be useful if one is in a hurry and has plenty of gold. [/i]
[i]Gunpowder (was known as Sulphur) is not found naturally in the world of Minecraft. It can only be obtained through the killing of either Creepers or Ghasts. Gunpowder can also occasionally be obtained by opening reward chests in dungeons. Creepers are less likely to drop gunpowder if burned to death. Ghasts also drop gunpowder, but because they float, there is a good chance the gunpowder will fall into lava or into a place that cannot be reached. Gunpowder is used to create TNT, and currently has no other uses. This item was called gunpowder until the first version of Beta, when it was renamed to Sulphur. As of Beta 1.3, its name is once again gunpowder. Realistically, sulphur is one of the ingredients used in gunpowder, but is yellow and crystalline like Glowstone Dust. [/i]
[i]Iron ingots are used to make a wide variety of useful objects including minecarts, minecart tracks, compasses, armor, buckets, and tools capable of mining anything but obsidian and bedrock. This makes it one of the most useful items in-game. [/i]
[i]Paper was added to Alpha in the v1.0.11 patch, and is used the same way in Beta. Paper can be crafted from Sugar Cane. Paper currently serves no gameplay purpose, except to make books which are used to craft bookshelves for decoration. Adding functionality in the form of writing them, similarly to signs, remains a popular request, however. Several mods exist to serve this. It is likely that it will be used in the crafting of maps, which are currently in development.[/i]
[i]Leather is an item in Minecraft that was added July 20th, 2010 along with the introduction of cows. Leather Armor is the weakest armor, but easiest to make for a starter set when needed due to leather being easily accessible. It can be acquired by killing cows, which will drop 0-2 pieces of leather upon death. [/i]
Redstone (Dust)
[i]When Redstone Ore is destroyed, it drops 4-5 pieces of Redstone Dust. This can be placed on the ground to make Redstone Wire. Redstone can also be crafted into a Redstone Torch and/or a Redstone (Repeater). These items can be used in more complex Traps or Redstone circuits. The introduction of Redstone was a large step towards interactivity, and brought with it the mechanics of Redstone circuits, making it possible to create circuits linked with switches, buttons, levers, pressure plates and logic gates, which can currently be tied to things like doors, minecart tracks and TNT. It is possible, however, to connect levers, buttons and pressure plates directly to these objects, as Redstone wire is not needed when switches are directly adjacent to objects.[/i]
[i]The Slimeball is an item dropped by Slimes. There are currently no uses for it. Notch confirmed that they are going to be craftable in a later Beta update.There are plans and ideas that slimeballs could act as eggs, along with other uses. They could be thrown like eggs or snowballs and may spawn Slimes certain times. Some players use mods that allow this to happen.Some users use these as tokens or cash in multiplayer servers, since it has no use and is more realistic, since server mods do not use up inventory space. When in Single Player, some players use them to show how many slimes they have killed. [/i]
[i]Sticks are created by placing two wooden planks in a crafting square, one above the other. This means sticks can be created without the need for a workbench. It takes 32 wooden planks to create a full stack of sticks. Sticks are used primarily as the handles for tools, torches, and weapons. They can also be used as the shaft of arrows, the post for signs, or the ties of rails. Sticks are the only building material required to craft a fence or ladder. [/i]
[i]String is an item that was added to the game in Indev. String is primarily received by killing Spiders, which drop 0-2 units on death. String can also be found commonly in dungeon chests, however, Spiders are a much quicker and easier way to get string in large amounts.String has no special functions and can be only used in Crafting. String is a vital component to two recipes, the Bow and the Fishing Rod. String can also be used to make Wool, but this is rather wasteful as Wool can be obtained from Sheep. It is more economical that you save your string for making more Fishing Rods (which take damage and break) or more Bows (which do not take damage and will last forever, but can be used to make Dispensers). [/i]
[i]Paintings in Minecraft are simple, low-resolution versions of a canvas; they currently appear in Beta, Alpha, Infdev, and Indev. Most of the twenty four (19 in indev and infdev) current canvases are by Kristoffer Zetterstrand and are shrunken to a low resolution to fit Minecraft's graphical theme. Five more are edits or new paintings. A random image from among these is chosen each time a painting is placed. Paintings currently are not flammable and protect covered flammable blocks from being lit.Paintings can only be placed on flat, vertical surfaces. An easy way to get a painting to fill up the area you want is to mark the bounds with any solid block and place it in the bottom-left corner. It expands canvas size to the top-right to fill up the wall the best it can. Going up and right one block increases the chance for paintings 4x2 or bigger, though it may still take a few tries to get a large painting.If hit with a throw-able item (such as an Egg, a Snowball or an Arrow), the painting will drop from the wall and can be picked up and placed again. Arrows will disappear when they hit a painting. [/i]
[i]Milk is a non-stacking item obtained from cows by right-clicking on the animal with a bucket. Milk had no purpose until Beta 1.2, when cake was added to the game. Three buckets of milk are required to craft cake, with empty buckets returned after being used in the process. Milk buckets can also be emptied by right-clicking on a block to pour out the milk. Note that milk, unlike water or lava, can not be placed to form lakes or rivers. When the bucket is emptied, its contents are lost and can not be picked up again.You can milk cows easily if you are just one level below them. Cows can be milked an infinite number of times and will produce milk 100% of the time. [/i]
Raw Fish
[i]Raw Fish is a food item that can be obtained by fishing with a Fishing Rod in any body of water. Fish do not appear in the game as a mob and are only seen as an item when caught. Fishing is a reliable, fast source of food, as the player does not need to wait for pigs to spawn or for planted crops to grow. However, string is required to craft a fishing rod and early on in the game it may be difficult to acquire.[/i]
Cooked Fish
[i]Cooked Fish is a type of food available in Beta that is obtained when raw fish is cooked in a furnace. Cooked fish does not stack and thus must be monitored - each piece must be taken out and put into the furnace individually. Raw fish must first be caught with a fishing rod. [/i]
Raw Porkchop
[i]A Raw Porkchop is a food item that is obtained by killing pigs, which drop 0 to 2 pieces of pork when killed. Raw Porkchops do not stack in your inventory. A safe, easy way to farm pigs is to have a well lit (at least light level 9) area of grass within your base. Since passive mobs spawn on grass, the light will allow pigs to spawn there during night hours in the midst of properly placed torches. [/i]
Cooked Porkchop
[i]Cooked Porkchop is a food item that was added in Indev. Cooked Porkchops are obtained when a Raw Porkchop is cooked in a furnace, setting a pig on fire and killing it (as added in the 1.5 update) or from killing Zombie Pigmen.Cooked Porkchops are often considered the easiest form of food to obtain since neither spelunking (to find mushrooms for mushroom stew) nor extended amounts of time and attention (for growing wheat to make bread) are required to produce them. However, since they do not stack, porkchops have to be monitored when being cooked - each piece must be taken out and put into the furnace individually. Since version 1.5 cooked porkchop also can be gained by setting pigs on fire. [/i]
[i]Buckets are tools used for carrying water, lava or milk. Water and lava buckets can only be obtained by using the bucket on a spring block; shallow, running fluids cannot be collected. Milk buckets are collected by using the bucket on a cow. Buckets can be used to create infinite springs of water.A water bucket can be used to extinguish the player if they are on fire. The water bucket must be used on the player to extinguish the flames. [/i]
[i]Clocks were added in the Halloween Update on October 31, 2010. They are created by using one redstone dust and four gold ingots.The clock works like the compass, in the sense that you cannot use it, but its image changes depending on the circumstance. The clock displays where the sun or moon's position is in relation to the horizon[/i]
[i]Compasses were added in Seecret Friday Update 9 on September 10, 2010. The compass needle points towards the initial spawn-point at all times, in your inventory screen, chests, lying on the floor or while holding it in your hand. When the compass needle is pointing straight "up" relative to the player, the original spawn point is straight forward. Very specifically, your spawn point is the of the block you spawn on when starting the game, while the compass points to its north-east corner.If brought into The Nether the compass will wildly point in random directions, making it entirely useless for navigation.You do not actually have to build a compass to see which direction your spawn is in. Just place the necessary components into their places on a crafting bench and it will point towards your spawn. This can save you some iron and redstone. [/i]
[i]Bowls, introduced in Indev, are items made from wooden planks used to make and hold Mushroom Stew. It currently has no other uses.In SMP, bowls are not re-usable. A glitch causes you to eat the bowl along with the stew. [/i]
Music Discs
[i]Music Discs (previously named Records) are items added in Alpha that can be played in jukeboxes. They play music made by C418. It has been stated that in the future, there will be 14 music discs to find in Minecraft.
Despite the music files themselves being saved in a playable .ogg format, custom music cannot be used unless a modification is installed. [/i]
Gold Music Disc
[i]The gold disc plays the track "Thirteen".An ambient track consisting mostly of ambient cave noises, metallic clings, splashes, and skeleton and creeper sounds[/i]
Green Music Disc
[i]The green disc plays the track "Cat".An upbeat synthetic melody. [/i]
[i]The snowball is an item that was added during the Minecraft Alpha 1.0.5 update. They are obtained when a snow block (4 snowballs obtained) or snow (1 snowball obtained) is destroyed with a shovel (as of the Alpha 1.0.5_1 update). They can be stacked up to 16 snowballs. They are a throw-able item that does not do any damage, but still knocks back mobs and gives the same effect as if it was damaged. This makes it useful for herding, and for knocking creepers off high areas. Hitting sheep will even shear the sheep making it an effective way to get wool without hurting the sheep (using a fishing rod is an alternative). Snowballs cannot be placed, they can only be thrown. Four snowballs can be combined in order to create a snow block. [/i]
[i]Saddles are items that can be placed on pigs, which allows the player to ride them by right-clicking the saddle. However, the pig's movement cannot be controlled by the player. Sometimes, pigs will stay stagnant, even though there is a player on top of them. Saddles cannot be placed on any other mob. The player can climb off and on the pig as they please, but the saddle cannot be recovered from the pig and will be lost if the pig de-spawns from the map or is killed. They were added in Infdev on the 25th of June, 2010. Saddles are only found in the chests that are inside dungeons.[/i]
[i]The map is an item used to view explored terrain.
While the object is being held in the player's hand, a map is constructed as the player explores the world. On April 27, 2011, Notch unveiled screenshots of the map. When the item is selected, the player can see the explored world on a parchment held in front of them. [/i]
[i]Arrows can be fired from a distance and in rapid succession. They will fly in a ballistic trajectory affected by gravity and drag in air or water and will travel approximately 15 blocks when fired parallel to a flat plane. Arrows in water get much more drag than in air, and leave a trail of bubbles in its wake. Arrows have a maximum range of around 52 blocks when fired at a 38 degree angle on a flat plane. Arrows deal two hearts of damage if they successfully hit the target. Immediately after hitting the target, there is a cooldown during which the target will be immune to further arrow damage. [/i]
[i]Cake is a solid block used as food. It has the special ability to be used for healing multiple times, appearing as a brown base topped with white frosting and red square dots. Cake cannot be eaten while being held - it must be placed on a suitable surface as a block. Slices are removed each time the cake is used. Breaking the cake block or the block underneath it will destroy the cake and not return anything. [/i]
Melon Slice
[i]Melon slices are a food item added in 1.8. They are farmable and can only be first obtained from Melons grown from the Melon Seeds found in Abandoned Mine Shafts. After farming the initial batch of seeds obtained from the chests, the player can grow additional melons using seeds from the melon slices without having to find them in chests[/i]
Chicken (Raw and Cooked)
[i]The player can receive Raw Chicken after killing a chicken. It is cooked in a furnace to create Cooked Chicken. It heals 3 units of hunger, making it slightly superior to bread or Cooked Fish[/i]
[i]The player can receive Beef after killing a Cow or Mooshrooms. It is cooked in a furnace and it heals 4 units of hunger. You can also set a cow/mooshroom on fire and it will drop Steak when it dies.[/i]
Rotten Flesh
[i]Rotten Flesh is an item from the 1.8 update dropped from zombies in place of feathers; eating it restores some of your hunger meter. However, rotten flesh has an 80% chance of causing food poisoning. Food poisoning seems to make your food saturation level decrease faster as well.[/i]
Fire Charge
[i]The Fire Charge is an item which can be used as fireball ammunition for Dispensers, or as an inefficient but renewable substitute for Flint and Steel.[/i]
Thanks for remaking this. I can agree on some part, Kris18's guide was great too, or better, but this does well. I am sad that I made him go. :sad.gif:
Thanks for remaking this. I can agree on some part, Kris18's guide was great too, or better, but this does well. I am sad that I made him go. :sad.gif:
I would have loved to make it more like Kris's, but his guide doesn't exist anymore so that is kind of hard to do (and my memory of his thread is lacking)
I think, due to the sheer info overload of this OP, that things should be split up into multiple threads, with multiple levels of learning. I think a full thread could be just devoted to things of the Nether, since it's so easy to avoid that it would seem to clog up the other threads, and has so much going on with it. And I mean, I think the new people know exactly how "new" they are, so they'd generally pick the right thread. I propose the splitting up of this thread into:
1) The First Night: punch the tree (how to harvest a block), stick, planks, axe, pickaxe, first night shelter (most basic method, dig a hole in side of mountain and block it up behind you only leaving 1x1 hole, light with torch), torches, furnace, coal/charcoal, passive mobs, meat and cooking it, sand/gravel & gravity, chests.
2) The Next Week: smelting, iron pickaxe (upgrade tools), sword, shovel, bed, making a safe area outside, fences, overworld hostile mobs, buckets, lava and water behavior, breathing meter, basic blocks (natural ones found near surface), shears.
3) Settlement: Everything farming, from rare things to not so rare, animal and plant.
4) For Adventure! (Overworld): Gold Isn't Godmode, armor, Diamonds, how to protect your diamonds (and anything else) from lava (while mining or from chests/you catching fire), Monster Spawning algorithms (the basic bit, like hostiles need darkness and to be a certain distance range from you), Dungeons, monster spawner, mossy cobblestone, obsidian, ravines, abandoned mine shafts, strongholds, End portals, block 97
5) Redstone, from Beginner to Tinkerer: A lot of links to respected threads on the redstone forums, but also for the beginning stuff basic tutorials on what redstone is, how to mine it, and what devices you can use it with. Levers, pressure plates and buttons for door operation. An introduction to logic gates. You all who are better at redstone things than I am know the drill. Just keep it simple, we just want to get it to the point they're tinkering on their own. Beyond that would probably be legitimately called at least moderate, if not advanced.
6) To Hell and Back- The Nether: everything about the Nether. Everything. There's enough parallels here to what's in the overworld that it shouldn't be too much to handle for the beginner who's gotten to this point.
7) Witchcraft, I Say!: All enchanting, potions, brewing, etc. There's supposed to be so many potions this will legitimately take up its own thing.
8) The End: Everything about the End, including how to get the credits (but not what they are)
Each thread would of course have people asking questions within it, and a lot of links. What do you all think?
I have iridescent wings,/I am angel-/They are black/Deep as the black Abyss of Space but Stars/glinting across flecks of green, blue, yellow,/red, gold, and silver.
[i]Forum Related
Minecraft Update Related
Minecraft Related
Tool Related
Armor Related
Block Related
Mob Related
Item Related[/i]
Version Change Log:
-v1.1: updated for new 1.2.x information
Older Versions Changes:
-v1.0: Initial Version
Big shout-out to Kris18 and WTFWatch for creating the Guides this one is based on. Neither of them are able to continue updating their threads so I have decided to do so myself. Also a big thank you to the Minecraft Wiki for providing a lot of the information found in this guide.
A Heads-up:
I am only human so there might be mistakes in some of the information provided. Please feel free to leave a comment or PM me with the corrected information. Also, please feel free to post any questions you might have about Minecraft below. I or someone else will be more then happy to answer.
Where am I?
[i]You are in the Minecraft Forums. Please note that while Notch has deemed it the "Official" Minecraft Forums, it is not owned or operated by Mojang[/i]
How do I register on the forum?
[i]Top Right corner where It's says "Register"[/i]
I'm tired of playing alone, where can I find some server IPs?
[i]You can find survival servers here and creative servers here[/i]
I started a server, where should I make a thread about it?
[i]You can post your survival servers here and your creative servers here[/i]
I have a technical question/issue with Minecraft, where should I post?
[i]You can post your support threads here[/i]
I made a map and I want to share it with people, where should I post it?
[i]You can post your maps/world downloads here[/i]
I have an issue with the forum/I want to make a suggestion for the forum
[i]You can post your issue or suggestion here[/i]
When will a new minecraft update be released?
[i]Jeb is releasing "Weekly Builds," check the front page of the Minecraft Forums or jeb's twitter for a download link[/i]
How do I know which features will be added?
[i]Look around Notch's twitter, Jeb's twitter or search in the forum,sometimes people post features that may be added[/i]
How do I know what the changes were made?
[i]http://www.minecraft...Version_history ,It contains every bugfix and feature added,and it includes new bugs along with the update.[/i]
Who develops Minecraft?
[i]Minecraft is developed by Mojang, a game developer company from Sweden. The main creator of Minecraft is Notch, who originally started it as an indie (independent) game. Time has passed, and Notch founded Mojang and many people joined him with work on Minecraft, mainly Jeb_ and JahKob.[/i]
Why can't I destroy blocks?
[i]Hold the LEFT mouse button.[/i]
How do I start out in Minecraft?
[i]A highly recommended route is through searching Youtube Let's Play's. They often give you great insight into your first couple of days in survival[/i]
How do I see what I can craft?
[i]Simply go here http://www.minecraft...t/wiki/Crafting, and search for the desired crafting recipe.[/i]
What are difficulties?
[i]Difficulty can be toggled via the Options menu in Minecraft. Changing this option has a direct impact in the gameplay itself. No setting impacts the quantity of hostile mobs that spawn, including peaceful. There are currently four difficulties in the game. [/i]
Where do my screenshots go?
[i]Screenshots taken ingame using F2 go here: C:/Documents and Settings/User Name Here/Application Data/.minecraft/screenshots. For Windows 7 users: C:/Users/USERNAME/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/screenshots[/i]
What is the void?
[i]The void is the region below bedrock. It is almost pitch black and features some particle animations much like the underwater ones. Falling into the void to far will result in death[/i]
I started a world in Creative/Survival and now I want to switch, how can I?
[i]There are multiple ways to switch, the first being the Single Player Commands mod. Another option is NBTedit[/i]
What are tools?
[i]Tools are usable items that make blocks be removed easier,and being able to be picked up(Iron,Stone,Diamond,etc)[/i]
What are the tool types?
[i]There are 6 types of tools: Shovel, Pickaxe, Axe, Hoe, Sword and Shear.[/i]
Explain the shovel.
[i]The shovel is a tool that is used to remove dirt, gravel and sand faster.[/i]
Explain the Pickaxe
[i]Pickaxes are used to mine stone,iron,coal,lapis lazuli,redstone and diamonds faster,they are one of the most useful tools in Minecraft.[/i]
Explain the axe
[i]The axe is used to remove wooden blocks faster(Wooden Slabs are not included)[/i]
Explain the Hoe.
[i]The hoe's primary use is for tilling dirt/grass to make Farmland blocks[/i]
Explain the sword
[i]The sword is used to damage mobs(passive,neutral and hostile)with greater damage.[/i]
Explain the shear
[i]The shear is used to get wool from sheep, collecting Red Mushrooms from Mooshrooms, getting string from cobwebs, harvesting placeable leaf, vine and tall grass blocks.[/i]
What materials can I make tools from?
[i]Wood,Stone(cobblestone),Iron,Diamond and gold.While gold mines basic blocks(stone and coal) faster,it mines the other ones slower,with lower durability. It should be noted that Shears can only be made with Iron[/i]
What Does armor do??
[i]Armor adds extra protection via a separate health bar that reaches 10 armor points. [/i]
What are the armor types?
[i]They are 4(Left To Right)Golden,Diamond,Iron and Leather Armour.
How do I craft armor?
Where as the iron ingot is the following material:Leather,Iron Ingot,Diamond,Gold
Image taken from the Official Minecraft Wiki.[/i]
[i]Stone, also known as Smooth Stone, is a type of block which was added very early in Minecraft's development,Stone appears abundantly on naturally generated maps,excluding air has the most blocks in an average map. [/i]
[i]Grass is a block that was introduced very early in the game.Grass only grows spontaneously during map generation. Afterward, it must spread from a nearby block.[/i]
[i]Dirt is one of the first blocks introduced in the game.It appears in spots that are not well lit.[/i]
[i]Cobblestone is a darker block, often looking like a roughly paved area. This block occurs naturally in dungeons, when water and lava flow into each other, NPC villages and in strongholds. It makes great walls for constructions such as castles, towers and roads. [/i]
Wooden Plank
[i]It's a block that is not naturally found on maps; it must be crafted by the player. It appears as a series of interconnected planks.Wooden Planks are a renewable resource, obtainable by breaking wood blocks and placing them into a crafting box in Beta. Wooden Planks can also be found in Abandoned Mine Shafts, NPC villages and Strongholds.[/i]
[i]Bedrock is a block that was added to Minecraft in version 0.0.20. Bedrock is completely indestructible; it can never be broken by tool and no explosion is powerful enough to destroy it. [/i]
[i]Water is a fluid that can only be placed by the player when using a bucket. On newly-generated maps, water is common at ocean level (elevation 63) in the form of lakes. It also appears in pools, (and in Indev, Infdev, Alpha, and Beta springs) underground and lakes above ground. Water reduces light by 2 for every block, in addition to normal dispersion. [/i]
[i]Lava is a fluid block which emits light and sets things on fire.Lava primarily occurs in large pools (magma pools) deep underground, on levels 0 through 10. It can also occur as lava rivers from a single spring block, most commonly in caves but also above ground (where it is a common cause of natural forest fires).Technically,lava found underground is called magma. [/i]
[i]Sand is a block type that was first added to Minecraft in version 0.0.14a.A notable fact about Sand is that if there is no block below it, it will fall until it lands on the next available block, thus making it one of four blocks which gravity applies to (the others being gravel, water, and lava). [/i]
[i]Gravel is a type of block typically found in naturally occurring pits, underwater, on beaches, or in The Nether. Gravely beaches are scarce, and gravel in The Nether is more scarce.In Alpha and Beta, gravel has a 10% chance of dropping flint once destroyed. [/i]
Gold ORE
[i]Gold ore is commonly found by stone blocks deep underground, generally in a vein of 2-6 blocks.It can be mined using an iron or diamond pickaxe. Gold ore can be smelted in a furnace to create gold ingots.[/i]
Iron ORE
[i]Iron is a mineral not-so-commonly found inside stone blocks underground or in cliffs as shown in the picture. It shows up at elevations ranging from 0 (the bottom of the map) to 67 (5 blocks above sea level). It is found in approximately 0.5% of rock below sea level, and falls off sharply in frequency higher up. [/i]
Coal ORE
[i]Coal Ore is a mineral that is a common sight on almost all maps. It is found at any elevation, inside caverns, cliff faces, and underground. A lump of coal can be mined directly from Coal ore using a wooden pickaxe or better (that is to say, it is not an ore block so much as it's a vein). [/i]
[i]Wood (previously known as Log) is a type of block first seen in Minecraft Creative mode 0.0.14a. They have a skin resembling bark on the four side faces, and a crosscut face on top and bottom. [/i]
[i]Darker than the normal wood,this type of wood has the same uses for crafting.Used as decoration also[/i]
[i]This type of wood resembles the wood of silver birch trees,has the same use as normal wood,Used as decoration due to it's silver color.[/i]
[i]They are abundant in normally generated maps, appearing on every tree,Leaves are available for use in Creative mode. They are often used in making plants, foliage, and tree houses. Leaf blocks are very weak, can be readily destroyed by hitting them with any tool, are extremely vulnerable to explosions and are highly flammable. Each of the three tree types (Normal, Pine and Birch) each have their own leaf style. It is possible, but extremely unlikely for a leaf block to stay on fire after catching on fire. [/i]
[i]Glass is a block that first appeared in Creative version 0.0.18a_02. Glass is not a natural block, and is never generated as part of the terrain. Glass blocks adjacent to other glass blocks are invisible when viewed through glass. Sunlight can penetrate through glass.[/i]
Lapis Lazuli ORE
[i]Lapis Lazuli is an ore block that was added with the 1.2 update, and is used to make blue dyes and decorative blocks. Like coal, redstone, and diamond ore, the block yields the resource immediately after mining, requiring no crafting table or smelting. It drops 4-8 blue dye, which can be used to create blue wool, crafted into a Lapis Lazuli block, or mixed with other dyes. [/i]
Lapis Lazuli Block
[i]Lapis Lazuli is a block that can be crafted from Lapis Lazuli dye. It is a blue colour, and looks similar to Gold blocks or other metal blocks. Its only uses are as a building block and as a form of storage of Lapis Lazuli dye. [/i]
[i]A Dispenser is a special block available since Beta 1.2. When right-clicked, a menu allows you to place items inside it. Each time the block receives power from a redstone circuit, a random item from its inventory drops out. Dispensers resemble furnaces, but the two blocks have different uses and crafting recipes.When placed, the dispenser faces the player. Unlike chests, when a dispenser is destroyed, the items inside are gone forever.[/i]
[i]Sandstone is a solid block. It can both be found naturally at the bottom of sand stacks and crafted with 4 blocks of sand in a square, and thus does not require the use of a crafting table. Sandstone can come in three flavors: Regular, Decorative or Smooth.[/i]
Note Block
[i]A note block plays a note when hit or when powered by redstone. Redstone current only causes the note to play once, even if it is a continuous current. A note block must have at least one block of air above it to play a sound. Notes can be heard up to 48 blocks away. Each time a note block plays a note, a note particle will fly out of the top, with the color depending on the pitch, but not the instrument. In order to wire Note Blocks to play a note, power must be applied to the side of the Note Block using Redstone Dust and a Switch or Redstone Torch, or to the bottom using a redstone torch directly. Simply placing a switch or pressure plate on an adjacent block or providing power to the block beneath the Note Block will not work. [/i]
Powered Rail
[i]The Powered Rail is a block that is used to stop or increase momentum of moving carts. It was added as a response to the Minecart booster bug which was fixed with the release of Beta 1.6. Powered Rails are operated by Redstone currents, whether this comes from a Lever, a Button, another circuit or a Detector Rail.[/i]
Detector Rail
[i]Detector Rails are a type of rail that acts like a pressure plate, and the first rail switch. When any kind of Minecart is on top of the Detector Rail, it will generate a redstone signal. The signal will be transmitted to blocks that are adjacent to the detector (including Powered Rail) and redstone placed under the rail, like pressure plates.[/i]
Sticky Piston
[i]The Sticky Piston is a block identical to the Piston with the exception of pulling as well as pushing blocks as opposed to just pushing blocks with a regular Piston. When extending, sticky pistons act exactly as regular pistons, pushing up to 12 blocks. When retracting, sticky pistons will pull along the block immediately in front of it. Obsidian, bedrock, note blocks, tile entities, and extended pistons cannot be pulled, just as they cannot be pushed.[/i]
[i]The Web can be found in Strongholds and Abandoned Mineshafts. Moving into a web limits your movement abilities. When you are "inside" the web, you will move at a speed equal to about 15% of the normal walking speed. Additionally, jumping will vibrate the player, akin to jumping in a 2 block high space. Unlike water, however, falling into a web will not prevent fall damage, although it will be delayed until you make contact with the ground. [/i]
[i]Pistons are blocks capable of pushing most blocks, depending on the direction they are facing[/i]
[i]Wool is a block derived from sheep that can be dyed 16 different colors. Wool blocks are weak, flammable, and do not offer much resistance against explosions.You can shear sheep from afar with a fishing rod without hurting them, making wool easier to harvest.
Color Patterns [/i]
Golden Block
[i]Gold blocks are blocks that were introduced in Creative version 0.0.20a, and do not appear in normally generated maps anywhere.Gold is now susceptible to destruction from TNT, and no longer resists explosions effectively. It only requires approximately 3 seconds to mine successfully [/i]
Block of Iron
[i]Iron block is a block which was made available in Creative version 0.30.The blocks are very durable and will be destroyed in an explosion. An iron block takes about 4 seconds to destroy.[/i]
[i]Slabs are blocks that allow the player to change elevation without jumping. They are not as compact as stairs, requiring twice the horizontal space for an equivalent change in elevation. There are 6 types of slabs: Stone, Sandstone, Wooden, Cobblestone, Brick and Stone brick[/i]
Brick Block
[i]Brick is a block first appearing in a version of Creative. Brick is available for use in Creative mode. It is mostly used to make nice looking homes or fireplaces, as well as towers. [/i]
[i]TNT acts like a normal block in Classic, but in Survival it produces explosions. Once set on fire, or energized by redstone, it will start smoking and flashing white, and be subject to gravity. After 4 seconds, it explodes, damaging surrounding blocks, mobs that are nearby, and even the player if they are not careful. Since the Redstone update, TNT monster traps can now be created and used successfully, making TNT a powerful defensive tool.[/i]
[i]Bookshelf is a block first added to Minecraft version 0.26.Bookshelves serve as decorations or furnace fuel ( although it is very ineffective as furnace fuel because it just burns for fifteen seconds ).Bookshelves can be mined fairly easily by hand, but quicker using an axe. Note that when bookshelves are broken in any way, no resource-blocks drop from them to be picked up. [/i]
Mossy Cobblestone
[i]It was first introduced in Survival Test and remained in all later versions of the game. It looks almost the same as Cobblestone, the only difference being that it is covered in moss.[/i]
[i]Obsidian is a deep purple block that was first released into the game in version 0.30. Obsidian may be found on rare occasions, when there is flowing Water and source Lava blocks nearby.Each obsidian block takes 15 seconds to mine when using a diamond pick. It can be broken with a non-diamond pickaxe, but this takes 50 seconds and will not yield a collectible block. [/i]
[i]The Torch is a type of block found in Indev onwards since the support for dynamic lighting. It is one of the many blocks that emit light. In addition, it adjusts its model in relation to how it is placed on a block, so that it can be made to attach to any side of a block except the bottom side. They look similar to Redstone torches in appearance.
From just one log and eight pieces of coal or charcoal 32 torches can be made, making them an easily obtainable item.Torches act as a full square, for the purpose of placing other objects or torches in the same area. Being a solid brick, this even prevents sand and gravel from falling down past a square with a torch on it, making it possible to build a roof completely out of these materials. [/i]
[i]Fire is a block that was first seen in Indev. It has an animated face on all four sides, and two faces on the inside at slants. Fire is not usually created naturally in a map, with the exception being in The Nether, it will only be created if the player or a Ghast causes it or Lava burns a flammable object. Fire produces 15 units of light.Fire can be used as an attack against mobs. Lighting dropped items or blocks on fire will cause them to burn away. This trick can be used to dispose of materials quickly. Anything that touches Lava, whether it is a mob or a dropped object, will be lit on fire. Although lava can set off TNT, it takes several minutes and is easily fixable if the lava can be reached and cleared. If Netherrack, found in The Nether, is lit on fire, it will burn forever. [/i]
[i]Stairs are blocks that allow the player to change elevation without jumping. They are a more compact alternative to Slabs, allowing a greater elevation change in a shorter horizontal distance. There are 5 kinds of stairs: Wooden, Cobblestone, Brick, Stone brick and Nether Brick. Upon destroying the block after placement, it will yield only one of the original material. [/i]
[i]Chests are placeable blocks that can store items. They have three texture faces - one on the top and bottom, one on the front, and one on the other remaining sides. A single chest can store up to 27 stacks of Items or Blocks. A large chest is created by placement of two adjacent chest blocks. Large chests have 54 storage slots and open as a single chest with six rows of slots. The top three correspond to the eastern or northern chest block and the bottom three to the southern or western chest block.Destruction of a chest containing items will drop all of its contents in the surrounding area. [/i]
Diamond ORE
[i]Diamond ore is generally considered to be the most valuable and elusive block in the game. It can be found in a vein of 1-8 blocks (with larger concentrations obviously being more rare). Diamond shows up at elevations ranging from 1 to 19 blocks above the bottom of the map, for comparison, sea level is around 64 blocks above the bottom of the map.[/i]
Diamond Block
[i]Available in Indev, Infdev, Alpha, and Beta and, obtainable by crafting nine diamond gems together in a 3x3 square.They currently serve no crafting purpose, and function only as decoration and as a means of storing diamonds in a compact fashion. Diamond blocks can only be mined successfully with an iron or diamond pick.[/i]
Crafting Table
[i]The workbench is a block available in Alpha and Beta. Right-clicking on a workbench will open the 3�3 crafting grid which allows you to craft more items than with the crafting grid in your inventory. A workbench is essential in order to advance far in the game. It is one of the most important blocks in the game as starting tools cannot be created without it. Items left in the workbench spaces will fall out when the crafting screen is closed. [/i]
[i]A Furnace is a special block currently only available in the Indev, Infdev, Alpha and Beta versions of Minecraft. Before the furnace appeared, smelting was accomplished by creating a fire and dropping the ores into it. The furnace, when right-clicked, has its own smelting menu where smelting operations can be done. It consists of one field for the object that will be smelted, one field for the fuel and one field for the output object[/i]
[i]Ladders are wooden blocks used for climbing walls either vertically or horizontally, and were introduced to the game in Infdev. They are created by arranging an H-shape of 7 sticks on a crafting table and can only be placed on the sides of other blocks. As of beta 1.5 ladders can not be placed every other block and still be climbable. Tough this won't be a problem since 7 sticks now gives you 2 ladder. Like torches, a ladder occupies one block from the side on which it is placed and cannot be placed on glass. Unlike torches, however, they resist water and will create an air pocket. [/i]
[i]Rails are Non-Solid blocks first seen in the First "Seecret Friday Update".The block has several sprites depending on their orientation when laid. They appear as a 2D image of straight track in the player's hand. Tracks do not appear anywhere on a natural map. For now, tracks can only be crafted in Infdev, Alpha and Beta mode. In the Beta 1.5 update, the Power Rail and the Detector Rail were added. [/i]
[i]A Lever is a special object that is used to open a Door or to be used as a switch to change directions on Minecart tracks. Levers - like the Stone Button - can be connected with Redstone (Wire) to be operated from up to 15 blocks away.The lever is one of three Switches currently in the game. [/i]
Pressure Plates
[i]Pressure Plates were introduced in the third Secret Friday update. If connected by wire to an object , they will provide power to that object or block when stepped on by either a player or a mob , and will stop when stepped off. Pressure plates are one of the three types of switches currently in the game.Stone and wooden plates can be recovered with a pickaxe. Both can also be recovered by destroying the block they are on.As of Beta 1.3, pressure plates only require two wooden planks/stone to craft.[/i]
Redstone ORE
[i]Redstone ore was introduced in Minecraft Alpha, version 1.0.1_01, and requires no smelting to be used. The material is common and can often be found in tiny ores (generally, a vein of redstone contains 2�6 blocks). Redstone ore cannot be mined with a stone pickaxe, as this will just destroy the ore.[/i]
Stone Button
[i]A Stone Button is a block that was introduced in the Seecret Friday Update 3. It has the same texture as a block of Stone. A button can be mined easily with the player's hands.The Stone Button appears in Alpha and Beta. It can be crafted by placing two Stone blocks in a vertical row. Like Levers and Pressure Plates, it sends a charge to an object when pressed. However, a button can only be activated by being pressed and will only stay pressed for .9 seconds. After this, the charge to the object will be lost and the button will pop out, ready to be clicked again. Unlike levers and torches, a button can only be placed on the side of a block. [/i]
Snow Block
[i]Snow blocks are blocks made from snow. They are crafted from 4 snowballs, which allows you to create them in your inventory. You cannot reverse the crafting process, but the block may be placed and destroyed with a shovel, yielding 4 snowballs. [/i]
[i]Cactus is a block that was introduced Alpha mode and remains in Beta.Cacti are found naturally on Sand that is not in standing water. The block can be harvested easily by either mining the block underneath or directly by hand, provided you don't get too close. [/i]
Clay block
[i]Clay is a block that was introduced in Alpha 1.0.11.Clay can be found on the surface in groups of varying number by a body of Water usually surrounded by Sand. It is usually exposed, but is sometimes found under sand or water.[/i]
Sugar Cane(Reeds)
[i]Sugar cane (Also called Reed or Bamboo)was added in the v1.0.11 patch. It can be found randomly on grass, sand, or dirt blocks that are near water and grows to a maximum height of four blocks as Beta 1.4, and an additional layer may be added manually by the player, or spawned during map generation. More sugar cane may be placed on top of them, and they will also support other blocks. There appears to be no pattern to the spawn algorithm.[/i]
[i]The jukebox was introduced in Minecraft Alpha version 1.0.14 and is included in Beta. Right clicking on a jukebox while a Music Disc is equipped will make it play music corresponding to the type of music disc you used. Right clicking on the jukebox again will stop the music and eject the disc. Music discs only play once before they must be ejected and reinserted. There are currently two types of music discs that can be used on the jukebox. [/i]
Fences are wooden wall blocks added in the Seecret Friday update 8. They count as one and a half blocks tall for player/mob collision, and one block tall for all other purposes. They cannot be jumped over from the same level as the fence but can have other blocks placed on top of them. A fence occupies the center space of blocks and automatically connects to one another when another fence is placed next to it. Fences are one of the many blocks that are broken more quickly with a sword, but deals double damage to it. Despite being made of wood, fences are not flammable (will not disappear due to fire). However, placing fences near lava will result in fire blocks appearing as the lava attempts to burn it.
[i]A Pumpkin is a somewhat rare block which was introduced in the Halloween update. They appear on grass in a similar manner to that of mushrooms. They can also appear in snow covered areas. They can appear alone or in groups of up to 20. Harvested pumpkin can be equipped as a helmet without any actual armor value; it is, however, unique due to it limiting the player's view of the world as seen from inside the pumpkin. The pumpkin helmet can be removed and placed into inventory. [/i]
[i]Netherrack is a block that is found only in the The Nether.Once Netherrack is lit on Fire using Flint and Steel or a Ghast's fireball, it will continue to burn until it is put out by the player. This makes Netherrack a good source of light and allows the creation of Netherrack traps, such as firewalls. Fire from the burning Netherrack will spread to nearby flammable blocks, but not to another Netherrack block. Fire lit on netherrack will not be extinguished by rain/snow. [/i]
Soul Sand
[i]Soul Sand is a brown-grey dirt-type block, found in The Nether. It is commonly mistaken that the best tool for harvesting soul sand is to be a shovel because harvesting it makes the same sound as dirt, gravel and sand. However, shovels make no effect in speeding up the process. Swords can harvest it slightly faster, but this costs two uses of the sword instead of one.This block will also prevent water currents from transporting items over it. An example is where used in a cannon to stop water from moving the TNT. When placed directly over an ice block, soul sand's slow effect is greatly increased. This affects both mobs and players. The slowing effect can also be used to fight large amounts of mobs at once, especially using a bow. A player cannot walk from a block of soul sand to a step without jumping,[/i]
Glowstone block
[i]Glowstone is a golden block that glows indefinitely. This block can only be found in The Nether. It grows on the undersides of blocks, commonly near lava, and forms unusual coral-like stalactites that may resemble frozen lightning. Glowstone has a luminance of 15.Glowstone clusters can be found way up high, or at almost ground level. It may be located over lava or in extremely high places, making it hard to harvest.[/i]
[i]The Portal is part of the October 31st Halloween Update. It consists of a frame of Obsidian, four blocks wide, by five blocks tall. The corners of the frame are not required, and only serve for aesthetic purposes. Once the frame is constructed, the player then sets the space inside the frame on fire, using a flint and steel, or Lava and a flammable block. This creates 6 portal blocks inside the frame, resembling a vortex.As of beta 1.6, Nether Portals can be used in multiplayer if the server has netherworld set to true. [/i]
[i]Cake is a solid block introduced in Beta 1.2 with the special ability to be used for healing multiple times, appearing as a brown base topped with white frosting and red square dots. Cake cannot be eaten while being held - it must be placed on a suitable surface as a block. Slices are removed each time the cake is used. Breaking the cake block or the block underneath it will destroy the cake and not return anything[/i]
Seeds(Farm Form)
[i]Seeds are an item used in farming. They can be found by destroying tall grass or by harvesting fully-grown wheat. Seeds can be placed in farmland by right-clicking, where they will grow. When left alone, seeds planted in farmland will grow to become wheat which can be harvested. Planted seeds need at least 1 block of air above them to grow, and grow more quickly when planted near abundant water and sufficient light.
Stages of Growth[/i]
Stone Brick
[i]Stone Brick was implemented in 1.8 and is one of the materials used in Strongholds. There are four types of Stone Brick: Regular, Mossy, Cracked and Circle Stone[/i]
Huge Mushrooms
[i]Huge mushrooms are composed of several blocks: mushroom stalks and either red or brown colored blocks for the cap. These blocks provide a valid spawn area for hostile mobs, and may be destroyed by hand to yield 0-2 normal mushrooms.[/i]
Iron Bars
[i]Iron bars were added in 1.8 and are found naturally occurring in Strongholds and NPC villages. They can be placed in much the same way as fences and glass panes[/i]
Glass Pane
[i]Glass Panes are transparent blocks which can be used as an alternative to Glass. Glass panes were released in 1.8. Their placement behavior is similar to Redstone, Iron Bars, and Fences. They have the same texture as Glass. They cannot currently be placed horizontally. Glass panes are present in buildings of villages. When placed without anything on the sides of it it will appear in the shape of a ? but when something is placed on the sides of it it will become flat or into an ? shape or a ? shape depending on the items surrounding it.[/i]
[i]Melons were first introduced in Minecraft Beta 1.8. Melon blocks grow from planted melon seeds, which grow over time until they reach maturity, randomly spawning melon blocks on adjacent farmland. Destroying a melon yields 3-7 melon slices. A melon slice can be consumed for food, or be crafted into a melon seed to be planted as a new stem[/i]
[i]Vines are placeable on walls and ceilings. They are found naturally in Swamp biomes. They are collectible using shears[/i]
Fence Gate
[i]Fence gates are only opened by right-clicking (unlike doors and trapdoors, which can be opened by left- or right-clicking) and are not affected by redstone, and always open away from the player. A fence gate can be opened both inwards and outwards. Fence gates can be placed indirectly on top of one another.
Like fences, fence gates count as one and a half blocks tall for player and mob collisions, and one block tall for all other purposes. This means that when closed, the player cannot jump over a fence gate.[/i]
[i]Mycelium is a block similar to grass, but it is only found natively in Mushroom Island Biomes. It can grow over dirt blocks that are in proximity in a similar way to grass.[/i]
Nether Brick
[i]Nether brick is used to form generated structures in The Nether, making up a majority of Nether fortresses, forming their walls and supporting pillars. Currently, the player can not craft Nether Brick[/i]
Enchantment Table
[i]The Enchantment Table will enchant swords, shovels, pickaxes, and axes of wood, stone, iron, gold, and diamond, as well as all armor. The hoe, shears, bow, fishing rod and flint and steel cannot be enchanted. If the table is surrounded by Bookshelves, with one block of air in between, various particles shaped like the glyphs from the enchantment interface float from the bookshelves into the book part of the table only when the player is nearby.[/i]
End Stone
[i]End Stone (also known as White Stone or Ender Stone) is a new block that appears in The End and makes up the surface of the world.[/i]
[i]Signs are entities that have text on one side of them. They may only be obtained through crafting.
Signs are available in Alpha and Beta. Signs were originally added in Survival Mode, but removed shortly after.Signs are one of the many blocks that are broken more quickly with a sword, but still have double damage on the sword. Due to the South/West rule, Signs can be used to create a Water Ladder, which allow the player to ascend quicker.[/i]
Redstone Wire
[i]When Redstone Ore is destroyed, it drops 4-5 pieces of Redstone Dust. This can be placed on the ground to make Redstone Wire. Redstone can also be crafted into a Redstone Torch and/or a Redstone (Repeater). These items can be used in more complex Traps or Redstone circuits. Redstone is a unique material in the game. Switches and Redstone Torches can provide electrical-like power to wires or objects. [/i]
[i]Beds allow the player to skip to the next dawn. In SMP, this will only happen when all online players are sleeping, otherwise it shows a first-person view of the player lying down, and a "Get out of bed" button.Beds, unlike typical blocks, take up two blocks of space. Basic placement requires at least this much space away from the player's facing direction. Like some other blocks, beds can not be placed on snow but can be placed on leaves. It is possible to create a "floating bed" if the blocks underneath the bed are destroyed.[/i]
Redstone Lamp
[i]A Redstone Lamp is a golden block visually resembling Glowstone (hence its crafting materials) that gives off light as long as it is powered. While powered, they have a luminance of 15, one level higher than a torch and the same light level as glowstone. They require constant input in order to emit light. Similarly to other light emitting blocks, they will melt snow and ice.[/i]
[i]Wolves are new mobs which were introduced in Beta 1.4. Notch had confirmed the addition of these animals upon having breakfast with an idol of his, likely Peter Molyneux.On March 18th, 2011, a video was posted showing a preview of the wolves, which were being made by Jeb. Wolves spawn in forest and taiga biomes.Wolves may also be considered the "pet dogs" as previously mentioned by Notch. Wild wolves are usually neutral.As of now, they are not known to drop anything. Wolves do spawn on Multiplayer servers.[/i]
Wild Wolves:
Wolves spawn in neutral (untamed) packs of 1-8, Wild wolves will randomly attack nearby sheep, but will not attack the player unless provoked. A good indicator that there are wild wolves nearby would be wool blocks floating on the ground and you didn't shear any sheep at that time. If you switch to a Bone, wild wolves will tilt their head to the side, indicating interest in the delicacy the player is holding up. Wolves can swim, and will shake water droplets off of their bodies when exiting water. They will not go underwater, however. They also seem to have a simple pack behavior.[/i]
Enemy Wolves(Hostile):
Wolves will become hostile towards the player if attacked. Hostile wolves change in appearance: their eyes become red and the contrast level of their fur texture increases (perhaps meant to indicate hair bristling). Hostile wolves will attack the player as a pack. On multiplayer if one player attacks a wolf, that wolf will be hostile to all players. Hostile wolves will growl when near the player. Although you can usually outrun hostile wolves, and a single wolf only has a 0.5 attack strength, it is not recommended that you turn a wolf hostile because they are rather rare and useful once tamed. However, in large groups they can take quite a toll on your health if the whole pack becomes hostile. Once a wild wolf becomes hostile, it can't be tamed. A fishing rod can make a wolf hostile if you try to pull the wolf[/i]
Tamed Wolves(Friendly):
When tamed, a wolf's eyes will change to two white pixels and one black pixel, making it look less aggressive. Tame wolves will join into melee combat against the player's current target, with a few exceptions. Wolves will only target one mob at a time and will not switch targets until it is killed. They will never attack creepers. They will also not attack if they are sitting, though they will stand and defend the player if he is attacked. They also stand up if they are attacked by the player. This can be utilized to "call" sitting wolves from a distance by throwing a snowball at them or catching them with a fishing rod.Tame wolves turn their head to the side and beg if the player is holding a cooked or raw porkchop. When told to sit, tamed wolves will perform an idle animation by turning around and looking at their surroundings.
Wolves do spawn in "Peaceful" Mode and will still attack if provoked. When changing the difficulty to "Peaceful," tamed wolves are not removed from the game.If you manage to hit yourself with an arrow, your tamed wolves will attack you. Because they will be friendly towards you after respawning, it is usually better to let them kill you than to kill them. You can also save and quit, then re-enter. [/i]
[i]Sheep are passive mobs that first appeared in Survival Test mode. The main purpose of sheep is to supply wool; a building material. Sheep are 1.25 blocks tall, 0.625 blocks wide and 1.4375 blocks long.Sheep wander around aimlessly. When they come to an obstacle they will often try to breach it by jumping, which makes for some odd behavior when at obstacles they cannot overcome. They will make no attempt to stay out of water, and a common sight is several sheep bouncing up and down in the water. Sheep often spawn in groups of 2-8. Like all other passive mobs, they move entirely randomly, and although it can appear that they are attracted to light, this is not the case. It is a common sight to see passive mobs clustered in lit areas at night, but this is only because that is the only place they can spawn, and they will often wander out into the dark. Differently colored sheep act exactly the same as their white counterparts. [/i]
[i]Cows are passive mobs that first appeared in Alpha. Their main value is as a source of leather which can be used to make the lowest tier armor. They are 1.6875 blocks tall, 0.625 blocks wide and 1.5 blocks long. Cows spawn in groups of 4-12 individuals and proceed to roam aimlessly. Cows will jump up small inclines, and frequently cows may be seen bouncing up hillsides. This may lead to their doom, as cows don't pay attention to long falls and often plummet to their deaths. Like all other passive mobs, they move entirely randomly, and although it can appear that they are attracted to light, this is not the case. It is a common sight to see passive mobs clustered in lit areas at night, but this is only because that is the only place they can spawn, and they will ofter wander out into the dark. They will make no attempt to stay out of water, and may often be seen splashing about in oceans and lakes[/i]
[i]Pigs are passive mobs that first appeared in Survival Test mode. The main purpose of pigs is to supply raw porkchops, and therefore are a renewable source of food. Pigs are 1.1875 blocks tall, 0.625 blocks wide and 1.25 blocks long. Pigs wander around aimlessly, when they come to an obstacle they will often try to breach it by jumping, and this makes for some odd behavior when at obstacles they cannot over come. They will make no attempt to stay out of water, and a common sight is several pigs bouncing up and down in the water. If you stand near a pig, it will turn its head towards you for a few seconds, then resume its wandering. Pigs often spawn in groups of 3-4. Like all other passive mobs, they move entirely randomly, and although it can appear that they are attracted to light, this is not the case. It is a common sight to see passive mobs clustered in lit areas at night, but this is only because that is the only place they can spawn, and they will often wander out into the dark. [/i]
[i]Chickens are passive mobs that first appeared in Alpha mode. The main purpose of chickens is to supply feathers and eggs, essential for arrows and cakes respectively. Chickens are 0.875 blocks tall, 0.5 blocks wide and 0.8125 blocks long. Chickens wander around aimlessly. They will make no attempt to stay out of water, and a common sight is several chickens bouncing up and down in the water. If you stand near a chicken, it will turn its head towards you for a few seconds, then resume its wandering. They appear to be drawn to caves, since they move more easily down ledges than up them. Since the Beta update they seem to be the most common mob. Chickens often spawn alone, but can spawn in groups of 1-3. Like all other passive mobs, they move entirely randomly, and although it can appear that they are attracted to light, this is not the case. It is a common sight to see passive mobs clustered in lit areas at night, but this is because that is the only place they can spawn, and they will often wander out into the dark. Like most other mobs, they also cannot jump over fences.[/i]
[i]Squid are the first water mob in Minecraft. They are 8-armed passive mobs introduced in the Beta 1.2 update. Squid are found in water of any depth in any location, and drop ink sacs when killed. They spawn on any difficulty and do not attack, akin to the other passive mobs found on land. When moving about, the squid's tentacles open and close, giving them an appearance of pushing themselves forward. Squid swim around aimlessly, and do not deliberately interact with the player.When forced onto land, squid become immobile. They take fall damage and burn like any land mob.Unlike any other mobs, squid are capable of freely swimming up a waterfall. [/i]
[i]Ocelots are passive mobs that normally spawn in Jungle Biomes. They are the second tameable mob to be added to Minecraft. They are mainly passive, "shy" mobs that will not attack the player. Should the player move or look too abruptly near one, it will sprint away. Creepers will actively avoid Ocelots should they come within a certain radius of the Ocelot. However, this will not deter them from chasing a player, only keeping the Creeper a distance away. An Ocelot will also fell if it comes in contact with a wolf, even though wolves can't attack an Ocelot. To tame an Ocelot, the player must be holding raw fish while standing perfectly still and not looking around too quickly.[/i]
Iron Golem
[i]Iron Golems are large, strong utility mobs. Their main purpose is to defend Villagers in a NPC Village from hostile mobs and siege attacks. They will automatically spawn in NPC Villages naturally, provided that there are 16 adult Villagers and at least 21 houses (counted as doors). An Iron Golem can also be crafted by placing 4 Iron Blocks in a T shape with a pumpkin or jack-o-lantern on top. Iron Golems roam in villages rather slowly. They avoid water at all times. When provoked, Iron Golems will move toward their target at a faster rate, swinging their arms up violently once in range to attack taking 3½ to 10 hearts damage to their target and flings them into the air. They can take damage from lava, fire, and poison. They do not take fall damage or drowning damage. Upon death, Iron Golems drop 3 to 5 iron ingots, and 0 to 2 roses. Iron golems do not despawn if the difficulty on peaceful.[/i]
Zombie Pigman
[i]Zombie Pigmen are neutral mobs that first appeared in Minecraft alpha. Now in Beta 1.5, pigs that are struck by lightning will become a zombie pigmanZombie Pigmen wander around aimlessly, avoiding cliffs and Ghasts. If you stand near a Zombie Pigman, it will turn its head towards you for a few seconds, then resume its wandering. Zombie Pigmen spawn in packs of 4-10 and tend to stay together. It seems, however, if space is limited (for example, a narrow tunnel), they may spawn in smaller groups or even alone. Attacking one Zombie Pigman will cause the entire group to become hostile, often swarming the player. This can make them very deadly when in a group due to each zombie pigman dealing 3 full hearts of damage. If the player moves a certain distance from a pack, waits a while or leaves the Nether and returns, they will become neutral again. Switching the difficulty to Peaceful will cause them to de-spawn completely and reset their neutrality in other difficulties. . Cooked porkchops are dropped by dead Zombie Pigmen, and are therefore a renewable source of food in the Nether.[/i]
[i]The Creeper is a green, near-silent, ambush/kamikaze mob that was first introduced in Survival Test version. Upon getting close enough to the player, it will let out a loud hissing sound and detonate after 1.5 seconds. Rarely creepers do have an idle sound; it sounds similar to a dying creeper (not exploding/people often mistake this for a spider). They do not catch fire when in direct sunlight, unlike Zombies and Skeletons which means that after a night there can still be dangers of running into a creeper in full sunlight. This won't happen when you go to sleep in the beginning of night because creepers need darkness to spawn.A creeper's path-finding algorithm seems to be a little more complex than most other hostile mobs. They will avoid directly approaching the player whenever possible, and seem to prefer standing in an alcove or around a corner from the front door of a fort or staircase. They likely determine this position by calculating where the player goes most often, and find a hiding spot nearby. The creeper will then rush in and ambush the player the next time they can find a path. Creepers are also capable of climbing ladders and swimming up waterfalls, although only when the pathfinding runs them right into one. Creepers possess a reputation among players, mostly because they can destroy player-made shelters and structures. In addition, their dangerous nature and strange appearance has made them a widely-recognisable icon for Minecraft. [/i]
[i]Ghasts are very large jellyfish-like mobs that float through the air and shoot fireballs from their mouths. Its body is a 4 by 4 by 4 block cube with 9 tentacle-like limbs hanging from the bottom. They first appeared in the Halloween Update. Ghasts are able to spawn anywhere in the Nether, as long as there is sufficient space. Ghasts normally float around with their eyes and mouth closed. They open their eyes and mouth when attacking. They make a chirp-like noise when shooting and scream loudly when taking damage. The sounds that Ghasts make have a minimum intensity regardless of their distance, so they often sound closer when they are actually far away.[/i]
[i]The skeleton is a hostile mob that was introduced to the game in Survival Test and remained in all later versions of the game. Skeletons are fairly fast-paced enemies that will shoot arrows at the player. Like Zombies, skeletons only spawn in dark areas, such as unlit areas on the surface at night, or in unlit caves. If the sun is at a 15 degree angle or greater on land, they will be set on fire and take burn damage until death. The skeleton is a hostile mob that was introduced to the game in Survival Test and remained in all later versions of the game. Skeletons are fairly fast-paced enemies that will shoot arrows at the player. Like Zombies, skeletons only spawn in dark areas, such as unlit areas on the surface at night, or in unlit caves. If the sun is at a 15 degree angle or greater on land, they will be set on fire and take burn damage until death. [/i]
[i]The Slime is the fifth hostile mob, and was added in Alpha 1.0.11. They appear as green semi-transparent cubes. Slimes come in four official sizes: huge, big, normal, and small. While slimes that are normal or larger will make a wet slapping noise, small slimes will make the same noise made when the player walks on stone. They are the first hostile mob that can spawn in both light and dark areas. These creatures are only naturally found deep underground in the bottom 16 layers of the map. They usually spawn in large, cavernous spaces or in open mines. This is partially caused by the fact that a large space is needed for them to spawn. [/i]
[i]Zombies are aggressive mobs that first appeared in Survival Test. Zombies have no obvious purpose other than supplying feathers (which can also be obtained from Chickens). Zombies are 2 blocks tall, 1 block wide and 0.25 blocks thick. Zombies often spawn in groups of 2-6. Zombies will pursue the player, making no attempt to avoid cliffs. When they come to an obstacle they will often try to breach it by jumping, and this makes for some odd behavior when they meet obstacles they cannot overcome. They will also make no attempt to stay out of water. [/i]
[i]The spider was the second mob added to the game. The spider's eyes glow red and can be seen in the dark, making their appearance rather creepy. Unlike most other hostile mobs (1x1x2 box), the spider is a flat mob (2x2x1 box). It cannot enter the same narrow spaces that zombies and other tall mobs can, but it can crawl into places where the ceiling is too low for any other mobs. As they are much larger than most hostile mobs (1x1x2 vs. 2x2x1), they can be hit rather easily with arrows. A lone spider is easy enough to deal with, but a pack can quickly close distance on the player due to their jumping and wall climbing abilities.Spiders make hissing sounds at all times. Their distinctive noises can warn the player of their presence. Creepers make a sound much like the spider's when hurt, though much shorter. [/i]
[i]The Enderman is a mob that was introduced in version beta 1.8. The Endermen are 3 block-high, black creatures with long arms and legs, glowing purple eyes and a purple particle effect similar to a Portal. They are rare in comparison to other mobs, but can still be seen regularly at night on the Overworld in groups of up to five. Their two iconic abilities are the ability to pick up and move blocks and teleportation. Endermen take damage from coming in contact with water (including water blocks and rain) and sunlight (like zombies and skeletons). As of Minecraft version beta 1.9 pre release 4, Notch has created End Dimension, where they spawn frequently. Due to the name of the dimension being the End, and Endermen simply having it as a prefix, it is believed that the Endermen originated in the End.[/i]
Cave Spider
[i]The Cave Spider is a hostile mob that was introduced in Minecraft Beta 1.8. It is a Spider with a blue re-textured skin and is more dangerous than the regular spider, but in turn they are much more rare than regular Spiders. Cave Spiders do not spawn naturally, they only come from Spawners found in Abandoned Mine Shafts. Cave Spiders are also smaller than regular spiders, presumably so that they can fit through the mine shafts that they spawn in, including 1 x 1 x 1 holes, and can pass through passages only half a block high. The most notable feature of the cave spider is its venomous bite. When bitten by a Cave Spider on any difficulty except Easy, the player's health bar turns yellow-green and gradually decreases. The venom inflicts half of a heart of damage about every second and a half (or 1.5 seconds), and lasts for 5 seconds. Armor does not affect venom; neither the conditions under which you will receive venom, nor the damage received from it.[/i]
[i]The Silverfish is a new mob added in Beta 1.8. Silverfish hide in stone bricks found only in strongholds, and pop out to attack when the blocks are mined. In regular gameplay, Silverfish blocks occur rarely. If left alone, silverfish can re-enter some blocks, including cobblestone. When attacked, Silverfish may awaken nearby Silverfish blocks. This can lead to a terrifying swarm if there are enough in the vicinity, and in which an uncontrolled swarm can quickly destroy dozens of stone bricks within a Stronghold. They scurry away after the player moves a short distance.[/i]
[i]Blaze (a.k.a. Nether Guard, Guardian) is a type of mob found in The Nether. In their searching state they are confined to the ground and do not blow smoke. They will not start flying unless they spot the player. When pursuing, they catch fire for a short while before making their attack in the form of a three round burst of fireballs. After the attack they have a short cool down and then they will catch fire and attack again. Their bodies are made up of a head atop a central column of smoke, and three rotating sections, each rotating section contains four floating yellow rods. They drop Blaze Rods, and can only spawn in Nether fortresses, often from Mob Spawners. The triple fireballs they shoot set players and mobs alike on fire. Despite appearing exactly like a Ghast fireball, Blaze Fireballs are not explosive, and cannot be deflected[/i]
[i]The Enderdragon is an upcoming mob that first appears in the 1.9 update. It exists only in its native dimension, The End. To kill them, you will have to hit them square in the head or in the soft underbelly. They will drop massive amounts of experience. The Enderdragon can destroy every block (even bedrock) except End Stone and Obsidian, which they pass through harmlessly. Nothing else is known about it at this time. [/i]
Magma Cube
[i]Magma Cubes are hostile mobs found around The Nether. They will be released in the full release of Minecraft. When killed, they release 2-4 smaller versions of themselves in addition to Experience Orbs, slightly unlike Slimes, which split into 4. When they move, they jump up and momentarily unravel into several layers, giving them the appearance of a spring and revealing a molten lava core inside. They are slowed by and sink in lava, but do not drown in it.[/i]
[i]Mooshrooms are cow-like mobs that spawn in the Mushroom Biome (although there have been instances of them spawning in other biomes as well), covered with red mushroom growths. They have 2 mushrooms on their body and one on their head[/i]
Snow Golem
[i]The Snow Golem is the game's first "utility mob", defined by Notch as any player created mob.[3] You will be able to create Snow Golems, using Pumpkins and Snow Blocks. Snow Golems will throw snowballs at enemy mobs and will melt in warmer Biomes. In cold biomes, they will not melt even when lava is near them, unless they fall in it. As Snow Golems move, they leave a trail of snow on the ground (but not in deserts or in the Nether). Once killed, the Snow Golem will drop 8 snowballs.[/i]
[i]A Villager is a passive NPC that spawns and moves about in NPC Villages. Their characteristic look is dominated by their large, bald heads, unibrows, and long, protruding noses. There are different types, distinguished by their attire and signifying their role in the community. Some spawn around the village, although most spawn inside buildings and leave once the door is opened. They spawn at their respective buildings corresponding to the role they have. As of 1.9 Pre-Release 3, there are 6 unique skins for the villagers which are found in the minecraft.jar file.[/i]
[i]Bones are items dropped by Skeletons when they are killed. Bones were added in the Minecraft Beta 1.2 update. Skeletons drop 0-2 bones on death. Bones can be used to make Bone Meal, which serves two purposes: it can be used as a fertilizer for farming that immediately makes plants grow to their mature state, or it can act as a dye that makes wool white and can be combined with other dyes. Bone Meal does not work 100% of the time when used as a fertilizer.As of Beta 1.4, bones are used to tame wild wolves. More than one bone will need to be used on the wolf in most cases. Bone Meal cannot be used to tame wolves. [/i][
[i]Books were added to Alpha in v1.0.11. Books are crafted from paper and currently serve no gameplay purpose except in the creation of the decorative bookshelf block.Though it hasn't been confirmed yet, it has been mentioned that with the new code Notch made up for the maps he will be able to in future updates make books that players can type in and actually share with other players. Same thing applies to custom paintings.[/i]
[i]Clay is the item received after mining clay blocks. Each clay block yields four clay.Clay can be crafted together to reform clay blocks or smelted in a furnace to create clay bricks. Clay bricks can then be crafted into brick blocks. [/i][
Clay Brick
[i]Clay bricks are Items that were added to the game on July 23, 2010 in Alpha mode version 1.0.Clay bricks are created from smelting pieces of clay. Bricks were added with clay blocks, clay, and brick blocks.Clay bricks only purpose is to create brick blocks. [/i]
[i]Coal lumps are harvested directly from coal ore blocks, which must be destroyed using any level of pickaxe. After this, they cannot be reverted back into block form.They are quite efficient as a source of fuel for Furnaces, being able to smelt eight units of ore per lump of coal (hence eight lumps will smelt a full stack of 64 ore units). Coal lumps and Charcoal are also the only fuels accepted by Powered Minecarts (providing approximately four minutes of transit each), although, again, Minecart boosters may be a better fast-transit choice in the long run.[/i]
[i]Charcoal was an addition to Minecraft in version Beta 1.2. Smelting Wood in a furnace creates Charcoal, which can be substituted for Coal in all uses, including making torches, powering minecarts, and smelting objects. This will undoubtedly make it easier to survive your first night as it allows the player to make torches much more easily, as no coal needs to be mined in order to craft torches anymore. Charcoal does not stack with Coal. Charcoal and Coal look exactly the same and cannot be changed with a texture pack as the texture is shared between the two. [/i]
[i]A Diamond Gem is an item dropped when diamond ore is mined. This (along with items in general) is only available in Indev, Infdev, Alpha and Beta mode. Diamonds are considered one of the most valuable items in the game due to their rarity and usefulness as a crafting material. Diamond is only useful when crafted into something, but tools and armor made from it are the most durable in the game. Diamonds can be used to make shovels, pickaxes, axes, hoes, swords, Armor and solid diamond blocks. As of the July 30th update, you can make a jukebox with diamonds.It cannot be mined using stone, wooden or golden pickaxes. It can only be mined using an iron or diamond pickaxe. [/i]
[i]Feathers are items dropped from chickens when they die. The only use for feathers at the moment is to make arrows to fire from a bow. Chickens drop 0-2 feathers upon death.[/i]
[i]Flint is an expendable object found by quarrying gravel. When destroying gravel blocks, there is a 10% chance that a single unit of flint will drop instead of receiving the gravel block back. Some players farm flint by erecting high stacks of gravel and then power-mining it down. Note however that this is a one-way process: there is no way of turning flint back into gravel. Gravel, along with other blocks that are affected by gravity, can be harvested quickly by placing a torch under a tall stack of it, then breaking the gravel immediately above it. The gravel blocks will break when they hit the torch, causing the entire stack to quickly break down. Using this tactic, however, will not yield flint; you must manually mine gravel with a tool or your hands if you wish to increase your supply[/i]
[i]Glowstone Dust can only be obtained by destroying glowstone blocks found in The Nether. Each glowstone block yields only one glowstone dust, while it takes nine glowstone dust to craft back into one glowstone block. Glowstone dust currently has no other uses. [/i]
[i]Gold is primarily used to craft clocks, powered rails and for decorative blocks or equipment (tools and armor).
Gold equipment is typically impractical as it has extremely low durability, and can only mine stone, cobblestone, coal and slabs. However, gold tools are the fastest at digging of all tools, and as such may be useful if one is in a hurry and has plenty of gold. [/i]
[i]Gunpowder (was known as Sulphur) is not found naturally in the world of Minecraft. It can only be obtained through the killing of either Creepers or Ghasts. Gunpowder can also occasionally be obtained by opening reward chests in dungeons. Creepers are less likely to drop gunpowder if burned to death. Ghasts also drop gunpowder, but because they float, there is a good chance the gunpowder will fall into lava or into a place that cannot be reached. Gunpowder is used to create TNT, and currently has no other uses. This item was called gunpowder until the first version of Beta, when it was renamed to Sulphur. As of Beta 1.3, its name is once again gunpowder. Realistically, sulphur is one of the ingredients used in gunpowder, but is yellow and crystalline like Glowstone Dust. [/i]
[i]Iron ingots are used to make a wide variety of useful objects including minecarts, minecart tracks, compasses, armor, buckets, and tools capable of mining anything but obsidian and bedrock. This makes it one of the most useful items in-game. [/i]
[i]Paper was added to Alpha in the v1.0.11 patch, and is used the same way in Beta. Paper can be crafted from Sugar Cane. Paper currently serves no gameplay purpose, except to make books which are used to craft bookshelves for decoration. Adding functionality in the form of writing them, similarly to signs, remains a popular request, however. Several mods exist to serve this. It is likely that it will be used in the crafting of maps, which are currently in development.[/i]
[i]Leather is an item in Minecraft that was added July 20th, 2010 along with the introduction of cows. Leather Armor is the weakest armor, but easiest to make for a starter set when needed due to leather being easily accessible. It can be acquired by killing cows, which will drop 0-2 pieces of leather upon death. [/i]
Redstone (Dust)
[i]When Redstone Ore is destroyed, it drops 4-5 pieces of Redstone Dust. This can be placed on the ground to make Redstone Wire. Redstone can also be crafted into a Redstone Torch and/or a Redstone (Repeater). These items can be used in more complex Traps or Redstone circuits. The introduction of Redstone was a large step towards interactivity, and brought with it the mechanics of Redstone circuits, making it possible to create circuits linked with switches, buttons, levers, pressure plates and logic gates, which can currently be tied to things like doors, minecart tracks and TNT. It is possible, however, to connect levers, buttons and pressure plates directly to these objects, as Redstone wire is not needed when switches are directly adjacent to objects.[/i]
[i]The Slimeball is an item dropped by Slimes. There are currently no uses for it. Notch confirmed that they are going to be craftable in a later Beta update.There are plans and ideas that slimeballs could act as eggs, along with other uses. They could be thrown like eggs or snowballs and may spawn Slimes certain times. Some players use mods that allow this to happen.Some users use these as tokens or cash in multiplayer servers, since it has no use and is more realistic, since server mods do not use up inventory space. When in Single Player, some players use them to show how many slimes they have killed. [/i]
[i]Sticks are created by placing two wooden planks in a crafting square, one above the other. This means sticks can be created without the need for a workbench. It takes 32 wooden planks to create a full stack of sticks. Sticks are used primarily as the handles for tools, torches, and weapons. They can also be used as the shaft of arrows, the post for signs, or the ties of rails. Sticks are the only building material required to craft a fence or ladder. [/i]
[i]String is an item that was added to the game in Indev. String is primarily received by killing Spiders, which drop 0-2 units on death. String can also be found commonly in dungeon chests, however, Spiders are a much quicker and easier way to get string in large amounts.String has no special functions and can be only used in Crafting. String is a vital component to two recipes, the Bow and the Fishing Rod. String can also be used to make Wool, but this is rather wasteful as Wool can be obtained from Sheep. It is more economical that you save your string for making more Fishing Rods (which take damage and break) or more Bows (which do not take damage and will last forever, but can be used to make Dispensers). [/i]
[i]Paintings in Minecraft are simple, low-resolution versions of a canvas; they currently appear in Beta, Alpha, Infdev, and Indev. Most of the twenty four (19 in indev and infdev) current canvases are by Kristoffer Zetterstrand and are shrunken to a low resolution to fit Minecraft's graphical theme. Five more are edits or new paintings. A random image from among these is chosen each time a painting is placed. Paintings currently are not flammable and protect covered flammable blocks from being lit.Paintings can only be placed on flat, vertical surfaces. An easy way to get a painting to fill up the area you want is to mark the bounds with any solid block and place it in the bottom-left corner. It expands canvas size to the top-right to fill up the wall the best it can. Going up and right one block increases the chance for paintings 4x2 or bigger, though it may still take a few tries to get a large painting.If hit with a throw-able item (such as an Egg, a Snowball or an Arrow), the painting will drop from the wall and can be picked up and placed again. Arrows will disappear when they hit a painting. [/i]
[i]Milk is a non-stacking item obtained from cows by right-clicking on the animal with a bucket. Milk had no purpose until Beta 1.2, when cake was added to the game. Three buckets of milk are required to craft cake, with empty buckets returned after being used in the process. Milk buckets can also be emptied by right-clicking on a block to pour out the milk. Note that milk, unlike water or lava, can not be placed to form lakes or rivers. When the bucket is emptied, its contents are lost and can not be picked up again.You can milk cows easily if you are just one level below them. Cows can be milked an infinite number of times and will produce milk 100% of the time. [/i]
Raw Fish
[i]Raw Fish is a food item that can be obtained by fishing with a Fishing Rod in any body of water. Fish do not appear in the game as a mob and are only seen as an item when caught. Fishing is a reliable, fast source of food, as the player does not need to wait for pigs to spawn or for planted crops to grow. However, string is required to craft a fishing rod and early on in the game it may be difficult to acquire.[/i]
Cooked Fish
[i]Cooked Fish is a type of food available in Beta that is obtained when raw fish is cooked in a furnace. Cooked fish does not stack and thus must be monitored - each piece must be taken out and put into the furnace individually. Raw fish must first be caught with a fishing rod. [/i]
Raw Porkchop
[i]A Raw Porkchop is a food item that is obtained by killing pigs, which drop 0 to 2 pieces of pork when killed. Raw Porkchops do not stack in your inventory. A safe, easy way to farm pigs is to have a well lit (at least light level 9) area of grass within your base. Since passive mobs spawn on grass, the light will allow pigs to spawn there during night hours in the midst of properly placed torches. [/i]
Cooked Porkchop
[i]Cooked Porkchop is a food item that was added in Indev. Cooked Porkchops are obtained when a Raw Porkchop is cooked in a furnace, setting a pig on fire and killing it (as added in the 1.5 update) or from killing Zombie Pigmen.Cooked Porkchops are often considered the easiest form of food to obtain since neither spelunking (to find mushrooms for mushroom stew) nor extended amounts of time and attention (for growing wheat to make bread) are required to produce them. However, since they do not stack, porkchops have to be monitored when being cooked - each piece must be taken out and put into the furnace individually. Since version 1.5 cooked porkchop also can be gained by setting pigs on fire. [/i]
[i]Buckets are tools used for carrying water, lava or milk. Water and lava buckets can only be obtained by using the bucket on a spring block; shallow, running fluids cannot be collected. Milk buckets are collected by using the bucket on a cow. Buckets can be used to create infinite springs of water.A water bucket can be used to extinguish the player if they are on fire. The water bucket must be used on the player to extinguish the flames. [/i]
[i]Clocks were added in the Halloween Update on October 31, 2010. They are created by using one redstone dust and four gold ingots.The clock works like the compass, in the sense that you cannot use it, but its image changes depending on the circumstance. The clock displays where the sun or moon's position is in relation to the horizon[/i]
[i]Compasses were added in Seecret Friday Update 9 on September 10, 2010. The compass needle points towards the initial spawn-point at all times, in your inventory screen, chests, lying on the floor or while holding it in your hand. When the compass needle is pointing straight "up" relative to the player, the original spawn point is straight forward. Very specifically, your spawn point is the of the block you spawn on when starting the game, while the compass points to its north-east corner.If brought into The Nether the compass will wildly point in random directions, making it entirely useless for navigation.You do not actually have to build a compass to see which direction your spawn is in. Just place the necessary components into their places on a crafting bench and it will point towards your spawn. This can save you some iron and redstone. [/i]
[i]Bowls, introduced in Indev, are items made from wooden planks used to make and hold Mushroom Stew. It currently has no other uses.In SMP, bowls are not re-usable. A glitch causes you to eat the bowl along with the stew. [/i]
Music Discs
[i]Music Discs (previously named Records) are items added in Alpha that can be played in jukeboxes. They play music made by C418. It has been stated that in the future, there will be 14 music discs to find in Minecraft.
Despite the music files themselves being saved in a playable .ogg format, custom music cannot be used unless a modification is installed. [/i]
Gold Music Disc
[i]The gold disc plays the track "Thirteen".An ambient track consisting mostly of ambient cave noises, metallic clings, splashes, and skeleton and creeper sounds[/i]
Green Music Disc
[i]The green disc plays the track "Cat".An upbeat synthetic melody. [/i]
[i]The snowball is an item that was added during the Minecraft Alpha 1.0.5 update. They are obtained when a snow block (4 snowballs obtained) or snow (1 snowball obtained) is destroyed with a shovel (as of the Alpha 1.0.5_1 update). They can be stacked up to 16 snowballs. They are a throw-able item that does not do any damage, but still knocks back mobs and gives the same effect as if it was damaged. This makes it useful for herding, and for knocking creepers off high areas. Hitting sheep will even shear the sheep making it an effective way to get wool without hurting the sheep (using a fishing rod is an alternative). Snowballs cannot be placed, they can only be thrown. Four snowballs can be combined in order to create a snow block. [/i]
[i]Saddles are items that can be placed on pigs, which allows the player to ride them by right-clicking the saddle. However, the pig's movement cannot be controlled by the player. Sometimes, pigs will stay stagnant, even though there is a player on top of them. Saddles cannot be placed on any other mob. The player can climb off and on the pig as they please, but the saddle cannot be recovered from the pig and will be lost if the pig de-spawns from the map or is killed. They were added in Infdev on the 25th of June, 2010. Saddles are only found in the chests that are inside dungeons.[/i]
[i]The map is an item used to view explored terrain.
While the object is being held in the player's hand, a map is constructed as the player explores the world. On April 27, 2011, Notch unveiled screenshots of the map. When the item is selected, the player can see the explored world on a parchment held in front of them. [/i]
[i]Arrows can be fired from a distance and in rapid succession. They will fly in a ballistic trajectory affected by gravity and drag in air or water and will travel approximately 15 blocks when fired parallel to a flat plane. Arrows in water get much more drag than in air, and leave a trail of bubbles in its wake. Arrows have a maximum range of around 52 blocks when fired at a 38 degree angle on a flat plane. Arrows deal two hearts of damage if they successfully hit the target. Immediately after hitting the target, there is a cooldown during which the target will be immune to further arrow damage. [/i]
[i]Cake is a solid block used as food. It has the special ability to be used for healing multiple times, appearing as a brown base topped with white frosting and red square dots. Cake cannot be eaten while being held - it must be placed on a suitable surface as a block. Slices are removed each time the cake is used. Breaking the cake block or the block underneath it will destroy the cake and not return anything. [/i]
Melon Slice
[i]Melon slices are a food item added in 1.8. They are farmable and can only be first obtained from Melons grown from the Melon Seeds found in Abandoned Mine Shafts. After farming the initial batch of seeds obtained from the chests, the player can grow additional melons using seeds from the melon slices without having to find them in chests[/i]
Chicken (Raw and Cooked)
[i]The player can receive Raw Chicken after killing a chicken. It is cooked in a furnace to create Cooked Chicken. It heals 3 units of hunger, making it slightly superior to bread or Cooked Fish[/i]
[i]The player can receive Beef after killing a Cow or Mooshrooms. It is cooked in a furnace and it heals 4 units of hunger. You can also set a cow/mooshroom on fire and it will drop Steak when it dies.[/i]
Rotten Flesh
[i]Rotten Flesh is an item from the 1.8 update dropped from zombies in place of feathers; eating it restores some of your hunger meter. However, rotten flesh has an 80% chance of causing food poisoning. Food poisoning seems to make your food saturation level decrease faster as well.[/i]
Fire Charge
[i]The Fire Charge is an item which can be used as fireball ammunition for Dispensers, or as an inefficient but renewable substitute for Flint and Steel.[/i]
aw gees
AngelCraft 64 Texture Pack v2.0.2 (Beta 1.8.1)
Nerd, geek, server admin, guy wearing a rainbow skin (with an office suit of epicness)? That's me.
I would have loved to make it more like Kris's, but his guide doesn't exist anymore so that is kind of hard to do (and my memory of his thread is lacking)
Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent
- Salvor Hardin (Foundation - Isaac Asimov)
Nope, it ends on the 19th
1) The First Night: punch the tree (how to harvest a block), stick, planks, axe, pickaxe, first night shelter (most basic method, dig a hole in side of mountain and block it up behind you only leaving 1x1 hole, light with torch), torches, furnace, coal/charcoal, passive mobs, meat and cooking it, sand/gravel & gravity, chests.
2) The Next Week: smelting, iron pickaxe (upgrade tools), sword, shovel, bed, making a safe area outside, fences, overworld hostile mobs, buckets, lava and water behavior, breathing meter, basic blocks (natural ones found near surface), shears.
3) Settlement: Everything farming, from rare things to not so rare, animal and plant.
4) For Adventure! (Overworld): Gold Isn't Godmode, armor, Diamonds, how to protect your diamonds (and anything else) from lava (while mining or from chests/you catching fire), Monster Spawning algorithms (the basic bit, like hostiles need darkness and to be a certain distance range from you), Dungeons, monster spawner, mossy cobblestone, obsidian, ravines, abandoned mine shafts, strongholds, End portals, block 97
5) Redstone, from Beginner to Tinkerer: A lot of links to respected threads on the redstone forums, but also for the beginning stuff basic tutorials on what redstone is, how to mine it, and what devices you can use it with. Levers, pressure plates and buttons for door operation. An introduction to logic gates. You all who are better at redstone things than I am know the drill. Just keep it simple, we just want to get it to the point they're tinkering on their own. Beyond that would probably be legitimately called at least moderate, if not advanced.
6) To Hell and Back- The Nether: everything about the Nether. Everything. There's enough parallels here to what's in the overworld that it shouldn't be too much to handle for the beginner who's gotten to this point.
7) Witchcraft, I Say!: All enchanting, potions, brewing, etc. There's supposed to be so many potions this will legitimately take up its own thing.
8) The End: Everything about the End, including how to get the credits (but not what they are)
Each thread would of course have people asking questions within it, and a lot of links. What do you all think?
I have iridescent wings,/I am angel-/They are black/Deep as the black Abyss of Space but Stars/glinting across flecks of green, blue, yellow,/red, gold, and silver.