I was in the new biome, the pale garden to find resin and a creaking heart when a creeper spawned in the dark oak forest it is connected too and wandered up behind me while I was havesting resin and chopping down pale oak.
Score is based on total XP Points picked up between your last death and now. I have been playing in the hardcore world for 3 months and had a lot of cool builds. the tree house is from that world.
At least I could open it to lan and use commends to turn it into a survival world.
I got the Creative Vending Upgrade in Mechanical Mastery and also completed a couple of the other side quests, including all but the last two quests in the Overhauled Ore Processing chapter. Those are the Chemical Injection Chamber (I will likely use an Advanced or Elite Injecting Factory) using Hydrogen Chloride at 2.5x and the Chemical Dissolution Chamber, using Sulfuric Acid at 3.3x, which does not have any factory tiers. In addition in the Endgame chapter, I got the Final EMC Link (Mk 16), which has infinite stats vs. all the previous 15 tiers.
As for what I did with the creative vending upgrade, I stuck it in a Drawer and put 1 Enriched Basilic Reagent (2.5x ore multiplication) in it, then placed it over where I was making Precision Mechanisms as I had a spare channel in my AE2 system. I put an ME Storage Bus on it, so now I always have 2,147,484,571 of it available. I then converted all of pulverizer inputs from flint to it, and also added an ME Export Bus on the standalone pulverizer I have been using for things like diamond, emerald, and all of the elemental drops, as getting powder from them is usually around 6:1 with the highest tier reagent. On average, for every stack of emerald or diamond ore, I get 400 of the gems by running them through it.
I then switched to my FTB Revelation Instance as I decided it was time to start out with Thaumcraft 6. I got the Arcane Workbench, Research Table and Crucible going, and made a Thaumometer, then went around scanning items in the world, plus some in inventory. I still have a lot more to go, and I have yet to try it with anything from Astral Sorcery. I did one crucible recipe, Alchemical Brass, which needs an iron ingot and 5 of the Instrumentum aspect in order to unlock the Goggles of Revealing.
Then the last thing I did was find a suitable location in one of the nearby magical forest biomes to build a wizard tower. I was thinking of locating it high above the ground and make access via Waystone only. I temporarily placed one in one of two chunks I claimed. There are 2 of these not too far from my base. One of these is closer, around 450m, while the other is just over 1000m as teleporting back there or to there via waystone costs 1 level of XP. The closer one has a couple of high Vis areas, but they also have some Flux in them, and I would like to start with 0 Flux if at all possible. The longer I can go before causing a Flux Rift to appear the better. And that was a common problem for me in the last time I played Thaumcraft 6 as I accidentally emptied the contents of several full Warded Jars of Essentia into the local area, and had a small Flux Rift appear on more than one occasion. It got so bad with this happening that I ended up having to cheat in a Flux Sponge, which is a Creative only item. There is 0 Flux anywhere in the more distant magical forest.
One I have the tower built, I'll post a screenshot of it and also the interior. It is going to need to be large enough to fit the Infusion Altar and Arcane Pedestals in, plus room for arcane items to increase its stability.
Edit: I already have 2 platforms covering the chunks with high Vis in the magical forest SW of my base. I located these at Y=105, just above the tree line - there is a large Greatwood tree in one of the chunks and I did not want to chop it down, so I extended a 2x2 pillar at the center of each chunk.
I have already had to make use of the high vis as there was insufficient amount to create the Caster's Gauntlet. This requires 3 iron ingots, a thaumometer and a vis resonator, plus 4 leather on the arcane workbench. It requires 100 vis to make. I had 87 in my main room chunk, and 303 in the forest.
Edit: I decided I would use Project Red Basalt Bricks for my wizard tower. I also expanded the platform to 5x5, and put both a Waystone and a Celestial Gateway there. I then made an RF Tools Builder with a shape card in it to make a 48x24x48 cylinder. Inside this I am going to make several floors, and put a cone on top of the tower. I needed a total of 3168, and fortunately there was a volcano where I could get a lot of this not far from the base.
I was inside my base at night during a thunderstorm, and I have figured how skeleton horses were spawning on my roof. This appears to be due to the game's engine misinterpreting Forestry's butterflies for horses. This time there was a skeleton horse trap awaiting me on my roof. I dispatched it from a distance with my Draconic Bow. Thaumcraft has a turret of sorts in the form of the Automated Crossbow, or I could use an Archangel's Smite on a Dark Matter Pedestal which should target them as well.
I expanded the platform in the magical forest, and went to the center of each chunk to make a survey with the Thaumometer to see how much vis and flux was in each. Most had totals over 300 vis, with one over 400, and another less than 300. Flux totals were anywhere from 10 to around 32.
I placed an RF Tools Builder at the boundary of the westernmost center chunk in the 5x5. I placed a shape card in it with a 48x24x48 cylinder, with Z+27 and Y+12 offsets. The reason for the Z offset not being 24 blocks is because then it would try to build the structure on top of the Builder. For the cone I set the size to 52x24x52 to allow for a 1 block overlap around the base, the same Z offset and a Y+36 offset.
I used Primal Voidstone from Chisel, and made it into the Rune pattern. The raw voidstone has EMC, so I was able to pull whatever I needed out of the transmutation tablet. I made a total of 3 floors, but later removed the lowest one. Initially I had 2 lower floors with them being being 3 blocks high. On the uppermost floor is where I will locate the Infusion Altar. I made an Infusion Matrix, and placed it near my research table back in my main base. This item also has EMC, so I will just get another one when it comes time to set up the altar. In addition I will also need various things like skulls, crystals, candles and other arcane objects to increase the stability. Just below the altar level I made a 2 high floor, where I will locate some of these. Others will go around the structure itself.
A couple screenshots are below. The first of these is taken from the westernmost center chunk, where I set up a Refined Storage Network Receiver, with a Network Transmitter in my base. These function the same as AE2's Quantum Ring links, but are easier to make and set up. There is also a Flux Point here that I used to power the Builder, and another one which only powers a Celestial Manipulator from Draconic Evolution. It rains so much in this pack that I place these everywhere in my base. I also set up a Celestial Gateway and a Waystone here. The gateway is free, the waystone costs 1 level per teleport. At over 3km or in other dimensions, the cost is 3 levels. It is free to teleport less than 1km using these.
You might notice a different pickaxe on my hotbar: that is because one of the items in the Auromancy chapter of the Thaumonomicon ate my Tinker's pickaxe I had through much of the pack. The item I unlocked was the Focus Effect: Break. The new pick still has a cobalt head, a vibrant alloy binding which teleports mined items directly into my inventory, and for the tool rod I chose Knightslime. This required me to find a purple slime island. Fortunately there was one around 600m south of the tower.
The block of redstone in the 2nd image is where I plan on locating the altar. All around it are where the Warded Jars full of Essentia will be located. I don't think I am going to store jars of these like I did in the Direwolf20 1.12 pack. Instead I will only place enough in each to allow for whatever infusion recipe I am making. Instead I will place drawers with the various vis crystals I found I can randomly obtain via EMC. Also, I should not be smelting too much of this into essentia at once as the basic smeltery is only 80% efficient, with the remaining 20% released into the aura as flux.
Edit: I decided I would go ahead and unlock the Thaumium Essentia Smeltery, which has a 90% efficiency. I currently have 101 vis and 31 flux in the chunk with the existing basic smeltery in it. I am going to upgrade all of them to that tier. There's also a Void Metal smeltery which I believe is 100% efficient. But I have to unlock the Eldritch chapter in the Thaumonomicon in order to do so. And one of those tasks toward that is obtaining the Crimson Rites book. The Knights and sometimes the Clerics will spawn at random from a Lesser Crimson Portal. These have a slight chance to randomly spawn, usually in desolate places like deserts and ice plains. I have only encountered a single one of these, and all I got was Crimson Cult Greaves. These have 270 durability and are about as good as iron. They do not give you Warp. This is a negative effect that comes from researching or making forbidden/eldritch items. It can manifest as minor negative status effects that last a short time. I never really encountered this in TC6 - it was more common in TC4 in which Azanor introduced the mechanic.
Edit 01-04-2025: I completed the tower and got the Infusion Altar running. For stability, I used tallow candles from Thaumcraft in several different colors in the gaps between the pedestals and outside to 5 blocks out from them. There is an item in the Infusion tab about stability that only unlocks if you encounter an instability event during crafting. This can be anything from knocking items off the pedestals to generating liquid or gaseous flux. The longer the infusion process continues, the more likely such events will occur.
Then one block above the floor, just above the candles, I placed Amaranth wood planks (from Natura) around the entire area, leaving a 13x13 area inside for the altar and pedestals.
A screenshot of the entire area is below. Each of the rows of warded jars contain Essentia, starting with the Primal ones at top left - Aer, Aqua, Ignis, Terra, Ordo and Perditio. These are somewhat out of order - terra and aqua are swapped vs. the order they appear in JEI. The compound aspects are then listed in order by their tier, with higher tier ones being more complex. Instead I chose to then do these in alphabetical order, with the primals and others going from left to right. The front row of jars I had initially connected to the center alembics, but found that to be too far for the essentia to reach any of the jars. Also, only one aspect at a time can be handled. If I want to fill a jar, only its valve and the one on the lowest alembic are opened. I have been using the crystals I have been pulling from the transmutation tablet for this, adding enough to fill each jar to about 230 - 240 vis. The jar can hold 250. Shift clicking on a jar will dump its contents into the aura as flux; I had been stacking jars on top of one another in my Direwolf20 1.12.2 world, and this would happen when I mis-clicked on the jar. I otherwise could not stack them. The tube and valve system will prevent this from happening in this world.
Forgot to note that there is one jar which is not 230 - 240 full. That is the 3rd jar from the back on the right. That contains Vitium (Taint) Essentia, and I really do not need much, maybe 30 or so to keep on hand for research items. There is no recipe that uses it other than Bottled Taint, which is a crucible recipe. And I have so much of the crystal form that keeping a lot of the liquid doesn't make any sense to me. Plus the Flux Condenser, which I haven't unlocked yet, will generate vitium from the removed flux.
Also, I burned up most of the wood planks in this area last night and had to rebuild them when I emptied out one of the drawers holding the crystals (they weren't locked), and ended up with several pieces of firestone ore in the world because my tier 6 void ore miner was running and my RS network was putting things into the drawer.
Behind those drawers is the Research Table. Around it I have placed research aids such as a beacon, a bookshelf (under the research table), a Focal Manipulator, an Infusion Matrix, a Brain in a Jar, a Crucible, and an Arcane Workbench. Each of these gives research bonuses, but decreases the number of light bulbs (inspiration) by 1 for each one selected, reducing the amount of research pages.
Edit 01-09-2025: I got several things completed in the Thaumonomicon, as well as scanned a Fire or Hell Bat. These creatures are quite aggressive, even tending to explode when they attack. This unlocked a hidden item in the Auromancy chapter, which was the Spell Bat Focus. In addition, I also found a Pech Forager. These are neutral, but if you drop precious items like gold, diamonds and so on around them, there is a chance of getting some rare items from them, such as a Pech Wand or the Pech's Curse Focus. I also captured one of these in a mob imprisonment tool, but I need to transfer it to a Soul Vial so I can make a Powered Spawner for it. Then I might be able to get both items from their drops; though I do not recall exactly if they drop the items I want to get. I may locate the spawner in the same room with all the elemental ones and the vindicator.
Edit 01-12-2025: There is no such thing as the Pech's Curse Focus in this version of Thaumcraft. That exists, but it is in TC4, which is in 1.7.10.
I did get some items from the Pech spawned in a Powered Spawner - the Pech Wand and one of the curiosities in the mod that give you knowledge when used. Other than that, they appear to drop gold nuggets, iron swords, bows and armor similar to what skeletons and zombies might spawn with.
I also encountered the Crimson Cultists again, this time in a Cold Desert. These spawn from a Lesser Crimson Portal, which can spawn as Warp effects in addition to in desolate places like deserts (including cold ones) in the overworld. One of the Knights dropped the Crimson Rites book, which you need to have a minimum warp of 20 in order to use. By scanning the book and also using it as a research item, you can unlock the Eldtritch chapter in the Thaumonomicon. Completing any of these will give you a significant amount of warp, and once doing so, I had an unnatural white fog surround my wizard tower, at which point an Eldritch Guardian spawned and attacked me. I took it out with my bow, but in the process it also gave me some temporary warp. There is one other really nasty warp effect called Sun Scorned. When you are inflicted with this, you burn in sunlight like you were a skeleton or zombie. Another one which is a little less nasty is Unnatural Hunger. During this effect, the only way to cure it is to eat rotten flesh.
In addition, I made several things such as all the elemental tools, the workbench charger (draws vis from the 8 nearby chunks, resulting in totals > 9x the base amount of vis. By putting this on an Arcane Workbench, it allows the crafting of things which require more vis than in the chunk where it is located. I unlocked the Stabilizer, which I found out also works on Flux Rifts. Its main purpose is to prevent instability during the infusion process. One item I made was called the Causality Collapser. This when thrown at a flux rift blows it up, resulting in it producing Void Seeds. Like most everything else in TC6, this item has EMC. I used a couple of stacks to throw at rifts I created in the Mining Dimension, which were around 1000m away from where the portal was. With one of these, I got a Primordial Mote. This is a subcomponent of the Primordial Pearl, and getting one in your inventory also gives temporary warp.
What with all of these, including the Solar Flux items added to the Thaumonomicon, I have only 29% to go on Fundamentals, 12% on Infusion, and 9% (?) - not sure about this - on Auromancy.
And while doing some of the items in the mod, there was a total eclipse of the sun, I was out looking for the Crimson Cult at the time, and teleported home from using the Advanced Dislocator. That night I attuned a Celestial Crystal to Horologium, which only appears once every 36 in game days on the night after a total solar eclipse. This was then used to make a Collector Crystal attuned to that same constellation. The base crystal used was a 900 size, 100% purity and 100% cutting, all max stats. A second crystal already attuned was then used to power a ritual, which has an anchor linked to the doorway between my Thermal and EnderIO rooms. This results in tick acceleration without costing power of the SAG Mill processing most gems and dusts, the Induction Smelter with most metals, and another SAG Mill/Alloy Furnace for Nickel, Platinum, Iridium and Draconium. The former 3 produce various outputs like nickel giving platinum, and platinum/iridium giving each other, and the last one because it is typically 12 dust per ore with End Steel Grinding balls in the SAG Mill.
I completed my progress in Thaumcraft 6 for the most part (I have yet to create any foci), getting Fundamentals 75% completed, Auromancy 95%, Infusion 88% and the rest (Alchemy, Artifice, Golemancy, Eldritch and Solar Flux). The solar panels the Solar Flux mod add to TC6 really aren't all that good compared to the VI, VII and VIII ones, or the ones DE adds - Wyvern at 65,536, Draconic at 262,144, and Chaotic at 2,048,000. By comparison, the void metal one only generates 512 FE/t.
While I have completed most of the chapters, I have yet to make any foci. I have only made 1 blank greater one, which is an infusing recipe without any EMC. The 2 lower tier blank foci do have EMC.
I set up a couple of arcane devices in the area, such as the Thaumatorium (automated alchemy), Focal Manipulator, Arcane Spa, Infernal Furnace, Void Metal Essentia Smeltery and Flux Condenser/Condenser Lattice. I have posted screenshots of the area around the smelteries, all of which are in the same chunk as the flux condenser. I also built an upper level, and was initially going to use the condenser up there, but have so far not put anything else up there.
I also posted a screenshot of the area where I am doing flux rift experiments. This is around 5000 blocks WNW of my base. The flux level has been as high as 14,600 or so, and the chunk with the largest one has stayed about that high the entire time. The current shot shows a lot of destruction to the islands; I was looking through and found a shot I took of an earlier rift where the flux was around 8k, and shows the island in pristine condition (well except for where the rifts had already destroyed blocks). It is from a different angle.
In addition, I used the Stellar Refraction Table to make 2 types of potion (called Stardew in the mod). You use something called Infused Glass on the top of the table, with a sheet of Parchment (4 paper and an aquamarine makes 4) under it. You then try and place constellations onto the parchment. The constellation has to be in the sky, and the table is very picky about symbol placement. If it does not like it, it will burn the parchment. Once done successfully, you can then use books, items or water bottles to enchant items or make stardew. Enchanting items or books directly will always use some of the Engraved Glasses' durability, while there is a chance of using it when making stardew. Of course the relevant constellation needs to be in the sky when enchanting or brewing, plus it needs to be night. If it is near the morning, the table stops working.
This I intend to use to assist in fighting the 2nd Gaia Guardian from Botania. I have already fought her once using the Red Matter Katar, which while not able to one shot her, it did inflict a respectable amount of damage. There are times when she becomes invincible and starts summoning mobs. This is where the katar's AOE effect comes in handy. My Draconic Sword also has an AOE, but the katar's one is greater. The stardew potions I made give me Strength IV (3 Discidia) for 4 - 6 min, and Regeneration IV (3 Aevitas) for 4 - 6 min. The Discidia one I could also directly use on the Draconic Sword and get something like Sharpness VII.
Edit: I was unable to upload the screenshot with the flux rifts in it and the destroyed island. I suspect the rifts themselves are the culprit.
I completed my progress in Thaumcraft 6 for the most part (I have yet to create any foci), getting Fundamentals 75% completed, Auromancy 95%, Infusion 88% and the rest (Alchemy, Artifice, Golemancy, Eldritch and Solar Flux). The solar panels the Solar Flux mod add to TC6 really aren't all that good compared to the VI, VII and VIII ones, or the ones DE adds - Wyvern at 65,536, Draconic at 262,144, and Chaotic at 2,048,000. By comparison, the void metal one only generates 512 FE/t.
While I have completed most of the chapters, I have yet to make any foci. I have only made 1 blank greater one, which is an infusing recipe without any EMC. The 2 lower tier blank foci do have EMC.
I set up a couple of arcane devices in the area, such as the Thaumatorium (automated alchemy), Focal Manipulator, Arcane Spa, Infernal Furnace, Void Metal Essentia Smeltery and Flux Condenser/Condenser Lattice. I have posted screenshots of the area around the smelteries, all of which are in the same chunk as the flux condenser. I also built an upper level, and was initially going to use the condenser up there, but have so far not put anything else up there.
I also posted a screenshot of the area where I am doing flux rift experiments. This is around 5000 blocks WNW of my base. The flux level has been as high as 14,600 or so, and the chunk with the largest one has stayed about that high the entire time. The current shot shows a lot of destruction to the islands; I was looking through and found a shot I took of an earlier rift where the flux was around 8k, and shows the island in pristine condition (well except for where the rifts had already destroyed blocks). It is from a different angle.
In addition, I used the Stellar Refraction Table to make 2 types of potion (called Stardew in the mod). You use something called Infused Glass on the top of the table, with a sheet of Parchment (4 paper and an aquamarine makes 4) under it. You then try and place constellations onto the parchment. The constellation has to be in the sky, and the table is very picky about symbol placement. If it does not like it, it will burn the parchment. Once done successfully, you can then use books, items or water bottles to enchant items or make stardew. Enchanting items or books directly will always use some of the Engraved Glasses' durability, while there is a chance of using it when making stardew. Of course the relevant constellation needs to be in the sky when enchanting or brewing, plus it needs to be night. If it is near the morning, the table stops working.
This I intend to use to assist in fighting the 2nd Gaia Guardian from Botania. I have already fought her once using the Red Matter Katar, which while not able to one shot her, it did inflict a respectable amount of damage. There are times when she becomes invincible and starts summoning mobs. This is where the katar's AOE effect comes in handy. My Draconic Sword also has an AOE, but the katar's one is greater. The stardew potions I made give me Strength IV (3 Discidia) for 4 - 6 min, and Regeneration IV (3 Aevitas) for 4 - 6 min. The Discidia one I could also directly use on the Draconic Sword and get something like Sharpness VII.
Edit: I was unable to add the screenshot with the flux rifts in them around the destroyed island. I suspect that they are what is causing the error.
Edit 2: So it likely was not the rifts themselves causing the issue, as the one screenshot with the island in relatively pristine condition uploaded successfully on the first try, but I reloaded after the initial error occurred and only the existing 3 shots remained.
I got into Woot a little bit, and made a couple of the basic components, notably the Stygian Iron Anvil and the various dies (like those in the multi servo presses in mechanical mastery. These are Core, Shard, Mesh and Plate. These are used for making various items in the mod, such as the Ender Shard used to first capture a mob, then kill a number of that mob to fill the shard up. This includes mobs from mods, and some bosses, in FTB Revelation this is the dragon, wither and the Chaos Guardian. It is likely the two dragon bosses need only one kill, while the wither likely needs 2 to fill a shard. This is then used to craft the Mob Controller.
The controller is used in part of a multi block factory that spawns mobs without physically placing them in the world. These virtual mobs are then engaged by a fake player and slain in a manner similar to how Deep Mob Learning or Hostile Neural Networks as it is called in current packs works. The controller learns the loot table of the mob being spawned over time. Tier 1 can spawn zombies, skeletons, creepers, spiders plus modded mobs, and all animals. Tier 2 can spawn blazes and ghasts. Tier 3 spawns elder guardians, wither skeletons, endermen and villagers. Tier 4 spawns the ender dragon, wither and chaos guardian.
I did not mention any Woodland Mansion mobs. Evokers would likely be tier 3, and vindicators tier 2.
For now I have not done anything further with the mod, but did fight the 2nd Gaia Guardian. Her attacks are stronger, including her Gaia Traps. These she summons 7 of in phase 3 of her fight. You do not want to stay in one place when she places these, because you will get Wither III. I did so with the Draconic Armor, and she brought the shield entropy to 100%. Once it does this, it begins to drain the armor's stored RF. The only stronger boss in this pack is the Chaos Guardian, which has an attack that drains RF directly from the armor. I think a Stardew potion with Absorption on it would help to delay or reduce this from occurring. I need to do some research, but I seem to recall that it is Pelotrio (a minor constellation that appears at full and new moons) that gives this effect.
Edit 01-26-2025: I tried it with the Absorption effect and the same pretty much occurred with my armor hitting 100% entropy. It did seem to take a bit longer the 2nd time I fought her in her harder form. This time I got another of the items you can get from the Dice of Fate. The first of these was the Fruit of Grisaea, and on the 2nd attempt I got the Ring of Odin. This one gives you an additional 12 hearts. Because of Astral Sorcery perks previously gained and the Dynamism Gem I was currently using gave me 13, going from 63.5 to 76.5 hearts. Not all of this though has been from Astral Sorcery. Cyclic had heart containers which can eat up to 10 of to permanently increase your health to 20 hearts, in a manner similar to how Life Crystals work in Terraria.
Also, one item I got from the 1st fight was the Pinkinator. You apply this directly to the Wither before he explodes, and he spawns passive. I had one in my basement in a small area in my Direwolf20 1.12.2 world, and unfortunately it suffocated in the wall and died. There was something weird about its AI making it go to a specific corner of the area.
I fought the Gaia Guardian II once more, this time using Stardew potions made using Armara. These gave me Resistance III. While the Wither III attack from her Gaia Traps (7 in her 2nd version, 6 in the 1st) did increase my shield entropy to 100%, my armor did not start draining of its RF. It appears the resistance effect prevents this. This time I got the Ring of Thor, which gives you increases in the Terra Shatterer's depth and length. In addition to the 12 hearts gain, the Ring of Odin also gives immunity to suffocation, drowning, starvation, fire/lava and void damage. The other Relics of the Aesir I have yet to obtain are the Ring of Loki, The Key of the King's Law, which is based on the item of the same name as in the series Fate/Stay Night, and is one of Gilgamesh's greatest abilities, called the Gate of Babylon. The last of these is the Eye of the Flügel. This allows the storage of up to 12 locations to teleport to.
It is also no coincidence that the Gaia Guardian has 3 stages to her attack routine. This is very similar to how bosses in Terraria behave. Several have 2 phases, and at least one, Duke Fishron, has 3 in Expert and Master modes. The author of Botania, Vazkii, is known for using references from anime and video games. She also did the Thaumic Tinkerer mod for 1.7.10 for Thaumcraft 4, and there are a few items that are very similar to items of the same name in Terraria. For example, there's a weapon in Terraria called the Shadowbeam staff that allows shots to be reflected off walls; the mod has a wand focus of the same name. And it is one of the components of what is called the KAMI module. There is a Terra Blade you can make in Botania, named the same as a weapon that can be made in Terraria.
When you start the fight, an invisible force field is created around the beacon at about a 12 block radius where you summon the boss. Flight is disabled during the fight, and any short term buffs are also cancelled, such as those from a Beacon. The flight disabling also applies to the teleportation using the eye of the flugel.
Been working on and off over the course of a few months on expanding the "the bunker" under the wheat field outside my house. The intention of the expansion was to make room for large underground plant and animal farms instead of having them on the surface. The rooms attached to the main chamber are mirrored with the opposite side. Going to start hollowing out the rooms for the plant farms today.
I plan to have water flowing down below the catwalk of the large central chamber. For the empty sculk pools I had intended to capture more glow squids along with a couple dolphins to have swim in them, but the color of the water is so dark blue that it conflicts with the look I wanted to achieve. I was hoping that I'd have clearer water like swamps so that the mobs would look like they were swimming in space.
Exposed cave walls, torches and shulker boxes are temporary as it's still an ongoing project.
Bit of an update on this. I've finished about 90% of both farm rooms and have tweaked the redstone on the harvesting mechanism to be a bit more efficient albeit still being somewhat slow. Due to the sheer amount of output I had to split the flooding system to control only 1 side of that room to avoid overflowing the collection system.
I ended up liking the how the upper wall was shaping up as I was carving out the roof, so I put some windows up there and converted it into a storage room which connects to an identical storage room as well as a new storage hallway which now has windows to view into the central chamber from the 2nd floor which can be seen in 3rd screenshot of the old post still filled in with deepslate. It's accessible by a bubble column elevator from the floor below.
The unfinished left and right sides of the farm rooms will be expanded and have bee hives setup. I'm not sure whether I want to put cherry trees in there as well, or a couple of farmer villager homes for flavour alongside the bees. After chipping away at both farm rooms for almost a year I'm kind of burnt out on it, and out of ideas for how I want the bee section to look, so I'm shifting my focus to replacing the vacant coastal desert village that's across my wheat field. Gonna try for a smallish transient fishing/ merchant village vibe.
Like last time, any torches, exposed cave walls, shulkers, stray chests are temporary.
I went back to the area where I was blowing up Flux Rifts again to do this some more. I have been doing this here for quite some time, and as a result, the terrain destruction appears to be what is preventing the screenshots from the area from uploading.
When using Causality Collapsers to blow up rifts, you get something called Void Seeds. These are the basis of the entire Eldritch line in the Thaumonomicon (which of course is named after the Necronomicon - Book of the Dead, from the horror stories of H.P. Lovecraft). The smallest size rift will drop around 5 seeds, with larger ones getting more, based on the size of the rift. A Primordial Pearl or its smaller motes and nodules has a 1:6 chance of dropping from a collapsed flux rift. And picking one up I have found has a chance of giving temporary warp - it is not 100%. If you have the Warp Ward buff active and you pick one up, it has no effect on you.
There was a strange sound of multiple explosions while I was on a nearby island to the rifts. This lasted about a second. I looked around and could not see where they were coming from. I suspect it was a warp effect. IIRC at the time, I did not have Ward Ward in effect. One of the possible effects is an explosion sound nearby that only the afflicted player can hear.
Later while exploring to gain another Astral Sorcery perk point, I was far from my base when I found a naturally spawned pink sheep. I pulled a Mob Imprisonment Tool from Industrial Foregoing (essentially a Pokeball, Direwolf20's newest mod, Just Dire Things also has something like it) and brought it back to my base with me, and let it wander around the area. Unlike previous bases which I have always walled in, this one has no walls, but there are 5 Mega Torches around the area that prevent hostile mob spawns (they only prevent those that naturally spawn - any from spawners or cursed earth, or those the Gaia Guardian summons, are unaffected.) And since I have villagers nearby, I make sure I am inside my base, which is on the edge of the village, or even on my Astral Sorcery tower, at midnight so I do not trigger a zombie siege.
That middle picture above reminds me of that one boss in Final Fantasy X.
Oh, that was hardcore!? What happened? I mean, I can see the creeper cause, but how?
I'm not sure if such a score is high or not. Did it at least happen early enough in a world to not be a big deal?
That looks like the new garden biome thing? (I haven't played Minecraft outside of old versions in a while.)
I was in the new biome, the pale garden to find resin and a creaking heart when a creeper spawned in the dark oak forest it is connected too and wandered up behind me while I was havesting resin and chopping down pale oak.
Score is based on total XP Points picked up between your last death and now. I have been playing in the hardcore world for 3 months and had a lot of cool builds. the tree house is from that world.
At least I could open it to lan and use commends to turn it into a survival world.
I got the Creative Vending Upgrade in Mechanical Mastery and also completed a couple of the other side quests, including all but the last two quests in the Overhauled Ore Processing chapter. Those are the Chemical Injection Chamber (I will likely use an Advanced or Elite Injecting Factory) using Hydrogen Chloride at 2.5x and the Chemical Dissolution Chamber, using Sulfuric Acid at 3.3x, which does not have any factory tiers. In addition in the Endgame chapter, I got the Final EMC Link (Mk 16), which has infinite stats vs. all the previous 15 tiers.
As for what I did with the creative vending upgrade, I stuck it in a Drawer and put 1 Enriched Basilic Reagent (2.5x ore multiplication) in it, then placed it over where I was making Precision Mechanisms as I had a spare channel in my AE2 system. I put an ME Storage Bus on it, so now I always have 2,147,484,571 of it available. I then converted all of pulverizer inputs from flint to it, and also added an ME Export Bus on the standalone pulverizer I have been using for things like diamond, emerald, and all of the elemental drops, as getting powder from them is usually around 6:1 with the highest tier reagent. On average, for every stack of emerald or diamond ore, I get 400 of the gems by running them through it.
I then switched to my FTB Revelation Instance as I decided it was time to start out with Thaumcraft 6. I got the Arcane Workbench, Research Table and Crucible going, and made a Thaumometer, then went around scanning items in the world, plus some in inventory. I still have a lot more to go, and I have yet to try it with anything from Astral Sorcery. I did one crucible recipe, Alchemical Brass, which needs an iron ingot and 5 of the Instrumentum aspect in order to unlock the Goggles of Revealing.
Then the last thing I did was find a suitable location in one of the nearby magical forest biomes to build a wizard tower. I was thinking of locating it high above the ground and make access via Waystone only. I temporarily placed one in one of two chunks I claimed. There are 2 of these not too far from my base. One of these is closer, around 450m, while the other is just over 1000m as teleporting back there or to there via waystone costs 1 level of XP. The closer one has a couple of high Vis areas, but they also have some Flux in them, and I would like to start with 0 Flux if at all possible. The longer I can go before causing a Flux Rift to appear the better. And that was a common problem for me in the last time I played Thaumcraft 6 as I accidentally emptied the contents of several full Warded Jars of Essentia into the local area, and had a small Flux Rift appear on more than one occasion. It got so bad with this happening that I ended up having to cheat in a Flux Sponge, which is a Creative only item. There is 0 Flux anywhere in the more distant magical forest.
One I have the tower built, I'll post a screenshot of it and also the interior. It is going to need to be large enough to fit the Infusion Altar and Arcane Pedestals in, plus room for arcane items to increase its stability.
Edit: I already have 2 platforms covering the chunks with high Vis in the magical forest SW of my base. I located these at Y=105, just above the tree line - there is a large Greatwood tree in one of the chunks and I did not want to chop it down, so I extended a 2x2 pillar at the center of each chunk.
I have already had to make use of the high vis as there was insufficient amount to create the Caster's Gauntlet. This requires 3 iron ingots, a thaumometer and a vis resonator, plus 4 leather on the arcane workbench. It requires 100 vis to make. I had 87 in my main room chunk, and 303 in the forest.
Edit: I decided I would use Project Red Basalt Bricks for my wizard tower. I also expanded the platform to 5x5, and put both a Waystone and a Celestial Gateway there. I then made an RF Tools Builder with a shape card in it to make a 48x24x48 cylinder. Inside this I am going to make several floors, and put a cone on top of the tower. I needed a total of 3168, and fortunately there was a volcano where I could get a lot of this not far from the base.
I was inside my base at night during a thunderstorm, and I have figured how skeleton horses were spawning on my roof. This appears to be due to the game's engine misinterpreting Forestry's butterflies for horses. This time there was a skeleton horse trap awaiting me on my roof. I dispatched it from a distance with my Draconic Bow. Thaumcraft has a turret of sorts in the form of the Automated Crossbow, or I could use an Archangel's Smite on a Dark Matter Pedestal which should target them as well.
Very nice, amazing and clean builds. Looking beautiful.
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I expanded the platform in the magical forest, and went to the center of each chunk to make a survey with the Thaumometer to see how much vis and flux was in each. Most had totals over 300 vis, with one over 400, and another less than 300. Flux totals were anywhere from 10 to around 32.
I placed an RF Tools Builder at the boundary of the westernmost center chunk in the 5x5. I placed a shape card in it with a 48x24x48 cylinder, with Z+27 and Y+12 offsets. The reason for the Z offset not being 24 blocks is because then it would try to build the structure on top of the Builder. For the cone I set the size to 52x24x52 to allow for a 1 block overlap around the base, the same Z offset and a Y+36 offset.
I used Primal Voidstone from Chisel, and made it into the Rune pattern. The raw voidstone has EMC, so I was able to pull whatever I needed out of the transmutation tablet. I made a total of 3 floors, but later removed the lowest one. Initially I had 2 lower floors with them being being 3 blocks high. On the uppermost floor is where I will locate the Infusion Altar. I made an Infusion Matrix, and placed it near my research table back in my main base. This item also has EMC, so I will just get another one when it comes time to set up the altar. In addition I will also need various things like skulls, crystals, candles and other arcane objects to increase the stability. Just below the altar level I made a 2 high floor, where I will locate some of these. Others will go around the structure itself.
A couple screenshots are below. The first of these is taken from the westernmost center chunk, where I set up a Refined Storage Network Receiver, with a Network Transmitter in my base. These function the same as AE2's Quantum Ring links, but are easier to make and set up. There is also a Flux Point here that I used to power the Builder, and another one which only powers a Celestial Manipulator from Draconic Evolution. It rains so much in this pack that I place these everywhere in my base. I also set up a Celestial Gateway and a Waystone here. The gateway is free, the waystone costs 1 level per teleport. At over 3km or in other dimensions, the cost is 3 levels. It is free to teleport less than 1km using these.
You might notice a different pickaxe on my hotbar: that is because one of the items in the Auromancy chapter of the Thaumonomicon ate my Tinker's pickaxe I had through much of the pack. The item I unlocked was the Focus Effect: Break. The new pick still has a cobalt head, a vibrant alloy binding which teleports mined items directly into my inventory, and for the tool rod I chose Knightslime. This required me to find a purple slime island. Fortunately there was one around 600m south of the tower.
The block of redstone in the 2nd image is where I plan on locating the altar. All around it are where the Warded Jars full of Essentia will be located. I don't think I am going to store jars of these like I did in the Direwolf20 1.12 pack. Instead I will only place enough in each to allow for whatever infusion recipe I am making. Instead I will place drawers with the various vis crystals I found I can randomly obtain via EMC. Also, I should not be smelting too much of this into essentia at once as the basic smeltery is only 80% efficient, with the remaining 20% released into the aura as flux.
Edit: I decided I would go ahead and unlock the Thaumium Essentia Smeltery, which has a 90% efficiency. I currently have 101 vis and 31 flux in the chunk with the existing basic smeltery in it. I am going to upgrade all of them to that tier. There's also a Void Metal smeltery which I believe is 100% efficient. But I have to unlock the Eldritch chapter in the Thaumonomicon in order to do so. And one of those tasks toward that is obtaining the Crimson Rites book. The Knights and sometimes the Clerics will spawn at random from a Lesser Crimson Portal. These have a slight chance to randomly spawn, usually in desolate places like deserts and ice plains. I have only encountered a single one of these, and all I got was Crimson Cult Greaves. These have 270 durability and are about as good as iron. They do not give you Warp. This is a negative effect that comes from researching or making forbidden/eldritch items. It can manifest as minor negative status effects that last a short time. I never really encountered this in TC6 - it was more common in TC4 in which Azanor introduced the mechanic.
Edit 01-04-2025: I completed the tower and got the Infusion Altar running. For stability, I used tallow candles from Thaumcraft in several different colors in the gaps between the pedestals and outside to 5 blocks out from them. There is an item in the Infusion tab about stability that only unlocks if you encounter an instability event during crafting. This can be anything from knocking items off the pedestals to generating liquid or gaseous flux. The longer the infusion process continues, the more likely such events will occur.
Then one block above the floor, just above the candles, I placed Amaranth wood planks (from Natura) around the entire area, leaving a 13x13 area inside for the altar and pedestals.
A screenshot of the entire area is below. Each of the rows of warded jars contain Essentia, starting with the Primal ones at top left - Aer, Aqua, Ignis, Terra, Ordo and Perditio. These are somewhat out of order - terra and aqua are swapped vs. the order they appear in JEI. The compound aspects are then listed in order by their tier, with higher tier ones being more complex. Instead I chose to then do these in alphabetical order, with the primals and others going from left to right. The front row of jars I had initially connected to the center alembics, but found that to be too far for the essentia to reach any of the jars. Also, only one aspect at a time can be handled. If I want to fill a jar, only its valve and the one on the lowest alembic are opened. I have been using the crystals I have been pulling from the transmutation tablet for this, adding enough to fill each jar to about 230 - 240 vis. The jar can hold 250. Shift clicking on a jar will dump its contents into the aura as flux; I had been stacking jars on top of one another in my Direwolf20 1.12.2 world, and this would happen when I mis-clicked on the jar. I otherwise could not stack them. The tube and valve system will prevent this from happening in this world.
Forgot to note that there is one jar which is not 230 - 240 full. That is the 3rd jar from the back on the right. That contains Vitium (Taint) Essentia, and I really do not need much, maybe 30 or so to keep on hand for research items. There is no recipe that uses it other than Bottled Taint, which is a crucible recipe. And I have so much of the crystal form that keeping a lot of the liquid doesn't make any sense to me. Plus the Flux Condenser, which I haven't unlocked yet, will generate vitium from the removed flux.
Also, I burned up most of the wood planks in this area last night and had to rebuild them when I emptied out one of the drawers holding the crystals (they weren't locked), and ended up with several pieces of firestone ore in the world because my tier 6 void ore miner was running and my RS network was putting things into the drawer.
Behind those drawers is the Research Table. Around it I have placed research aids such as a beacon, a bookshelf (under the research table), a Focal Manipulator, an Infusion Matrix, a Brain in a Jar, a Crucible, and an Arcane Workbench. Each of these gives research bonuses, but decreases the number of light bulbs (inspiration) by 1 for each one selected, reducing the amount of research pages.
Edit 01-09-2025: I got several things completed in the Thaumonomicon, as well as scanned a Fire or Hell Bat. These creatures are quite aggressive, even tending to explode when they attack. This unlocked a hidden item in the Auromancy chapter, which was the Spell Bat Focus. In addition, I also found a Pech Forager. These are neutral, but if you drop precious items like gold, diamonds and so on around them, there is a chance of getting some rare items from them, such as a Pech Wand or the Pech's Curse Focus. I also captured one of these in a mob imprisonment tool, but I need to transfer it to a Soul Vial so I can make a Powered Spawner for it. Then I might be able to get both items from their drops; though I do not recall exactly if they drop the items I want to get. I may locate the spawner in the same room with all the elemental ones and the vindicator.
Edit 01-12-2025: There is no such thing as the Pech's Curse Focus in this version of Thaumcraft. That exists, but it is in TC4, which is in 1.7.10.
I did get some items from the Pech spawned in a Powered Spawner - the Pech Wand and one of the curiosities in the mod that give you knowledge when used. Other than that, they appear to drop gold nuggets, iron swords, bows and armor similar to what skeletons and zombies might spawn with.
I also encountered the Crimson Cultists again, this time in a Cold Desert. These spawn from a Lesser Crimson Portal, which can spawn as Warp effects in addition to in desolate places like deserts (including cold ones) in the overworld. One of the Knights dropped the Crimson Rites book, which you need to have a minimum warp of 20 in order to use. By scanning the book and also using it as a research item, you can unlock the Eldtritch chapter in the Thaumonomicon. Completing any of these will give you a significant amount of warp, and once doing so, I had an unnatural white fog surround my wizard tower, at which point an Eldritch Guardian spawned and attacked me. I took it out with my bow, but in the process it also gave me some temporary warp. There is one other really nasty warp effect called Sun Scorned. When you are inflicted with this, you burn in sunlight like you were a skeleton or zombie. Another one which is a little less nasty is Unnatural Hunger. During this effect, the only way to cure it is to eat rotten flesh.
In addition, I made several things such as all the elemental tools, the workbench charger (draws vis from the 8 nearby chunks, resulting in totals > 9x the base amount of vis. By putting this on an Arcane Workbench, it allows the crafting of things which require more vis than in the chunk where it is located. I unlocked the Stabilizer, which I found out also works on Flux Rifts. Its main purpose is to prevent instability during the infusion process. One item I made was called the Causality Collapser. This when thrown at a flux rift blows it up, resulting in it producing Void Seeds. Like most everything else in TC6, this item has EMC. I used a couple of stacks to throw at rifts I created in the Mining Dimension, which were around 1000m away from where the portal was. With one of these, I got a Primordial Mote. This is a subcomponent of the Primordial Pearl, and getting one in your inventory also gives temporary warp.
What with all of these, including the Solar Flux items added to the Thaumonomicon, I have only 29% to go on Fundamentals, 12% on Infusion, and 9% (?) - not sure about this - on Auromancy.
And while doing some of the items in the mod, there was a total eclipse of the sun, I was out looking for the Crimson Cult at the time, and teleported home from using the Advanced Dislocator. That night I attuned a Celestial Crystal to Horologium, which only appears once every 36 in game days on the night after a total solar eclipse. This was then used to make a Collector Crystal attuned to that same constellation. The base crystal used was a 900 size, 100% purity and 100% cutting, all max stats. A second crystal already attuned was then used to power a ritual, which has an anchor linked to the doorway between my Thermal and EnderIO rooms. This results in tick acceleration without costing power of the SAG Mill processing most gems and dusts, the Induction Smelter with most metals, and another SAG Mill/Alloy Furnace for Nickel, Platinum, Iridium and Draconium. The former 3 produce various outputs like nickel giving platinum, and platinum/iridium giving each other, and the last one because it is typically 12 dust per ore with End Steel Grinding balls in the SAG Mill.
Making a castle, next I'm making a bee farm because I need a lot of wax.
The year is 2025, and I still haven't made a castle to live in. I feel like I have to give up my title for now.
Maybe a smaller(ish) one like yours would be a good place to start.
I completed my progress in Thaumcraft 6 for the most part (I have yet to create any foci), getting Fundamentals 75% completed, Auromancy 95%, Infusion 88% and the rest (Alchemy, Artifice, Golemancy, Eldritch and Solar Flux). The solar panels the Solar Flux mod add to TC6 really aren't all that good compared to the VI, VII and VIII ones, or the ones DE adds - Wyvern at 65,536, Draconic at 262,144, and Chaotic at 2,048,000. By comparison, the void metal one only generates 512 FE/t.
While I have completed most of the chapters, I have yet to make any foci. I have only made 1 blank greater one, which is an infusing recipe without any EMC. The 2 lower tier blank foci do have EMC.
I set up a couple of arcane devices in the area, such as the Thaumatorium (automated alchemy), Focal Manipulator, Arcane Spa, Infernal Furnace, Void Metal Essentia Smeltery and Flux Condenser/Condenser Lattice. I have posted screenshots of the area around the smelteries, all of which are in the same chunk as the flux condenser. I also built an upper level, and was initially going to use the condenser up there, but have so far not put anything else up there.
I also posted a screenshot of the area where I am doing flux rift experiments. This is around 5000 blocks WNW of my base. The flux level has been as high as 14,600 or so, and the chunk with the largest one has stayed about that high the entire time. The current shot shows a lot of destruction to the islands; I was looking through and found a shot I took of an earlier rift where the flux was around 8k, and shows the island in pristine condition (well except for where the rifts had already destroyed blocks). It is from a different angle.
In addition, I used the Stellar Refraction Table to make 2 types of potion (called Stardew in the mod). You use something called Infused Glass on the top of the table, with a sheet of Parchment (4 paper and an aquamarine makes 4) under it. You then try and place constellations onto the parchment. The constellation has to be in the sky, and the table is very picky about symbol placement. If it does not like it, it will burn the parchment. Once done successfully, you can then use books, items or water bottles to enchant items or make stardew. Enchanting items or books directly will always use some of the Engraved Glasses' durability, while there is a chance of using it when making stardew. Of course the relevant constellation needs to be in the sky when enchanting or brewing, plus it needs to be night. If it is near the morning, the table stops working.
This I intend to use to assist in fighting the 2nd Gaia Guardian from Botania. I have already fought her once using the Red Matter Katar, which while not able to one shot her, it did inflict a respectable amount of damage. There are times when she becomes invincible and starts summoning mobs. This is where the katar's AOE effect comes in handy. My Draconic Sword also has an AOE, but the katar's one is greater. The stardew potions I made give me Strength IV (3 Discidia) for 4 - 6 min, and Regeneration IV (3 Aevitas) for 4 - 6 min. The Discidia one I could also directly use on the Draconic Sword and get something like Sharpness VII.
Edit: I was unable to upload the screenshot with the flux rifts in it and the destroyed island. I suspect the rifts themselves are the culprit.
I completed my progress in Thaumcraft 6 for the most part (I have yet to create any foci), getting Fundamentals 75% completed, Auromancy 95%, Infusion 88% and the rest (Alchemy, Artifice, Golemancy, Eldritch and Solar Flux). The solar panels the Solar Flux mod add to TC6 really aren't all that good compared to the VI, VII and VIII ones, or the ones DE adds - Wyvern at 65,536, Draconic at 262,144, and Chaotic at 2,048,000. By comparison, the void metal one only generates 512 FE/t.
While I have completed most of the chapters, I have yet to make any foci. I have only made 1 blank greater one, which is an infusing recipe without any EMC. The 2 lower tier blank foci do have EMC.
I set up a couple of arcane devices in the area, such as the Thaumatorium (automated alchemy), Focal Manipulator, Arcane Spa, Infernal Furnace, Void Metal Essentia Smeltery and Flux Condenser/Condenser Lattice. I have posted screenshots of the area around the smelteries, all of which are in the same chunk as the flux condenser. I also built an upper level, and was initially going to use the condenser up there, but have so far not put anything else up there.
I also posted a screenshot of the area where I am doing flux rift experiments. This is around 5000 blocks WNW of my base. The flux level has been as high as 14,600 or so, and the chunk with the largest one has stayed about that high the entire time. The current shot shows a lot of destruction to the islands; I was looking through and found a shot I took of an earlier rift where the flux was around 8k, and shows the island in pristine condition (well except for where the rifts had already destroyed blocks). It is from a different angle.
In addition, I used the Stellar Refraction Table to make 2 types of potion (called Stardew in the mod). You use something called Infused Glass on the top of the table, with a sheet of Parchment (4 paper and an aquamarine makes 4) under it. You then try and place constellations onto the parchment. The constellation has to be in the sky, and the table is very picky about symbol placement. If it does not like it, it will burn the parchment. Once done successfully, you can then use books, items or water bottles to enchant items or make stardew. Enchanting items or books directly will always use some of the Engraved Glasses' durability, while there is a chance of using it when making stardew. Of course the relevant constellation needs to be in the sky when enchanting or brewing, plus it needs to be night. If it is near the morning, the table stops working.
This I intend to use to assist in fighting the 2nd Gaia Guardian from Botania. I have already fought her once using the Red Matter Katar, which while not able to one shot her, it did inflict a respectable amount of damage. There are times when she becomes invincible and starts summoning mobs. This is where the katar's AOE effect comes in handy. My Draconic Sword also has an AOE, but the katar's one is greater. The stardew potions I made give me Strength IV (3 Discidia) for 4 - 6 min, and Regeneration IV (3 Aevitas) for 4 - 6 min. The Discidia one I could also directly use on the Draconic Sword and get something like Sharpness VII.
Edit: I was unable to add the screenshot with the flux rifts in them around the destroyed island. I suspect that they are what is causing the error.
Edit 2: So it likely was not the rifts themselves causing the issue, as the one screenshot with the island in relatively pristine condition uploaded successfully on the first try, but I reloaded after the initial error occurred and only the existing 3 shots remained.
I got into Woot a little bit, and made a couple of the basic components, notably the Stygian Iron Anvil and the various dies (like those in the multi servo presses in mechanical mastery. These are Core, Shard, Mesh and Plate. These are used for making various items in the mod, such as the Ender Shard used to first capture a mob, then kill a number of that mob to fill the shard up. This includes mobs from mods, and some bosses, in FTB Revelation this is the dragon, wither and the Chaos Guardian. It is likely the two dragon bosses need only one kill, while the wither likely needs 2 to fill a shard. This is then used to craft the Mob Controller.
The controller is used in part of a multi block factory that spawns mobs without physically placing them in the world. These virtual mobs are then engaged by a fake player and slain in a manner similar to how Deep Mob Learning or Hostile Neural Networks as it is called in current packs works. The controller learns the loot table of the mob being spawned over time. Tier 1 can spawn zombies, skeletons, creepers, spiders plus modded mobs, and all animals. Tier 2 can spawn blazes and ghasts. Tier 3 spawns elder guardians, wither skeletons, endermen and villagers. Tier 4 spawns the ender dragon, wither and chaos guardian.
I did not mention any Woodland Mansion mobs. Evokers would likely be tier 3, and vindicators tier 2.
For now I have not done anything further with the mod, but did fight the 2nd Gaia Guardian. Her attacks are stronger, including her Gaia Traps. These she summons 7 of in phase 3 of her fight. You do not want to stay in one place when she places these, because you will get Wither III. I did so with the Draconic Armor, and she brought the shield entropy to 100%. Once it does this, it begins to drain the armor's stored RF. The only stronger boss in this pack is the Chaos Guardian, which has an attack that drains RF directly from the armor. I think a Stardew potion with Absorption on it would help to delay or reduce this from occurring. I need to do some research, but I seem to recall that it is Pelotrio (a minor constellation that appears at full and new moons) that gives this effect.
Edit 01-26-2025: I tried it with the Absorption effect and the same pretty much occurred with my armor hitting 100% entropy. It did seem to take a bit longer the 2nd time I fought her in her harder form. This time I got another of the items you can get from the Dice of Fate. The first of these was the Fruit of Grisaea, and on the 2nd attempt I got the Ring of Odin. This one gives you an additional 12 hearts. Because of Astral Sorcery perks previously gained and the Dynamism Gem I was currently using gave me 13, going from 63.5 to 76.5 hearts. Not all of this though has been from Astral Sorcery. Cyclic had heart containers which can eat up to 10 of to permanently increase your health to 20 hearts, in a manner similar to how Life Crystals work in Terraria.
Also, one item I got from the 1st fight was the Pinkinator. You apply this directly to the Wither before he explodes, and he spawns passive. I had one in my basement in a small area in my Direwolf20 1.12.2 world, and unfortunately it suffocated in the wall and died. There was something weird about its AI making it go to a specific corner of the area.
I find smaller builds to be more fun as they don't require an insane grind to find and collect all the materials needed.
I fought the Gaia Guardian II once more, this time using Stardew potions made using Armara. These gave me Resistance III. While the Wither III attack from her Gaia Traps (7 in her 2nd version, 6 in the 1st) did increase my shield entropy to 100%, my armor did not start draining of its RF. It appears the resistance effect prevents this. This time I got the Ring of Thor, which gives you increases in the Terra Shatterer's depth and length. In addition to the 12 hearts gain, the Ring of Odin also gives immunity to suffocation, drowning, starvation, fire/lava and void damage. The other Relics of the Aesir I have yet to obtain are the Ring of Loki, The Key of the King's Law, which is based on the item of the same name as in the series Fate/Stay Night, and is one of Gilgamesh's greatest abilities, called the Gate of Babylon. The last of these is the Eye of the Flügel. This allows the storage of up to 12 locations to teleport to.
It is also no coincidence that the Gaia Guardian has 3 stages to her attack routine. This is very similar to how bosses in Terraria behave. Several have 2 phases, and at least one, Duke Fishron, has 3 in Expert and Master modes. The author of Botania, Vazkii, is known for using references from anime and video games. She also did the Thaumic Tinkerer mod for 1.7.10 for Thaumcraft 4, and there are a few items that are very similar to items of the same name in Terraria. For example, there's a weapon in Terraria called the Shadowbeam staff that allows shots to be reflected off walls; the mod has a wand focus of the same name. And it is one of the components of what is called the KAMI module. There is a Terra Blade you can make in Botania, named the same as a weapon that can be made in Terraria.
When you start the fight, an invisible force field is created around the beacon at about a 12 block radius where you summon the boss. Flight is disabled during the fight, and any short term buffs are also cancelled, such as those from a Beacon. The flight disabling also applies to the teleportation using the eye of the flugel.
Bit of an update on this. I've finished about 90% of both farm rooms and have tweaked the redstone on the harvesting mechanism to be a bit more efficient albeit still being somewhat slow. Due to the sheer amount of output I had to split the flooding system to control only 1 side of that room to avoid overflowing the collection system.
I ended up liking the how the upper wall was shaping up as I was carving out the roof, so I put some windows up there and converted it into a storage room which connects to an identical storage room as well as a new storage hallway which now has windows to view into the central chamber from the 2nd floor which can be seen in 3rd screenshot of the old post still filled in with deepslate. It's accessible by a bubble column elevator from the floor below.
The unfinished left and right sides of the farm rooms will be expanded and have bee hives setup. I'm not sure whether I want to put cherry trees in there as well, or a couple of farmer villager homes for flavour alongside the bees. After chipping away at both farm rooms for almost a year I'm kind of burnt out on it, and out of ideas for how I want the bee section to look, so I'm shifting my focus to replacing the vacant coastal desert village that's across my wheat field. Gonna try for a smallish transient fishing/ merchant village vibe.
Like last time, any torches, exposed cave walls, shulkers, stray chests are temporary.
I went back to the area where I was blowing up Flux Rifts again to do this some more. I have been doing this here for quite some time, and as a result, the terrain destruction appears to be what is preventing the screenshots from the area from uploading.
When using Causality Collapsers to blow up rifts, you get something called Void Seeds. These are the basis of the entire Eldritch line in the Thaumonomicon (which of course is named after the Necronomicon - Book of the Dead, from the horror stories of H.P. Lovecraft). The smallest size rift will drop around 5 seeds, with larger ones getting more, based on the size of the rift. A Primordial Pearl or its smaller motes and nodules has a 1:6 chance of dropping from a collapsed flux rift. And picking one up I have found has a chance of giving temporary warp - it is not 100%. If you have the Warp Ward buff active and you pick one up, it has no effect on you.
There was a strange sound of multiple explosions while I was on a nearby island to the rifts. This lasted about a second. I looked around and could not see where they were coming from. I suspect it was a warp effect. IIRC at the time, I did not have Ward Ward in effect. One of the possible effects is an explosion sound nearby that only the afflicted player can hear.
Later while exploring to gain another Astral Sorcery perk point, I was far from my base when I found a naturally spawned pink sheep. I pulled a Mob Imprisonment Tool from Industrial Foregoing (essentially a Pokeball, Direwolf20's newest mod, Just Dire Things also has something like it) and brought it back to my base with me, and let it wander around the area. Unlike previous bases which I have always walled in, this one has no walls, but there are 5 Mega Torches around the area that prevent hostile mob spawns (they only prevent those that naturally spawn - any from spawners or cursed earth, or those the Gaia Guardian summons, are unaffected.) And since I have villagers nearby, I make sure I am inside my base, which is on the edge of the village, or even on my Astral Sorcery tower, at midnight so I do not trigger a zombie siege.