Man oh man. I can only imagine the insane scale of this project, magnified by it being largely water-based...
all of my kudos to you, my friend. Keep up the great updates.
It somehow fulfills my lazy mindset on mc knowing someone out there is working doubly hard to maintain the balance of the universe,
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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This project has sadly slowed down a bit. I've sold the desktop that I have been playing on and am in the process of building a new super computer. Til then I'll be using my laptop but it's not near as easy to play on. I'm just doing lots of "off-camera" stuff like lighting up caves and mining for ores and such, as well as finishing up the dome. Regular updates will speed up and continue when my new computer is finished.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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I just realized. in Entry #9, the second to last picture where I show the entire inside of the dome has a misplaced torch. please ignore it. It is bother the heck out of me! GAH! I might have to retake that screenshot and replace it.
You might consider starting to put new updates in a separate post on this thread, for those of us with slow internet connections. I'd like to look, but I can only get about 4 updates in haha. You could link the post directly under your most recent update. Just something to think about.
You might consider starting to put new updates in a separate post on this thread, for those of us with slow internet connections. I'd like to look, but I can only get about 4 updates in haha. You could link the post directly under your most recent update. Just something to think about.
Oooh, I didn't know that this was an issue. I suppose I have always been lucky to have good speeds, that wasn't something I thought about.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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More Updates!
Entry #11 "Spawners Banners and Dragons, Oh My!" added 8/10/14
Here is my idea for my banner. its simple to make and looks pretty good, and I can use this design in the future even if I decide to change my color scheme.
I started work on my monster spawner, I have the design pretty much layed out, now I just have to build it in survival. Here are a few progress pictures. Its not quite done, I'm working on making lots of glass from my leftover sand.
Very unorthodox building the spawning pads outwards..
I have all the spawn pads built, I put some time into the water channel at the bottom where I rally all hostiles together. This was not planned out well at first and I had to rework my design a few times to get it to work how I wanted.
I'm missing a screenshot or two of the finished water channel.. I'll be sure to have one in the update with the finished product.
Time to fight the dragon! I've never done this is survival before.. and half the group was brand new to minecraft all together. I won't tell them that the server restart beforehand included a difficulty change to hard..
Left to right: IDH98, Sasquatchum, Kiffer_2020 (no skin yet), GoronMoron4, _Unclescar_ (me), Skylord98
BroCNelz couldn't make it as he was on a business trip at the time. :/
Takin' photos like the girls..
with a butt shot.
Off to the fight, we got lost many times looking for the exposed part of my stronghold, but eventually found it, and I'm fairly certain Kiffer_2020 gets credit for finding the portal room.
Skylord98 donated all the ender eyes necessary to activate, we suited up, and all jumped through.
(no screenshot.)
Sasquatchum was knocked off and lost all the new diamond gear I JUST gave her.. >:/ but after a few minutes and some silly conversations on skype, dragon is slain!
IDH98 tried to get the egg and it actually fell into the portal that spawns in when the dragon is defeated.. we thought we lost the egg. In my infinite wisdom I knew that when you had no bed, the portal takes you back to spawn, so I checked there for the egg, and, yay!
Things not shown in this update:
More progress on the spawner.
More mining and cave lighting.
Most of the dragon fight as I was a bit busy and didn't take any 'during' screenshots.
I'll tour the rest of the server and show off some things from other players soon.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Sadly I had some issues with corrupted parts of the map, in many locations not just my own place, and I'm unsure how to go about finding out what they are or where they are, let alone how to fix them.
I have a backup of the world at the most recent stable version (that doesn't crash or cause random chunks to randomly go back to how their original generation), but alas, the time for a new map is at hand.
I may or may not do another journal on the new map.. This journal was very fun for me and I enjoyed the positivity it received.
This journal was beautifully done - one of the best I've seen. The amount of time spent to make it was astounding, but it definately looked amazing!
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Once upon a time, I was known as love3509. After being unheard of for many months, I decided once again to contribute to the forums, only to find that I could not log in. If you think you can help, read my biography to hear the whole story!
all of my kudos to you, my friend. Keep up the great updates.
It somehow fulfills my lazy mindset on mc knowing someone out there is working doubly hard to maintain the balance of the universe,
Took a while due to lack of computer for a while, and moving.. and work...
I put a lot of time into just getting this done and I wanted to have something to show for it rather than just a small effortless update.
Oh well. Nice journal.
Finally get to relax a bit and I got to enjoy some quality time with minecraft again.
Oooh, I didn't know that this was an issue. I suppose I have always been lucky to have good speeds, that wasn't something I thought about.
I can do that.
Entry #11 "Spawners Banners and Dragons, Oh My!" added 8/10/14
I started work on my monster spawner, I have the design pretty much layed out, now I just have to build it in survival. Here are a few progress pictures. Its not quite done, I'm working on making lots of glass from my leftover sand.
Very unorthodox building the spawning pads outwards..
I have all the spawn pads built, I put some time into the water channel at the bottom where I rally all hostiles together. This was not planned out well at first and I had to rework my design a few times to get it to work how I wanted.
I'm missing a screenshot or two of the finished water channel.. I'll be sure to have one in the update with the finished product.
Time to fight the dragon! I've never done this is survival before.. and half the group was brand new to minecraft all together. I won't tell them that the server restart beforehand included a difficulty change to hard..
Left to right: IDH98, Sasquatchum, Kiffer_2020 (no skin yet), GoronMoron4, _Unclescar_ (me), Skylord98
BroCNelz couldn't make it as he was on a business trip at the time. :/
Takin' photos like the girls..
with a butt shot.
Off to the fight, we got lost many times looking for the exposed part of my stronghold, but eventually found it, and I'm fairly certain Kiffer_2020 gets credit for finding the portal room.
Skylord98 donated all the ender eyes necessary to activate, we suited up, and all jumped through.
(no screenshot.)
Sasquatchum was knocked off and lost all the new diamond gear I JUST gave her.. >:/ but after a few minutes and some silly conversations on skype, dragon is slain!
IDH98 tried to get the egg and it actually fell into the portal that spawns in when the dragon is defeated.. we thought we lost the egg. In my infinite wisdom I knew that when you had no bed, the portal takes you back to spawn, so I checked there for the egg, and, yay!
Things not shown in this update:
More progress on the spawner.
More mining and cave lighting.
Most of the dragon fight as I was a bit busy and didn't take any 'during' screenshots.
I'll tour the rest of the server and show off some things from other players soon.
Motivates me to build something insane now...
"Look at me still talking when there's science to do. When I look out there it makes me glad I'm not you."
I have a backup of the world at the most recent stable version (that doesn't crash or cause random chunks to randomly go back to how their original generation), but alas, the time for a new map is at hand.
I may or may not do another journal on the new map.. This journal was very fun for me and I enjoyed the positivity it received.