Might i add, that with the "adventure update" and beyond, any challenge the game had has pretty gone out of the window? it used to be: Mine for materials, farm for food and fight for loot. Since the Adventure update, it has gone to a "do anything to get anything" model.
I wouldn't mind the approach of "Do what you want, enjoy it"... if it didn't mean "Do what you want, get rewarded virtually the same way". I like that they want to encourage people to go out and mine materials, but it's not like there's any other way to do it (MP being excluded). Instead of rewarding people with XP, why not reward miners with... I don't know, more mining content? For a game called "Minecraft", the mining aspect is really barren. Depressingly barren.
That's my problem with MC, and while Inssurection wants to go a little bit (a lot) further than me, at the core a lot of players crave for that pre-adventure sense of accomplisment. When i play vanilla, i just accumulate XP in a meaningless fashion. I just get it, and after a while of playing i invest it in a sword or so, and i just play the game and it accumulates. There.'s no challenge. I even replenish my food bar just by fighting.
It kinda reminds me of a lot of modern games, where you get rewarded for basically walking forward. "GOOD JOB! YOU'VE WALKED FORWARD! YOU'VE BEEN PROMOTED TO SERGEANT MASTER ULTRA SERGEANT MAJOR COLONEL! +300 XP! ROCK RIFF! ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED!".
Notch at least had a vision of what he wanted it to be, and clearly separated the tasks and challenges in the game. Under Jeb, it's essentially a convulted mess.
I wouldn't place the blame on Jeb- Jeb's done some nice things. Much like Notch, however, he's still not a game designer- he's just a programmer. Basically everyone at Mojang is just a programmer. They don't have their own Hideo Kojima, Shigeru Miyamoto, David Brevik, or etc at the helm. It's just a bunch of programmers. Which isn't necessarily bad, but they sorely lack direction.
The Better Than Wolves mod has had tons of complaints for removing Bed-skipping-the-night system, despite the fact that it's not even that old, and removes a lot of the "hey it's dark" stuff. Basically, it makes mobs non-existent, even when they're a good part of the game. It just makes the game into an eternal day, even though the night cycle and the "mobs come out at night and fight" thing was a feature Notch deliberately aimed for.
Just because he deliberately aimed for it doesn't make it a necessarily good feature, though. The "mobs come out at night" thing gets old really quickly. There's far better ways to do that. Ways I not only plan to implement, but some of which I already have- it isn't hard.
They are doing exactly what the community wants in the pace they are able too. The fact that Minecraft still have increasing sales after 2 years should be solid evidence.
This goes back to point #7. The community's standards are annoyingly low- and those who want something better get shut out and ignored. I mean, imagine if someone who had less patience and time on their hands did something similar to what I'm doing- they'd go nuts.
You put very little faith in the general gamer. You make it sound like all of us are stupid sheep just following the lead of Mojang. You have no respect for what other players enjoy and act extremely high and mighty about your own view.
Certainly not. What I do have very little faith in is the very vocal 12 year olds who seem to get their way, and dumb it down for the rest of us.
Keep in mind, I have nothing against those who like creative mode, and just want to enjoy the game for its "digital lego" aspect. In fact, I want to expand creative mode even more. However, this thread isn't about creative- if it were, it'd have at least 4-5 more points. In retrospect, maybe I should have talked more about creative. Much like survival, it's sorely lacking in features.
I wouldn't mind that some things where slightly more tuned or required a little bit more effort, but just like Notch was forced to, you and I must also respect what the community at large is looking for in Minecraft. I've said so before. Notch wanted exactly the same game as you portray. A hard survival RPG kind of game. At least he respect the wishes of the community and give us what we want instead of calling us stupid sheep.
I wouldn't paint Notch as the victim of some community campaign (that also kinda makes the community look dumb, if what you imply is to be taken at face value). He just realized the game was garnering enough attention, and didn't want to upset anyone by taking away features they were used to. Conveniently, this made his job easier.
I would be willing to bet that if he never added furnaces before Minecraft got absurdly popular, it never would have even been put in the game. People would rabidly defend the whole "throw ore into fire to get ingot" aspect and claim it's a feature, and a core gameplay one at that.
two zombie types is a good idea but the second type with 3x the health? That would mean 30 hearts! Maybe 2x the hearts?
They'd be slower than the existing zombies (which are slow to begin with). Granted, they'd be harder to knock back as well, but yeah. If they were that slow and could be killed just as easily as regular zombies, they'd be way too easy.
Water mobs that are hostile would be pretty swell too, like sharks or piranhas. Sharks should only spawn in ocean biomes and if you are on a boat should destroy the boat then attack.
I'm a little against having sharks destroy boats, but maybe have a rare giant shark that does this. If sharks constantly attacked you in such a fashion, it'd get annoying to traverse the oceans.
Piranhas should spawn in water that is inside a jungle biome and spawn in groups of 10 to 15 and when you are in a water block should become hostile. When you first loot a jungle temple they should spawn in all rivers, making a essence of danger when loting a jungle temple. They should also attack passive mobs, like real piranhas.
Definitely with pirhanas, but "unleashing" them after a jungle temple doesn't make as much sense. Maybe a ghost or something being released, but pirhanas should be a more "natural" threat. Agreed with the attacking passive mobs thing, though. This kind of interaction makes the world feel more natural.
Sharks should hunt seals, which should drop blubber. Also there could be great white sharks and blue sharks, great whites being stronger and having 4 armor points. Ask if you want more explained.
I was planning on something like this, yeah. Having predator/prey relationships with mobs would be pretty great. As for shark variations, definitely. I want more variations with wildlife in general. Especially dogs. I want corgis, dammit.
This was done because that's what the community is asking for. When we look for Roguelike survival games we go somewhere else. They are a dime a dozen, while Minecraft is still fairly unique.
...a roguelike survival game with the ability to completely change the terrain around you in a fully 3D environment wouldn't be unique? Please. It just takes more work. That's really all it is.
Most games (just kidding, 21st century games in general) do have huge areas that need improvement. I find that Minecraft is a shell of a game and something people can use imagination and creativity to make it more fun than it already is.
Which is nice- but it's totally possible to retain that feeling (you can use your imagination and creativity to make it more fun), AND have the base game have more content.
But like I said, Minecraft is just a shell of a game and not a full game. I have huge expectations for it because of the seemingly infinite potential it shows to us.
Keep faith that the game will grow widely and hope that there WILL be a MC2 that will have extremely different gameplay while still being the same game at it's core.
That would be awful. The base game can be plenty better as it stands. it's already grown so widely that they're flat out afraid to change it on any significant level because of how big it is (which is a dumb notion- see: Point #7). If they scrapped it all and made a Minecraft 2, that would be horrible.
I support the thread, any improvement to MC is likely a good thing. I still expect change, although at a slower pace than we want, that the game needs; the thread will likely do nothing.
A full team whose job is to add more content to the game (as well as fix any problems it has) would ideally add content faster than they currently do. I'm also well aware it won't do much- but it still all needs to be said. I'm glad you don't vehemently oppose my points and suggestions, though.
Voicing your opinion and exploring that is good though, keep it up. I'm thinking it's giving you imagination, creative thought and the motivation to make a mod or addition to the game that will make it even better. I'm just waiting for when Mojang picks up the random pioneers of epic texture packs or crafty, interesting mods to make into actual game content.
Yeah. Even if Mojang doesn't read anything, it all helps solidify what would help make the game better- so that either I, or a much more dedicated modder with actually decent programming skills, could make a mod out of it.
I don't mind the RPG stuff. I mind that it has been balanced to be too easy. XP was fine, but right now the only source of XP we lack is XP for breathing. You get XP for doing ANYTHING.
Similarly, you get food (potatoes) off of mobs. It's a mess.
Yeah. Appropriate rewards are necessary- rather than giving the same rewards regardless of what you do.
I suspect that if Minecraft had been coded in C/++ rather than Java, sales would be MUCH worse due to the lack of any ability to mod it (even now they STILL haven't put a single bit of a mod api into Minecraft months after they said they would get at least a basic barebones framework going).
250,816 threads with 3,929,408 posts. That's from the 14 [sub]forums dedicated to all things modding on the MCF site.
From the newly created FTB modpack forums: 2327 threads with 24,631 posts.
From the somewhat longer-lived Technic/Tekkit modpack forums: 26,043 threads with 219,385 posts.
Totasl: 279,186 threads and 4,173,424 posts. That's 23.15% of ALL of the posts on MCF + FTB + Technic forums, as in almost A QUARTER OF ALL OF THE POSTS; and that's just the lower limit.
Wow. I didn't know that was how much attention mods garnered. This just furthers my point that the base game really isn't that good- if it was, mods like that wouldn't be nearly as popular as they are.
Okay, to all the people saying that they like the game the way it is: Creative Mode. It would have a ton of togglable features so that you could play the current survival in it. I hardly see how THAT is a bad thing. Everyone gets what they want if we do that.
Precisely. it'd be a win/win for everybody. People who want an actual game get a new and improved survival mode. People who want to just mess around and not feel stressed or bothered get a revamped creative mode.
As for crafting, I like the grid. It's convenient, simple, and has the right feel to it. I do think there should be a way to make a larger grid though, just so there would be room for more complex things. Even if we do trash the grid, I don't think there should be a minigame. I don't want to have to perform unnecessary steps that just waste time for simple creations.
Simple creations would likely still use the basic 2x2 grid that currently exists- there's only so many combinations you can have from that, so it wouldn't be nearly a problem. It would essentially be like using your hands to craft simple things. However, for more advanced things- pistons, ingots, proper metallic tools, etc- I feel there should be more interaction involved.
Not arbitrary interaction, mind you- doing the minigames to make a sword, for example, could let you give the sword better stats (more damage, higher attack speed, or something) if you do well at the smithing minigame. This way, it's not just a needless extra step to act as an obstacle- it'd actually work within the flow of the game.
As for the people saying "Spears? HA! Adding more variety and player customization would completely ruin the entire point of combat! ... Somehow... Anyways, how would you even MAKE them? The ONLY possible recipe is for shovels." ... Well, you are aware that sticks can be placed in the crafting bench DIAGONALLY, right? It would be something like this:
( = Stick, = Empty, = Weapon Material)
Other new weapons could be made diagonal as well. Pretty obvious solution there.
Yeah, that could work. I still prefer the idea of a minigame, but since I likely won't get minigames in my mod right away, I'll probably do that temporarily.
Tutorial: Maybe there could be a new button in the inventory screen, and clicking it would open up a special sort of "guide". The guide would have basic information and be written as though it were written by the player as a sort of journal. The guide would have personal notes hinting at possible things to do ("If I'm going to survive, I'm going to need tools and supplies. Maybe I could make a sort of makeshift workbench to make my tools on."). The hints would be fairly obvious at first, but after the player knows how to do the basics (crafting, mobs, etc), they would get a bit more clever. The point is to tell people some of the things they CAN make, maybe hint at some of the materials, so that they aren't totally blind. The guide would also record what you learn, such as recipes for items you have already made, how durable certain materials are, tips for dealing with mobs, and general information. Note that it only records things this way that you would have already learned, as a sort of reference book or reminder. The idea is to take the wiki, scrap everything but the basic info that you pretty much need to play the game, and make it accessible in-game while not giving away enough information to ruin the experience of figuring things out on your own.
This would be a great way to do it. It wouldn't be an annoying invasive UI shouting at you, going "MEGAMAN HEY MEGAMAN, DID YOU KNOW THAT...". It'd be there if you want it, but you wouldn't need to bother with it if you feel you're fine. It also wouldn't hold your hand (and certainly shouldn't).
As for mobs... Well, having hostile mobs spawn mostly underground is a good idea. But I'm kind of against it. There need to be a few mobs that ONLY spawn in the overworld. I think that Spiders shouldn't really spawn underground either (the normal ones, I mean. There could be underground variants). Non-tame wolves become hostile at night. Et cetera. While I do want to be able to wander around peacefully at night, there needs to be a fair amount of danger so that you have an actual reason to build a shelter. Having few hostiles doesn't achieve this. I'm not saying there need to be a bunch though, or even a medium amount. Just make it to where you encounter them little enough to wander outside at night peacefully, yet still be on your guard. Sort of like the forests in Skyrim.
Yeah, I actually agree with this. More natural threats would be ideal- things like bears, wolves like you mentioned, etc. Then as you go deeper underground and explore the depths of the world, you start encountering more unnatural stuff (that CAN and WILL kill you if you're not prepared). I just hate the current method of plopping down mobs randomly in every place that's even just a little dark.
Going back to Spiders, how about we make them spin actual webs like real spiders, instead of just randomly producing web where they walk? They would have to be sort of difficult... but not really hard... to see, and behave exactly like cobweb. Spiders themselves would wait nearby, and be completely neutral until one of two things happen: You attack them, or you step into the webbing. If normal spiders don't work this way, maybe a new kind could?
That'd be fantastic. Transparent spiderwebs would be awesome, and the idea of them attacking you if you walk into them would be pretty terrifying to anyone with arachnophobia, I bet.
I feel the Nether just isn't really worth it. It's only real use is for potions. If memory serves, the only things that mobs drop that you can't get in the overworld are potion items. You also need the blase rods for eyes of ender, but once you get a few, you never need to go there again. Sure, potions are nice, but you don't really need them. If you're like me and don't use potions much, then the Nether is near useless. It needs to be expanded on. It's one of the more dangerous places in Minecraft, and just isn't worth all the risks. Plus there's barely anything there to get in the first place. Nether definitely needs more content.
Definitely agreed. I like it as it currently is, if only because fighting Ghasts is still loads of fun. That doesn't mean it shouldn't have content, though- nothing wrong with more content. I'd especially like to see Nether caves with unique-to-Nether ore. Heatrium (as discussed earlier in the thread) would be a nice addition- an ore that's about the same as iron (only with less durability), and protects you from fire damage (until you're 100% protected with a full set), or has a chance to light things on fire (somewhere around 25%) for the weapons. For the tools, it'd have a 25% chance to "cook" whatever it is you're gathering- turning wood into charcoal, turning ores into ingots, etc. Maybe not EXACTLY like that, but it'd be nice to have a unique material rather than another tier.
I also remember reading something about a Ghoul that would serve as a sort of leader for other undead, or be a "siege" mob. That isn't really how I picture ghouls. I think they should be slightly smaller than the player (about 1.5-1.75 blocks tall), move around in fast, jittery motions, make a mad dash for the player when they see them... Be a sort of hyperactive psychopath on an extreme sugar rush kind of thing. Maybe the siege mob/undead leader could be named something else?
I like that idea a little bit more. If memory serves me right, Ghouls are zombies with special powers, basically. I could have Ghouls be able to have up to 3 prefixes, and they'd have a wide pool of prefixes to "choose" from- this way, you'll come across tons of different kinds of Ghouls. That'd be really awesome, and add a LOT to the game.
As for Texture Packs, yeah. There need to be official, Mojang-Made texture packs. Especially if they are higher or lower resolution versions of the default. I was also thinking of a kind of built in Painterly Pack. Not necessarily an in-game one, but I would like to see one added.
Argh, yes. The fact that there's still no official higher resolution texture support really annoys me. It would take them like 5 seconds to add.
When I saw the image of Notch in the bar, I turned a bit sour. I really want to like Minecraft and the team behind it, but the updates, actual game changing or improving updates, have been too far and few between. Good suggestions are being ignored while the team, as you said, partially commits to a few ideas and never really gives any one idea or feature its full potential.
Exactly. Minecraft has a lot of nice ideas, but NONE of them are fully expanded upon. It's extremely frustrating- especially since they have so much money now, they have virtually nothing to lose if they made it a good game that could potentially turn people away.
- Difficulty not increasing health. In a harder difficulty, why can't mobs have both increased health and damage, but also better, scarier AI? It would make the game that much more tense, as there's a greater risk of losing what you own if you venture far away. A higher risk factor. My preference is based on that the mobs won't be incremental in health as you venture further from spawn.
That could MAYBE work, but I'm still really against the "better health/damage" approach. It just doesn't feel right. It shouldn't be completely off the table if you combine it with other difficulty increasing methods, but I'd still prefer to keep them have the same stats if I can.
- Graphic design. For me, the Minecraft textures are charming. I feel that art is mainly based on people's opinions. If the creators made the art better, more intricate and detailed, perhaps not everybody would appreciate that. A lot of people would beg for the old texture set back. I think it's too late to make major changes in art for this game, it should have really been done before the official release.
Hence why it should be a texture pack, and still keep the current "style" as its own texture pack. They have an amazing pixel artist on hand- they just don't use him. That's beyond frustrating.
One thing I did notice is people thinking that a 3x3 grid isn't enough for new weapons. Who is to say we can't have new items from the 3x3 grid in order to make these weapons? I want to see more weapon varieties for aesthetics if nothing else. Range on weapons and base power could also be modified to encourage a slightly different play style, but not enough to become overpowered.
"for aesthetics" would be pretty dumb, but yeah. Even with the 3x3 grid system, it's 100% possible to make new weapons.
I think one of the big issues is that Mojang begun expanding the game in the RPG department then seemed to slow down drasticlly. In the time Minecraft has been in development, it could have potentially yielded an amazing game with many elements from both creative and RPG modes. It hasn't. For example, when written books came out, I was sat at my computer desk thinking "Why did they need to make it when there's already a better plugin for this?".
Yeah. They seem to do things that modders have done infinitely better. Villagers? Millenaire. Pets? Basically every mod that's ever added them. New mobs? Same with pets. It's really frustrating, because they get priased for basically doing minimal work (when they're paid to do it and have so many resources at hand it's ridiculous).
Get people on the team who know what direction the game needs to be taken in. Give us reasons to explore biomes with unique threats and rewards. Get the players out there, exploring the world they spawned in and working together in multiplayer.
Precisely. They need an actual game designer/director at hand. Sadly, at this point, Minecraft is so popular they'd probably pull a Capcom and hire another Tameem.
Minecraft just isn't showing years worth of development.
This is one of my major points. They've had almost 4 years to develop the game, but it feels like they've put in about a year's worth. Hilariously, the most game changing content that was added was when Notch did the work on the game himself very early in development.
And they should ACT on it. Why is the team adding things to vanilla that mod makers will gladly do for free with the API that was promised? It's so backwards! They should really focus on the big changes, the API, rather than the small changes which will be redundant once it's released. >_>;
What's sad is that there are people who rabidly defend Minecraft, saying it doesn't need any of the content mods add. Then when Mojang adds that content (only with less work put into it and having it be horribly unfinished), they eat it up. It's disgusting.
Sorry for bringing this up again but: The better than Wolves author has a mod that rivals the game itself, programmed just by him, with way more and better, yet still minecrafty content.
I have seen other mods, and what they do, and who did it. 5 of the best modders (that can work together) would achieve way more than Mojang ever can
I haven't played around with BTW (Mostly because it doesn't work with optifine), but it should still be applauded for the sheer amount of work that's been put into it.
Coloring by numbers is usually a little bit easier then filling a completely blank canvas.
I'm not dissing modders. A lot of the stuff they create is amassing and require just as much skill and knowledge as what Mojang is putting out, but Minecraft is a project significantly larger than for example BTW.
This would have held true for when Minecraft was being established, but at this point, the content they're adding has been the kind of stuff any run-of-the-mill modder could have (and usually already have) added themselves. The main things modders can't do is:
-Rewriting the engine (which MC sorely needs)
-Rewriting the lighting code
-Making a proper Mod API
...none of which have been done. Even 1.8's "lighting update" was a joke, and actually made the game easier because you can see much easier in the dark.
The upcoming mod API will be the only thing they've done in roughly 2 years now that will have been sorely needed. That's shameful, yet it'll get applauded.
You could also argue that even though Mojang is quite a few people they are still just a tiny group compared to the 7 million people owning a copy of Minecraft. It would be bloody unbelievable if not a few thousand of those millions were significantly more skilled than the people at Mojang. And when they make mods they create not only a few new mobs or blocks. They can change the gameplay completely.
A tiny group with plenty of talent at hand, and more money, resources, and access to manpower than many game studios (barring huge ones like EA, Activision, and Blizzard). Yes, probability states that there will always be more people with more talent than Mojang, but that doesn't excuse the massive stagnation and constant vacations.
How do you compare DayZ with Arma 2? Which one is better? Do you think DayZ should have been coded into Arma 2?
Arma II is a complete game. DayZ actually isn't, although it's working towards being one. That's the main difference- mods to Minecraft try to finish its gameplay. Mods to other games tend to just make it different (depending on the game, of course).
As I've played video games well over a decade now, I can see this trend going nowadays, that every game points you where to go, what to do and what not to do. This trend can even be seen in a single game as it evolve over years, for example World of Warcraft. Few years back you didn't have quests pointing exactly to where you need to go.
The problem with this concept is that it discourages any sense of creativity or improvisation. I think that Minecraft is this popular because you learn the game through interaction with the virtual world, and not through boring manuals or hints.
What? I'm not trying to say they should hold the player's hand. Not in the least. A tutorial should never hold the player's hand- it should simply give them the necessary information to play and enjoy the game. The game in its current state is actually more hand-holdy than even many modern games.
That's absurd to suggest that I'm somehow trying to limit people's creativity. I want to expand it. I want to make structures an actual thing, rather than a collection of blocks that look like structures. I want the game to have more content, more things to do. Not less.
just being creative for the sake of being creative, isn't really all that special. What is special, to some players, is that the survival aspects of Minecraft, gives you a practical reason to build structures, and to innovate with redstone. These aspects give you a world in which to interact with your artwork. This is what hooked me in from the start. But pretty quickly, the survival/gameplay elements wear thin and there really isn't much left to do beyond being creative, and even that loses a little bit of its magic and purpose.
Exactly. I don't get why people think I'm trying to limit creativity. I actually want that creativity to matter. I would say it's actually shameful to associate Minecraft with Lego. Lego has a ton of different parts for you to work with, and to create vastly different looking things. Minecraft has... blocks.
Who in the name of Soromon the Dark one necroed this post? It was dead and in the ground, but someone had to be a lich and bring it back? Let it die people, it's done enough damage.
The OP says there is a mod in development... vapourware?
I've been slowly developing it, but with the API being officially announced for 1.5, I'm really just waiting for that. I know I said I'd develop stuff for real for 1.4 even without the API, but I figured it wouldn't be announced until like 1.6 (and then it'd still be delayed). January isn't too far away, either.
Still, I've been doing work- I just haven't been posting to the blog. I probably shouldn't neglect it so much.
On another note, I'd just like to say that pretty much all of my points in the OP still ring true. This is what I'm talking about- they might address a few of my more minor points (Slimes spawning in swamps), but they haven't tackled any of the major problems. Why can't there be an update that focuses solely on the mobs? Or one that focuses solely on the terrain? Why do they have to be split apart and so horribly underdeveloped?
I believe you're wrong that slimes are only found underground, I have a farm near/in a swamp, and slimes spawn there frequently.
However, they usually just mindlessly try to jump up a hill all day. Literally all day.
Yeah, that bit was made before the 1.4 update had slimes spawn in swamps. It was one of those "oh COME ON why isn't this in already?!" types of things, so it's not that much of a stretch to say they figured it out on their own.
I recently suggested an improvement to villages. I think there should be more to find than old mines and fancy hill formations
Link to the suggestion? Everyone seems to have different ideas, but not too many of them seem particularly fleshed out or cohesive with the rest of the game. It'd be nice to see a well thought out village/villager idea.
You've got some great ideas.
Going along with the theme of trying to improve the game, if you add in a bunch of new weapons, there's one variable that you haven't mentioned. That is variable weapon switch time. For example, in a game like Skyrim, all of the archers that you find use daggers as secondary's. Why use a dagger, as opposed to a high knockback weapon,so you could then switch back to your bow? Because if the enemy has gotten that close, they will not have time to pull a big weapon out. This wouldn't be a big difference, just a second or two, but enough time so that it's a factor to consider when using multiple weapons.
By the way, there have been a lot of good features suggested in the forums since your first post. It might be a good idea to go back and update the first post.
You've got some great ideas.
Going along with the theme of trying to improve the game, if you add in a bunch of new weapons, there's one variable that you haven't mentioned. That is variable weapon switch time. For example, in a game like Skyrim, all of the archers that you find use daggers as secondary's. Why use a dagger, as opposed to a high knockback weapon,so you could then switch back to your bow? Because if the enemy has gotten that close, they will not have time to pull a big weapon out. This wouldn't be a big difference, just a second or two, but enough time so that it's a factor to consider when using multiple weapons.
By the way, there have been a lot of good features suggested in the forums since your first post. It might be a good idea to go back and update the first post.
Wow! Yes! Can't believe I missed that, good job.
I also agree that we need to update the original post so that it reflects new points ve've introduced.
You've got some great ideas.
Going along with the theme of trying to improve the game, if you add in a bunch of new weapons, there's one variable that you haven't mentioned. That is variable weapon switch time. For example, in a game like Skyrim, all of the archers that you find use daggers as secondary's. Why use a dagger, as opposed to a high knockback weapon,so you could then switch back to your bow? Because if the enemy has gotten that close, they will not have time to pull a big weapon out. This wouldn't be a big difference, just a second or two, but enough time so that it's a factor to consider when using multiple weapons.
I wouldn't mind putting in weapon switching as a variable, although that would probably go hand-in-hand with weight.
By the way, there have been a lot of good features suggested in the forums since your first post. It might be a good idea to go back and update the first post.
I thought about this, but I'd quickly hit the character limit. Still, I probably should put up a few of the more notable ones discussed in this thread that pop up a lot.
Is that a reference to EgoRaptor's Megaman Sequelitis? If it is, VIVA GAME GRUMPS!
I don't really watch Game Grumps, but yeah. He covered the idea of teaching the player mechanics in a game WITHOUT making them read. I want to do this as much as possible. Yes, it IS possible with a non-linear game like Minecraft (though still not possible for everything)
Have you thought about teaming up with other developers for your mod? The developers of Biomes O'Plenty could surely help you with your biome based features. Also, Mutant Creatures has some wicked variations of base hostile mobs.
I think I have a replacement for the infamous "ender curse". Just make endermen teleport other (hostile) mobs that are close to the players location.
That makes 'em too directly hostile. I'd like them to become more of a passive- but still very real- threat to the player. Y'know, make them creepier, rather than directly stronger.
Have you thought about teaming up with other developers for your mod? The developers of Biomes O'Plenty could surely help you with your biome based features. Also, Mutant Creatures has some wicked variations of base hostile mobs.
I'd like to! Biomes O' Plenty has some really neat ideas, although I've got biomes mostly under control.
Mutant Creatures seems really neat, too. It's nice to see mobs with varied attack patterns- this is precisely the kind of thing I want more, especially in deeper depths.
I'll contact 'em and see if they'd be willing to share some information and/or resources with me.
I agree with everything with you said here. I appreciate your topic, you must have spent hours making this.
One of the hundreds of reasons why reason of why i hate Mojang is how much... HORRIBLE Minecraft is. It lacks in everything.
Introduction? No.
History? No.
Difficulty? No.
Cutscenes? No.
Quality? No.
Graphics? No.
Seriously? What the hell?
I think that the only reasons of why Minecraft is famous is because that his favorite Youtuber play this unfinished aberration, which cause to people get brainwashed and play too.
But the worst thing of Mojang is snapshots.
You know how much horrible snapshots are? They completely destroy texture packs and mods. Also, Mojang just make a new snapshot almost every week because she knows that if she make a new snapshot, Youtubers like CaptainSparklez and others will make videos showing the new snapshot, and with this videos, the number of videos about Minecraft in Youtube grow, attracting new players.
By what i know Mojang make snapshots to players find glitches, but can't Moajng hire a tester and test things before releasing a complete update?
I didn't even talk about what i think of the inexplicable crashes, dumb controls and movements, horrendous graphics, unused things(another example here), lack of a way of transportation, everything gives you XP, multiplayer, almost illegible font, armor, absolute awful combat system, Mojang team and what they are doing with Minecraft, only having four hostile mobs in the game (1234), not having tutorial, a ending that is a joke, logic that makes no sense, new sh***y sounds, sh***y menu, and a ton of other things. Yeah, AVGN reference here.
Oh, and Insurrection, update your blog, please, and don't let this topic die, Mojang MUST see this. Is it a problem if i use a link to your topic in my signature and in my Youtube channel? (I'm already using it)
Please respond.
What thought have you given to dimensions? We already have the nether and the end(which could be improved), but why not add more? The Aether mod does a great job of adding an opposite of the nether. There are a lot of mods out there that do a great job of this, like the twilight forest for example. There was a thread a while back (I can't seem to find it for the life of me) that talked about this. They talked about a water world, featuring things like sharks, krakens, and more, and also mentioned that off of each main world, there would be 2 smaller, sub-worlds with the same theme, like a lava sea for the nether. There would also be a boss dimension, like the end, but one for each world. Because each new world had to have a purpose, it would hold, in addition to some dugeon style loot, the ability to unlock a new tech tree. Like you needing to go to the nether for potions, perhaps you have to go to the aether if you want enchanters?
I think that the only reasons of why Minecraft is famous is because that his favorite Youtuber play this unfinished aberration, which cause to people get brainwashed and play too.
But the worst thing of Mojang is snapshots.
LPers have definitely contributed to Minecraft's huge success. That, and its ridiculously accessible nature (even though it still lacks a tutorial).
You know how much horrible snapshots are? They completely destroy texture packs and mods. Also, Mojang just make a new snapshot almost every week because she knows that if she make a new snapshot, Youtubers like CaptainSparklez and others will make videos showing the new snapshot, and with this videos, the number of videos about Minecraft in Youtube grow, attracting new players.
By what i know Mojang make snapshots to players find glitches, but can't Moajng hire a tester and test things before releasing a complete update?
I don't QUITE mind snapshots, because they do somewhat help with bugs- but they obviously don't care very much for user input for gameplay mechanics past really, really simple changes. As for texturepack/mods, most just wait for "official" versions. Snapshots are pretty easy to ignore, thankfully. And that's an interesting point about LPers pushing out more vids- but I think that's more of LPers being greedy and jumping on bandwagons than anything else. Minecraft is a cash cow for Mojang and LPers.
Oh, and Insurrection, update your blog, please, and don't let this topic die, Mojang MUST see this.
I've made some progress since then, but not quite enough for a blog post. Once 1.5 rolls around, I'll put some more work into it. I've been a little busy (and also lazy), but yeah, I need to do more.
I'm not particularly surprised. Most gaming journalism is a joke- when they're not being paid off, they lack any critical thought and tend to have the mind of a 12 year old.
What thought have you given to dimensions? We already have the nether and the end(which could be improved), but why not add more? The Aether mod does a great job of adding an opposite of the nether. There are a lot of mods out there that do a great job of this, like the twilight forest for example. There was a thread a while back (I can't seem to find it for the life of me) that talked about this. They talked about a water world, featuring things like sharks, krakens, and more, and also mentioned that off of each main world, there would be 2 smaller, sub-worlds with the same theme, like a lava sea for the nether. There would also be a boss dimension, like the end, but one for each world. Because each new world had to have a purpose, it would hold, in addition to some dugeon style loot, the ability to unlock a new tech tree. Like you needing to go to the nether for potions, perhaps you have to go to the aether if you want enchanters?
Any thoughts?
I like the idea of more dimensions. They're pretty easy to make in terms of gameplay (not necessarily programming, though not particularly hard, either), and can offer a lot of content. However, I'm fairly against the idea of forcing them in the form of tech trees- the more I look at it, the more I dislike needing to visit the Nether for potions. There should be tons of benefits (and dangers) to visiting, but potions have HUGE potential for gameplay.
A good example of what I'm talking about would be the Elder Scrolls series- alchemy in those games provided a use for all those misc items you find lying around. It made plants actually useful in the scope of the game, because they'd give you materials useful for potion making. What's more, you had the ability to combine multiple effects into one potion- making for a ton of potential. A similar idea- at least at the core- would be fantastic. I've talked a bit about potion making before and how it helps the game a lot in terms of content, but a TL;DR version is that potions and potion materials give way for tons of plants, blocks, and other goody content for potions. The Nether should be more of a haven for potion makers- not the place you need to go to for potion making.
As for Aether and etc, I've not played the Aether mod, but I like the basic idea of more "theme" dimensions. Air and water dimensions in particularly interest me, because you have a sort of traditional elements theme going on then (Overworld=earth, Nether=fire, Aether=air, water dimension=water). Especially the branching sub-dimensions- although I feel a lot of that could be covered with dimensional biomes, but hey.
As for what I'd have in my mod, I have plans for other dimensions, definitely. Nothing solid, but definitely more than we have now. However, they'll be optional- no new tiers, or the like. Just a place you'd want to go, yet aren't forced to. Y'know, proper open world type of deal.
Any opinions regarding what's already known about 1.5?
I feel that most of the new blocks are practically the same thing over and over, or stuff that could have been implemented to an already existing block (the Dropper, they could have just given the dispenser two different settings instead of taking a spot in the, rather limited number of IDs Minecraft can use)
I like the idea of more dimensions. They're pretty easy to make in terms of gameplay (not necessarily programming, though not particularly hard, either), and can offer a lot of content. However, I'm fairly against the idea of forcing them in the form of tech trees- the more I look at it, the more I dislike needing to visit the Nether for potions. There should be tons of benefits (and dangers) to visiting, but potions have HUGE potential for gameplay.
By the "disliking needing to visit the nether for potions" bit, do you mean just the fact that you need to kill blazes and get nether wart, and both things are only in the nether, or something else?
If that's what you mean, I disagree. You are right they shouldn't force travel between dimensions by creating tech-trees, but I believe that should be one of many perks of expanding between dimensions.
Any opinions regarding what's already known about 1.5?
I feel that most of the new blocks are practically the same thing over and over, or stuff that could have been implemented to an already existing block (the Dropper, they could have just given the dispenser two different settings instead of taking a spot in the, rather limited number of IDs Minecraft can use)
I don't mind them separating out blocks with notably different functions. As for limited ID's, that shouldn't even be a problem to begin with. Having items and blocks take up the same array (where items have more slots) is incredibly dumb. They did say they'd (eventually) fix it- I just really, really hope that'll be in 1.5.
By the "disliking needing to visit the nether for potions" bit, do you mean just the fact that you need to kill blazes and get nether wart, and both things are only in the nether, or something else?
If that's what you mean, I disagree. You are right they shouldn't force travel between dimensions by creating tech-trees, but I believe that should be one of many perks of expanding between dimensions.
Yeah. I wouldn't mind as much if potions didn't have the potential they did, but they do- and because they're essentially kept exclusive to the Nether, it feels like they're reluctant to make potions more of a central mechanic (by introducing a lot more plant life and general items to use with potions). I don't mind having some kind of other technology exclusive to the Nether- for example, the redstone comparator things. That's okay with me, because while they have a lot of potential, it's nothing that has the potential for expansion outside of the comparator itself.
Other, similar technology is also okay with me to being exclusive to the Nether. However, keeping potions Nether-only feels like... I don't know, it's like keeping redstone itself exclusive to specific areas.
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0_0 Wow, took me over an hour to read this FANTASTIC POST!
There are no other words I can describe this well detailed post. Sticking it to the man. You don't how many questions that haven't even been answered that related.
Bumping because it's important for the community to be aware of this.
Don't get me wrong, I love minecraft, but it could be so much better and involving. It has the potential to be in the God-Tier of games and there's absolutely no reason why it shouldn't be.
Also, curious of what you think of the remodeled Skeleton and Zombie AI in the 1.5 update.
I wouldn't mind the approach of "Do what you want, enjoy it"... if it didn't mean "Do what you want, get rewarded virtually the same way". I like that they want to encourage people to go out and mine materials, but it's not like there's any other way to do it (MP being excluded). Instead of rewarding people with XP, why not reward miners with... I don't know, more mining content? For a game called "Minecraft", the mining aspect is really barren. Depressingly barren.
It kinda reminds me of a lot of modern games, where you get rewarded for basically walking forward. "GOOD JOB! YOU'VE WALKED FORWARD! YOU'VE BEEN PROMOTED TO SERGEANT MASTER ULTRA SERGEANT MAJOR COLONEL! +300 XP! ROCK RIFF! ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED!".
I wouldn't place the blame on Jeb- Jeb's done some nice things. Much like Notch, however, he's still not a game designer- he's just a programmer. Basically everyone at Mojang is just a programmer. They don't have their own Hideo Kojima, Shigeru Miyamoto, David Brevik, or etc at the helm. It's just a bunch of programmers. Which isn't necessarily bad, but they sorely lack direction.
Just because he deliberately aimed for it doesn't make it a necessarily good feature, though. The "mobs come out at night" thing gets old really quickly. There's far better ways to do that. Ways I not only plan to implement, but some of which I already have- it isn't hard.
This goes back to point #7. The community's standards are annoyingly low- and those who want something better get shut out and ignored. I mean, imagine if someone who had less patience and time on their hands did something similar to what I'm doing- they'd go nuts.
Certainly not. What I do have very little faith in is the very vocal 12 year olds who seem to get their way, and dumb it down for the rest of us.
Keep in mind, I have nothing against those who like creative mode, and just want to enjoy the game for its "digital lego" aspect. In fact, I want to expand creative mode even more. However, this thread isn't about creative- if it were, it'd have at least 4-5 more points. In retrospect, maybe I should have talked more about creative. Much like survival, it's sorely lacking in features.
I wouldn't paint Notch as the victim of some community campaign (that also kinda makes the community look dumb, if what you imply is to be taken at face value). He just realized the game was garnering enough attention, and didn't want to upset anyone by taking away features they were used to. Conveniently, this made his job easier.
I would be willing to bet that if he never added furnaces before Minecraft got absurdly popular, it never would have even been put in the game. People would rabidly defend the whole "throw ore into fire to get ingot" aspect and claim it's a feature, and a core gameplay one at that.
Covered that. I do agree, it wasn't as well thought out- I just threw out the idea, to give Endermen something more interesting than "dey attak u!".
They'd be slower than the existing zombies (which are slow to begin with). Granted, they'd be harder to knock back as well, but yeah. If they were that slow and could be killed just as easily as regular zombies, they'd be way too easy.
I don't really see the need. Deeper depths should be properly threatening- right now, the only threat you face deeper in the earth is lava.
I'm a little against having sharks destroy boats, but maybe have a rare giant shark that does this. If sharks constantly attacked you in such a fashion, it'd get annoying to traverse the oceans.
Definitely with pirhanas, but "unleashing" them after a jungle temple doesn't make as much sense. Maybe a ghost or something being released, but pirhanas should be a more "natural" threat. Agreed with the attacking passive mobs thing, though. This kind of interaction makes the world feel more natural.
I was planning on something like this, yeah. Having predator/prey relationships with mobs would be pretty great. As for shark variations, definitely. I want more variations with wildlife in general. Especially dogs. I want corgis, dammit.
[citation needed]
I feel it's more likely they just added things simply for the sake of adding them.
...a roguelike survival game with the ability to completely change the terrain around you in a fully 3D environment wouldn't be unique? Please. It just takes more work. That's really all it is.
Which is nice- but it's totally possible to retain that feeling (you can use your imagination and creativity to make it more fun), AND have the base game have more content.
That would be awful. The base game can be plenty better as it stands. it's already grown so widely that they're flat out afraid to change it on any significant level because of how big it is (which is a dumb notion- see: Point #7). If they scrapped it all and made a Minecraft 2, that would be horrible.
A full team whose job is to add more content to the game (as well as fix any problems it has) would ideally add content faster than they currently do. I'm also well aware it won't do much- but it still all needs to be said. I'm glad you don't vehemently oppose my points and suggestions, though.
Yeah. Even if Mojang doesn't read anything, it all helps solidify what would help make the game better- so that either I, or a much more dedicated modder with actually decent programming skills, could make a mod out of it.
Yeah. Appropriate rewards are necessary- rather than giving the same rewards regardless of what you do.
gfdhsghd yes. F3 annoys the crap out of me. Why even have maps? You can just take note of your coordinates, and never get lost.
Wow. I didn't know that was how much attention mods garnered. This just furthers my point that the base game really isn't that good- if it was, mods like that wouldn't be nearly as popular as they are.
Precisely. it'd be a win/win for everybody. People who want an actual game get a new and improved survival mode. People who want to just mess around and not feel stressed or bothered get a revamped creative mode.
Simple creations would likely still use the basic 2x2 grid that currently exists- there's only so many combinations you can have from that, so it wouldn't be nearly a problem. It would essentially be like using your hands to craft simple things. However, for more advanced things- pistons, ingots, proper metallic tools, etc- I feel there should be more interaction involved.
Not arbitrary interaction, mind you- doing the minigames to make a sword, for example, could let you give the sword better stats (more damage, higher attack speed, or something) if you do well at the smithing minigame. This way, it's not just a needless extra step to act as an obstacle- it'd actually work within the flow of the game.
Yeah, that could work. I still prefer the idea of a minigame, but since I likely won't get minigames in my mod right away, I'll probably do that temporarily.
This would be a great way to do it. It wouldn't be an annoying invasive UI shouting at you, going "MEGAMAN HEY MEGAMAN, DID YOU KNOW THAT...". It'd be there if you want it, but you wouldn't need to bother with it if you feel you're fine. It also wouldn't hold your hand (and certainly shouldn't).
Yeah, I actually agree with this. More natural threats would be ideal- things like bears, wolves like you mentioned, etc. Then as you go deeper underground and explore the depths of the world, you start encountering more unnatural stuff (that CAN and WILL kill you if you're not prepared). I just hate the current method of plopping down mobs randomly in every place that's even just a little dark.
That'd be fantastic. Transparent spiderwebs would be awesome, and the idea of them attacking you if you walk into them would be pretty terrifying to anyone with arachnophobia, I bet.
Definitely agreed. I like it as it currently is, if only because fighting Ghasts is still loads of fun. That doesn't mean it shouldn't have content, though- nothing wrong with more content. I'd especially like to see Nether caves with unique-to-Nether ore. Heatrium (as discussed earlier in the thread) would be a nice addition- an ore that's about the same as iron (only with less durability), and protects you from fire damage (until you're 100% protected with a full set), or has a chance to light things on fire (somewhere around 25%) for the weapons. For the tools, it'd have a 25% chance to "cook" whatever it is you're gathering- turning wood into charcoal, turning ores into ingots, etc. Maybe not EXACTLY like that, but it'd be nice to have a unique material rather than another tier.
I like that idea a little bit more. If memory serves me right, Ghouls are zombies with special powers, basically. I could have Ghouls be able to have up to 3 prefixes, and they'd have a wide pool of prefixes to "choose" from- this way, you'll come across tons of different kinds of Ghouls. That'd be really awesome, and add a LOT to the game.
Argh, yes. The fact that there's still no official higher resolution texture support really annoys me. It would take them like 5 seconds to add.
Exactly. Minecraft has a lot of nice ideas, but NONE of them are fully expanded upon. It's extremely frustrating- especially since they have so much money now, they have virtually nothing to lose if they made it a good game that could potentially turn people away.
That could MAYBE work, but I'm still really against the "better health/damage" approach. It just doesn't feel right. It shouldn't be completely off the table if you combine it with other difficulty increasing methods, but I'd still prefer to keep them have the same stats if I can.
Hence why it should be a texture pack, and still keep the current "style" as its own texture pack. They have an amazing pixel artist on hand- they just don't use him. That's beyond frustrating.
"for aesthetics" would be pretty dumb, but yeah. Even with the 3x3 grid system, it's 100% possible to make new weapons.
Yeah. They seem to do things that modders have done infinitely better. Villagers? Millenaire. Pets? Basically every mod that's ever added them. New mobs? Same with pets. It's really frustrating, because they get priased for basically doing minimal work (when they're paid to do it and have so many resources at hand it's ridiculous).
Precisely. They need an actual game designer/director at hand. Sadly, at this point, Minecraft is so popular they'd probably pull a Capcom and hire another Tameem.
This is one of my major points. They've had almost 4 years to develop the game, but it feels like they've put in about a year's worth. Hilariously, the most game changing content that was added was when Notch did the work on the game himself very early in development.
Here's a fun little chart, too:
What's sad is that there are people who rabidly defend Minecraft, saying it doesn't need any of the content mods add. Then when Mojang adds that content (only with less work put into it and having it be horribly unfinished), they eat it up. It's disgusting.
I haven't played around with BTW (Mostly because it doesn't work with optifine), but it should still be applauded for the sheer amount of work that's been put into it.
This would have held true for when Minecraft was being established, but at this point, the content they're adding has been the kind of stuff any run-of-the-mill modder could have (and usually already have) added themselves. The main things modders can't do is:
-Rewriting the engine (which MC sorely needs)
-Rewriting the lighting code
-Making a proper Mod API
...none of which have been done. Even 1.8's "lighting update" was a joke, and actually made the game easier because you can see much easier in the dark.
The upcoming mod API will be the only thing they've done in roughly 2 years now that will have been sorely needed. That's shameful, yet it'll get applauded.
A tiny group with plenty of talent at hand, and more money, resources, and access to manpower than many game studios (barring huge ones like EA, Activision, and Blizzard). Yes, probability states that there will always be more people with more talent than Mojang, but that doesn't excuse the massive stagnation and constant vacations.
Arma II is a complete game. DayZ actually isn't, although it's working towards being one. That's the main difference- mods to Minecraft try to finish its gameplay. Mods to other games tend to just make it different (depending on the game, of course).
What? I'm not trying to say they should hold the player's hand. Not in the least. A tutorial should never hold the player's hand- it should simply give them the necessary information to play and enjoy the game. The game in its current state is actually more hand-holdy than even many modern games.
That's absurd to suggest that I'm somehow trying to limit people's creativity. I want to expand it. I want to make structures an actual thing, rather than a collection of blocks that look like structures. I want the game to have more content, more things to do. Not less.
Exactly. I don't get why people think I'm trying to limit creativity. I actually want that creativity to matter. I would say it's actually shameful to associate Minecraft with Lego. Lego has a ton of different parts for you to work with, and to create vastly different looking things. Minecraft has... blocks.
It's really more like Duplo than Lego.
I've been slowly developing it, but with the API being officially announced for 1.5, I'm really just waiting for that. I know I said I'd develop stuff for real for 1.4 even without the API, but I figured it wouldn't be announced until like 1.6 (and then it'd still be delayed). January isn't too far away, either.
Still, I've been doing work- I just haven't been posting to the blog. I probably shouldn't neglect it so much.
On another note, I'd just like to say that pretty much all of my points in the OP still ring true. This is what I'm talking about- they might address a few of my more minor points (Slimes spawning in swamps), but they haven't tackled any of the major problems. Why can't there be an update that focuses solely on the mobs? Or one that focuses solely on the terrain? Why do they have to be split apart and so horribly underdeveloped?
However, they usually just mindlessly try to jump up a hill all day. Literally all day.
It's Sick, not Slick
Yeah, that bit was made before the 1.4 update had slimes spawn in swamps. It was one of those "oh COME ON why isn't this in already?!" types of things, so it's not that much of a stretch to say they figured it out on their own.
Link to the suggestion? Everyone seems to have different ideas, but not too many of them seem particularly fleshed out or cohesive with the rest of the game. It'd be nice to see a well thought out village/villager idea.
Going along with the theme of trying to improve the game, if you add in a bunch of new weapons, there's one variable that you haven't mentioned. That is variable weapon switch time. For example, in a game like Skyrim, all of the archers that you find use daggers as secondary's. Why use a dagger, as opposed to a high knockback weapon,so you could then switch back to your bow? Because if the enemy has gotten that close, they will not have time to pull a big weapon out. This wouldn't be a big difference, just a second or two, but enough time so that it's a factor to consider when using multiple weapons.
By the way, there have been a lot of good features suggested in the forums since your first post. It might be a good idea to go back and update the first post.
Wow! Yes! Can't believe I missed that, good job.
I also agree that we need to update the original post so that it reflects new points ve've introduced.
Quote my post to bring me back to the topic, in case you answered/talked to me, thank you.
Is that a reference to EgoRaptor's Megaman Sequelitis? If it is, VIVA GAME GRUMPS!
Quote my post to bring me back to the topic, in case you answered/talked to me, thank you.
I wouldn't mind putting in weapon switching as a variable, although that would probably go hand-in-hand with weight.
I thought about this, but I'd quickly hit the character limit. Still, I probably should put up a few of the more notable ones discussed in this thread that pop up a lot.
I don't really watch Game Grumps, but yeah. He covered the idea of teaching the player mechanics in a game WITHOUT making them read. I want to do this as much as possible. Yes, it IS possible with a non-linear game like Minecraft (though still not possible for everything)
That makes 'em too directly hostile. I'd like them to become more of a passive- but still very real- threat to the player. Y'know, make them creepier, rather than directly stronger.
I'd like to! Biomes O' Plenty has some really neat ideas, although I've got biomes mostly under control.
Mutant Creatures seems really neat, too. It's nice to see mobs with varied attack patterns- this is precisely the kind of thing I want more, especially in deeper depths.
I'll contact 'em and see if they'd be willing to share some information and/or resources with me.
One of the hundreds of reasons why reason of why i hate Mojang is how much... HORRIBLE Minecraft is. It lacks in everything.
Introduction? No.
History? No.
Difficulty? No.
Cutscenes? No.
Quality? No.
Graphics? No.
Seriously? What the hell?
I think that the only reasons of why Minecraft is famous is because that his favorite Youtuber play this unfinished aberration, which cause to people get brainwashed and play too.
But the worst thing of Mojang is snapshots.
You know how much horrible snapshots are? They completely destroy texture packs and mods. Also, Mojang just make a new snapshot almost every week because she knows that if she make a new snapshot, Youtubers like CaptainSparklez and others will make videos showing the new snapshot, and with this videos, the number of videos about Minecraft in Youtube grow, attracting new players.
By what i know Mojang make snapshots to players find glitches, but can't Moajng hire a tester and test things before releasing a complete update?
I didn't even talk about what i think of the inexplicable crashes, dumb controls and movements, horrendous graphics, unused things (another example here), lack of a way of transportation, everything gives you XP, multiplayer, almost illegible font, armor, absolute awful combat system, Mojang team and what they are doing with Minecraft, only having four hostile mobs in the game (1 2 3 4), not having tutorial, a ending that is a joke, logic that makes no sense, new sh***y sounds, sh***y menu, and a ton of other things. Yeah, AVGN reference here.
Oh, and Insurrection, update your blog, please, and don't let this topic die, Mojang MUST see this. Is it a problem if i use a link to your topic in my signature and in my Youtube channel? (I'm already using it)
Please respond.
Until i leave, have this.
P.S: I would like to see a part 3 if possible, about the mostly recent updates.
And just to renember, i'm sorry for my english.
Any thoughts?
LPers have definitely contributed to Minecraft's huge success. That, and its ridiculously accessible nature (even though it still lacks a tutorial).
I don't QUITE mind snapshots, because they do somewhat help with bugs- but they obviously don't care very much for user input for gameplay mechanics past really, really simple changes. As for texturepack/mods, most just wait for "official" versions. Snapshots are pretty easy to ignore, thankfully. And that's an interesting point about LPers pushing out more vids- but I think that's more of LPers being greedy and jumping on bandwagons than anything else. Minecraft is a cash cow for Mojang and LPers.
I've made some progress since then, but not quite enough for a blog post. Once 1.5 rolls around, I'll put some more work into it. I've been a little busy (and also lazy), but yeah, I need to do more.
Go right ahead. I encourage spreading these points.
I'm not particularly surprised. Most gaming journalism is a joke- when they're not being paid off, they lack any critical thought and tend to have the mind of a 12 year old.
Once 1.5 rolls around, sure thing.
I like the idea of more dimensions. They're pretty easy to make in terms of gameplay (not necessarily programming, though not particularly hard, either), and can offer a lot of content. However, I'm fairly against the idea of forcing them in the form of tech trees- the more I look at it, the more I dislike needing to visit the Nether for potions. There should be tons of benefits (and dangers) to visiting, but potions have HUGE potential for gameplay.
A good example of what I'm talking about would be the Elder Scrolls series- alchemy in those games provided a use for all those misc items you find lying around. It made plants actually useful in the scope of the game, because they'd give you materials useful for potion making. What's more, you had the ability to combine multiple effects into one potion- making for a ton of potential. A similar idea- at least at the core- would be fantastic. I've talked a bit about potion making before and how it helps the game a lot in terms of content, but a TL;DR version is that potions and potion materials give way for tons of plants, blocks, and other goody content for potions. The Nether should be more of a haven for potion makers- not the place you need to go to for potion making.
As for Aether and etc, I've not played the Aether mod, but I like the basic idea of more "theme" dimensions. Air and water dimensions in particularly interest me, because you have a sort of traditional elements theme going on then (Overworld=earth, Nether=fire, Aether=air, water dimension=water). Especially the branching sub-dimensions- although I feel a lot of that could be covered with dimensional biomes, but hey.
As for what I'd have in my mod, I have plans for other dimensions, definitely. Nothing solid, but definitely more than we have now. However, they'll be optional- no new tiers, or the like. Just a place you'd want to go, yet aren't forced to. Y'know, proper open world type of deal.
I feel that most of the new blocks are practically the same thing over and over, or stuff that could have been implemented to an already existing block (the Dropper, they could have just given the dispenser two different settings instead of taking a spot in the, rather limited number of IDs Minecraft can use)
By the "disliking needing to visit the nether for potions" bit, do you mean just the fact that you need to kill blazes and get nether wart, and both things are only in the nether, or something else?
If that's what you mean, I disagree. You are right they shouldn't force travel between dimensions by creating tech-trees, but I believe that should be one of many perks of expanding between dimensions.
I don't mind them separating out blocks with notably different functions. As for limited ID's, that shouldn't even be a problem to begin with. Having items and blocks take up the same array (where items have more slots) is incredibly dumb. They did say they'd (eventually) fix it- I just really, really hope that'll be in 1.5.
Yeah. I wouldn't mind as much if potions didn't have the potential they did, but they do- and because they're essentially kept exclusive to the Nether, it feels like they're reluctant to make potions more of a central mechanic (by introducing a lot more plant life and general items to use with potions). I don't mind having some kind of other technology exclusive to the Nether- for example, the redstone comparator things. That's okay with me, because while they have a lot of potential, it's nothing that has the potential for expansion outside of the comparator itself.
Other, similar technology is also okay with me to being exclusive to the Nether. However, keeping potions Nether-only feels like... I don't know, it's like keeping redstone itself exclusive to specific areas.
There are no other words I can describe this well detailed post.
Sticking it to the man. You don't how many questions that haven't even been answered that related.
Bumping because it's important for the community to be aware of this.
Don't get me wrong, I love minecraft, but it could be so much better and involving. It has the potential to be in the God-Tier of games and there's absolutely no reason why it shouldn't be.
Also, curious of what you think of the remodeled Skeleton and Zombie AI in the 1.5 update.
(btw, how's the mod coming?)
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