So I'm renovating my base with a nether brick theme, what looks good with it? If it would help you help me to upload my world or make a vid for it, please tell me, i'll see what I can do :smile.gif: Right now just trying to decide on a wall design combination of nether brick+something else, in a pattern/outline/whatever looks good.
I find Apple's OS prices amusing. They make you pay so much more for air, and many people think it's the OS that's putting on tons of money. But no, it's just the air inside the case.
thanks guys, somehow i didn't think of obsidian :/ Im playin on vanilla, so that will take a while to mine a ton of haha :)Ive used so far in my cleanstone halfslabs, stone brick, and iron bars with lava behind them, with nether brick as the primary block, i'll go and gather some obsidian now
I find sandstone to be the best and it looks rather elegant with grass.
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“By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.” - Confucius
I wish that jeb add nether brick slabs :tongue.gif:
Lava (Contained as a light source, or a fountain.)
Dead shrubs
Cobble and smooth stone could look good if used right.
If i think of anything else ill be sure to add.
Clicks please!