guys i enjoy reading these stories so please stop joking around i dont want this thing locked plenty of people like to read these and dont want it locked
I once saw pink sheep. Turns out it was a rare occurrence. Not a graphical bug.Also I saw a an enderman attacking a skeleton. Turns out it was the skeleton shooting me and hit the enderman instead. Not a graphical bug.Also a flying creeper. No lie. On a custom map.
im not lying but in my survival world i found a village by my spawn in 1.2.5 then in 1.5 i noticed that 2 more houses were added to it somehow i dont know how but i know they were added because they were past my fence posts when i surrounded my village
i was on a small multiplayer (griefing server) and my friends and I built a house 3,000 blocks away from spawn, which was kinda like a town or city. It was night time and we went inside our house to rest up. Our iron door opened by itself, and a sheep came in. Creeped the hell out of me. We were all freaking out and getting our diamond swords when the sheep turned into herobrine. I broke a hole in the wall and ran straight for spawn. I think my friends stayed back to fight.
They were saying "he's not dying!" and when I turned around, our house was on fire and the two guys were sprinting after me. I grabbed a boat and started traveling across the ocean that was between our island and the mainland. My friends followed suit. After running and eating and avoiding monsters for about 5 minutes, one of my friends was killed by herobrine. It was SOOOO SCARY. I was about 1,000 blocks away when my second friend was also killed, which means they were both at spawn now. And then Herobrine himself was standing in a tree looking at me. Then I logged off and shut down my computer for good.
Not really unnatural but more of a setup, i was exploring a really good cave an i was down by a lava pool, there was an enderman who had spawn near by i was mining coal above me while standing on a bunch of gravel, while doing so the enderman was more near by as he was wondering, he picked up a piece of gravel which triggered the rest, unknowingly to me it wasnt stable plummeting me into the lava with the gravel, thee end. Oh and there was a graphical bug, "Bad Joke is Bad" only because everyone thinks this is funny?
I was inside my Fortress when a giant Wasp came and puncturated my Testificates with giant needles, then it ate my houses, turns out it was a graphical bug
Yeah... They were scary, i wish they were more creepy (pun intended) like, walking behind you on purpose, increased vision, and such, i remember another scary story.
I was walking peacefully, when suddently, a part of my world simply fades! I jumped in the hole, got stuck for some seconds and i was warped back to my starting place... Turns out it was a graphical bug
One Time, I was playing on a server with my freind and we were in a mine. We would take damage for no reason and we would walk there would be a clear path but when we turned around there was stacks of tnt. Then when we got home are floor turned into TNT. Then later I found out that it was an admin and then she blew up our house.
this one time i took control of this village i built a awsome nether house and a bunch of houses on the side so just for fun i hit villagers and kept spawning them and killing them then it turned night i went to bed the next morning the place was filled with iron golems they kept killing me over and over i tried to fight but they where to tuff so i ran away from the village i kept running and running i decided to build a house in the jungle and i stayed there later i found out villagers can make iron golems this storie is 100% true
I once dreamt I was in a Nether Fortress and there were ghostly blue things. I call them Phantoraths.
They were weirdass things with towering heads and torsos coming out of a puffy cloud. They were near Blaze sized and looked kind of like the blue aliens from this music video.
I think the frame rate was kind of slowing down too. It's also worth noting that I didn't dream I was playing the game; I was in the game.
They were all translucent and I ran away. I woke up in sweat (because I was in a bed that was literally hot).
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So I was working on this really cool resource pack a while ago, but bad progress nonwithstanding, I think I found something much better... I'm probably gonna never release another custom Minecraft map.Until we meet again...
this one time i took control of this village i built a awsome nether house and a bunch of houses on the side so just for fun i hit villagers and kept spawning them and killing them then it turned night i went to bed the next morning the place was filled with iron golems they kept killing me over and over i tried to fight but they where to tuff so i ran away from the village i kept running and running i decided to build a house in the jungle and i stayed there later i found out villagers can make iron golems this storie is 100% true
There's this thing in Minecraft villages called Popularity. It drops when you kill villagers and such, and once it's below -15 the iron golems attack you.
Well i had a dream about herobrine but its long so i'll tell this one.
...and then so on about random stuff.
I want to read about that dream.
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So I was working on this really cool resource pack a while ago, but bad progress nonwithstanding, I think I found something much better... I'm probably gonna never release another custom Minecraft map.Until we meet again...
One time in 1.4 when revisiting a 1.0.0 world that I had stored in stasis as of Minecraft 1.2, I was trying to get home and found a place that felt like the Far Lands. The physics were acting weird.
The only example I can remember is this water. It wouldn't flow down. I have also been to The Far Lands in 1.5, is anybody interested?
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So I was working on this really cool resource pack a while ago, but bad progress nonwithstanding, I think I found something much better... I'm probably gonna never release another custom Minecraft map.Until we meet again...
Well about a month ago I was in a taiga biome and I was checking trough my inventory and suddenly sssss then boom! I was on a two block high little hill and the creeper was under me. I went flying trough the air and landed in a tree. It was one of those tall trees. I had like half a heart left but it was kinda weird how high I went.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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I Was Playing SSP.
I Made A Hole That Went Really Deep And I Didnt Have Any Torches So I Climbed Up. The Next Day, I Explored Down There So I Could Find Resources.When I Was At The Bottom I Suddenly I Was Losing Health That Instant And Started To Freak Out (Totally Thought It was Herobrine)
They were saying "he's not dying!" and when I turned around, our house was on fire and the two guys were sprinting after me. I grabbed a boat and started traveling across the ocean that was between our island and the mainland. My friends followed suit. After running and eating and avoiding monsters for about 5 minutes, one of my friends was killed by herobrine. It was SOOOO SCARY. I was about 1,000 blocks away when my second friend was also killed, which means they were both at spawn now. And then Herobrine himself was standing in a tree looking at me. Then I logged off and shut down my computer for good.
no sig yay
I was walking peacefully, when suddently, a part of my world simply fades! I jumped in the hole, got stuck for some seconds and i was warped back to my starting place... Turns out it was a graphical bug
no sig yay
I once dreamt I was in a Nether Fortress and there were ghostly blue things. I call them Phantoraths.
They were weirdass things with towering heads and torsos coming out of a puffy cloud. They were near Blaze sized and looked kind of like the blue aliens from this music video.
I think the frame rate was kind of slowing down too. It's also worth noting that I didn't dream I was playing the game; I was in the game.
They were all translucent and I ran away. I woke up in sweat (because I was in a bed that was literally hot).
So I was working on this really cool resource pack a while ago, but bad progress nonwithstanding, I think I found something much better... I'm probably gonna never release another custom Minecraft map. Until we meet again...
There's this thing in Minecraft villages called Popularity. It drops when you kill villagers and such, and once it's below -15 the iron golems attack you.
But, filled with Iron Golems? That's insane.
I want to read about that dream.
So I was working on this really cool resource pack a while ago, but bad progress nonwithstanding, I think I found something much better... I'm probably gonna never release another custom Minecraft map. Until we meet again...
Being serious, my world generator seems to have an obsession with spawning dirt crucifixes. I wonder why...
The only example I can remember is this water. It wouldn't flow down.
So I was working on this really cool resource pack a while ago, but bad progress nonwithstanding, I think I found something much better... I'm probably gonna never release another custom Minecraft map. Until we meet again...
I Made A Hole That Went Really Deep And I Didnt Have Any Torches So I Climbed Up. The Next Day, I Explored Down There So I Could Find Resources.When I Was At The Bottom I Suddenly I Was Losing Health That Instant And Started To Freak Out (Totally Thought It was Herobrine)
Later Found It Was A Mob And I Had My Volume To 0