My first video.... haha I still remember it, was Minecraft Pals on Newgrounds. Then the man who put on butter shoes, Seananners, showed me what it is. I bought the game after the sheer epicness from X's Adventures in Minecraft.
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"It's not the destination but the journey that takes you there"@SodaShaman
My first look in minecraft was household hacker for the free version i played that alot and then i say jx23 do a lets play and this was when x started or before then he said something about x and i looked him up and i saw his wid ep 38 green x needs food badly 2 days lata ep40 the end :sad.gif: then i cried like a babby and went back to jx23 andthat day he found the horrible devil INVEDIT :sad.gif: soo the point is dont get hooked and i got the full after i saw the first ep of jx23s soooooo yea i got when it just came out of infdev. LOOONNNNNG POOOSTTTT
Saw a link somewhere about it and looked at and watched the roller coaster video. Didn't really get it and forgot about it for a few weeks. Then on another board saw a post about the game with a link to Seananners first video, watched that and downloaded the game that afternoon. Bought it the next week.
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To tell them how to live is to prevent them living.
Colbycheeze's gaming podcast, he was talking bout the 1.2 update and the portal song "still alive". I thought it was the dummest thing ever, until I accidently clicked on one of his showing off my minecraft world videos :biggrin.gif:
This tutorial will show you how to survive your first night in Minecraft, where bad things come out from the dark and try to eat you. You'll learn what to do in the first few minutes of the game (while the sun is shining) in order to survive the coming night!
Fantastic start to hours and hours and hours of fun.
To give our children and future generations hope, we must destroy every child on Earth and never have any more. I have already started this misson, child numbers have been halved in my local district. Will you join the cause?
My first look in minecraft was household hacker for the free version i played that alot and then i say jx23 do a lets play and this was when x started or before then he said something about x and i looked him up and i saw his wid ep 38 green x needs food badly 2 days lata ep40 the end :sad.gif: then i cried like a babby and went back to jx23 andthat day he found the horrible devil INVEDIT :sad.gif: soo the point is dont get hooked and i got the full after i saw the first ep of jx23s soooooo yea i got when it just came out of infdev. LOOONNNNNG POOOSTTTT
Welcome to minecraft, by seananners.
Also what made me bought the game.
Also the first time i heard of minecraft was from valve (they posted a blog post about it in tf2)
It was on the Cheezburger network site Bob's House of Videogames, which later morphed into TDW Geeks.
Then SeaNanners videos after that.
I was like "Whoa... I can build roller coasters. I'm buying this."
Edit: The thing that MiniM00se posted.
To tell them how to live is to prevent them living.
yup im an alpha old timer
Same i think...
EDIT:wait nope it was how to survive your first night.
Agreed....This video series is top notch!!!!
The first video (and second Minecraft video ever) I saw specifically about Minecraft, and how to play, was .
Yeah! :wink.gif:
Also what made me bought the game.
Also the first time i heard of minecraft was from valve (they posted a blog post about it in tf2)