Soooo, definitely not my proudest moment, this is a tale of fire, lava, fire, and lava.
See, I was doing some interior decorating. First I places stone in a nice shape for an incinerator and went to make a half step to make sure nobody falls in. But the lava in my house gave me an idea! A fireplace would go quite nicely in my log cabin, I make some brick, but apparently didn't encase it quite well enough, and suddenly fire, running back from the fire, I touch the lava, and catch on fire. So I run outside to hop into my moat, before remembering as I hit space bar that I changed the front part of my moat to lava to see how it fared to keep monsters out. Probably one of the only people ever to do a cannonball into lava after running from fire. Maybe it was some kind of homopathic solution, you know the kind where pain somewhere else will get your mind off the first pain? Lava makes you forget you're on fire *nods* then forget that you're alive.
i was in this deep cave once and i saw a couple creepers on the ledge like 5ish blocks above me and like 10 blocks away from me. so as i walk i am looking at them (no arrows btw) and im waiting for their movement when i fall in the most rrandom whole ever straight into lava ):
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Quote from Sniwer »
TNT has a restraining order against lightning, therefore cannot be struck, or lightning would face some serious charges.
Earlier today I was in the nether and I filled my bucket with lava for fun and a minute later while going up to my portal I accidently pour the lava on the block I'm standing on. Jump in fear fall back down into a lake of lava. Sadness.
Strip mining on layer 4, walking and mining at the same time. I fell in lava, lost diamond pick and 6 diamonds. No big deal. I just got another diamond pick and went mining in another direction. Exact same thing happened. Rage quit. End.
I was calmly mining near underground lava lakes (free lighting) when one of those annoying errors happened that makes you walk one direction for infinity. Unfortunately, I had decided at that moment to edge slightly closer to the lava in order to hit a particularly nasty block.
FALL IN LAVA. LOSE EVERYTHING. ...but no big deal. I always put my good stuff in a chest just in case I get killed like that.
I walked out of my mine safe room thing and found another branch of cave that I hadn't noticed before. I go to put a torch on the wall, when I stumbled into a 1x1 hole under the EXACT SPOT I just so HAPPENED to want to put a torch. Fell no less than 20 blocks, into lava magma, LOST EVERYTHING.
Well, not really, because I had the foresight to put my diamonds in the chest in my mine base. Never explore new cave systems with those in your inventory, yo.
Found a zombie dungeon in a cave. Kept getting annoyed by random zombies hitting me. Put bucket of lava near the spawner to get rid of them temporarily. Somehow got knocked into the lava (carelessness, zombie knocking me in, I dunno). Placed a bucket of water in panic, but still die. Find my way back to look.
I was mining in a new map of mine when I found an narrow, one block wide passage that lead to another, unexplored cave. The passage had a lava spring in the wall in the middle of it (the passage was about 7 blocks long). A top down slice would look kinda like this:
[] [] []
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
[] []
The lava being the source block.
Naturally, the lava spilled into the passage and blocked it off. Instead of just blocking the source and leaving it like that, I decided to build OVER the lava. Why? Tactical advantage. The cave I had been mining in was mined out and completely explored - no monsters spawning there. However, this new cave was massive, and likely held many monsters. I decided that if I were to get ambushed, I would delete one cobblestone block after getting partway through the passage, and let the flowing lava kill the monster.
My 'bridge' looked like this (side-on):
[] [] [] []
[] []
After I started mining in the new cavern when a zombie & skeleton came up and tried to attack me. I was low on health, so I ran for my passage way, breaking the one cobblestone block as I went over it. The lava, much to my dismay, did not flow out to the end of the passage as I entended, but rather did this:
[] []
I face-palmed when I realized that lava only travels three blocks away from the spring, and that I had accidentally counted the one block of lava in the passage as the spring (in was in the wall, silly me). The mobs still died when they ran up to the lava, but now I needed to fix my 'bridge' over the lava to allow the result I desired. I was having trouble figuring out how to do that from the angle I was at, so I decided to jump over the lava to see what it looked like from that angle and see if I could come up with a solution from over there. I had plenty of ceiling to jump with, and it was only two blocks. What could go wrong?
[] [] []
I lost every resource I had on me, and had to make a new map. >_>
Here's what I should have done:
[] [] [] [] []
[] [] []
[] []
With the lava behind the second Cobblestone.
Then the result would have been this:
[] [] [] [] []
Let this be a lesson to all: DON'T JUMP OVER LAVA, no matter what your eyes may tell you.
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Sniper on The Voxel Box. Creator of the Coolpilot Productions.
I was down near a patch of lava and I had dumped water on it to change it into obsidian. I was looking for diamonds down there. I was cautiously digging around the lava, dumping water near the opening, when I spotted some redstone ore. I hadn't found anything that valuable down there yet, so I got excited, whacked it down with my iron pick axe, and stupidly jumped down there to claim my redstone as the lava poked though and burned me alive. I panicked so much trying to get out of the area that I died and lost about 2 stacks of coal that I had found on the way down. When I went back to reclaim my remaining stuff, all I had was 9 torches, 49 cobblestone, a bucket of water, and a piece of flint.
Another time, I was out traveling in the middle of nowhere and I was camping in a cave for the night. I had some torches, some extra wood, a workbench and some stone pickaxes with me. I had mined until I found a cavern that lead to a lava-fall. This was the first lava that I had ever seen. I had found enough iron earlier to make a bucket so that I could get some lava but since I was a noob (and my laptop was a tad laggy with the controls), I rushed face-first into the lava-fall, killing my guy and taking me back to the spawn point. I still can't find that cave to this very day...
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Quote from SuperZac »
Quote from Syncronyze »
WOAH, WAIT. Our eyes take pictures? Please tell me I can recover these pictures from another person.
You have to stick a thumb drive up their nose, drag and drop the pictures onto it, and then load them through your ear.
I was trying branch mining for the first time. I discoverd that if I look at a certing angle I could just hold left-click to mine continuously. I found 7 diamond from doing this, which I used for a pickaxe and sword (I put the other 2 in storage) I went back to using this tatic when I hit a lava while mining coal. FALL IN LAVA. LOSE EVERYTHING. I had to find more ( I can never find any) to make a new pickaxe. I finaly made a new iron pickaxe and continued my branch mine. I was using my tatic when I hit a underground lava lake. FALL IN LAVA. LOSE PICKAXE. I was about to quit but then I realized I think I saw a block of :DORE:. I recollected :ironore:, made a iron pickaxe, and went back for the diamond. After I collected the diamond I decided to mine untill my pickaxe runs out and then I hit ANORTHER underground lava lake. FALL IN LAVA. LOSE EVERYTHING. DELETS WORLD.
this quite easily proves that chickens are evil. i had just gotten back from a mining trip, had 150+ coal, iron, and gold.
built lava pit. then, i saw a chicken.
-no chicken face :sad.gif:
ok. i found a GIGANTIC cave system. it really just kept going and going and going. i had 51 iron ore on me, a bunch of steel pickaxes and shovels, 4 or 5 buckets, 3 diamonds, 5 gold, about 50 redstone, two stacks of coal, and then the usual millions of cobblestone. i then found a whole bunch of slimes. i managed to trap all but one to lure back to my base as a pet. i wander through this cavernous maze of...caverns... and finally find my way out. i'm 10 feet from the door of my base, next to my lovely lava pond when a spider jumps off a cliff above me and pushes me into my own lava. FALL IN LAVA. LOSE EVERYTHING. including my slime. i forsake the caves as cursed.
Watching my friend play, he is digging straight down. I expect him to fall in lava, lose everything.
He hits another layer of rock, and spontaneously combusts, dies and loses everything.
Comes back 2 minutes later, dies on the same rock.
In this thread, we tell our stories that end with, well, falling in lava and losing everything.
Went to Nether. Playing on peaceful because I just want to gather some lightstone. Have over 100 LS dust collected, but decide to venture on. Might use my two buckets to grab some lava. See some lightstone off a ways. Scoot forward to build improvised bridge.
See, I was doing some interior decorating. First I places stone in a nice shape for an incinerator and went to make a half step to make sure nobody falls in. But the lava in my house gave me an idea! A fireplace would go quite nicely in my log cabin, I make some brick, but apparently didn't encase it quite well enough, and suddenly fire, running back from the fire, I touch the lava, and catch on fire. So I run outside to hop into my moat, before remembering as I hit space bar that I changed the front part of my moat to lava to see how it fared to keep monsters out. Probably one of the only people ever to do a cannonball into lava after running from fire. Maybe it was some kind of homopathic solution, you know the kind where pain somewhere else will get your mind off the first pain? Lava makes you forget you're on fire *nods* then forget that you're alive.
Steam: RobotDeathParty
FALL IN LAVA. LOSE EVERYTHING. ...but no big deal. I always put my good stuff in a chest just in case I get killed like that.
lavamagma, LOST EVERYTHING.Well, not really, because I had the foresight to put my diamonds in the chest in my mine base. Never explore new cave systems with those in your inventory, yo.
[] [] []
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
[] []
The lava being the source block.
Naturally, the lava spilled into the passage and blocked it off. Instead of just blocking the source and leaving it like that, I decided to build OVER the lava. Why? Tactical advantage. The cave I had been mining in was mined out and completely explored - no monsters spawning there. However, this new cave was massive, and likely held many monsters. I decided that if I were to get ambushed, I would delete one cobblestone block after getting partway through the passage, and let the flowing lava kill the monster.
My 'bridge' looked like this (side-on):
[] [] [] []
[] []
After I started mining in the new cavern when a zombie & skeleton came up and tried to attack me. I was low on health, so I ran for my passage way, breaking the one cobblestone block as I went over it. The lava, much to my dismay, did not flow out to the end of the passage as I entended, but rather did this:
[] []
I face-palmed when I realized that lava only travels three blocks away from the spring, and that I had accidentally counted the one block of lava in the passage as the spring (in was in the wall, silly me). The mobs still died when they ran up to the lava, but now I needed to fix my 'bridge' over the lava to allow the result I desired. I was having trouble figuring out how to do that from the angle I was at, so I decided to jump over the lava to see what it looked like from that angle and see if I could come up with a solution from over there. I had plenty of ceiling to jump with, and it was only two blocks. What could go wrong?
[] [] []
I lost every resource I had on me, and had to make a new map. >_>
Here's what I should have done:
[] [] [] [] []
[] [] []
[] []
With the lava behind the second Cobblestone.
Then the result would have been this:
[] [] [] [] []
Let this be a lesson to all: DON'T JUMP OVER LAVA, no matter what your eyes may tell you.
Explored it.
Hey look diamonds!!
Hole in the ground which lead to a lava lake.
Another time, I was out traveling in the middle of nowhere and I was camping in a cave for the night. I had some torches, some extra wood, a workbench and some stone pickaxes with me. I had mined until I found a cavern that lead to a lava-fall. This was the first lava that I had ever seen. I had found enough iron earlier to make a bucket so that I could get some lava but since I was a noob (and my laptop was a tad laggy with the controls), I rushed face-first into the lava-fall, killing my guy and taking me back to the spawn point. I still can't find that cave to this very day...
built lava pit. then, i saw a chicken.
-no chicken face :sad.gif:
PUSHED in lava. lost everything
1fell in lava
2lose everything
4 profit!
Remember: cannibalism is always an option.
edit: or maybe my own slime did it! traitor!
He hits another layer of rock, and spontaneously combusts, dies and loses everything.
Comes back 2 minutes later, dies on the same rock.
Meh. I have never fallen into lava yet...
It seems like fun thougt.