The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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If you haven't slept in a bed while traveling, and have access to Ender Chests, put the stuff you want to keep in an Ender Chest, and die. You'll spawn back at your original base (hopefully) and all the stuff you wanted to keep, or most of it anyway, will be there waiting for you.
Otherwise, be smart and don't travel without a compass. Or in more recent years, without a lodestone/compass combination.
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Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on you. Fool me three times, hold up, rewind, That's not even possible.
My advice - don't explore Nether, I've spawned in about fifty random places
Help please!
When travelling to the Nether, it's best to always bring at least 10 obsidian and a flint and steel with you in case you need to create an emergency portal to the Overworld.
Here's what to do if you're lost and don't have the aforementioned materials.
1. Mine some Nether gold ore. (If you don't have a pickaxe, find a crimson or warped forest, get some wood and craft one.)
2. Craft the gold nuggets into ingots.
3. Barter with a piglin until you have at least 10 obsidian and 9 iron nuggets.
4. Find a lava lake and mine some gravel for flint. Make sure to stand on a block other than gravel, just in case the gravel collapses.
5. Craft a flint and steel.
6. Build a portal, light it and return to the Overworld.
7. [Optional] If you want to return to the world spawn point, mine for 1 redstone and 4 iron and craft a compass.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Some where you're not.
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I built a small mansion on a former faction "server" I used to host on Bedrock. I had the coordinates written in notepad on my old phone which eventually became inoperable. Someone rediscovered it after I moved the save to Windows 10 which lead to me writing down the coordinates on notepad on that computer. That computer ending up having an issue and factory reset itself out of the blue. I have never found it again.
I now always carry a book and quill which has all my important coordinates saved albeit on a different world.
I built a small mansion on a former faction "server" I used to host on Bedrock. I had the coordinates written in notepad on my old phone which eventually became inoperable. Someone rediscovered it after I moved the save to Windows 10 which lead to me writing down the coordinates on notepad on that computer. That computer ending up having an issue and factory reset itself out of the blue. I have never found it again.
I now always carry a book and quill which has all my important coordinates saved albeit on a different world.
I never seen luck this bad before in my life, what next is the book and quill gonna disappear randomly then you write the coords on signs and that also corrupts?
So you have built yourself a nice comfortable house, With many valuables stored away in the chests.
One day you pick up your sword and torches, Your pick and food and decide to explore the far distant lands.
Your journey takes you many miles into the depths of the realm of Minecraft, And you collect many valuables and slay many creepers
But then you find that your hopelessly lost in a unfamiliar wilderness, With no Compass Map or ability to use ingame cheats.
You don't want to lose your items you have collected or what you brought, So what do you do?
Share your similar experiences below!
Oh noes! F3 coordinates to the rescue! However, if I'm on Bedrock I will follow the sun or use sunflowers.
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"Humor. Two unconnected things are suddenly united by a paradigm shift. It is hard to describe, but we all know it when it happens. Weirdly, it causes us to make a barking noise."
---- Jesse Schell, The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses
If I had treasures from exploring that far, I would assume I gathered iron, coal, cobblestone, and redstone.
I also don't leave without wood.
I got lost in Nether- I'm really sad.
My advice - don't explore Nether, I've spawned in about fifty random places
Help please!
If you haven't slept in a bed while traveling, and have access to Ender Chests, put the stuff you want to keep in an Ender Chest, and die. You'll spawn back at your original base (hopefully) and all the stuff you wanted to keep, or most of it anyway, will be there waiting for you.
Otherwise, be smart and don't travel without a compass. Or in more recent years, without a lodestone/compass combination.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on you. Fool me three times, hold up, rewind, That's not even possible.
Using the ignore feature here is kinda weird.
When travelling to the Nether, it's best to always bring at least 10 obsidian and a flint and steel with you in case you need to create an emergency portal to the Overworld.
Here's what to do if you're lost and don't have the aforementioned materials.
1. Mine some Nether gold ore. (If you don't have a pickaxe, find a crimson or warped forest, get some wood and craft one.)
2. Craft the gold nuggets into ingots.
3. Barter with a piglin until you have at least 10 obsidian and 9 iron nuggets.
4. Find a lava lake and mine some gravel for flint. Make sure to stand on a block other than gravel, just in case the gravel collapses.
5. Craft a flint and steel.
6. Build a portal, light it and return to the Overworld.
7. [Optional] If you want to return to the world spawn point, mine for 1 redstone and 4 iron and craft a compass.
I built a small mansion on a former faction "server" I used to host on Bedrock. I had the coordinates written in notepad on my old phone which eventually became inoperable. Someone rediscovered it after I moved the save to Windows 10 which lead to me writing down the coordinates on notepad on that computer. That computer ending up having an issue and factory reset itself out of the blue. I have never found it again.
I now always carry a book and quill which has all my important coordinates saved albeit on a different world.
I never seen luck this bad before in my life, what next is the book and quill gonna disappear randomly then you write the coords on signs and that also corrupts?
"I stand on my ground"
Oh noes! F3 coordinates to the rescue! However, if I'm on Bedrock I will follow the sun or use sunflowers.
"Humor. Two unconnected things are suddenly united by a paradigm
shift. It is hard to describe, but we all know it when it happens.
Weirdly, it causes us to make a barking noise."
---- Jesse Schell, The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses
Either I close and forget about this world, or I try to find familiar places [usually I just start walking in circles]
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