This also happened to me in my noob days, I made a giant mansion on a hill, but the embarrassing bit is that I was in creative and still couldn't find my way back. From then on, once I discovered way points in the 'rei's minimap' mod, I always set a waypoint at my home/base.
but try finding your way home in vanilla minecraft. bit harder huh?
Do you even play minecraft? seriously man, what does digging strait down have to do with adventuring? come on man you need diamonds to make a sword to fight and a pik to mine and an axe to gater resources! not to drop behind you! drop dirt, gravel, not the most valuable resource in the game!
So I should drop gold ingots then? No wait! Emerald ore is useless. I'll drop that next time.
But then you find that your hopelessly lost in a unfamiliar wilderness, With no Compass Map or ability to use ingame cheats.
You don't want to lose your items you have collected or what you brought, So what do you do?
You're not giving me a whole lot of options here. You won't let me say I don't get hopelessly lost in the wilderness, and I do so know how to make a compass! But here's what I think you should do if this somehow happens: dig a hole, make 2-3 chests, put all your loot in, bury them, make a giant pillar on the spot with cobblestone or dirt or whatever, then jump in a lava pit (toasty!). You'll start over at spawn and then you can start an expedition to find your buried treasure and do it right this time!
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"Sometimes, I just wanna give up, say 'I'm done with this mess' and go to bed. But you know what; you can't shrug off your responsibilities. You got to pull yourself up and meet the challenges head on. That's the only way you're gonna get ahead in life."
But then you find that your hopelessly lost in a unfamiliar wilderness, With no Compass Map or ability to use ingame cheats.
You don't want to lose your items you have collected or what you brought, So what do you do?
Find a cave or, failing that, just dig down. Get four pieces of iron and one redstone. Voilà: now you have a compass. Go back home. Was that really so hard?
You're not giving me a whole lot of options here. You won't let me say I don't get hopelessly lost in the wilderness, and I do so know how to make a compass! But here's what I think you should do if this somehow happens: dig a hole, make 2-3 chests, put all your loot in, bury them, make a giant pillar on the spot with cobblestone or dirt or whatever, then jump in a lava pit (toasty!). You'll start over at spawn and then you can start an expedition to find your buried treasure and do it right this time!
Find a cave or, failing that, just dig down. Get four pieces of iron and one redstone. Voilà: now you have a compass. Go back home. Was that really so hard?
The thread's main purpose isn't how to find my own way back, Its other people's experiences in similar situations.
He answered that question. He told you what he'd do, right? Which is a good answer, IMO; that's about what I'd do.
As for shared experiences ... the only two times something like this happened to me were in my first single player world, and on the first multiplayer server world I played on, which both took place at roughly the same time: Beta 1.7.3, I'd just started playing, had no idea what to do in this mother of all open ended sandbox games, etc. Class: n00b. I was struggling with the game, in part because I was really avoiding spoilers, looking things up in the Wiki, etc. Kinda doing the same thing with FTB right now ... wow, seems like old times.
So in the single player game ... before I'd ever made a bed or slept, I died at least three or four times, each time spawning in this tundra with no civilization in sight (don't guess I realized that it was the same spot every time lol ... "Hmm this looks familiar ... squirrel!") ... and each time I walked around aimlessly for a while then tried and failed to find where I'd lived before, so eventually I just gave up and started a new place. Then I got slaughtered by something. Rinse, repeat.
Finally I ended up sleeping (probably by accident) and somehow I never go around to moving the bed (I definitely didn't realize that was important - I got lucky), so of course I'd spawn there every time, after that.
I abandoned that world before I got much better at the game, so I never did stumble across any of those early hidey holes and whatnot ... looking back on that it's pretty funny. Heck I loaded up Beta 1.7.3 and that world again fairly recently and although my main place was right there, I tried to find those earlier places ... no dice, it's almost like they were eradicated by my epic n00bness.
In multiplayer I'd gotten a little better ... but I inadvertently became living proof of the old saying, "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing." You see, I'd had enough math in my time to know the Cartesian coordinate system and graphing (x/y) taught in schools. In using the F3 debugging screen I'd noticed that the coordinates were displayed there. I could tell something wasn't exactly right ... looked like y and z were swapped? But that's cool, I'll just swap them in my mind and off we go! Or so I thought ... not knowing that Minecraft's coordinates read a little differently ...
So once you combine that incomplete and dubious "knowledge" with the confusing fact that, back in the day, the sun rose in the north ... well, suffice to say that I wasted some serious time writing coordinates down, trekking off in directions that I happily thought were the correct way to go, becoming even more hopelessly lost, not ever able to find my way back ... sleeping in holes in the ground, hiding from mobs, scavenging for food. It should have been an adventure, it should have been a blast - but no, not really, it was just frustrating, mostly because I couldn't for the life of me figure why my "calculations" were incorrect. Never argue with the data!
Eventually I figured the MC coordinates out and all was well ... and even later I learned how to make a compass and use that, too ...
I never get lost, but if I did it wouldn't be a problem. Hit F3 and head for x256 z256. I've noticed that half the time my spawn is near there. It's also sometimes near x0 z0. From those places I should be able to walk around a little and find home.
If F3 was removed from the game, I guess I'd start a new mine and dig straight down to redstone at y40. If I like my new home I might stay, but I could also follow the compass home.
EDIT: Somehow I missed the part about how for some reason I can't F3 and I have many valuables but I can't make a compass. And for some reason I have no idea if I'm 200 or 200,000 meters from home. I guess it would be time to build a new house, wouldn't it?
I get lost all of the time, In beta once, Before I knew mods existed and I was new to the game, I found a cave underneath my house, I entered the cave, I mined some stuff, Kept mining, Then I placed a Ton of s, Then I thought I should go home now, Inv was getting full,
I followed my path of s, Then I realized I had basicly covered the entire cave in s, so I was Lost,
I can't remember how I got out, But I did eventually,
Another time on the same world, I went out adventuring on the seas, I got lost after a while, I found Alot of clay, I built a little base, I Placed a furnace and started making bricks, Then I made a compass, and sailed home and never saw that base with the clay smelting ever again.
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Do you see the Green Arrow in the lower right corner of my post? Hes feeling really sad, Give him a Hug(click).
I had decided to explore "Death Island" (a desert island, actually only seperated from my land by a river) and maybe find a new biome. I had not realized that I would not remember my path, and since the desert was quite the large one, I got lost. Even so, I had found a VERY deep
hole (it went straight to bedrock) and I dug down there, and dug more, and found redstone. Since I had never heard about redstone before I tried my stone pick at it, and it didn't work. Since iron was rare around my treehouse, I smelted some of the ore, and made an iron pick. I mined the redstone ore, and got the dust. I was new also to this substance. I then looked up the minecraft wiki to find out about this.
I found out about the compass.
I had some extra iron, and made one. My treehouse was very close to my spawn, and I followed it to my home. The end.
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And he walked up to you, and only had one thought on his mind: Revenge....
I used to get lost really easily but I'm getting better now with the compass. I don't like using debug and coordinates; ruins the experience for me.
My current mine and farm is not far from the original spawn location. So I made a big tower at the original spawn location and a coblestone road over to my current farm. Now when I'm out adventuring I can use the compass to get back to the original spawn and then easily back home.
Also built a big tower at my home. It's nice if I'm just doing short excursions so I don't have to bring my compass along. However if I plan on going further I need the compass as even with draw distance set to Far the towers eventually get clipped.
Last adventure finally found enough sugar cane to start a sugar cane farm with so I'll have a map soon =^.^=
GENERALLY,this is why I build my home base at/near my spawn point and always right down the X Y and Z. Whats more, the main base also tends to be far larger then most of my others and the others aren't to far from my first, usually about 200-400 blocks away and more then likely its reached by nether portals. Do this and you should never get lost. P:
One time I wanted to start a forest fire (don't ask why), and so I ran a long ways away from my house with my food and flint and steel and my sword. I finally found a tree in the middle of nowhere (why there were no trees I do not know) and so I lit it on fire. I had made a point of running perfectly straight so I would not lose my way. Then I turned around and ran back. I ended up on the top of a mountain somehow, and I still could not see my house. So I walked forwards because I had looked down and seen land a little ways below, and I landed on an edge on the side of a mountain. Stupidly I dug down, and fell to my death. Before I had falled I had built a little tower to see where I was (with no prevail). I spawned back in my house and I went to look for my death spot. After about an hour I found it. The mountain had been behind my house.
How do i find my way back in vanilla ? Quite simple, i put every setting of minecraft at maximum and the render distance at far.
Then i look for chunk generation versus chunk loading.
If a chunk generate, i've obviously never been there so it is not the right direction.
If the chunk charge quickly and only load, im on the right path obviously because i've been there.
If the terrains is big enough i make various landmark to avoir running in circle while i try to find my way back home.
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Quote from Noofertonson »
"Oh lol i was building and a creeper went SSSS OOH LOL! DEY ALWAYS EXP{OLEDE YOUR STUFFZ!!"
but try finding your way home in vanilla minecraft. bit harder huh?
It's Sick, not Slick
So I should drop gold ingots then? No wait! Emerald ore is useless. I'll drop that next time.
/[Current meme]
no duh >
It's Sick, not Slick
I need to save my dirt for my mushroom farm. I did find these skeleton skulls though...
/[Current meme]
You're not giving me a whole lot of options here. You won't let me say I don't get hopelessly lost in the wilderness, and I do so know how to make a compass! But here's what I think you should do if this somehow happens: dig a hole, make 2-3 chests, put all your loot in, bury them, make a giant pillar on the spot with cobblestone or dirt or whatever, then jump in a lava pit (toasty!). You'll start over at spawn and then you can start an expedition to find your buried treasure and do it right this time!
Find a cave or, failing that, just dig down. Get four pieces of iron and one redstone. Voilà: now you have a compass. Go back home. Was that really so hard?
Village Mechanics: A not-so-brief guide - Update 2017! Now with 1.8 breeding mechanics! Long-overdue trading info, coming soon!
You think magic isn't real? Consider this: for every person, there is a sentence -- a series of words -- which has the power to destroy them.
/[Current meme]
The thread's main purpose isn't how to find my own way back, Its other people's experiences in similar situations.
Well ... you did ask for shared experiences, yes, but before that you asked:
He answered that question. He told you what he'd do, right? Which is a good answer, IMO; that's about what I'd do.
As for shared experiences ... the only two times something like this happened to me were in my first single player world, and on the first multiplayer server world I played on, which both took place at roughly the same time: Beta 1.7.3, I'd just started playing, had no idea what to do in this mother of all open ended sandbox games, etc. Class: n00b. I was struggling with the game, in part because I was really avoiding spoilers, looking things up in the Wiki, etc. Kinda doing the same thing with FTB right now ... wow, seems like old times.
So in the single player game ... before I'd ever made a bed or slept, I died at least three or four times, each time spawning in this tundra with no civilization in sight (don't guess I realized that it was the same spot every time lol ... "Hmm this looks familiar ... squirrel!") ... and each time I walked around aimlessly for a while then tried and failed to find where I'd lived before, so eventually I just gave up and started a new place. Then I got slaughtered by something. Rinse, repeat.
Finally I ended up sleeping (probably by accident) and somehow I never go around to moving the bed (I definitely didn't realize that was important - I got lucky), so of course I'd spawn there every time, after that.
I abandoned that world before I got much better at the game, so I never did stumble across any of those early hidey holes and whatnot ... looking back on that it's pretty funny. Heck I loaded up Beta 1.7.3 and that world again fairly recently and although my main place was right there, I tried to find those earlier places ... no dice, it's almost like they were eradicated by my epic n00bness.
In multiplayer I'd gotten a little better ... but I inadvertently became living proof of the old saying, "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing." You see, I'd had enough math in my time to know the Cartesian coordinate system and graphing (x/y) taught in schools. In using the F3 debugging screen I'd noticed that the coordinates were displayed there. I could tell something wasn't exactly right ... looked like y and z were swapped? But that's cool, I'll just swap them in my mind and off we go! Or so I thought ... not knowing that Minecraft's coordinates read a little differently ...
So once you combine that incomplete and dubious "knowledge" with the confusing fact that, back in the day, the sun rose in the north ... well, suffice to say that I wasted some serious time writing coordinates down, trekking off in directions that I happily thought were the correct way to go, becoming even more hopelessly lost, not ever able to find my way back ... sleeping in holes in the ground, hiding from mobs, scavenging for food. It should have been an adventure, it should have been a blast - but no, not really, it was just frustrating, mostly because I couldn't for the life of me figure why my "calculations" were incorrect. Never argue with the data!
Eventually I figured the MC coordinates out and all was well ... and even later I learned how to make a compass and use that, too
If F3 was removed from the game, I guess I'd start a new mine and dig straight down to redstone at y40. If I like my new home I might stay, but I could also follow the compass home.
EDIT: Somehow I missed the part about how for some reason I can't F3 and I have many valuables but I can't make a compass. And for some reason I have no idea if I'm 200 or 200,000 meters from home. I guess it would be time to build a new house, wouldn't it?
And then if I find my old pad, I just build a road between them.
I followed my path of
I can't remember how I got out, But I did eventually,
Another time on the same world, I went out adventuring on the seas, I got lost after a while, I found Alot of clay, I built a little base, I Placed a furnace and started making bricks, Then I made a compass, and sailed home and never saw that base with the clay smelting ever again.
I had decided to explore "Death Island" (a desert island, actually only seperated from my land by a river) and maybe find a new biome. I had not realized that I would not remember my path, and since the desert was quite the large one, I got lost. Even so, I had found a VERY deep
hole (it went straight to bedrock) and I dug down there, and dug more, and found redstone. Since I had never heard about redstone before I tried my stone pick at it, and it didn't work. Since iron was rare around my treehouse, I smelted some of the ore, and made an iron pick. I mined the redstone ore, and got the dust. I was new also to this substance. I then looked up the minecraft wiki to find out about this.
I found out about the compass.
I had some extra iron, and made one. My treehouse was very close to my spawn, and I followed it to my home. The end.
My current mine and farm is not far from the original spawn location. So I made a big tower at the original spawn location and a coblestone road over to my current farm. Now when I'm out adventuring I can use the compass to get back to the original spawn and then easily back home.
Also built a big tower at my home. It's nice if I'm just doing short excursions so I don't have to bring my compass along. However if I plan on going further I need the compass as even with draw distance set to Far the towers eventually get clipped.
Last adventure finally found enough sugar cane to start a sugar cane farm with so I'll have a map soon =^.^=
I generally build my base within easy walking distance from my spawn point, or at least within visible range.
I have lost houses because I built them almost entirely underground, then couldn't find them later.
Then i look for chunk generation versus chunk loading.
If a chunk generate, i've obviously never been there so it is not the right direction.
If the chunk charge quickly and only load, im on the right path obviously because i've been there.
If the terrains is big enough i make various landmark to avoir running in circle while i try to find my way back home.