So you have built yourself a nice comfortable house, With many valuables stored away in the chests.
One day you pick up your sword and torches, Your pick and food and decide to explore the far distant lands.
Your journey takes you many miles into the depths of the realm of Minecraft, And you collect many valuables and slay many creepers
But then you find that your hopelessly lost in a unfamiliar wilderness, With no Compass Map or ability to use ingame cheats.
You don't want to lose your items you have collected or what you brought, So what do you do?
This actually ended up happening. I tried building a giant wooden tower from where I was to see if I could see my little settlement, I then ended up just suiciding by jumping off of said tower, only to find where I suicided and all my valuables later, while exploring.
For some reason I couldn't stop laughing.
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Ask them no more questions, never hear them lying.
I'm always careful to either take note of or construct landmarks as I go. Most of them end up looking like Inukshuks made out of dirt and torches. If I'm going that far afield, I always have a map and compass, though. I just don't feel safe doing it otherwise.
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Watch me mine for crafts, craft mines, fall down shafts and do a bunch of other things that may or may not involve blocks.
I make sure that I have my house's coredents written down on my pad of paper sitting on my computer desk, if I do, I'll follow them. If I don't, I'll keep on exploring until I get home.
I craft a compass and use it to guide myself back to spawn. I usually record the overworld coordinates so I can make a nether portal to it if I wish to return, such as if I built a small base.
I don't explore a wide enough area to get me lost anymore. Ever since maps got so tiny, I HATE exploring above ground, or at least once I don't want to lose my house.
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My avatar-Madison Gotha. She knows various weapons, she's a mage/sage, and is somewhat immortal. Madison has the capability of taming and communicating monsters, a genetic trait passed down by her father. 26 physically, 1400-something mentally, and a Lofty Peakian/Zenithian mix. Doesn't really like being called an elf and hates being called human..
I might be Moderator, but don't bother treating me too special. And don't make tons of Ban Hammer jokes, please. Also, I'm an Off-Topic only Mod. Don't ask me to lock a thread or something if it's not in the off-topic
I usually play with TMI or NEI (I test mods frequently), so here is my usual routine:
0-5 minutes: Discover I'm lost. Attempt to reroute myself using the sun/moon position.
5-10 minutes: try spawning a compass (or if I'm trying to play legit, open the list in the inventory and use the compass there (it works!))
10-15 minutes: If that fails, I jump in creative and attempt to fly back home, using a map and compass.
After 15 minutes, I just give up and start a new world. If I really missed my old world, I might spawn in some items for a quick base.
your situation has happened to me before. i was on a server with some friends and i decided to go far, far away. after traveling straight through exactly 17 biomes, i decided i wanted to go home (fail). so i started trying to find my way back, but after two hours of searching, i had nothing left but a wood pickaxe and a weak iron sword. so, i went mining. i dug a long staircase without torches and found a cave near bedrock that had enough iron and redstone for a pik and a compass. after crafting this compass, i traveled through the night, now with only a cobblestone sword, and fought my way home. just cuz u didnt bring a compass, does not mean you cant get one.
(to RobertNick) Ok, but what if you walk away from your home? that is not the best idea man. maybe try looking for traces of where you were, a familiar biome, saplings from a tree you chopped down, leftover xp from a slaughter, dont just guess!
I can't drop cobblestone. I need it to fill the hole up after I dig straight down.
Do you even play minecraft? seriously man, what does digging strait down have to do with adventuring? come on man you need diamonds to make a sword to fight and a pik to mine and an axe to gater resources! not to drop behind you! drop dirt, gravel, not the most valuable resource in the game!
This also happened to me in my noob days, I made a giant mansion on a hill, but the embarrassing bit is that I was in creative and still couldn't find my way back. From then on, once I discovered way points in the 'rei's minimap' mod, I always set a waypoint at my home/base.
One day you pick up your sword and torches, Your pick and food and decide to explore the far distant lands.
Your journey takes you many miles into the depths of the realm of Minecraft, And you collect many valuables and slay many creepers
But then you find that your hopelessly lost in a unfamiliar wilderness, With no Compass Map or ability to use ingame cheats.
You don't want to lose your items you have collected or what you brought, So what do you do?
Share your similar experiences below!
For some reason I couldn't stop laughing.
Minecraft [Alpha] 1.7.3 had blocks that you can use to build with.
Minecraft now has blocks that you can use to build with.
Nothing has changed in my opinion." That is all.
0-5 minutes: Discover I'm lost. Attempt to reroute myself using the sun/moon position.
5-10 minutes: try spawning a compass (or if I'm trying to play legit, open the list in the inventory and use the compass there (it works!))
10-15 minutes: If that fails, I jump in creative and attempt to fly back home, using a map and compass.
After 15 minutes, I just give up and start a new world. If I really missed my old world, I might spawn in some items for a quick base.
It's Sick, not Slick
/[Current meme]
you drop diamonds?!?!? dude that is not the brightest idea, no offense
It's Sick, not Slick
If I drop bread, the chickens eat it and I can't find my way home again. Use your head, man!
/[Current meme]
dude, chickens cant eat bread icons off of the ground. drop cobblestone not all your lifes work!
It's Sick, not Slick
I can't drop cobblestone. I need it to fill the hole up after I dig straight down.
/[Current meme]
Do you even play minecraft? seriously man, what does digging strait down have to do with adventuring? come on man you need diamonds to make a sword to fight and a pik to mine and an axe to gater resources! not to drop behind you! drop dirt, gravel, not the most valuable resource in the game!
It's Sick, not Slick