Assuming the person did everything you could do to max out on protection from a fall (I assume this would be Feather IV boots, and Protection IV on everything else), how deep a hole still guarentees that kill?
Go into creative, put on those enchants on diamond armor, create pillars going up into the sky and start testing in survival by jumping off of them. Of course you have to fly back up
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Not sure but I'm pretty sure only Feather Falling can help protect from fall damage. Since it's kind of hard to get FF you can probably assume that whoever you're trying to kill wont have it so around 24 or so blocks deep should be sufficient enough.
Since it's kind of hard to get FF you can probably assume that whoever you're trying to kill wont have it so around 24 or so blocks deep should be sufficient enough.
Good job not answering the question at all. He didn't ask if someone is likely to have feather falling or not, he asked how far of a drop it takes to kill someone who does.
Edit: It's not even that hard to get. Over 50% chance if you enchant at around level 25. Source.
the formula is (fall distance-3)/2, in hearts, for fall damage. according to this: http://www.minecraft...ect_calculation
you can reduce damage by 90-96% if you have a full set of diamond armor with the proper enchants. It's randomized as well, so it's a good idea to try testing, and to read the arcticle i linked. also, unless you are the server owner, just go as high as you can go.
Good job not answering the question at all. He didn't ask if someone is likely to have feather falling or not, he asked how far of a drop it takes to kill someone who does.
Edit: It's not even that hard to get. Over 50% chance if you enchant at around level 25. Source.
Ok let me ask you a question, on any given server how many people are going to have FF boots? Now taking that into consideration how many people are going to risk them out in the open or where ever this trap is going to be made? I didn't reply to him to purposely not answer the question, I replied and gave the information I did firstly because that's what I knew and secondly because as far as I know the general populous of servers don't have FF. As for how hard it is to get, I don't know about you but I do all of my enchanting at level 30 because I don't just want FF on the boots.
P.S. While we're calling out people that didn't help where is the answer in your post?
65 blocks with feather falling 4 diamond boots. I just tested it.
Yeah and with Protection I think it becomes a ridiculous amount. I remember someone had messed around with this and had numbers and I want to say he said you could survive a fall around 200 blocks.
Not sure but I'm pretty sure only Feather Falling can help protect from fall damage. Since it's kind of hard to get FF you can probably assume that whoever you're trying to kill wont have it so around 24 or so blocks deep should be sufficient enough.
Protection enchantments reduces all types of damage. If you have enough protection enchantments, you don't even need feather falling boots, because the protection enchantments max out, rendering the boots useless.
From the Minecraft wiki: The max EPF (enchantment protection factor) is 25, which gives a 90.4-96% damage reduction. This means that, in order to die from a fall, a player must take (20HP)/(1-.96)=500 damage. This means a player would have to fall 503 blocks to die with maxed protection armor.
If I miscalculated, let me know but it seems that, if properly equipped, it's impossible to die from a fall.
The protection can reduce all types of damage by up to 80%, which leads to a 96% reduction from damage types that normal armor absorbs, but not for fall damage. It's only 80% reduced. That means, to guarantee death, a player must take (20 HP)/(1-0.8) = 100 HP of damage, which equals a fall of 103 blocks.
Good job not answering the question at all. He didn't ask if someone is likely to have feather falling or not, he asked how far of a drop it takes to kill someone who does.
Edit: It's not even that hard to get. Over 50% chance if you enchant at around level 25. Source.
Village Mechanics: A not-so-brief guide - Update 2017! Now with 1.8 breeding mechanics! Long-overdue trading info, coming soon!
You think magic isn't real? Consider this: for every person, there is a sentence -- a series of words -- which has the power to destroy them.
you can reduce damage by 90-96% if you have a full set of diamond armor with the proper enchants. It's randomized as well, so it's a good idea to try testing, and to read the arcticle i linked. also, unless you are the server owner, just go as high as you can go.
I like to play FTB with some additions. Also custom modsets are awesome!
Ok let me ask you a question, on any given server how many people are going to have FF boots? Now taking that into consideration how many people are going to risk them out in the open or where ever this trap is going to be made? I didn't reply to him to purposely not answer the question, I replied and gave the information I did firstly because that's what I knew and secondly because as far as I know the general populous of servers don't have FF. As for how hard it is to get, I don't know about you but I do all of my enchanting at level 30 because I don't just want FF on the boots.
P.S. While we're calling out people that didn't help where is the answer in your post?
Yeah and with Protection I think it becomes a ridiculous amount. I remember someone had messed around with this and had numbers and I want to say he said you could survive a fall around 200 blocks.
by c0yote
I tried it with terrible results. I gave my wife my glasses for a second, a creeper showed up and now my wife is pregnant.
Stupid 3D..
Protection enchantments reduces all types of damage. If you have enough protection enchantments, you don't even need feather falling boots, because the protection enchantments max out, rendering the boots useless.
From the Minecraft wiki: The max EPF (enchantment protection factor) is 25, which gives a 90.4-96% damage reduction. This means that, in order to die from a fall, a player must take (20HP)/(1-.96)=500 damage. This means a player would have to fall 503 blocks to die with maxed protection armor.
but it seems that, if properly equipped, it's impossible to die from a fall.If I miscalculated, let me know
The protection can reduce all types of damage by up to 80%, which leads to a 96% reduction from damage types that normal armor absorbs, but not for fall damage. It's only 80% reduced. That means, to guarantee death, a player must take (20 HP)/(1-0.8) = 100 HP of damage, which equals a fall of 103 blocks.
That seems more accurate....
it takes 104 blocks to die of fall damage with full netherite Prot 4 FF 4.