I am having a problem with my mob grinder, I built it 24 blocks from my house (which is at an elevation of 110). I have a drowning type of spawner, the only problem is that I cannot seem to get very many mobs to spawn. I built a room with holes for the mobs to fall above the actual water. The room is 100% dark. I do get the occasional loot, but normally there is nothing when I check.
Like I said, the spawner is at an elevation of 110 blocks (as is my house). Also, I have searched for caves in the area and lit them up the best I could. My only guess is that the elevation is throwing off the spawning.
There is a big lake about 50 blocks below my house with some grass around it, I have not lit that big area up yet, could that be causing me problems?
It could just be that the mob drops are despawning. You could try to expand the spawning room if you wanted more mobs to spawn. If you know, could you tell me how big the spawning room is? Also, try lighting up the big lake below.
The area where the mobs spawn is 2 blocks high (so Endermen don't spawn) and is probably 20 blocks wide and 10 blocks long. I'll try lighting up the area a little better I guess.
Also, do I need to be standing in the collection area (which is 24 blocks from the spawner building)? Or can I roam around and come back?
You should probably make the spawn area a little longer or as big as you have the time for, the bigger it is, the more mobs will spawn. You should also be standing in the collection area if your afk (away from keyboard). But you can just roam around if your just building or something like that.
The weird thing is that this grinder is almost identical to one i saw in a skyblock episode on youtube. It worked perfectly for the guy who made it, so I'm a little frustrated that it isn't working for me.
See if you can find any caves/caverns or dungeons and try to light them up. The less mobs there are around your mob spawner, the more there will be IN your mob spawner. I hope i helped
I don't think them jumping is a problem. It's that they don't spawn.
But the system is below. So they should spawn on the "---------" area and then there is a one block gap between that beam and the next beam. So spiders cannot fall down, but all other mobs should fall in between the beams and into the flowing water below.
It might be that spiders are spawning and clogging up the holes. Do you have water canals to push the mobs to the holes? If so, make sure that the canals are only one block wide, so that spiders won't get pushed to the holes. And how many holes are there?
So, think of the whole spawner as a two story building. The bottom floor has a series of water flows leading to an eventual drowner.
The top floor has the areas where the mobs spawn and fall into the water. There are not "holes", but gaps in the flooring. So, the top floor is 2 blocks high. The floor is made by alternating one row of cobblestone and one row of nothingness (which is where the mobs fall) and that pattern continues across the entire floor.
So, theoretically the mobs spawn and if the move one space to the right or left they will fall regardless of where they are. Again, the spaces where the mobs are supposed to fall are only 1 block wide, so spiders cannot fall.
Do i need to make the beams where the mobs spawn wider? Would making the beams 2 or 3 blocks wide spawn significantly more mobs than my current 1 block wide beams?
You should probably add at least 2 more layers. My natural spawn grinder was quite slow before I added another 3 layers onto it. It made it a lot faster.
So, I just added 3 more levels to my grinder and I opened up one side of it and it appears to be working better. But now it doesn't seem like the mobs are jumping from one level to the next?
Do you think you would be able to set up a system that, when you push a button a water stream comes out to push the mobs into the gaps? All you would need is some dispencer's and a bit of redstone.
Make sure that the water flow is not cutting before the drop, it should be on the last block you see.
Also, observe over time your trap to even see if it is working effectually.
I think the biggest factor to affect spawn rates, and the biggest difference between yours and the skyblocks video, is that in skyblocks, the mobs have nowhere else to spawn. In your world, there's caves and land everywhere - they'll find spots to spawn, and it will take away from your grinder. To improve rates, you need to improve the size of your grinder, giving them more spaces to spawn in, and you need to find more caves and light them up. I recommend the TNT-through-head XRay trick (or an XRay mod) to find the caves you missed.
I am having a problem with my mob grinder, I built it 24 blocks from my house (which is at an elevation of 110). I have a drowning type of spawner, the only problem is that I cannot seem to get very many mobs to spawn. I built a room with holes for the mobs to fall above the actual water. The room is 100% dark. I do get the occasional loot, but normally there is nothing when I check.
Like I said, the spawner is at an elevation of 110 blocks (as is my house). Also, I have searched for caves in the area and lit them up the best I could. My only guess is that the elevation is throwing off the spawning.
There is a big lake about 50 blocks below my house with some grass around it, I have not lit that big area up yet, could that be causing me problems?
Any tips for me?
Also, do I need to be standing in the collection area (which is 24 blocks from the spawner building)? Or can I roam around and come back?
The weird thing is that this grinder is almost identical to one i saw in a skyblock episode on youtube. It worked perfectly for the guy who made it, so I'm a little frustrated that it isn't working for me.
But the system is below. So they should spawn on the "---------" area and then there is a one block gap between that beam and the next beam. So spiders cannot fall down, but all other mobs should fall in between the beams and into the flowing water below.
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So, think of the whole spawner as a two story building. The bottom floor has a series of water flows leading to an eventual drowner.
The top floor has the areas where the mobs spawn and fall into the water. There are not "holes", but gaps in the flooring. So, the top floor is 2 blocks high. The floor is made by alternating one row of cobblestone and one row of nothingness (which is where the mobs fall) and that pattern continues across the entire floor.
So, theoretically the mobs spawn and if the move one space to the right or left they will fall regardless of where they are. Again, the spaces where the mobs are supposed to fall are only 1 block wide, so spiders cannot fall.
Do i need to make the beams where the mobs spawn wider? Would making the beams 2 or 3 blocks wide spawn significantly more mobs than my current 1 block wide beams?
Also, observe over time your trap to even see if it is working effectually.