I spawned in a desert with no trees like forever. I was in that type of world that makes it only one biome, I forget what its called but yeah, only desert.
i spawned in a snowy taiga (NOTICE: this is in 1.6.4 so its still just taiga biome) on large biomes setting... yea it took me like 2 or 3 days in real life to get out of the taiga (because i had to set up a hut and some other stuff) and i found a MASSIVE forest about the size of a normal biomes desert and it seemingly circles the taiga
anyway back to the OT i thought "HEY I LOVE TAIGAS!" and i did.. at one time spending so long in one makes me dislike them
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I made a Feed The Beast modpack! Simply type "Experiment812390" without quotes into the 3rD party codes area and you can see the mods list and install!
Don't be a pedant, or take things out of context on purpose.
"don't quote yourself in your signature it makes you look silly" ~ Oden_The_Fish
my profile picture is the A-10 thunderbolt II the successor of the first thunderbolt used in WWII by the USAF both excel in air support and ground attacks
the A-10 also sports the GAU-8 Avenger a 30MM hydraulic gatling type autocannon
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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I HATE spawning in any of these biomes:
Frozen River
Ice Plains
Ice Plains Spikes
Cold Beach
Cold Taiga
Cold Taiga M
Extreme Hills
Extreme Hills M
Taiga M
Mega Taiga
Mega Spruce Taiga
Extreme Hills+
Extreme Hills+ M
Stone Beach
The End
Sunflower Plains
Flower Forest
Swampland M
Jungle M
Jungle Edge
Jungle Edge M
Birch Forest
Birch Forest M
Birch Forest Hills
Birch Forest Hills M
Roofed Forest
Roofed Forest M
Mushroom Island
Mushroom Island Shore
Desert M
Savanna M
Mesa (Bryce)
Plateau M
Deep Ocean
Frozen Ocean
Ice Mountains
Extreme Hills Edge
Gravel Beach
Red Beach
Red Desert
Mesa Plateau F
Mesa Plateau F M
But in reality, my least favorite biome to spawn in is extreme hills because it is a trek to get to any house that you build, you can't build multi-layered buildings because the snow will fall on the top but not the base of the building, and all the jumping to get around really depletes your hunger when you start. (I play on Hard, so dying of jumping too much is not unheard of for me)
Since this is in the "survival mode" section, I would have to say, "anywhere it's impossible to survive". For default worlds, not a problem as you can just move a few feet to the next biome. But for large biomes (which I happen to prefer) it's a pain. Mesa, icespikes, desert, etc. No food options, not even grass for seeds. No trees means no tools. No food and tools means no survival.
I have one computer that hates me. Every MC world I create is a horrible world and have had 2 horrible spawns. Ocean of course with no land in sight then an endless desert. Nothing like trying to fight mobs with no weapons.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Contrary to everyone here, I like spawning in biomes where it is fairly hard to survive in. It's more of a challenge, and I love challenges. I've actually once gotten to the point where I went into the Customized World Gen option and made sure that the entire world was a Mesa (of course, I made sure to crank up river spawns, because that's how you get trees). That was a pretty fun world, if I do say so myself.
Contrary to everyone here, I like spawning in biomes where it is fairly hard to survive in. It's more of a challenge, and I love challenges. I've actually once gotten to the point where I went into the Customized World Gen option and made sure that the entire world was a Mesa (of course, I made sure to crank up river spawns, because that's how you get trees). That was a pretty fun world, if I do say so myself.
Burn, Forests, burn!!!
You aren't the only one who likes challenges, you should make a customized world where the sea level is 80 and lava oceans are enabled.
I did it, but I spawned in lava and died. (I hope you to have better luck if you accept the challenge).
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If you join my server, I'll love you forever
If I had knew how many things you had to post before getting the 'Obsidian Miner' title, my username would be Tree_Puncher874...
I'm one of those unlucky people. I think that world generation has something to do with the name of your world, because I always, and I mean ALWAYS, get the exact same biomes. Different seed, but same biomes. Mountains, roofed forest, taiga, plains, and a forest or birch forest. Every. Single. Time. It's not all that bad, but it get's really old after a while. I'm actually missing jungles. But if I name it something besides "Shadow's Survival World" then I get something completely new. I never had this problem before 1.7.
To answer your question: I would have to say that a roofed forest is my least favorite biome to spawn in. I'm just not too keen on all the trees.
and i hate it wen theres just a hole in the ground that leads into a cave and u have no building materilals thats like the worst
the biome i never see is the mushroom islands
the biome i hate is desert because theres no wood the villages have no chests it just drives me crazy wen i spawn in 1
anyway back to the OT i thought "HEY I LOVE TAIGAS!" and i did.. at one time spending so long in one makes me dislike them
I made a Feed The Beast modpack! Simply type "Experiment812390" without quotes into the 3rD party codes area and you can see the mods list and install!
Don't be a pedant, or take things out of context on purpose.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oden so what I'm soup? Fish soup?
"don't quote yourself in your signature it makes you look silly" ~ Oden_The_Fish
my profile picture is the A-10 thunderbolt II the successor of the first thunderbolt used in WWII by the USAF both excel in air support and ground attacks
the A-10 also sports the GAU-8 Avenger a 30MM hydraulic gatling type autocannon
Frozen River
Ice Plains
Ice Plains Spikes
Cold Beach
Cold Taiga
Cold Taiga M
Extreme Hills
Extreme Hills M
Taiga M
Mega Taiga
Mega Spruce Taiga
Extreme Hills+
Extreme Hills+ M
Stone Beach
The End
Sunflower Plains
Flower Forest
Swampland M
Jungle M
Jungle Edge
Jungle Edge M
Birch Forest
Birch Forest M
Birch Forest Hills
Birch Forest Hills M
Roofed Forest
Roofed Forest M
Mushroom Island
Mushroom Island Shore
Desert M
Savanna M
Mesa (Bryce)
Plateau M
Deep Ocean
Frozen Ocean
Ice Mountains
Extreme Hills Edge
Gravel Beach
Red Beach
Red Desert
Mesa Plateau F
Mesa Plateau F M
But in reality, my least favorite biome to spawn in is extreme hills because it is a trek to get to any house that you build, you can't build multi-layered buildings because the snow will fall on the top but not the base of the building, and all the jumping to get around really depletes your hunger when you start. (I play on Hard, so dying of jumping too much is not unheard of for me)
Deserts and forests seem to be the bringers of flame and hate but tbh they aren't that bad. Wood and a chance to find a Desert temple? Pretty cool :>
What should it be about? What font should be used? Why does it seem so important?
But the biggest question is, why are you reading this?
I have to create a lot of worlds before I get one not on a island like that.
Burn, Forests, burn!!!
You aren't the only one who likes challenges, you should make a customized world where the sea level is 80 and lava oceans are enabled.
I did it, but I spawned in lava and died. (I hope you to have better luck if you accept the challenge).
If you join my server, I'll love you forever
If I had knew how many things you had to post before getting the 'Obsidian Miner' title, my username would be Tree_Puncher874...

To answer your question: I would have to say that a roofed forest is my least favorite biome to spawn in. I'm just not too keen on all the trees.
Minecraft PC Edition group!
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Those plains biomes are just so useless.
"I know there are people in the world that do not love their fellow human beings, and I hate people like that." -Tom Lehrer
If you have bad luck with biomes, try it.
If you join my server, I'll love you forever
If I had knew how many things you had to post before getting the 'Obsidian Miner' title, my username would be Tree_Puncher874...