So, I was leading a pet wolf and pet cat across a short straight of water to my new base. I was in a boat, and was pulling up to shore when one of the pets teleports to me, destroys my boat, and kills me! I got the message that I'd hit the ground too hard. While I was able to recover all of my gear, I just went from level 50 to 5. Ouch! Has anyone else had this happen? I'm not particularly pleased with this "feature".
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Battle not with creepers, lest ye become a creeper, and if you gaze into the ravine, the ravine gazes also into you.
A guy from mojang was talking to a player about this in the latest snapshot thread on reddit. He said if the player could show him how to reproduce it he'd be more than happy to fix it, but that he can't get it to reproduce.
Hey...I think this may just very well might have probably happened most possibly to kURTjmAC (whoever the hell that is). Good to see people read all the posts in the damn thread before joining the conversation.
On Topic: I think Mojang just needs to speed the pets up so they move closer to the players speed that way they will teleport less, then they need to make them teleport to a position a couple blocks distance behind the players facing.
It's a shame dude, this glitch recently killed a player in the Mindcrack UHC series, season 6 I believe. I think it was Kurtjmac but that's off the top of my head and I could be wrong. Sucked because he was doing well until then!
That has happened to me a lot. Except it's usually near lava. >_< 50 to 5? Wow. That sucks.
Yeah, I think all my xp bubbles went into the deep, dark sea. :/
I had a fairly recent (this day) save that I went back to. This time I took all of my pets and walked/swam. Worked much better! I'm gonna file that one away for things not to do on hardcore.
Ah, well. At least I'm not alone in this sad state of affairs. *lifts glass*
It sucks, but I didn't lose any of my stuff, which would have sucked even more. Levels are replacable, diamond loss makes Chuck Norris cry.
I am ninja'd far too often.
Never happened to me D:
On Topic: I think Mojang just needs to speed the pets up so they move closer to the players speed that way they will teleport less, then they need to make them teleport to a position a couple blocks distance behind the players facing.
by c0yote
I tried it with terrible results. I gave my wife my glasses for a second, a creeper showed up and now my wife is pregnant.
Stupid 3D..
Was gonna say this.
Me Chinese, me play joke
This is Sirrockyqo
This is Crusader Sirrockyqo
This is Deus Ex Sirrockyqo
This is Sensei Sirrockyqo
Yeah, I think all my xp bubbles went into the deep, dark sea. :/
I had a fairly recent (this day) save that I went back to. This time I took all of my pets and walked/swam. Worked much better! I'm gonna file that one away for things not to do on hardcore.