Better than Wolves, Millenare, Tale of Kingdoms, Mo' Creatures, Mo' Creeps and wierdos, Little Maids Mod, More Ores, Clay Soilders, and Computercraft. Wow. ._.
And Yes, I know BTW is incompatible with all of these. But if it was, god knows what we'll do...
Probably just a bunch of Video Game mods, Bioshock would be a good example.
But if we're looking for things that don't have to do with other video games, then I'd probably have to go with Mo' Creatures and a mod that'll add more equipment on to the game. Examples are as follows: Crossbows (Almost just like a bow, but you wouldn't have to pull back the string to a full draw), Shields, Guns, Glove or gauntlet-type armour, and I'm sure this doesn't count as equipment, but perhaps skills or magical spells, etc.
Better than Wolves is only incompatible because it modifies so many base classes. If you spent the time combining the classes that BTW and any other mod share, then compatibility most likely won't be an issue. That's what the forge aims to do.
Anyway, I would hate to see the addition of any huge, game changing mod. Mods are out there so that people can make Minecraft what they want it to be. Just some tweaks and performance enhancements would be nice.
Hardcore Enderdragon and Optifine. The current Enderdragon is nothing but a lame excuse for a boss, but when I tested out the Hardcore Enderdragon mod I almost died several times with ENCHANTED diamond armor. It was the most fun I had in Minecraft I had with a mod ever.
I'd have to disagree, claiming that the philosophy of Minecraft doesn't support guns. If you want to use guns, perhaps you could play CoD.
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Let’s play good guys against bad guys… Yes. Let’s play that. Are you ready? You’re the bad guy. And when you’re bad, you just run. That’s fine right? Well… Shall we play?
I would make a paper craft mod that you hd paper and could craft origami things out of them, like if you made a flumingo you ould place it and it would act as a movement less mob. you could push it around and stuff. maybe put a cardbored with it to make really weeweek long lastin weapons. all sorts of extentions to paper
And Yes, I know BTW is incompatible with all of these. But if it was, god knows what we'll do...
But if we're looking for things that don't have to do with other video games, then I'd probably have to go with Mo' Creatures and a mod that'll add more equipment on to the game. Examples are as follows: Crossbows (Almost just like a bow, but you wouldn't have to pull back the string to a full draw), Shields, Guns, Glove or gauntlet-type armour, and I'm sure this doesn't count as equipment, but perhaps skills or magical spells, etc.
Anyway, I would hate to see the addition of any huge, game changing mod. Mods are out there so that people can make Minecraft what they want it to be. Just some tweaks and performance enhancements would be nice.
I'd have to disagree, claiming that the philosophy of Minecraft doesn't support guns. If you want to use guns, perhaps you could play CoD.