So I created a Single Player Survival Map, and when I was exploring the world I found these:
A Spider Jockey! Wow, I never really seen one before actually, my first time. So yeah I got killed by it.
Another of my rare finds is an 8 Stack Of Diamonds. O o O:
So yeah it is a legit 8 Stack of Diamonds I found while mining, and it's also my first time.
So yeah, guys feel free to add your Rare Finds in Minecraft!
I found this while in the superflat... It seems to be in a paralysis state... and some odd signs, as if it was an ancient construction made by whoever built those Strongholds in the default worlds...
Anyways on a more serious note, the most rare thing I probably ever saw was a pack of 18 naturally spawned pink sheep, which have 0.164% chance of spawning. I have also found a total of 3 golden apple seeds (Though only kept one) and also spawned next to a mushroom island when I accidentally mixed up a few numbers on one of my seeds.
I found this while in the superflat... It seems to be in a paralysis state... and some odd signs, as if it was an ancient construction made by whoever built those Strongholds in the default worlds...
Anyways on a more serious note, the most rare thing I probably ever saw was a pack of 18 naturally
spawned pink sheep, which have 0.164% chance of spawning. I have also found a total of 3 golden apple seeds (Though only kept one) and also spawned next to a mushroom island when I accidentally mixed up a few numbers on one of my seeds.
Honestly I could not care since my intent was not to troll. Was just bored at the time. If you do not believe in the golden apple seed, I can give you the remaining one I have.
Honestly I could not care since my intent was not to troll. Was just bored at the time. If you do not believe in the golden apple seed, I can give you the remaining one I have.
Can I have it? I have never found a golden apple naturally
After searching through each stronghold, it appears the zombie dungeon that contained the golden apple either got removed and replaced with Abandoned Mineshaft (Not sure if that can even happen), or is buried somewhere else. In other words, I can not find the location of it for 1.2.4. I have the coordinates of it for 1.0.0 however, but I doubt you are willing to downgrade to see just a single golden apple. Though if you are, then go to the nearest stronghold from spawn (It should be in a plains biome next to a desert), then go to these coordinates:
Stronghold Portal Room is at x= -698 z= 794 y= 37
Dungeon is at x= -737 z= 673 y= 37
You can actually access the dungeon by walking around through the Stronghold, as it is placed right in the middle of a hallway. In it should be a double chest that contains: Bread x5, String x4, Cocoa Beans x2, Iron Ingots x3, Saddle x2, Gunpowder, and the Golden Apple. In the seed near spawn, if you were to dig at x= -215 z= 794, you would land in a skeleton dungeon in the middle of an Abandoned Mine. One way out leads to a dead end, while the other way out leads to a room with 2 chests. The chests contained Lapis, Coal, Pumpkin Seeds, Melon Seeds, Minecart Rails, Bread, and Diamonds x2.
After searching through each stronghold, it appears the zombie dungeon that contained the golden apple either got removed and replaced with Abandoned Mineshaft (Not sure if that can even happen), or is buried somewhere else. In other words, I can not find the location of it for 1.2.4. I have the coordinates of it for 1.0.0 however, but I doubt you are willing to downgrade to see just a single golden apple. Though if you are, then go to the nearest stronghold from spawn (It should be in a plains biome next to a desert), then go to these coordinates:
Stronghold Portal Room is at x= -698 z= 794 y= 37
Dungeon is at x= -737 z= 673 y= 37
You can actually access the dungeon by walking around through the Stronghold, as it is placed right in the middle of a hallway. In it should be a double chest that contains: Bread x5, String x4, Cocoa Beans x2, Iron Ingots x3, Saddle x2, Gunpowder, and the Golden Apple. In the seed near spawn, if you were to dig at x= -215 z= 794, you would land in a skeleton dungeon in the middle of an Abandoned Mine. One way out leads to a dead end, while the other way out leads to a room with 2 chests. The chests contained Lapis, Coal, Pumpkin Seeds, Melon Seeds, Minecart Rails, Bread, and Diamonds x2.
Lol I'm not going through that much trouble to see it. It's cool though that you found it legit.
I actually found one in my very first dungeon. AntVenom would rage at me. Also, once, I found a HUGE wolf pack. There were about twenty, I didnt actually count them though. I thought it was some sort of uber glitch. I didnt have bones though.
A Spider Jockey! Wow, I never really seen one before actually, my first time. So yeah I got killed by it.
Another of my rare finds is an 8 Stack Of Diamonds. O o O:
So yeah it is a legit 8 Stack of Diamonds I found while mining, and it's also my first time.
So yeah, guys feel free to add your Rare Finds in Minecraft!
A wise man once said, that nothing really dies, it just comes back in another form, then he died. So next time you see an ant, it could be him!
Mounted Skeliton with endermen
You beat me to it.
Anyways on a more serious note, the most rare thing I probably ever saw was a pack of 18 naturally spawned pink sheep, which have 0.164% chance of spawning. I have also found a total of 3 golden apple seeds (Though only kept one) and also spawned next to a mushroom island when I accidentally mixed up a few numbers on one of my seeds.
Fail troll is fail.
Honestly I could not care since my intent was not to troll. Was just bored at the time. If you do not believe in the golden apple seed, I can give you the remaining one I have.
Not trolling if he admits he was pulling your leg.
Fail noob is fail
On topic: I just got an enchanted bow from a skelly, but it only had power 1. I kept it cause its shiny though
Can I have it? I have never found a golden apple naturally
Holy crap, spawn turned into a jungle biome... Anyways let me find it, haven't used it since 1.0.0 and terrain has changed since then.
by c0yote
I tried it with terrible results. I gave my wife my glasses for a second, a creeper showed up and now my wife is pregnant.
Stupid 3D..
Stronghold Portal Room is at x= -698 z= 794 y= 37
Dungeon is at x= -737 z= 673 y= 37
You can actually access the dungeon by walking around through the Stronghold, as it is placed right in the middle of a hallway. In it should be a double chest that contains: Bread x5, String x4, Cocoa Beans x2, Iron Ingots x3, Saddle x2, Gunpowder, and the Golden Apple. In the seed near spawn, if you were to dig at x= -215 z= 794, you would land in a skeleton dungeon in the middle of an Abandoned Mine. One way out leads to a dead end, while the other way out leads to a room with 2 chests. The chests contained Lapis, Coal, Pumpkin Seeds, Melon Seeds, Minecart Rails, Bread, and Diamonds x2.
I have half that many in my very first world I made. (Yes I have it)
Lol I'm not going through that much trouble to see it. It's cool though that you found it legit.