Help me look for the Nether in my world no coordinates plz.! I want directions >.< ! MAKE A LEFT HERE RIGHT THERE, yea or give me a utube vid showing the directions startin from the portal, I have in my inventory enchanted bow, diamond sword, and pick along with enough food to last you the search PLZ N TY
THE r. files go in the folder named "region" and the level.dat , level.dat_old and session lock goes on the outside, and from there just make it look like a regular saved game if you know what to do plz explain to others ty AND HAPPI HUNTIN DOWN THIS STINKIN FORTRESS
Okay. Go straight out from your portal. Turn right at that spot with the lava lake. Eventually you'll come to a big netherrack formation (it's very noticeable; you can't miss it). Turn right again there. Continue on until you see a spot with a BIG glowstone deposit on the ceiling. There's like two that interconnected or something. There's a nether fortress right under that.
Link of my world ABOVE
Help me look for the Nether in my world no coordinates plz.! I want directions >.< ! MAKE A LEFT HERE RIGHT THERE, yea or give me a utube vid showing the directions startin from the portal, I have in my inventory enchanted bow, diamond sword, and pick along with enough food to last you the search PLZ N TY
THE r. files go in the folder named "region" and the level.dat , level.dat_old and session lock goes on the outside, and from there just make it look like a regular saved game if you know what to do plz explain to others ty AND HAPPI HUNTIN DOWN THIS STINKIN FORTRESS
You're welcome?
I actually made all of that up. I never even downloaded your map.
I was trying to troll, guess I failed.