Nah, more like the new sandstone texture. What is disc 11 - a guy running? "Hey, if we will shape Steve out of red wool next to "11" from sponge blocks and make him look like he's running, we will get a QUANTUM BLOCK!!!!!11"
I'll repost the texture. Maybe someone will think of something...
(That actually gave me an idea. Torch/redstone torch/glowdust in the upper left, gunpowder in the upper right and whatever the hell are the two others?)
There's also another one...
NO!! Don't you see?!?! The bottom LEFT are eye of ender, and the bottom RIGHT might be the new circle brick
The interview said the topic came up when they were talking about crafting. So maybe crafting like in the XBOX 360 version? Just a guess.
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Quote from Pandaphile »
The sawxhoeshovpicker is the chuck norris of tools
the ground shakes in its presence the wind stops blowing and the pigs give you their bacon and obsidian mines itself[;/quote]
NO!! Don't you see?!?! The bottom LEFT are eye of ender, and the bottom RIGHT might be the new circle brick
NO!! Don't you see?!?! IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THAT!
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Herobrine is a cultural item, just like any mythological creature. I am a firm believer of the Herobrine mythologies, and I listen to anyone's interpretations of his meanings. Yes he isn't real, Yes the mythology IS real, and yes many people believe his stories.
Its just probably some specific crafting combo that nobody would ever think to do for some weird end result that probably isn't worth it unless someone were to go digging in code to find out what it was.
"He also mentioned that most of the crafting recipes he added to the game have been discovered and well-documented on wikis and websites, but there's one that still hasn't been found."
I think it's strange that it's a "secret recipe." (According to news...) Aren't we able to look at all the existing in-game items? Unless creative mode is hiding something...
If it has anything to do with Disk 11, my guess is this:
Disk 11 looks broken.
All the "creepy" audio could just be your jukebox being unable to play a damaged record.
There is an extra music file with no disk.
So if I thought there was any secret to Disk 11, my bet would be a way to "repair" the disk with the final real track...but I doubt it.
Option two is that Notch made good on the plans to add a ridable dragon he talked about when developing the Enderdragon, and there's a way to get this out of the egg. Unlikely, since the egg was so mysterious that everyone started looking for this right away.
Last and most likely...there's actually a use for Rotten Meat.
According to the news from Curse, Notch said it is a secret crafting recipe that isn't discovered yet, anybody search the code where the crafting recipes are?
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ragnarock200: awesome, are those things with the creeper faces pistons or furnaces
Snowey1994: There dispensers
Gunpowder, Eye of Ender, Egg, and under the full moon, craft these. My prediction, since there is an egg, Something to do with The End, and Gunpowder, its the hatching of your own dragon. Think about it. Whatever they go through explodes, your using a egg to craft, endermen spawn at night, and a no-show moon means even more of them, and of course... Just someone, try it.I think I found it...
Okay, In META-INF, there is code for some tunnels, endermen, Paranormal, and sound effects. Pauls code, and a new music feature.
Because it doesnt sound like herobrine. it sounds like a wolf or a monster of some sort.
a monster of some sort
a monster
you think the secret is a new hostile mob?
It's the hound of the baskervilles all over again. XD
The white thing is potion liquid. When you brew a potion, the sprite is composed of the empty bottle sprite overlaying a colorized version of said white thing.
The cracked thing is (partially) what's used to make spawn egg sprites.
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Comic artist, indie game dev, lots of things. Click image to check out my latest comic series?
(Warning: series may be NSFC [Not Safe For Church], viewer discretion is advised)
NO!! Don't you see?!?! The bottom LEFT are eye of ender, and the bottom RIGHT might be the new circle brick
NO!! Don't you see?!?! IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THAT!
TOP LEFT = Villager
TOP RIGHT = Creeper
BOTTOM RIGHT = Ender Pearl
TOP = Silverfish
we have to check those things...
...... those items crafted creates the brick that silverfish spawn from?
Edit. something to do with crafting recipe according to the minecraft news.
see?! SEE?!?!?
Although, in the 11 disc, you hear pick ax noises, although, it's not the person breathing. This could lead to something, as Herobrine?
-wheres the video button-
Option two is that Notch made good on the plans to add a ridable dragon he talked about when developing the Enderdragon, and there's a way to get this out of the egg. Unlikely, since the egg was so mysterious that everyone started looking for this right away.
Last and most likely...there's actually a use for Rotten Meat.
Snowey1994: There dispensers
Okay, In META-INF, there is code for some tunnels, endermen, Paranormal, and sound effects. Pauls code, and a new music feature.
Have good grammar. Save us tiem.
My god, I hope so! (Or similarly a giant iron golem :P)
It's the hound of the baskervilles all over again. XD
That would make sense, since hardly anybody plays without mods anymore...
The cracked thing is (partially) what's used to make spawn egg sprites.
(Warning: series may be NSFC [Not Safe For Church], viewer discretion is advised)