generally I love them - gun powder = fun... but the new A.I. has actually made them a tad bit dangerous.
I was out gathering sand to make glass for a new ocean base - made myself a little bug out hut when the sun went down as waited for dawn... when the sun came up I sprinted out of the hut and saw one ontop of the hill i was going to harvest so I ran up and let him lick my blade. I then checked all side of that hill and the two surrounding hills for more and found none, so i started to get me my sand.... - the day dragged on, but by mid after noon I had several stacks to show for my work, all of a sudden "ssssssss - boom" right behind me - when I turn to look at where he blew up "ssssss - boom" right behind me again. Mind you this was well past noon and I thought for sure I was in the clear. so I checked both the surrounding hills again, saw nothing but sand - realized that I needed to eat to get my health back, soon as I started munching on my steak "sssss -boom" right behind me AGAIN. - at this point I had like 1 1/2 hearts left, so I said "F - this" and sprinted back in my bug out hut and cowered in the corner till my health recharged.
Love to see them in my mob trap, not liking them sneaking up on me after lunch time.
You come to this world.
Claiming its all urs.
Cutting trees illegally and deforestating.
Slaughtering innocent animals.
Mining and destroying without thinking you are destroying someelse's house/
And yet you still call me MONSTER?
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Enderman:" It said 'Friendly Server' But they aren't Friendly at all!"
no. not at all. they are as lost as we are in this crazy cubular world. All they seek is companionship, but it is something they will never experience due to their "explosive" nature. I feel sorry for them..
Silent, but deadly, but when I see one, I must MEAT him... with a sword and a revolver at my side. [What revolver? Closest thing I see is a bow!]
And I like meating Creepers.
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"I'm not addicted I just play too much. Now where's my Creeper-proof base?"
"For no matter how many times I'm killed, I'll always be ressurrected to continue the struggle." -A Ressurrected Doom's origin
You come to this world.
Claiming its all urs.
Cutting trees illegally and deforestating.
Slaughtering innocent animals.
Mining and destroying without thinking you are destroying someelse's house/
And yet you still call me MONSTER?
Creepers are my worst enemy in this game. Destroying my makeshift houses or obliterating my farms and fences, Creepers are the nastiest buggers I've had the displeasure to meet in a game ever since the Lost Souls of DOOM 1 and 2.
You come to this world.
Claiming its all urs.
Cutting trees illegally and deforestating.
Slaughtering innocent animals.
Mining and destroying without thinking you are destroying someelse's house/
And yet you still call me MONSTER?
In reality they dont do much unless you let them in your house, or you arent wearing armor.
I was out gathering sand to make glass for a new ocean base - made myself a little bug out hut when the sun went down as waited for dawn... when the sun came up I sprinted out of the hut and saw one ontop of the hill i was going to harvest so I ran up and let him lick my blade. I then checked all side of that hill and the two surrounding hills for more and found none, so i started to get me my sand.... - the day dragged on, but by mid after noon I had several stacks to show for my work, all of a sudden "ssssssss - boom" right behind me - when I turn to look at where he blew up "ssssss - boom" right behind me again. Mind you this was well past noon and I thought for sure I was in the clear. so I checked both the surrounding hills again, saw nothing but sand - realized that I needed to eat to get my health back, soon as I started munching on my steak "sssss -boom" right behind me AGAIN. - at this point I had like 1 1/2 hearts left, so I said "F - this" and sprinted back in my bug out hut and cowered in the corner till my health recharged.
Love to see them in my mob trap, not liking them sneaking up on me after lunch time.
My Island Adventure - http://www.minecraft...brief-tutorial/
me(red) playing UT2K4 -
Claiming its all urs.
Cutting trees illegally and deforestating.
Slaughtering innocent animals.
Mining and destroying without thinking you are destroying someelse's house/
And yet you still call me MONSTER?
REECE MASTIN FOREVER! I just wanna Shout it out!
I actually love the way they don't make any noise until it's too late!
And I like meating Creepers.
"For no matter how many times I'm killed, I'll always be ressurrected to continue the struggle." -A Ressurrected Doom's origin
I'm finally back. See profile for details.
That is amasing
A- They destroyed my farm
B- I REALLY like
Not anymore.
Hey,everyone!How are you?