I tried joining smp server for the first time recently. Over the course of a few hours, I learned that you cannot use knockback as an effective deterrent due to client-server communication lag. Kept dieing until I ragequit. One of those times I digged straight down on what I thought wasn't a sheer cliff into two creepers.
I reflected upon this experience and have since resolved to make sure that anti-creeper holes are positioned near my structures, in addition to foregoing late-night endermen hunting in smp.
So I was working on this really cool resource pack a while ago, but bad progress nonwithstanding, I think I found something much better... I'm probably gonna never release another custom Minecraft map.Until we meet again...
just got home from mining diamonds and i look at my door to find out there's a creeper in my house so i grab my bow and open the door to get him and a creeper comes up behind me blows me up but i live and then the creeper in my house blows up killing me and destroying my house.
just got home from mining diamonds and i look at my door to find out there's a creeper in my house so i grab my bow and open the door to get him and a creeper comes up behind me blows me up but i live and then the creeper in my house blows up killing me and destroying my house.
im playing regular when all of a sudden i come across a zombie dungeon, which promptly kills me. the game glitches trying to find my bed and sends me to my original spawn, late at night, with 3 creepers walking around, which immediatly explode killing me again.
went to get some wood and stone to start buidling a tower for a castle i was building and then coming back to a creeper standing on the layout of the tower, Lucky i got him to chase me and just got him out of the zone.
I mine into a cave system. A creeper is doing the classic cornering act... and I manage to turn the difficulty to peaceful. The worst thing wasn't the imaginary explosion, but the fact that I pressed escape and fell off my chair. :smile.gif:
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"I admit that I can often sound VERY angry, when infact, I have a face similar to this: =J" - TrueChaoS
I had travelled over many biomes, roaming. Finally I had found a NPC village I was admiring it when suddenly, KABOOM! KABOOM! KAMOOM! I managed to survive three creeper explosions. I patched up the homes but just left three giant craters in the ground...
I was on a hardcore server and after a few nights I had built up a pretty respectable house and pathways through the trees to pick off mobs with my bow and stay away from creepers. Then one night I stood infront of my house to take in my handy work then I hear sssssssss BOOM!
I just stared at the game over screen for about 2 minutes then yelled "WTF?!"
There I was, trying to climb out of a perfectly nice ravine. When all of a sudden creep face lands on my head and sends me to the bottom. I already saw the bottom creeper I wasn't trying to go back SSSsss
I was mining in my open pit, and I get blown up. The usual, no? No big deal, right? I thought so too, until I woke up in the morning, turned around, and saw a creeper staring directly into my face on the other side of my bed. My entire top floor was demolished, and the rest set ablaze by the now open fireplace. What did I DOlast night?
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“Patience up to a point. Know your time, but work your wyrd always.”
what is urs
At night.
Messed around.
Turned around.
He was also teabagging me.
|HDD|SSD|Xen|1Gbps connection|VPS|
that happen to me too when i first play minecraftall of your moments are funny and another moments was i saw a zombie attacked it and
I reflected upon this experience and have since resolved to make sure that anti-creeper holes are positioned near my structures, in addition to foregoing late-night endermen hunting in smp.
So I was working on this really cool resource pack a while ago, but bad progress nonwithstanding, I think I found something much better... I'm probably gonna never release another custom Minecraft map. Until we meet again...
and i was like WTF
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA :laugh.gif: :laugh.gif: :laugh.gif: :laugh.gif: :laugh.gif:
Going on a killing spree
But there was 10 creepers
Not enought time
I just stared at the game over screen for about 2 minutes then yelled "WTF?!"
How To Troll
“Patience up to a point. Know your time, but work your wyrd always.”