I just view the player character (whoever you've skinned them to be) as someone trying to get more experience in life, so they set out on an overreaching journey and decided to make it a challenge to themselves -- they must survive against all odds.
I'm really sad with the 1.9 "ending". The ending, as Notch once said, was supposed to be an overreaching goal -- it would be like Nethack, where you don't win -- you hear of other people winning, as he put it. But the current ending ideas don't seem to suggest this.
Yes I know minecraft will never have a storyline but if it EVER had a storyline,what would it be?
I think that steve was living with people on an island then the village abandoned the island because monsters were lurking every night and forgot to bring steve.Then it is time for steve to survive.
i have to say this. i would last 1 more day than you in a creeper apocalypse. :smile.gif:
In the beginning there was the Overworld. In the Overworld, the Endermen lived in harmony with the passive mobs. The Endermen were a curious people, always picking up blocks and analyzing them. In doing so they often tunneled deep into the earth, creating organic looking caves. The blocks excavated were thrown into piles, creating mountains. Eventually the Endermen knew everything there was to know about all the different sorts of blocks. In their knowledge, they had become quite advanced, able to craft technological marvels. Unfortunately they dicked around with teleportation in their spare time. As you may know, dicking around with teleporters only ends BADLY. *cough*Half-Life 2*cough* They created the first portal to the Nether. Through the portal spilled all manners of evil. Zombies, skeletons, massive spiders, and creepers began to appear throughout the land. The Endermen could not fight back against them all, and built strongholds deep in the earth to shield themselves from the monsters. To protect the strongholds, they created the Silverfish. Eventually the strongholds fell to the armies of hostile mobs. Some of the Endermen sided with the hostile mobs, while the rest escaped through secondary portals into the Void. In the Void, the Endermen started to reconstruct their own world, and they named it The End.
Thousands of years later, a man named Steve wakes up in a tree. Due to his alcoholism, he can remember nothing. So he punches a tree in anger.
In 2243, a cabal of Lichtensteinian Industrialists built the secret underground facility, Factory 13. Their mission: Develop a fully independent Space faring Lab designed to keep a zygote in stasis until the Lab has landed on a hospitable planet. Upon finding such a planet, the zygote would be brought to maturity, then released to live upon this new world.
It was the only way to preserve Humanity from its' impending extinction.
you war and insane mad sicentist on the miami flordia until the EXTREME FLAMINGO INVASION!!!! where flamingos was pushed from cuba to florida BY THE WIND!!! then there was and nuclear war between the flamingos!! then you had to get on a helicopter and escape to equatorial guinea!! and battle king kong on top of an mountain!!!! then everything in the world turned to ice because of the nuclear winter except the oceans which were huge pits of fire!!! and you had to live in an ice cave with the chupacabra and eat rats!! :ohmy.gif:
That's amazing... I knew those flamingos were up to evil things....
I believe that Endermen are the ultimate evil of Minecraft. They destroyed the formerly peaceful and prosperous Nether and now have their sights on Steve's world. It is up to him to travel to their dimension and slay their leader to prevent them from destroying Minecraftia!
Magic is real but is in a different dimension. This dimension is the Minecraft dimension. Planets are inside out so that’s why there’s the void; it’s space. The ‘sun’ is the planet’s molten core. There are a group of people living on one of these planets. That number is how manypeople bought the game on Minecraft.net. These people are actually robotscontrolled by us however.
The undead and other enemies are brought to life by black Magic that can only be banished by light. A group of people named Mojang helps these people create worlds.
However Herobrine is a dark ruler who wants to destroy everything. The Nether is his latest work of destruction. The pigmen were once a race that loved gold but by the time they could create defence, it was too late.
Herobrine also had a lieutenant that was a black dragon. He lived in the dimension that had the only gateway to Herobrine’s fortress. One person wanted to stop him so he tried but there were some people who defected and were called griefers. They knocked him into a coma and his recording of him before he was knocked into his coma is called 11.
He lost all his memory and was dropped in another world without anything. His robot body glitched and now you control it. Save this Dimension!
There was magic. There really was. Hidden in a reversed plane of the universe. Gravity pushed instead of pulling for example. Planets were hollow. Stars were tiny while the planets were large. The starsmoved through space very fast unlike our stars. The planets moved very slow compared to our plane of existence.
These planets had creatures and plants residing inside of them. They survived thanks to molten cores revolving around rock balls largeenough to block their light, they were held in place by the opposing gravitational forces from these rock balls and the planet’s shell. This created a day-night cycle.
On one of these planets, a small one with a surface area (on the inside) of only 1024000 trillion meters squared. On this planet were many inhabitants.
There were the undead, the annoying undead. They were revived by black magic repelled only by white light. They used bows and arrows and even their own arms as weapons to consume the flesh of the living.
Luckily there were large groups of people. About 5 million at the time of me posting this and growing! They repelled monsters and built great structures and could travel to similar worlds!
They also had powers to create new worlds!!! For these people were actually mechanical bodies controlled by people in another plane of existence. These people could create new worlds with ease and at will. They were assisted by a small group of people who called themselves Mojang.
However on the other hand was a dark ruler named Herobrine. He controlled a vast army that was meant to ruin what these people have done. He created green, armless suicide bombers and black, tall monsters that could move the lands. He also ruined another plane of existence that was used for quick travel. It was reduced to fiery rock and gravel. The water was gone and replaced with lava.
There was also a great race living there. The pigmen. They were turned to undead. They had tried to repel Herobrine but their love of gold made it so that their resources were mostly gold!! Their Golden weapons put up a futile resistance as Herobrine sent Tentacled creatures spittingfireballs against the pigmen. As a last-ditch resort they pooled resources andtore down towns to create large, self-sustaining fortresses. They created guards that shot small lobs of fire at trespassers. These too failed. The Pigmen fell.
Back to Herobrine, he also had a lieutenant. This lieutenant was a large, black dragon that guarded the final step to Herobrine's inter-dimensional fortress. This lieutenant also commanded hordes of the Tall,Black monsters that he named Endermen, after himself.
However one brave person decided to put this to a stop. He left and went to reside on a uninhabited world so that Herobrine couldn't track him to his home. His home had the greatest creations of his people.
On this world he found Strongholds, which housed portals. The lieutenant, to send monsters to uninhabited worlds in small numbers as scouts, used these. This one person knew that Herobrine himself had much power as he had the power to create a loyal army from scratch easily and could destroy enter dimensions if he had the time.
So thus this one rebel had to build up large structures to reside and train in. He also had to mine for resources to craft many things. He crafted diamond armour; this made him invincible to Herobrine’s lieutenant, along with a sword out of the sharpest diamonds. However as he was about to leave disaster struck.
It turned out that some of his own people have joined Herobrine and they were called: The Griefers.
They came to the sole rebels planet while he was recording a disc and wrecked havoc on everything. This lone rebel was knocked into a coma and he had his items were stripped off him. His body rolled into aportal and into another uninhabited world. This disc was called 11 and was lost and somewhat wrecked by the griefer attack.
He is now lost and knows nothing as the immense shock;along with a glitch caused by the griefer attack, caused his mechanical body to have its signal rewired so someone else with no idea of any of this dimension's perils had control of him.
That someone is you. Save this dimension. You are thelast hope. Save them or Herobrine will ruin that dimension. Yours may be next…
One upon a time, Steve went on a ship with his friends Notch, Herobrine, Rana, Black Steve, Beast Boy, and some other humans. The ship flew to a strange world, called Minecraftia, populated by big nosed wierdos.When there, they settled and created a city, containing a nuclear power plant. One day, Steve accidentaly pressed the "Meltdown" button and the power plant exploded, killing Black Steve, Rana, Beast Boy, and several humans. They mutated into zombies and skelitons. While the explosion occured, Notch and Herobrine were strolling around in the park. In the ocean, there were 2 aquatic creatures, squids and jelly fish. The jellyfish were blasted so intensly, that they fell into hell. Since the lack of water, they swelled up and became huge and shot balls of snow to whoever approched. Pigs turned into zombies and massacured humans, and later became so intellegent that they knew how to craft golden swords and build Nether Portals. When the explosion hit Notch, he was eating an apple, making him drop apples when killed. Herobrine, on the other hand, was carried off and got amnesia (a memory sickness where you forget everything) and lost his mind. Herobrine befriended the Endermen, creatures opposite to the Villagers. The Endermen took Herobrine to their homeworld, the End and brought him to the Enderdragon. The enderdragon thought Herobrine as a "worthy human" and gave him a golden apple to kill his brother and a golden sword, to assist the zombie pigmen. The survivng humans hated Steve for killing their friends and attacked him whenever he was near. The humans later died of nuclear poisining. The villagers were scared and built giant complex structures underground which most of the villagers lived in. The villager scientists designed a portal that could take them to the End, and defeat the Enderdragon. Unfortunatly, all of the villagers were too scared to venture to the End and when they decided, it was already too late. Endermen stormed the strongholds and killed off every single villager there and shut down the portal. Steve sought to avenge the villagers and teamed up with Notch. Notch, on the other hand, was due with long term sickness so Notch had died. When Notched reached the Aether (dream world) the gods made him the man god of Minecraftia in turn for his nobelism. Steve founded Notchism, which is a strong religon today, that believes Notch will protect and assist all humans. Steve went on an adventure to destroy and vanquish the Enderdragon, and more importantly, Herobrine. So he journeys on and on, until he stops at a village, far from home. Unfortunatly, the villagers here were struck dumb by the endermen and did not know anything. Spawn in the map seed gimmeabreak to continue his legacy!
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No one wants to click on your stupid eggs. I hope I see them on my plate tommorow.
I'm really sad with the 1.9 "ending". The ending, as Notch once said, was supposed to be an overreaching goal -- it would be like Nethack, where you don't win -- you hear of other people winning, as he put it. But the current ending ideas don't seem to suggest this.
"sometimes, wizards are so awesome, it hurts"
i have to say this. i would last 1 more day than you in a creeper apocalypse. :smile.gif:
Thousands of years later, a man named Steve wakes up in a tree. Due to his alcoholism, he can remember nothing. So he punches a tree in anger.
minecraft is all his imagination.
Want the blight town experience? pay someone to throw rocks at you as you tightrope across two buildings.
Want the sens fortress experience? pay someone to throw rocks at you as you tightrope across two buildings.
Want the anor londo experience? pay someone to throw rocks at you as you tightrope across two buildings.
that's it
It was the only way to preserve Humanity from its' impending extinction.
Have good grammar. Save us tiem.
That's amazing... I knew those flamingos were up to evil things....
At least that's my idea of the storyline.
What bitches?
TL:DR version
Magic is real but is in a different dimension. This dimension is the Minecraft dimension. Planets are inside out so that’s why there’s the void; it’s space. The ‘sun’ is the planet’s molten core. There are a group of people living on one of these planets. That number is how manypeople bought the game on Minecraft.net. These people are actually robotscontrolled by us however.
The undead and other enemies are brought to life by black Magic that can only be banished by light. A group of people named Mojang helps these people create worlds.
However Herobrine is a dark ruler who wants to destroy everything. The Nether is his latest work of destruction. The pigmen were once a race that loved gold but by the time they could create defence, it was too late.
Herobrine also had a lieutenant that was a black dragon. He lived in the dimension that had the only gateway to Herobrine’s fortress. One person wanted to stop him so he tried but there were some people who defected and were called griefers. They knocked him into a coma and his recording of him before he was knocked into his coma is called 11.
He lost all his memory and was dropped in another world without anything. His robot body glitched and now you control it. Save this Dimension!
There was magic. There really was. Hidden in a reversed plane of the universe. Gravity pushed instead of pulling for example. Planets were hollow. Stars were tiny while the planets were large. The starsmoved through space very fast unlike our stars. The planets moved very slow compared to our plane of existence.
These planets had creatures and plants residing inside of them. They survived thanks to molten cores revolving around rock balls largeenough to block their light, they were held in place by the opposing gravitational forces from these rock balls and the planet’s shell. This created a day-night cycle.
On one of these planets, a small one with a surface area (on the inside) of only 1024000 trillion meters squared. On this planet were many inhabitants.
There were the undead, the annoying undead. They were revived by black magic repelled only by white light. They used bows and arrows and even their own arms as weapons to consume the flesh of the living.
Luckily there were large groups of people. About 5 million at the time of me posting this and growing! They repelled monsters and built great structures and could travel to similar worlds!
They also had powers to create new worlds!!! For these people were actually mechanical bodies controlled by people in another plane of existence. These people could create new worlds with ease and at will. They were assisted by a small group of people who called themselves Mojang.
However on the other hand was a dark ruler named Herobrine. He controlled a vast army that was meant to ruin what these people have done. He created green, armless suicide bombers and black, tall monsters that could move the lands. He also ruined another plane of existence that was used for quick travel. It was reduced to fiery rock and gravel. The water was gone and replaced with lava.
There was also a great race living there. The pigmen. They were turned to undead. They had tried to repel Herobrine but their love of gold made it so that their resources were mostly gold!! Their Golden weapons put up a futile resistance as Herobrine sent Tentacled creatures spittingfireballs against the pigmen. As a last-ditch resort they pooled resources andtore down towns to create large, self-sustaining fortresses. They created guards that shot small lobs of fire at trespassers. These too failed. The Pigmen fell.
Back to Herobrine, he also had a lieutenant. This lieutenant was a large, black dragon that guarded the final step to Herobrine's inter-dimensional fortress. This lieutenant also commanded hordes of the Tall,Black monsters that he named Endermen, after himself.
However one brave person decided to put this to a stop. He left and went to reside on a uninhabited world so that Herobrine couldn't track him to his home. His home had the greatest creations of his people.
On this world he found Strongholds, which housed portals. The lieutenant, to send monsters to uninhabited worlds in small numbers as scouts, used these. This one person knew that Herobrine himself had much power as he had the power to create a loyal army from scratch easily and could destroy enter dimensions if he had the time.
So thus this one rebel had to build up large structures to reside and train in. He also had to mine for resources to craft many things. He crafted diamond armour; this made him invincible to Herobrine’s lieutenant, along with a sword out of the sharpest diamonds. However as he was about to leave disaster struck.
It turned out that some of his own people have joined Herobrine and they were called: The Griefers.
They came to the sole rebels planet while he was recording a disc and wrecked havoc on everything. This lone rebel was knocked into a coma and he had his items were stripped off him. His body rolled into aportal and into another uninhabited world. This disc was called 11 and was lost and somewhat wrecked by the griefer attack.
He is now lost and knows nothing as the immense shock;along with a glitch caused by the griefer attack, caused his mechanical body to have its signal rewired so someone else with no idea of any of this dimension's perils had control of him.
That someone is you. Save this dimension. You are thelast hope. Save them or Herobrine will ruin that dimension. Yours may be next…
Oh wait! There is!