How someone should contact you: Discord (@mr.engineer0772)
How long you've been playing Minecraft: 6 years
Some things that you like to do on the game: I like doing anything but I tend to prefer general survival worlds. I also like building, even though I am not the best at it.
Minecraft Username: I'm pretty sure it's (littlefunky13). If not it's (LittleFunky13)
Platform you play on (PC/XBox/Etc.): PC
Age: Prefer not to say
Gender: Female
Country/Timezone: USA/EST
How someone should contact you: This forum or discord (littlefunky13)
How long you've been playing Minecraft: 2-3 years?
Some things that you like to do on the game: Build farms and bases, collect resources, go mining, go to the end, etc
Any additional things you want to say:
I only play survival worlds; I'm not a big fan of creative, realms, mods, or servers. Looking for like 2-3 people to play with occasionally. I sometimes do hardcore mode and the rest of the times is survival on hard difficulty. My playing times are really random but usually at night such as 10pm+ (EST). Not extremely skilled but not a newbie either.
How someone should contact you: Discord (luna_chan30728)
How long you've been playing Minecraft: more than 5 years
Some things that you like to do on the game: building playibg survival or playing with mods
Any additional things you want to say: im searching for a friend to play with hard dificulty is ok but i prefer more normal or easy.i also play bedrock
Hey, are you still interested in finding new people to play minecraft with? If so contact me Kazbabs (Kazbabs#7481) on discord. I would like to invite you to join our server. It's basically a 18+ vanilla server with a few mods. Hope to speak soon.
Scotter, are you still looking for people to play minecraft with? I'm looking for people to join me on the vanilla server I play on. I tried to add you on discord but it tells me you are not accepting friends requests. If you want to have a chat you can add me on discord Kazbabs. Hope to speak soon.
Some things that you like to do on the game: Exploring, building, building farms
Any additional things you want to say:
I belong to a 18 + server and am looking for people who enjoy playing Vanilla Minecraft to join. We have three worlds/servers - a creative world for testing builds etc, a survival world and a world for exploring and mining. The server is pretty quiet at the moment but I would like to change that. If you're interested in joining our server please contact me via discord. Check out the website
• How long you've been playing Minecraft: 8-7 years (Still average In gameplay)
• Some things that you like to do in the game: Just play survival, nothing more, I just play in my free time :/
• Any additional things you want to say: I'm more reserved with my things, Or I don't have a mic Or I don't accept calls, I know this sounds ridiculous but I just wanted a company to play with besides Don't have anyone to play , and I play on Mobile, so don't expect small lags from me :/
Want to play in my world ?
Connect with me on Discord. Click Here
Want to participate in Events? Click Here
Minecraft Username: OreHunter
Platform you play on (PC/XBox/Etc.) PC
Age: 16
Gender: M
Country/Timezone: India IST
How someone should contact you: Discord (@mr.engineer0772)
How long you've been playing Minecraft: 6 years
Some things that you like to do on the game: I like doing anything but I tend to prefer general survival worlds. I also like building, even though I am not the best at it.
Hey, sent you a friend request on Discord. My name is littlefunky13
i will if you still want someone to play with ^^
hii!, do you still need sm1 to play with? :0
Hey send me friend request on my discord @mr.engineer0772 your discord username is invalid
Can I play
Hey, are you still interested in finding new people to play minecraft with? If so contact me Kazbabs (Kazbabs#7481) on discord. I would like to invite you to join our server. It's basically a 18+ vanilla server with a few mods. Hope to speak soon.
Scotter, are you still looking for people to play minecraft with? I'm looking for people to join me on the vanilla server I play on. I tried to add you on discord but it tells me you are not accepting friends requests. If you want to have a chat you can add me on discord Kazbabs. Hope to speak soon.
Age 15
Gender M
country/timezone Australia /New Zeland
friend me on Discord my username is Willow_238
I have been playing for a few years
Please no drama, griefers, autism, or love[/b]
I would like to just do some survival on some server I think I already found one
Looking for new mine craft friends to play in my survival world
MC Name - Eksquizet
member of community for 5+ yrs
Feel free to add and I will accept when I see it!
• Minecraft Username: ShadowLN6860
• Age: 16
• Gender: Male
• Country/Timezone: Brazil/Brasília
• How people should contact you:
– Discord: shadowswype048
– Xbox: ShadowLN6860 (#6860)
— Simply pm on the forum
• How long you've been playing Minecraft: 8-7 years (Still average In gameplay)
• Some things that you like to do in the game: Just play survival, nothing more, I just play in my free time :/
• Any additional things you want to say: I'm more reserved with my things, Or I don't have a mic Or I don't accept calls, I know this sounds ridiculous but I just wanted a company to play with besides Don't have anyone to play , and I play on Mobile, so don't expect small lags from me :/
I play on PC so bedrock or java
I'm 21 years old
I'm a Male
US East
You can contact me on discord at: jackhyson20
I've been playing for about 12 years
I mainly like to play survival, build huge bases, complex farms, and everything else to do in survival
I just want people I can play with regularly, we can start a server if you like:), I'm super chill and easy to talk to