The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Verdant Solar System
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I just finished reading this thread, and I have to say... well, my first death was certainly not like the ones I read. First of all, the death message read: "Compsogrickus was blown up by skeleton." Yep, blown up... by a skeleton. What happened was that I fell into a ravine, a skeleton started shooting me, and then a creeper fell on top of me, leaving me with half a heart, and then the skeleton shot me. I learned to be very careful around caves and ravines after that.
How did I fall in? Well, I wasn't watching where I was headed. This happened about a week after I bought the game, and I had iron armor, so that's the only reason I didn't die from the point-blank creeper blast.
I built a bridge across a ravine but didn't put anything on the sides to stop me from falling off, a skeleton shot me and the knockback caused me to fall to my death. The server that I was on at the time forced you to wait six minutes between slash homes, and items despawn in five. I was lucky that no-one was near enough to where I died for those chunks to be loaded
I built a bridge across a ravine but didn't put anything on the sides to stop me from falling off, a skeleton shot me and the knockback caused me to fall to my death. The server that I was on at the time forced you to wait six minutes between slash homes, and items despawn in five. I was lucky that no-one was near enough to where I died for those chunks to be loaded
Noobs do that stuff.
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Hey what's going on guys? My name is TheEnderstar!
Hello! My first death was probably.. when was in my survival world, I had made a pretty nice house and avoided mobs by putting it on peaceful, :), but I decided I wanted a challenge, so I put it on hard, and immediately died from a baby zombie. Now I almost always play on hard
Hello! My first death was probably.. when was in my survival world, I had made a pretty nice house and avoided mobs by putting it on peaceful, :), but I decided I wanted a challenge, so I put it on hard, and immediately died from a baby zombie. Now I almost always play on hard
The baby zombies are so fast.
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Hey what's going on guys? My name is TheEnderstar!
For the first few weeks of playing Minecraft I only played Peaceful so I didn't die - but I didn't understand about source water blocks. I accidentally placed a bucket of water down on the floor of my house (if you could call it a house, a hole in the dirt is more like) and created a lake, flooding my "house". I tried everything to get the water to go away, even tried googling the solution to no avail. I was too embarrassed to ask here so I deleted my world, (which I tend to always do when something goes horribly wrong in single player survival, so maybe I'm a frustrated hardcore player?). I consider this my first death. My first "real" death I forget.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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I had this world, called World 4 (Remember when you could only have 5 worlds at a time and had no option for a seed?) From Beta 1.0 to Beta 1.4, I amassed a wealth of dyed wool, fences, flint and bowls, (all on peaceful, because chicken), built myself a metropolis of rose-red-wool box houses and made some snowmen (that were not, of course, animate). Obviously, I could not go near the ocean (I was sure that squid were hostile) or near the lava (because lava particles burn, right?) or near the teeny tiny cavern (Did you know that zombies still spawn in caves in peaceful?), and I was pretty sure there was this magical bug that changed your difficulty from peaceful to another willy nilly (Thus PEACEFUL CHECK! As I called it). Anyway, one day I decided to put my brave face on, grab my charcoal torches and my stone pick (The only stone I dared to mine was the exposed stuff on the sides of hills. Stone was an extraordinarily valuable resource) and head into the cave.
I FOUND IRON I FOUND IRON I FOUND IRON I FOUND IRON! I exclaimed, eyes fixated at the pathetic lump of ore. Mum took this as her cue to boot me off the computer, but I couldn't resist sneaking back on to gaze at the wonderful new material only seen before on the Minecraft wiki. After 10 straight minutes of staring, I decided it was time to take this amazing new material back to wooltropolis. Squeezing my eyes shut and holding my breath, I tapped the button that would... that would... oh, I can't say. It's simply too sad.
It took me a while to justify to myself to need to furnace the iron, but once I did, I was so proud. First, I created a shiny new pickaxe. It was little more than an ornament: I would never dare use such a precious thing.
The next thing I crafted was flint and steel.
I can still picture the creation of the deadly tool vividly in my mind: The valuable nodule of flint placed carefully in the crafting grid just diagonal to the prized iron, the fateful object being excitedly removed from the output slot. Unlike the 'china' pickaxe, it was my new toy, and I wasn't afraid to use it.
Even in my own home of wool.
What an idiot.
(Unfortunately, I deleted this world. But I wish I didn't for nostalgia's sake)
I remember it clearly... 1st time, I died from a zombie. I blocked myself into a hole... But a zombie came in before I did xD
2nd death was a skeleton killing me I didn't have enough blocks to block myself off.
Then it was a few months of not dying cause I was scared xD
I remember it clearly... 1st time, I died from a zombie. I blocked myself into a hole... But a zombie came in before I did xD
2nd death was a skeleton killing me I didn't have enough blocks to block myself off.
Then it was a few months of not dying cause I was scared xD
Never get into zones that can lead into traps.
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Hey what's going on guys? My name is TheEnderstar!
this was on PE before they had all the good stuff so nighttime had no light AT ALL unless you use the unlimited torches whitch i had no idea were there at the time i was in 3rd grade so what id you expect. anyway i thought a zombie was another player whitch i should have known was immpossible since the multiplayer sucked at the time and had no one who wanted to play with me at the time. i went to great the zombie (since there was no chat i surrounded it with pink wool) but it hopped out and hit me into a ditch with more than 10 zombies so that was the end of that.
I just finished reading this thread, and I have to say... well, my first death was certainly not like the ones I read. First of all, the death message read: "Compsogrickus was blown up by skeleton." Yep, blown up... by a skeleton. What happened was that I fell into a ravine, a skeleton started shooting me, and then a creeper fell on top of me, leaving me with half a heart, and then the skeleton shot me. I learned to be very careful around caves and ravines after that.
How did I fall in? Well, I wasn't watching where I was headed. This happened about a week after I bought the game, and I had iron armor, so that's the only reason I didn't die from the point-blank creeper blast.
Jumped or fell into Lava.
Ahh memories, i still remember that pesky skeleton to this day.
Is survival too easy for you? Try this:
I built a bridge across a ravine but didn't put anything on the sides to stop me from falling off, a skeleton shot me and the knockback caused me to fall to my death. The server that I was on at the time forced you to wait six minutes between slash homes, and items despawn in five. I was lucky that no-one was near enough to where I died for those chunks to be loaded
Noobs do that stuff.
Hey what's going on guys? My name is TheEnderstar!
And anyone who has just started is a noob.
Is survival too easy for you? Try this:
Sometimes it's hard not to forget your first death in Minecraft.
Hey what's going on guys? My name is TheEnderstar!
Hello! My first death was probably.. when was in my survival world, I had made a pretty nice house and avoided mobs by putting it on peaceful, :), but I decided I wanted a challenge, so I put it on hard, and immediately died from a baby zombie. Now I almost always play on hard
The baby zombies are so fast.
Hey what's going on guys? My name is TheEnderstar!
I got shot by the tribesmen on the ice. Couldn't figure out why they were so hostile - and skinny!
Geographicraft (formerly Climate Control) - Control climate, ocean, and land sizes; stop chunk walls; put modded biomes into Default worlds, and more!
RTG plus - All the beautiful terrain of RTG, plus varied and beautiful trees and forests.
Better Forests Varied and beautiful trees and forests, in modern Minecraft.
For the first few weeks of playing Minecraft I only played Peaceful so I didn't die - but I didn't understand about source water blocks. I accidentally placed a bucket of water down on the floor of my house (if you could call it a house, a hole in the dirt is more like) and created a lake, flooding my "house". I tried everything to get the water to go away, even tried googling the solution to no avail. I was too embarrassed to ask here so I deleted my world, (which I tend to always do when something goes horribly wrong in single player survival, so maybe I'm a frustrated hardcore player?). I consider this my first death. My first "real" death I forget.
I had this world, called World 4 (Remember when you could only have 5 worlds at a time and had no option for a seed?) From Beta 1.0 to Beta 1.4, I amassed a wealth of dyed wool, fences, flint and bowls, (all on peaceful, because chicken), built myself a metropolis of rose-red-wool box houses and made some snowmen (that were not, of course, animate). Obviously, I could not go near the ocean (I was sure that squid were hostile) or near the lava (because lava particles burn, right?) or near the teeny tiny cavern (Did you know that zombies still spawn in caves in peaceful?), and I was pretty sure there was this magical bug that changed your difficulty from peaceful to another willy nilly (Thus PEACEFUL CHECK! As I called it). Anyway, one day I decided to put my brave face on, grab my charcoal torches and my stone pick (The only stone I dared to mine was the exposed stuff on the sides of hills. Stone was an extraordinarily valuable resource) and head into the cave.
I FOUND IRON I FOUND IRON I FOUND IRON I FOUND IRON! I exclaimed, eyes fixated at the pathetic lump of ore. Mum took this as her cue to boot me off the computer, but I couldn't resist sneaking back on to gaze at the wonderful new material only seen before on the Minecraft wiki. After 10 straight minutes of staring, I decided it was time to take this amazing new material back to wooltropolis. Squeezing my eyes shut and holding my breath, I tapped the button that would... that would... oh, I can't say. It's simply too sad.
It took me a while to justify to myself to need to furnace the iron, but once I did, I was so proud. First, I created a shiny new pickaxe. It was little more than an ornament: I would never dare use such a precious thing.
The next thing I crafted was flint and steel.
I can still picture the creation of the deadly tool vividly in my mind: The valuable nodule of flint placed carefully in the crafting grid just diagonal to the prized iron, the fateful object being excitedly removed from the output slot. Unlike the 'china' pickaxe, it was my new toy, and I wasn't afraid to use it.
Even in my own home of wool.
What an idiot.
(Unfortunately, I deleted this world. But I wish I didn't for nostalgia's sake)
No idea, can't remember.
"The only way to do great work is to love what you do" - Steve Jobs
Aww Man i survived pretty well to the wither but the wither did'nt even let me to touch him
Hi It's me
My first time playing Minecraft was in a server, where my first death was from fall damage...
I remember it clearly... 1st time, I died from a zombie. I blocked myself into a hole... But a zombie came in before I did xD
I didn't have enough blocks to block myself off.
2nd death was a skeleton killing me
Then it was a few months of not dying cause I was scared xD
Never get into zones that can lead into traps.
Hey what's going on guys? My name is TheEnderstar!
this was on PE before they had all the good stuff so nighttime had no light AT ALL unless you use the unlimited torches whitch i had no idea were there at the time i was in 3rd grade so what id you expect. anyway i thought a zombie was another player whitch i should have known was immpossible since the multiplayer sucked at the time and had no one who wanted to play with me at the time. i went to great the zombie (since there was no chat i surrounded it with pink wool) but it hopped out and hit me into a ditch with more than 10 zombies so that was the end of that.