I personally rage quit almost every survival world I create in under a few days, usually for little things. I have hilarious reasons for why I rage quit my worlds and I'd really love to hear your reasons!
I literally rage quit all the time from bad seeds, sometimes I would even fill all of my Minecraft's memory going trough loads of worlds. The most common reason I rage quit though, is because I wander away from my house and get lost and don't bother finding my way back
How is a seed bad? I just don't understand this. Since the Minecraft world is so vast as to be almost infinite, all worlds are pretty much the same. The only difference is where you spawn and if you don't like where you spawn, you can just look for somewhere else. After all, the biomes really aren't very big; a five minute walk will see you somewhere else.
I've only ever had one survival world and I've invested so much effort in making things that I can't imagine throwing it all away and having to start from scratch again.
Well said.
Anyway, why would you "rage quit", ever? So far all of the reasons I've seen are minor setbacks, at worst. Quitting and starting a new world is always more of a disadvantage. Even if ten duobazillion creepers all detonated at once and destroyed you and everything you have ever built or gathered, you respawn, take a hundred steps out of the wreckage, and build somewhere else, and you're still better off thanks to the fact you've already done some exploring and have a good idea of where you might like to go next. Funny, life's like that, too. With a new world, that's all gone and you're starting from zero.
There is nothing that could happen that would make me rage quit a world, with the possible exception of some as-yet-nonexistent glitch that literally broke the world, but even then, I wouldn't rage quit, I'd just quit, and probably be a little ticked off about the glitch, but that goes beyond gameplay. There are all sorts of reasons I might decide to play a new world, but that would have nothing to do with rage quitting my current one.
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I only ever rage for three reasons:
1) If on single player, losing directions to base
2) If on server, if I down it on accident
3) If on Tekkit, if my machines explode due to one accidental wire.
I don't flail and scream and otherwise "rage" like a Bavarian brat when things don't go my way, become frustrating or even dull and uninteresting - I do "abandon" worlds when I don't have the interest i them anymore - for any of the above reasons.
Very rarely do I do what I'd call my equivalent of "rage quitting". I don't get upset, violent or vocal (as mentioned above) but on occasion I'll derive satisfaction from the application of the "delete" button on a particularly troublesome world. Mwahahahaha, that will show the random seed/primitive AI a lesson!
Monsters attacking the player on sight is a natural phenomenon in the game's universe and something a player should know.
When someone gets shot by a skeleton and ends up in a pool of lava as a result then it's to a 100% the player's fault.
lol. Blame the victim much? Joking aside, I agree with you, in the sense of taking responsibility for things you can do to avoid getting killed. Although, personally I would also blame the skeleton, and when I respawned, I'd be tempted to grab my backup sword and go kill a dozen of his brethren and grind their bones to make my bread. You're right; throwing a real-life temper tantrum and running away from the consequences while discarding everything I've worked weeks or months for doesn't seem very productive or healthy. Sure, losing video game assets isn't so terrible, but there are still better ways to vent some anger.
The skeleton would only be at fault, if it had a will of its own.
But it doesn't have a will; it just follows a predefined behavior by its program.
That's why I called it a "natural phenomenon".
Venting your rage against other monsters of the same kind is just as fruitless as pissing against the wind, although it can be good for our mental health.
Not fruitless. My semi-auto wheat/carrot/potato farm goes through a lot of bonemeal. Using my annoyance to motivate me to replenish my stock of bonemeal is a fruitful endeavor. Pissing into the wind, I don't have a lot of experience with, so I can't comment on that.
If you decide you don't like a seed for some reason shortly after starting and quit and start a new one, that doesn't seem like "rage quitting" to me so much as normal quitting.
If you mean "deciding one is fed up with Minecraft for the moment, quitting for the evening, and reading a good book instead" then all sorts of things could lead to that. (Last night was especially frustrating: repeatedly knocked off the structure I was building over a lava lake and into the aforementioned lava lake by ghast fireballs; aggro-ing the pigmen with a deflected ghast fireball, then losing a REALLY nice helmet with plenty of repairs left on it from durability loss in the resulting fray; going to my XP farm to get levels to repair the rest of my armor, letting 200 zombies build up, then accidentally right-clicking the fence gate that contains the zombies instead of throwing the splash potion of healing, resulting in unleashing 200 zombies into the room and through the portal into my Nether hub...)
But I've put too much time into this world to quit it. Worst case if something happened that seemed unrecoverable (can't think what that would be) I do periodically make backups.
I also make backups but they haven't proved to be all that necessary. Unlike many games, you can't really make a wrong turn in Minecraft. The only thing I know of that is something that effectively cannot be undone is killing the Ender Dragon. Any death can be recovered from with a bit more work.
I understand why someone may stop playing for a while out of frustration but that doesn't explain why anyone would delete their world.
I'm also someone who doesn't understand "rage quitting". I like to invest a lot of time and creativity into my worlds. I can feel frustrated when I make a dumb mistake, die stupidly or have a setback. But I can't see deleting a world over anything like you've described.
Sometimes I will/have quit worlds for the stupidest reasons as well, such as:
Base looking horrible (yes, I have quit worlds in the past due to this)
Creeper destroying structures
Not finding diamonds after 30 mins of mining
Boring seed/generation
I literally rage quit all the time from bad seeds, sometimes I would even fill all of my Minecraft's memory going trough loads of worlds. The most common reason I rage quit though, is because I wander away from my house and get lost and don't bother finding my way back
These all seem like perfectly normal things that happen while playing. If your base doesn't look nice tweak it or build a new one. If you don't like the biome you spawn in, go for a 10 min walk. A response of "+30 min to find diamonds! I'm quitting! RAWR", just seems really weird to me, especially when playing SSP. And as for losing your base, you can either build it near spawn and follow a compass back (you sure sound like you don't like to build far away from spawn anyway considering your fixation on starting areas looking nice). Or just write down the x,y,z coordinates, that's what I do to keep track of my more 'out of the way' builds.
Everything you guys have described is what I'd call a very minor setback. It seems... I don't know, unsportsmanlike? I know that's not quite the correct word but it just reminds me of a little kid not liking a call in a sports game and stomping home angrily with their ball.
I'm with Deykhal on this one. I really like starting new, so I usually quite a world after a few months.
I also quit minecraft for a month when I lost my first ever set of god armor that used all of my diamonds to lava
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97% of teenagers would cry if they saw Justin Bieber on top of a tower about to jump. If you're the 3% who is sitting there with popcorn screaming "DO A BACKFLIP", copy and paste this as your signature.
97% of teenagers would cry if they saw Justin Bieber on top of a tower about to jump. If you're the 3% who is sitting there with popcorn screaming "DO A BACKFLIP", copy and paste this as your signature.
I personally dont rage quit as Im very mature and I don't get offended that easily. Lots of youtubers rage quit when they die in pvp etc. Normaly its because there house got robbed or burnt. I don't know why that dont feel embarrassed, weird...
I personally rage quit almost every survival world I create in under a few days, usually for little things. I have hilarious reasons for why I rage quit my worlds and I'd really love to hear your reasons!
I haven't rage-quitted any of the worlds I've created, but I have gotten bored with a few. Usually I create a new world after a major update.
Ropes: Leads, just better -Deonyi
I literally rage quit all the time from bad seeds, sometimes I would even fill all of my Minecraft's memory going trough loads of worlds. The most common reason I rage quit though, is because I wander away from my house and get lost and don't bother finding my way back
I rage quit worlds for bad seeds, and losing important things.
Well said.
Anyway, why would you "rage quit", ever? So far all of the reasons I've seen are minor setbacks, at worst. Quitting and starting a new world is always more of a disadvantage. Even if ten duobazillion creepers all detonated at once and destroyed you and everything you have ever built or gathered, you respawn, take a hundred steps out of the wreckage, and build somewhere else, and you're still better off thanks to the fact you've already done some exploring and have a good idea of where you might like to go next. Funny, life's like that, too. With a new world, that's all gone and you're starting from zero.
There is nothing that could happen that would make me rage quit a world, with the possible exception of some as-yet-nonexistent glitch that literally broke the world, but even then, I wouldn't rage quit, I'd just quit, and probably be a little ticked off about the glitch, but that goes beyond gameplay. There are all sorts of reasons I might decide to play a new world, but that would have nothing to do with rage quitting my current one.
I only ever rage for three reasons:
1) If on single player, losing directions to base
2) If on server, if I down it on accident
3) If on Tekkit, if my machines explode due to one accidental wire.
Still on my first world.
Normally for me it's less rage and more of: "Why and How did this happen? Why do bad things happen to good people?"
I'm with Deykhal on this one. I really like starting new, so I usually quite a world after a few months.
rage quitting is not immature nor is it a bad idea. For instance, I had just mined out a few hundred ores including 20 or so
diamonds. And on my way home got shot by a skeleton which catapulted me into lava. rage quit, rage deleted but didn't
rage toss the xbox.
As for every world being the same, not even close. I have had worlds that were mere blocks away from being flat,
worlds that had mountains that seemed to go up for forever, worlds that are almost entirely ocean, worlds without
end portals or destroyed end portals. It may seem the same but it is nowhere near the same
Youtube-eonwolfx9, Twitter @eonwolfx9
I don't flail and scream and otherwise "rage" like a Bavarian brat when things don't go my way, become frustrating or even dull and uninteresting - I do "abandon" worlds when I don't have the interest i them anymore - for any of the above reasons.
Very rarely do I do what I'd call my equivalent of "rage quitting". I don't get upset, violent or vocal (as mentioned above) but on occasion I'll derive satisfaction from the application of the "delete" button on a particularly troublesome world. Mwahahahaha, that will show the random seed/primitive AI a lesson!
lol. Blame the victim much? Joking aside, I agree with you, in the sense of taking responsibility for things you can do to avoid getting killed. Although, personally I would also blame the skeleton, and when I respawned, I'd be tempted to grab my backup sword and go kill a dozen of his brethren and grind their bones to make my bread. You're right; throwing a real-life temper tantrum and running away from the consequences while discarding everything I've worked weeks or months for doesn't seem very productive or healthy. Sure, losing video game assets isn't so terrible, but there are still better ways to vent some anger.
Not fruitless. My semi-auto wheat/carrot/potato farm goes through a lot of bonemeal. Using my annoyance to motivate me to replenish my stock of bonemeal is a fruitful endeavor. Pissing into the wind, I don't have a lot of experience with, so I can't comment on that.
Anyway, you know I was joking, right?
If you decide you don't like a seed for some reason shortly after starting and quit and start a new one, that doesn't seem like "rage quitting" to me so much as normal quitting.
If you mean "deciding one is fed up with Minecraft for the moment, quitting for the evening, and reading a good book instead" then all sorts of things could lead to that. (Last night was especially frustrating: repeatedly knocked off the structure I was building over a lava lake and into the aforementioned lava lake by ghast fireballs; aggro-ing the pigmen with a deflected ghast fireball, then losing a REALLY nice helmet with plenty of repairs left on it from durability loss in the resulting fray; going to my XP farm to get levels to repair the rest of my armor, letting 200 zombies build up, then accidentally right-clicking the fence gate that contains the zombies instead of throwing the splash potion of healing, resulting in unleashing 200 zombies into the room and through the portal into my Nether hub...)
But I've put too much time into this world to quit it. Worst case if something happened that seemed unrecoverable (can't think what that would be) I do periodically make backups.
Well said.
I'm also someone who doesn't understand "rage quitting". I like to invest a lot of time and creativity into my worlds. I can feel frustrated when I make a dumb mistake, die stupidly or have a setback. But I can't see deleting a world over anything like you've described.
Sometimes I will/have quit worlds for the stupidest reasons as well, such as:
I literally rage quit all the time from bad seeds, sometimes I would even fill all of my Minecraft's memory going trough loads of worlds. The most common reason I rage quit though, is because I wander away from my house and get lost and don't bother finding my way back
These all seem like perfectly normal things that happen while playing. If your base doesn't look nice tweak it or build a new one. If you don't like the biome you spawn in, go for a 10 min walk. A response of "+30 min to find diamonds! I'm quitting! RAWR", just seems really weird to me, especially when playing SSP. And as for losing your base, you can either build it near spawn and follow a compass back (you sure sound like you don't like to build far away from spawn anyway considering your fixation on starting areas looking nice). Or just write down the x,y,z coordinates, that's what I do to keep track of my more 'out of the way' builds.
Everything you guys have described is what I'd call a very minor setback. It seems... I don't know, unsportsmanlike? I know that's not quite the correct word but it just reminds me of a little kid not liking a call in a sports game and stomping home angrily with their ball.
My Survival Journal
I also quit minecraft for a month when I lost my first ever set of god armor that used all of my diamonds to lava
97% of teenagers would cry if they saw Justin Bieber on top of a tower about to jump. If you're the 3% who is sitting there with popcorn screaming "DO A BACKFLIP", copy and paste this as your signature.
i mostly quit due to
-falling to your death
- always dieing when in war with someone
- falling in lava
- or just really in a bad mood that day and cant take nothing
97% of teenagers would cry if they saw Justin Bieber on top of a tower about to jump. If you're the 3% who is sitting there with popcorn screaming "DO A BACKFLIP", copy and paste this as your signature.
Now I never blamed the poor skeleton lol. Actually my rage assisted me in learning to save more often. Still don't
trust autosave though. It always seems to save at the most inopportune times. To be fair I had given up on rage
quitting myself. Found ways to always remember spawn points and save when finishing up mining.
If anyone is ever interested I have a class on land navigation utilizing your surroundings to assist with finding home.
For example there are a few blocks that can lead you on your way, for those who just don't like carrying around a map.
As for rage fueled battle I do agree it is fruitless as you will die before night' end without some decent enchantments.
Word to the wise don't rage against endermen without flame.
@lotus49 No. On the 360 seeds do not contain all biomes. Don't believe me try these seeds.
a: seed name is 1
lacks the jungle biome, cocoa beans and jungle trees.
Also lacks melon seeds unless you get them from a villager.
b:seed name is Why?
lacks spruce and jungle trees as well as several biomes as almost 90% of the world is underwater.
I have more if you want them.
Youtube-eonwolfx9, Twitter @eonwolfx9
I personally dont rage quit as Im very mature and I don't get offended that easily. Lots of youtubers rage quit when they die in pvp etc. Normaly its because there house got robbed or burnt. I don't know why that dont feel embarrassed, weird...