So I have located a Slime spawning area, and am just about to begin work on spawning pads, etc, and figured it would be easiest from the top down, with air/spawning pad every other layer.
etc etc
just want to make sure I get max height right. As I'm standing on my cleared top level, the Y should read 16.62 etc, amiright?
Thank you, so That would be the top layer that I finished Cobbling (pun intended) together.
And Kaapo, so complicated so I can AFK (even at surface) and collect slime balls. Same reasoning for mob grinders.
I think that the hardest part of this grinder is done. Spawning 25+ blocks up in the Nether, with 2+ Ghasts all around me at the very beginning, trying to find some damn Glowstone.
took out my first Portal, and then had to do some very careful sand/gravel work to even begin to get some glowstone. but now I have 21 blocks, so that should do for the first couple layers....
just gotta do one final review of Static's guide and then get going :biggrin.gif:
EDIT: Static, while he has 4 pads, has 13x13 pads......16x16, accomadating the entire chunk, with the channels right next to it should still do the trick, right?
etc etc
just want to make sure I get max height right. As I'm standing on my cleared top level, the Y should read 16.62 etc, amiright?
or do I need to go down one level?
And Kaapo, so complicated so I can AFK (even at surface) and collect slime balls. Same reasoning for mob grinders.
I think that the hardest part of this grinder is done. Spawning 25+ blocks up in the Nether, with 2+ Ghasts all around me at the very beginning, trying to find some damn Glowstone.
took out my first Portal, and then had to do some very careful sand/gravel work to even begin to get some glowstone. but now I have 21 blocks, so that should do for the first couple layers....
just gotta do one final review of Static's guide and then get going :biggrin.gif:
EDIT: Static, while he has 4 pads, has 13x13 pads......16x16, accomadating the entire chunk, with the channels right next to it should still do the trick, right?