The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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The Mesa
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I did upload this to Youtube, but my 2nd recording didn't come out. I literally had facecam on and forgot to turn on the screen recorder.
Noob Alert: Part 1-
I spawned in a 1.8 world. Surprisingly, the lag wasn't too bad. I think I was getting a solid 15-20 frames. I locked the world on Easy.
Now I know y'all are probably like "Easy? That's waay too... well... easy" but this is a girl whose first and last experience with anything deadlier than lava and anvils (and lightning... yes I got struck by it once... crazy huh?) was playing Demo mode the first day she got it. (Ran into a cave for shelter, got shot by a skeleton. Don't judge, it was my first minute playing Minecraft. You can't tell me you didn't so some dumb things in your first minute. Or at least your first world.) After that, I played on Peaceful. Unless I was in creative mode. I don't like dying unless it's me jumping into lava after diamonds. I'm crazy like that.
Anyways, I immediately tried to set up a death counter. It wouldn't have worked. I see that now that I know more about Minecraft teams. I ran and chopped down a tree with my fist. Four logs later, I ran away and found a place to build my house.
Oh, shoot, I'm out of wood. FRANTICALLY PUNCH DIRT TO MAKE MY HOUSE! And I forgot about hunger. Quick run and grab something. Oops, what if a creeper came? Run back home.
Uhh.. yeah, I'm panicking now. See y'all next time, adios muchachos. (No Autocorrect, not pistachios.)
Hi... Oh, look... yeah, I magically found (frantically does math) 37 diamonds in that cave over there! Hehe. Yeah I'm a little cheater. Terror makes me cheat a little. (Now has full Prot 4 diamond armor, sharp 5 knockback 2 fire aspect 2 sword, best bow in game, fortune pickaxe, shovel, efficiency axe, diamond hoe. And enchant table.)
*RAIN STARTS* NOO I NEED TO SLEEP *sleeps* Okay now for more wood. *runs out and gets wood, turns around, sees creeper, starts backing away* (two seconds later) SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAM (realizes she has a sword... or is it he? Dang computer, my skin's gone again. You couldn't at least give me Alex?) (And yes, I have determined that it's my computer, I can log in with no skin glitch on a friend's laptop.) Anyways, (smacks creeper a couple times and runs in fear).
*FEW MINUTES LATER* OMG What about the endermites? *GASP* AND THE KILLER BUNNIES? AND THE GUARDIANS? I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT THEM! Yeah bye *quits recording* *deletes world* Good riddance.
*****NOTE: I am doing this all from memory, so of course it's not exact. I still think it's a pretty good representation of the world that only lasted about 20 minutes.*****
I did upload this to Youtube, but my 2nd recording didn't come out. I literally had facecam on and forgot to turn on the screen recorder.
Noob Alert: Part 1-
I spawned in a 1.8 world. Surprisingly, the lag wasn't too bad. I think I was getting a solid 15-20 frames. I locked the world on Easy.
Now I know y'all are probably like "Easy? That's waay too... well... easy" but this is a girl whose first and last experience with anything deadlier than lava and anvils (and lightning... yes I got struck by it once... crazy huh?) was playing Demo mode the first day she got it. (Ran into a cave for shelter, got shot by a skeleton. Don't judge, it was my first minute playing Minecraft. You can't tell me you didn't so some dumb things in your first minute. Or at least your first world.) After that, I played on Peaceful. Unless I was in creative mode. I don't like dying unless it's me jumping into lava after diamonds. I'm crazy like that.
Anyways, I immediately tried to set up a death counter. It wouldn't have worked. I see that now that I know more about Minecraft teams. I ran and chopped down a tree with my fist. Four logs later, I ran away and found a place to build my house.
Oh, shoot, I'm out of wood. FRANTICALLY PUNCH DIRT TO MAKE MY HOUSE! And I forgot about hunger. Quick run and grab something. Oops, what if a creeper came? Run back home.
Uhh.. yeah, I'm panicking now. See y'all next time, adios muchachos. (No Autocorrect, not pistachios.)
Hi... Oh, look... yeah, I magically found (frantically does math) 37 diamonds in that cave over there! Hehe. Yeah I'm a little cheater. Terror makes me cheat a little. (Now has full Prot 4 diamond armor, sharp 5 knockback 2 fire aspect 2 sword, best bow in game, fortune pickaxe, shovel, efficiency axe, diamond hoe. And enchant table.)
*RAIN STARTS* NOO I NEED TO SLEEP *sleeps* Okay now for more wood. *runs out and gets wood, turns around, sees creeper, starts backing away* (two seconds later) SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAM (realizes she has a sword... or is it he? Dang computer, my skin's gone again. You couldn't at least give me Alex?) (And yes, I have determined that it's my computer, I can log in with no skin glitch on a friend's laptop.) Anyways, (smacks creeper a couple times and runs in fear).
*FEW MINUTES LATER* OMG What about the endermites? *GASP* AND THE KILLER BUNNIES? AND THE GUARDIANS? I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT THEM! Yeah bye *quits recording* *deletes world* Good riddance.
*****NOTE: I am doing this all from memory, so of course it's not exact. I still think it's a pretty good representation of the world that only lasted about 20 minutes.*****
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