I love to dig. Whether it's digging a tunnel, digging an underground chamber, or even removing a hill, digging is a lot of fun for me. I know that kind of thing is repetitive for many people, but I don't mind the repetition of it.
I also enjoy building bridges. Bridges are handy since they mean that I don't have to swim across rivers. Granted, swimming isn't a huge deal (even on my ChocoCraft chocobo since, unlike vanilla horses, they can swim) but I prefer having a bridge if I cross a river often. MineCraft makes civil engineering fun!
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
The source of my intention isn't really crime prevention; my intention is prevention of the lie! Yeah, welcome to the Scatman's world!
Making epic weapons and naming them after swords of legend, such as Hrunting and Caliburn. Then, make a hall where you put your swords after you're done with them. Underneath each, you put a plaque with the weapon's achivements. (Ex. "Slayed the Enderdragon" or "Saved my Life")
Caving. Filling my inventory with ore is fun everytime. The only problem is that I have way too much iron now...
I have too much diamond... I even had to recently expand my storage area to accommodate another corridor with 16 double chests for coal blocks - that's almost half a million coal, plus another double chest so far.
I also don't see why people complained about caves being "sickeningly enormous" and "never ending" prior to 1.7 (which made them much smaller and also made abandoned mineshafts 40% as common) and even now some people still complain; I can easily explore an entire large cave system in one sitting, a few hours, so they certainly aren't that larger (well, if you don't include interconnections to other caves, mineshafts, ravines, etc; one of the links talks about continuous networks at least 3,000 blocks across - and they are right; in 1.6.4 there is about one large cave system every 120-150 chunks (one cave every 2.2 chunks, each cave is an average of 6 chunks long), one mineshaft every 100 chunks (which can extend up to 5 chunks from the center, or 100 chunks in area... these are less common though closer to the origin, within 1280 blocks) one ravine every 50 chunks (also averaging 6 chunks long, 50 chunks is about 7x7 chunks).
All of this was mined from a single cave system the last time I played, plus I think about 6 ravines (lost count) that were connected to it, and not even the largest I've explored (that one took about a whole week to explore, including the dozen or more abandoned mineshafts it had, and that doesn't even consider the caves in a world using a mod I made that tripled the ground depth and made caves bigger to fill it up; the following was mined from a vanilla 1.6.4 cave, plus a couple single caverns that were larger than most caves you'll come across):
Yes, almost every day... even including the times when I didn't just cave I've averaged over 2,000 ore mined per play session, and I don't even use most of it; many people consider iron to be the most valuable ore but all I use iron for is anvils (I've gone through three dozen so far; you won't believe how many times I've repaired my Efficiency V, Unbreaking III diamond pickaxe, which has mined almost a million blocks so far, more if you include the 250,000 blocks I mined with one with Fortune III included, which actually required more repairs) and shears (for clearing cave spider spawners) and chests and even zombies give me more than enough that I make more iron blocks than the ore I mine would account for. Rails? Oh, I've mined only about 51,000 from mineshafts... and otherwise it would only take a few days to mine all the iron I'd have otherwise needed for my rail system, expanded over more than a year as I make new secondary bases (beacons are cheap as well, only 1,476 iron needed, I could make 5 out of diamond blocks right now if I wanted to, not that I've ever seen a use for beacons).
Making epic weapons and naming them after swords of legend, such as Hrunting and Caliburn. Then, make a hall where you put your swords after you're done with them. Underneath each, you put a plaque with the weapon's achivements. (Ex. "Slayed the Enderdragon" or "Saved my Life")
I like mining, exploring, and building. Pretty much everything minecraft is about. As I explore I find locations that spark my imagination and I build whatever I imagine there.
I've only been playing Minecraft for a few months, but it turns out one thing I seem to especially enjoy doing is taking bases or other important locations in the Overworld, installing Nether portals there, then building the tunnels, etc. to link them to the rest of my Nether rail system. Not what I would have predicted would be one of my favorite things before I started playing. (Riding the mine carts around is fun, too.)
I love to dig. Whether it's digging a tunnel, digging an underground chamber, or even removing a hill, digging is a lot of fun for me. I know that kind of thing is repetitive for many people, but I don't mind the repetition of it.
I am an ocd digger myself. If there is any excuse what so ever to be digging anything at all, I am digging it. Sometimes I will dig a staircase down to about 3 blocks from bedrock and just branch mine obsessively, attempting to make perfect grids and then sometimes digging out the rest. So an entire chunk from bedrock to 8 above bedrock is totally dug out.
For another couple of things that I enjoy (second post in a "favorite things" thread like a boss)...
I really enjoy playing with tamed mobs, especially tamed mobs from mods.
Horses (both the vanilla horses and the horses from Mo' Creatures) and the chocobos from ChocoCraft are really useful as long as you can clear a path for them.
The LittleMaids from littleMaidMob are also handy because not only can they fight hostile mobs (using either a sword or a bow, no less!) but they can also do other things for you such as shearing sheep and cooking items in a furnace (in fact, any item that is the input item in a smelting recipe registered with the default smelting recipe handler!).
Tamed mobs also make my world less lonely. I exclusively play single player for a variety of reasons (mainly mod choice and avoiding toxic players), so having a few tamed critters (especially helpful tamed critters) gives me some companions. undefined
I've also had a lot of fun with ThaumCraft research. The whole thing is like a big puzzle; it has given me much more of a feeling of accomplishment than any technology mod ever has.
Just a couple of other things that I enjoy in MineCraft, I suppose.
Edit: The last two paragraphs because "undefined" when I submitted the post. Weird forum glitch, I guess.
Although 1.6.4 caves were a little too big for my taste. Huge caverns were a little too common to be excited when you find one of them. The current size is fine to me. Lot's of decently sized caves for your first materials, and the occasional ravine-filled monster that takes hours to fully explore.
Some people complain that there isn't much variation in the size but there is, if perhaps on too big of a scale for many people; for example, this is what my world looks like around spawn (400x400 blocks):
Even within this small area I can see different sizes and densities of caves; for example, near the upper-right is a very dense cave system, the sort that has a huge lava-filled cavern at the bottom; to the lower left and across the bottom is a large scattered network of caves, and several smaller cave systems are elsewhere.
Of course, you can find more, such as this monster cave in my world, although as you can see from the second map (only showing the lower layers so dense caves stand out) caves like these are extremely rare; using a program I wrote that searches for caves like this I've never found another one this close to spawn, averaging around 1-2 per million chunks:
Even that isn't so large compared to the caves I've found with my "cave search" program:
Also, here is a comparison of caves in 1.6.4 (left) and 1.7+ (right), both across 4000x4000 blocks:
I've also spiced up the underground, with stuff like this possible (if rarely on this scale; the map with multiple giant caves is by far the most extreme that I've seen, in terms of size of the largest cave and number of such caves near each other; ironically, this is in the seed for my world, but in chunks that were already generated; caves are otherwise the same as vanilla so new chunks match with old ones unless they have a larger cave or ravine, which are one every 150 and 400 chunks respectively):
Here is a chart I made comparing the size range of caves, done by running a simplified version of the cave generation algorithm over 100 million chunks and counting the number of caves of a given width; the chance of finding caves as large or larger than as the largest in vanilla is thousands of times higher, though you'll still only find one in 1,766 chunks (the largest cave shown above had a maximum width of about 60 blocks, with one cave this large or larger every 1.4 million chunks):
The only time I thought caves were too large was with my "triple height terrain" mod, which increased the ground level from 64 to 192 blocks and increased the size of cave systems accordingly (roughly 3 * 3 * 3 = 27 times the volume, resulting in tremendous caves); the only benefit I see from increased ground depth is if caves generated normally over 64 layer sections (i.e. each 64 layers has the same cave and ore distribution as a normal world below sea level, with some means to connect the layers with ones above/below), which would triple the time taken to explore the same area.
Of course, what I find to be a good size isn't for others; something they really needed to add to Customized is the ability to change the size and density of caves. In fact, it is bizarre that Superflat lets you customize structures yet in Customized all you can do is turn them on or off.
Some people even want much more; see how many posts have been made to this thread which proposes expanding the depth of the underground to 2,000 blocks or more (which as mentioned above I only see as useful if it were split into layers, and at some point the depth becomes too much without some means of teleporting to the surface and back).
Just going off to go to villages, caving, parkour, and making extreme buildings. I find it really fun to do all of those things, and sometimes I get able to run Hamatchi to play with some friends and mess around.
I feel like ruining people's moods today...
There's one achievement ingame that is impossible to get. The 'Adventuring Time' achievement is bugged because some of the biomes you need to travel to to get this achievement don't spawn in your world's naturally, making it impossible to gain this achievement.
Those biomes (frozen ocean, extreme hills edge) don't count towards the achievement since 1.8
I've only been playing Minecraft for a few months, but it turns out one thing I seem to especially enjoy doing is taking bases or other important locations in the Overworld, installing Nether portals there, then building the tunnels, etc. to link them to the rest of my Nether rail system. Not what I would have predicted would be one of my favorite things before I started playing. (Riding the mine carts around is fun, too.)
Best way to not get lost in a cave is to always place torches on the right side of the cave as you go deeper. That way when you are trying to leave you know what way is out because out is torches on the left.
Favorite thing to do in survival is farming. Maybe it's just in my blood but farming is enjoyable to me. When I play with a cooperative team members I usually do the farming and let the other guy(s) go mining and exploring.
For me, it is starting out and building a first house. It gets boring once you get pro.
See me on YouTube ~ https://www.youtube.com/user/monkeyfume
Enjin ~ http://unitedbuilds.enjin.com/profile/2752708
World of Tanks ~ http://worldoftanks.com/community/accounts/1003411100-monkeyfume/
Email ~ [email protected]
I love to dig. Whether it's digging a tunnel, digging an underground chamber, or even removing a hill, digging is a lot of fun for me. I know that kind of thing is repetitive for many people, but I don't mind the repetition of it.
I also enjoy building bridges. Bridges are handy since they mean that I don't have to swim across rivers. Granted, swimming isn't a huge deal (even on my ChocoCraft chocobo since, unlike vanilla horses, they can swim) but I prefer having a bridge if I cross a river often. MineCraft makes civil engineering fun!
The source of my intention isn't really crime prevention; my intention is prevention of the lie! Yeah, welcome to the Scatman's world!
Making epic weapons and naming them after swords of legend, such as Hrunting and Caliburn. Then, make a hall where you put your swords after you're done with them. Underneath each, you put a plaque with the weapon's achivements. (Ex. "Slayed the Enderdragon" or "Saved my Life")
Making a house in a mountain, because then you can't worry about the outside only the inside.
Check out Mineplex, it's a very
popularcrappy server.I'm stuck at home , yay!
Oi, do you want to change the world? Yup
Then get off your bottom and see how many things you can do to help the environment.
I have too much diamond... I even had to recently expand my storage area to accommodate another corridor with 16 double chests for coal blocks - that's almost half a million coal, plus another double chest so far.
I also don't see why people complained about caves being "sickeningly enormous" and "never ending" prior to 1.7 (which made them much smaller and also made abandoned mineshafts 40% as common) and even now some people still complain; I can easily explore an entire large cave system in one sitting, a few hours, so they certainly aren't that larger (well, if you don't include interconnections to other caves, mineshafts, ravines, etc; one of the links talks about continuous networks at least 3,000 blocks across - and they are right; in 1.6.4 there is about one large cave system every 120-150 chunks (one cave every 2.2 chunks, each cave is an average of 6 chunks long), one mineshaft every 100 chunks (which can extend up to 5 chunks from the center, or 100 chunks in area... these are less common though closer to the origin, within 1280 blocks) one ravine every 50 chunks (also averaging 6 chunks long, 50 chunks is about 7x7 chunks).
All of this was mined from a single cave system the last time I played, plus I think about 6 ravines (lost count) that were connected to it, and not even the largest I've explored (that one took about a whole week to explore, including the dozen or more abandoned mineshafts it had, and that doesn't even consider the caves in a world using a mod I made that tripled the ground depth and made caves bigger to fill it up; the following was mined from a vanilla 1.6.4 cave, plus a couple single caverns that were larger than most caves you'll come across):
Yes, almost every day... even including the times when I didn't just cave I've averaged over 2,000 ore mined per play session, and I don't even use most of it; many people consider iron to be the most valuable ore but all I use iron for is anvils (I've gone through three dozen so far; you won't believe how many times I've repaired my Efficiency V, Unbreaking III diamond pickaxe, which has mined almost a million blocks so far, more if you include the 250,000 blocks I mined with one with Fortune III included, which actually required more repairs) and shears (for clearing cave spider spawners) and chests and even zombies give me more than enough that I make more iron blocks than the ore I mine would account for. Rails? Oh, I've mined only about 51,000 from mineshafts... and otherwise it would only take a few days to mine all the iron I'd have otherwise needed for my rail system, expanded over more than a year as I make new secondary bases (beacons are cheap as well, only 1,476 iron needed, I could make 5 out of diamond blocks right now if I wanted to, not that I've ever seen a use for beacons).
TheMasterCaver's First World - possibly the most caved-out world in Minecraft history - includes world download.
TheMasterCaver's World - my own version of Minecraft largely based on my views of how the game should have evolved since 1.6.4.
Why do I still play in 1.6.4?
That's interesting
I have never done that before
See me on YouTube ~ https://www.youtube.com/user/monkeyfume
Enjin ~ http://unitedbuilds.enjin.com/profile/2752708
World of Tanks ~ http://worldoftanks.com/community/accounts/1003411100-monkeyfume/
Email ~ [email protected]
I like mining, exploring, and building. Pretty much everything minecraft is about. As I explore I find locations that spark my imagination and I build whatever I imagine there.
by c0yote
I tried it with terrible results. I gave my wife my glasses for a second, a creeper showed up and now my wife is pregnant.
Stupid 3D..
I get lost in caves at the drop of a hat.
I've only been playing Minecraft for a few months, but it turns out one thing I seem to especially enjoy doing is taking bases or other important locations in the Overworld, installing Nether portals there, then building the tunnels, etc. to link them to the rest of my Nether rail system. Not what I would have predicted would be one of my favorite things before I started playing. (Riding the mine carts around is fun, too.)
I am an ocd digger myself. If there is any excuse what so ever to be digging anything at all, I am digging it. Sometimes I will dig a staircase down to about 3 blocks from bedrock and just branch mine obsessively, attempting to make perfect grids and then sometimes digging out the rest. So an entire chunk from bedrock to 8 above bedrock is totally dug out.
For some reason I always build a mansion/castle and proclaim myself leader of a village.
Get all the achievements, it's just satisfying to me.
I enjoy setting up a good proper farm, not being hungry is great!
For another couple of things that I enjoy (second post in a "favorite things" thread like a boss)...
I really enjoy playing with tamed mobs, especially tamed mobs from mods.
Horses (both the vanilla horses and the horses from Mo' Creatures) and the chocobos from ChocoCraft are really useful as long as you can clear a path for them.
The LittleMaids from littleMaidMob are also handy because not only can they fight hostile mobs (using either a sword or a bow, no less!) but they can also do other things for you such as shearing sheep and cooking items in a furnace (in fact, any item that is the input item in a smelting recipe registered with the default smelting recipe handler!).
Tamed mobs also make my world less lonely. I exclusively play single player for a variety of reasons (mainly mod choice and avoiding toxic players), so having a few tamed critters (especially helpful tamed critters) gives me some companions. undefined
I've also had a lot of fun with ThaumCraft research. The whole thing is like a big puzzle; it has given me much more of a feeling of accomplishment than any technology mod ever has.
Just a couple of other things that I enjoy in MineCraft, I suppose.
Edit: The last two paragraphs because "undefined" when I submitted the post. Weird forum glitch, I guess.
The source of my intention isn't really crime prevention; my intention is prevention of the lie! Yeah, welcome to the Scatman's world!
Some people complain that there isn't much variation in the size but there is, if perhaps on too big of a scale for many people; for example, this is what my world looks like around spawn (400x400 blocks):
Even within this small area I can see different sizes and densities of caves; for example, near the upper-right is a very dense cave system, the sort that has a huge lava-filled cavern at the bottom; to the lower left and across the bottom is a large scattered network of caves, and several smaller cave systems are elsewhere.
Of course, you can find more, such as this monster cave in my world, although as you can see from the second map (only showing the lower layers so dense caves stand out) caves like these are extremely rare; using a program I wrote that searches for caves like this I've never found another one this close to spawn, averaging around 1-2 per million chunks:
Even that isn't so large compared to the caves I've found with my "cave search" program:
Also, here is a comparison of caves in 1.6.4 (left) and 1.7+ (right), both across 4000x4000 blocks:
I've also spiced up the underground, with stuff like this possible (if rarely on this scale; the map with multiple giant caves is by far the most extreme that I've seen, in terms of size of the largest cave and number of such caves near each other; ironically, this is in the seed for my world, but in chunks that were already generated; caves are otherwise the same as vanilla so new chunks match with old ones unless they have a larger cave or ravine, which are one every 150 and 400 chunks respectively):
Here is a chart I made comparing the size range of caves, done by running a simplified version of the cave generation algorithm over 100 million chunks and counting the number of caves of a given width; the chance of finding caves as large or larger than as the largest in vanilla is thousands of times higher, though you'll still only find one in 1,766 chunks (the largest cave shown above had a maximum width of about 60 blocks, with one cave this large or larger every 1.4 million chunks):
The only time I thought caves were too large was with my "triple height terrain" mod, which increased the ground level from 64 to 192 blocks and increased the size of cave systems accordingly (roughly 3 * 3 * 3 = 27 times the volume, resulting in tremendous caves); the only benefit I see from increased ground depth is if caves generated normally over 64 layer sections (i.e. each 64 layers has the same cave and ore distribution as a normal world below sea level, with some means to connect the layers with ones above/below), which would triple the time taken to explore the same area.
Of course, what I find to be a good size isn't for others; something they really needed to add to Customized is the ability to change the size and density of caves. In fact, it is bizarre that Superflat lets you customize structures yet in Customized all you can do is turn them on or off.
Some people even want much more; see how many posts have been made to this thread which proposes expanding the depth of the underground to 2,000 blocks or more (which as mentioned above I only see as useful if it were split into layers, and at some point the depth becomes too much without some means of teleporting to the surface and back).
TheMasterCaver's First World - possibly the most caved-out world in Minecraft history - includes world download.
TheMasterCaver's World - my own version of Minecraft largely based on my views of how the game should have evolved since 1.6.4.
Why do I still play in 1.6.4?
Just going off to go to villages, caving, parkour, and making extreme buildings. I find it really fun to do all of those things, and sometimes I get able to run Hamatchi to play with some friends and mess around.
Those biomes (frozen ocean, extreme hills edge) don't count towards the achievement since 1.8
That one I don't bother with.
But the rest of them are enough for me.
Best way to not get lost in a cave is to always place torches on the right side of the cave as you go deeper. That way when you are trying to leave you know what way is out because out is torches on the left.
Favorite thing to do in survival is farming. Maybe it's just in my blood but farming is enjoyable to me. When I play with a cooperative team members I usually do the farming and let the other guy(s) go mining and exploring.