I'm a misionary, I could care less about offending people. It's in the job description that people get offended by the word of Christ in the Bible.
Also, how was my above post offensive in any way?
I don't know, as minecraft is a blocky game....
Oh, shutdown your cpu, look at the screen *TA-DA* that's what you have suggested, now enjoy it, we have to mine some diamond!
Diamond is a block, and therefore evil. It must go, and I mean for EVERYONE! We must get rid of all blocks for the game to truly be improved.
HOw about diamond ore, replace the stone with nothingness (cause in minecraft the air is technichally a block) and voila.
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I will now write a witty signature in the futile attempt someone reads it, if this is the case than I have inevitably succeeded in mastering the short attention span of forum - ooh look squirrel!
How did this thread turn into a religious discussion? Because of his avatar? If you're offended by his avatar, get adblock and block that image: cured, saved by the lord or whatever you believe in. Nobody cares about your religion, and nobody should. Now let's talk minecraft people
If you read the thread, you would see that all of the religious discussion stemmed from the original poster complaining about his OWN avatar and how he had a better, more realistic one, but then the evil anti-Christian mods made him change it.
Quote from Kasudain »
1) 10,000 religons? [citation needed]
3) There is a large ammount of scientific evidence supporting the Bible's claims, as well as the fact that any logically, unopinionated, undoctrinated scietific study points to an intelligent creator.
Perhaps you should practice what you preach.
4) Who said I was trying to brainwash anyone? Don't make idiotic, misinformed assumptions.
I believe this is the definition he was using:
2) any method of controlled systematic indoctrination, especially one based on repetition or confusion
I believe "repetition or confusion" is an accurate description of your actions in this thread.
Quote from BlinkySlinky »
Also, full of people who apparently want to relinquish freedom of speech (assuming they come from a country which advocates it). It's an avatar people and is in no way offensive.
This forum is not a publicly owned institution; you have no 'rights' here, just as you have no rights on any privately-owned internet forum. The moderation team, acting as authorized agents of the forum owners, may remove or edit any posts they please. There's no "freedom of speech" to relinquish; you're perfectly free to say whatever you want on your OWN website or forum. That's what freedom of speech guarantees.
How did this thread turn into a religious discussion? Because of his avatar? If you're offended by his avatar, get adblock and block that image: cured, saved by the lord or whatever you believe in. Nobody cares about your religion, and nobody should. Now let's talk minecraft people
If you read the thread, you would see that all of the religious discussion stemmed from the original poster complaining about his OWN avatar and how he had a better, more realistic one, but then the evil anti-Christian mods made him change it.
Because he goes extremist way and complains about blocks.
That, sir, is against the forum rules. This is a perfectly legetimate discussion about a possible change in Minecraft Beta that would vastly improve it.
That, sir, is against the forum rules. This is a perfectly legetimate discussion about a possible change in Minecraft Beta that would vastly improve it.
Ok, you are getting me zombie, stop being such a t*** when a mod sees this you get warn, for real!
And if this is a joke, buy yourself some fresh-baked humor!
If YOU read the thread (post 1 and 2 is enough) you would see that it started with the first reply to the OP bringing up the subject, possibly because the idea of MineCraft without blocks is so hard to grasp. Kind of like trying to grasp the idea that other people have a right to their beliefs.
Yes, the first reply was a troll. He's not a cool guy, either. But if the original poster had just ignored it, or dismissed it and moved on with his Minecraft suggestion, this thread wouldn't have become nearly as derailed. Instead, he chose to make this thread about his strongly-held beliefs. Does
I'm a misionary, I could care less about offending people.
really sound like the response of someone who isn't trying to start a religious flamewar? What about
I would much rather have my old avatar rather than this one, but the mods on here seem anti-christian.
If YOU read the thread (post 1 and 2 is enough) you would see that it started with the first reply to the OP bringing up the subject, possibly because the idea of MineCraft without blocks is so hard to grasp. Kind of like trying to grasp the idea that other people have a right to their beliefs.
Yes, the first reply was a troll. He's not a cool guy, either. But if the original poster had just ignored it, or dismissed it and moved on with his Minecraft suggestion, this thread wouldn't have become nearly as derailed. Instead, he chose to make this thread about his strongly-held beliefs. Does
I'm a misionary, I could care less about offending people.
really sound like the response of someone who isn't trying to start a religious flamewar? What about
I would much rather have my old avatar rather than this one, but the mods on here seem anti-christian.
Diamond is a block, and therefore evil. It must go, and I mean for EVERYONE! We must get rid of all blocks for the game to truly be improved.
Air is a block?! Then it must be removed as well! No contest, removing air is obviously the best idea.
Fixed for you. Thanks for the support!
-Report and wait.
If you read the thread, you would see that all of the religious discussion stemmed from the original poster complaining about his OWN avatar and how he had a better, more realistic one, but then the evil anti-Christian mods made him change it.
Perhaps you should practice what you preach.
I believe this is the definition he was using:
2) any method of controlled systematic indoctrination, especially one based on repetition or confusion
I believe "repetition or confusion" is an accurate description of your actions in this thread.
This forum is not a publicly owned institution; you have no 'rights' here, just as you have no rights on any privately-owned internet forum. The moderation team, acting as authorized agents of the forum owners, may remove or edit any posts they please. There's no "freedom of speech" to relinquish; you're perfectly free to say whatever you want on your OWN website or forum. That's what freedom of speech guarantees.
Because he goes extremist way and complains about blocks.
@Original Poster: Return to your legos.
I smell trolls.
That, sir, is against the forum rules. This is a perfectly legetimate discussion about a possible change in Minecraft Beta that would vastly improve it.
Ok, you are getting me zombie, stop being such a t*** when a mod sees this you get warn, for real!
And if this is a joke, buy yourself some fresh-baked humor!
Yes, the first reply was a troll. He's not a cool guy, either. But if the original poster had just ignored it, or dismissed it and moved on with his Minecraft suggestion, this thread wouldn't have become nearly as derailed. Instead, he chose to make this thread about his strongly-held beliefs. Does really sound like the response of someone who isn't trying to start a religious flamewar? What about ? He seems to be looking for trouble from here.
Also, you forgo about the void, you'd die down there....
I don't get it... what are you trying to say? How did I break ANY forum rules, at all?
Time will do the trick...
Steve as well must go. ALL blocks, no matter how dear to the player, should be removed from the game to improve it.
Mods, please ban this dude for emote spam!
Seriously, THIS IS A VALID DISCUSSION. Leave if you can't contribute.
Biggest problem with your point = this is a valid discussion. How is this trolling in any way?
I agree, kinda.
So a HYPER-Realism for minecraft?
Who DOES NOT want that?
I still like the blocky version.
But having both would be great!
Kinda like a 'lag' and 'no lag' option for Minecraft. Come on modders, please make a mod that removes all blocks!