In my opinion, although the zombie does more damage, the spider can maneuver better. The spider is faster. When the spider lunges, it seems it bounces back after attacking, making it so the zombie couldn't hit it. Zombie has less range. If they were to fight during sunrise, the zombie would burn and the spider would just stand and stare. The spider climbs walls. I myself seem to have more trouble with one spider than two zombies. So, my answer concludes, spiders are... pretty much hardcore.
spider, they run as faster them the zombie, they can climb, and sometimes they have a skeleton attached to them.
zombies, are slow but as someone pointed above me are more powerful. Thats about it.
So let me add that up real fast *takes out calculator, looks on google, yells at computer because its not working right* So thats 3 points for the spider and 1 for the zombie my vote is on spider.
... The awesomeness or the speed of the movement or attack of the spider do not matter.
Zombie = Spider in range
Zombie > Spider in damage
Zombie < Spider in att speed.. (from what i read so far)
Thus, unless the dps of both is the same, the favourable wins.
(Im guessing the zombie)
If the spiders can climb walls then... they cant attack -.- Logic is a good sense of logic to have.
Board index ‹ Game Modes ‹ Beta - Survival Mode
They are 100% Awesome.
[url=http] — I make album covers
It's attacks are too fast.
If I can find a way to test I will and post screens.
This thought gruntles me greatly.
zombies, are slow but as someone pointed above me are more powerful. Thats about it.
So let me add that up real fast *takes out calculator, looks on google, yells at computer because its not working right* So thats 3 points for the spider and 1 for the zombie my vote is on spider.
Zombie = Spider in range
Zombie > Spider in damage
Zombie < Spider in att speed.. (from what i read so far)
Thus, unless the dps of both is the same, the favourable wins.
(Im guessing the zombie)
If the spiders can climb walls then... they cant attack -.- Logic is a good sense of logic to have.
*runs in to kill both*