I haven't seen any wolves yet so I can't comment on their usefulness or relevance to the core game, but the OP is right. Wolves will probably be an expensive feature to maintain unless they make some serious concessions regarding the concept of a dog (i.e. make it more like a usable object and less like a companion).
I'd personally like to see more time spent on fixing serious bugs, but sadly Mojang is not my company.
I was going to say more, but I thought about it and it was even less useful than what I ended up with. ;-)
-why dont someone make a mod for better wolves if your so unhappy
-teleporting to where you are is a bad idea the should just always follow you
no matter where you are and try getting two blocks near you
-they should play fetch or you could tell them comands(like tricks)
-should be able to put a cow bell on a cow so they can be your own cattle herd(so the wolves can herd them) this should also be the only way to milk cows if they are part of your herd
-wolves should be able to gaurd stuff if notch makes co op survival mode(not in server) so no one can steal your stuff
-if they die should have a spawning kenel for each dog (can be linked like chests)
-dog bowls
-de taming(if theres kenals)
this should be a mod just for wolves so people who want them can have them
and people who dont. dont have to wait ages for other stuff
And here we have a wonderful example of what I was talking about with everyone's favorite fur-balls getting out of control.
Thanks man. It's always nice to have someone inadvertently arguing my side of this.
Then don't tame them, retard. Treat them as normal mobs.
This is precisely why it's so difficult to argue with FlowerChild; because you make those of us who have valid objections look like trolls.
Don't worry about it man. It's easy enough to tell the trolls from those making constructive counter arguments like yours.
However, if you'll forgive me, I'll wait until the morning before responding to your other long (and thoughtful) post. It's quite late in ths part of the world :smile.gif:
Where do you get your sense of entitlement? You are acting like a self righteous (insert immature name here). Who are you to tell the developers of Minecraft what is worth doing and what is not? It's almost like telling McDonalds to change the Big Mac because you are a paying customer. It's just stupid.
I must express my sympathy, since I've seen lots of people like this in the community for Wurm Online(and I mean lots) but I think you took OP's statement the wrong way. He's just showing concern and in a way he was probably trying to speak for everyone.
We need to have a sense of priority. We are all entitled to our personal preferences and our favorite ways of playing the game, but we have to develop a firm perspective behind which to view the development of this game as to better make suggestions for it. As OP stated in another thread, he's got 15 years of experience as a professional game developer, why would he care so much about his soul benefits in this one single game? I don't think he's that childish.
OP doesn't need to speak for everyone because not everyone shares his views. God forbid Minecraft has something that will be a challenge to develop. A lot of people like wolves. Some do not. I don't understand how adding something, whether simple to implement or not, could possibly ruin Minecraft.
you seem to forget that this is beta, not finished, needs polish, has bugs and features that don't quite work right. It will get better if you wait longer than 5 hours.
Not this. Read the rest of the thread not just half of the first page.
Personally I'd rather have the time spent fixing bugs than making new ones, but hey that's just me.
1. I did read the whole post
2. You would rather clear out bugs before new content? there is pattern you know; 1.2,1.3,1.4 etc. added new content and 1.1_01, 1.2_01 and 1.3_01 fixed bugs and add minor details. There will be 1.4_01 to balance Wolfs :biggrin.gif:
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[Diamond] [Diamond]
Many good things come from Sweden, like minecraft and.... umm.... did i alredy say minecraft?
if u put redstone in jukebox, will it play redzone?
I'm sorry but the game isn't what makes YOU happy, its what makes everyone ELSE happy.
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Quote from Brutwarst »
Quote from Disierd2 »
Literally just found some, what does it do??
It's nice that you used the word "literally" because if you hadn't done that, I would have thought that you figuratively found some. Thank you for making that clear.
It's true. Adding completely unrelated features that only bring more bugs to the table is kinda unwise. Haven't been playing much since halloween patch, when everything started going downhill.
The game is still unplayable in Anything lower than a C2D, redstone does the same things as it did 12 months ago. (unless you think boxes that make sounds (oh so useful for a miner) are useful.)
And... well, we had all sorts of irrelevant updates. From minor useless mobs, to dyable sheep.
I think the only nice new feature in all this time is the bed. And that one doesn't work properly. Because the guys are spending their time on fixing some crappy dogs that wont let you go back upstairs cos they are in the way. Awesome. Oh, and useful too.
Yeah its annoying to see people who don't read tear others down like kids.
I agree with you. I think that Wolves ARE a cool idea, but for a while Notch and the crew will spend a ton of time on this one feature. It's hard to make realistic AI and the updates will struggle because of it. What I think they should do to improve it is have the dogs teleport behind you, make it so if you are standing there they don't come up and push you around too much. My wolfs have almost killed me multiple times. And make it so they don't wander off too much and keep going around in random circles. Also to sense not to jump off a huge drop. That last one is a huge problem for me because I live on top of a mountain.
Once that is fixed they should not bother with wolfs for a couple updates so that everyone else that would rather be building/exploring ect.
THEN 3-5 updates later they should work on extra stuff or the dogs like doghouses, dogy-treats used to teach them tricks, and other fun stuff like that.
And yes I am aware I switched from Wolf to Dog many times. I call them dogs because they are really dogs because their domesticated, well, they will turn into dogs because of adaptations changing for domesticated lifestyle.
Quote from Anabelle »
I'm sorry but the game isn't what makes YOU happy, its what makes everyone ELSE happy.
I'm sorry but the thread isn't for YOU who didn't read the whole thread, but everyone ELSE that did.
I might be being harsh but wolfs are the best update this game has fcking has until mod api comes out. (besides pick axes >.>)
Jayles. tamed wolfs arent dogs. as my mom had a wolf.
also wth is wrong with the bed o-o i use it fine perfectly in single player and multi player.
P.S Left 4 dead is scary then minecraft snarles. and skeletons actually scare me more then creepers >.<
and remember way to pull the defend him card. like half of us havent heard that before. i dont realy give to shits if people think i love or hate notch. ive bashed him myself before on alot of things.
Overall we have no place to be complaing because we gave him 15 dollars to make this game. so we have no say in jackcrap. he could cancel the game completely. then the ones saying were always defending notch would be crying as they only act tough.
a) they teleport into your path.
:cool.gif: their pathfinding is terrible, and they constantly get stuck on stuff and fall into crap to their deaths.
c) their behavior isn't interesting enough to put up with the above.
a) Tell them to stay put or simply don't domesticate them.
:cool.gif: Stop prejudicing wolves! They came out a few days ago and you have to understand that the A.I. isn't fully developed! Chill the hell out. Also, if you don't like their "stupid" nature, there are three choices:
1. Tell them to stay put.
2. Go around the cliff/hole.
3. Don't tame them!
c) Are you kidding me? If you don't like wolves, then don't tame them! What is your problem?
I actually love wolves and they don't seem development heavy at all. They are already interesting enough to warrant being there and they provide enough use also. They help you kill enemies and they provide a much needed companion.
I agree the path finding needs work, especially staying away from lava and not running in front of your pick axe or jumping to their death.. But that's really all I see wrong with them.
I would hazard people to be wary about straying from the topic: even saying "wolves are against Minecraft's meaning" is dangerous, because it opens yourself up wholly for an entirely different debate, which is "what is Minecraft?"
I for one am waiting on FlowerChild or one of the other resident rationales to respond to my post: in the meantime, I stand by my claim that improving "intelligent AI routines" a la the zombie pigman and the wolf is a core feature of the game.
But besides that, remember: the OP's primary concern is the wolf's development time and Mojang's prioritization, not necessarily that wolves are the worst thing ever for the game. And on both sides: flaming will probably just provoke more flaming at this point, and we're not really getting anywhere because the few thought-out posts get buried.
A few posts were mis-attributed to me in quotes, so I'd just like to clarify my view.
a) Wolves are cool. They'll be brilliant when they are fixed.
:cool.gif: The game crashes if you crouch and take a screenshot, sometimes corrupting your world. This is an old bug. There are many others like it.
Prioritising the two is left as an exercise to the reader.
I said I'd clarify, and then didn't. My apologies.
Quote from GunboatDebater »
Anyway, I've rambled enough. The central point I'm making is simply that Mojang is capable of walking and chewing gum at the same time: I see no reason why one or two people can't detach and devote their time to improving the wolves, whilst the rest progress with bugfixing.
That is basically the core issue in this discussion. Maybe they can walk and chew gum at the same time, but the OP is concerned that they may not be as good at it as they think. I share that concern.
My brain is getting tired of this thread now. Exhausted, even. I'm leaving now, and I shan't come back (unless anyone requests a reply on PM regarding something I've said in the thread). Happy discussing!
I see no reason why one or two people can't detach and devote their time to improving the wolves, whilst the rest progress with bugfixing.
That's exactly the point, as Mojang only has those one or two people that are actually working on Minecraft, Notch and Jeb. The rest is corporate Overhead.
So they have to make sure they are not working on too many different new things at once or they wont get anything really done.
Duke, kindly also respond to the rest of my post before you assert that the limited dev resources invalidate working on wolves, when the body of my first post is devoted to precisely that.
I've clarified multiple times that i do not find advanced AI routines to be a waste of time.
And I am under the impression that there are more than two developers working on Minecraft: Notch and Jeb are just the best publicized. What evidence can you muster showing it's just Notch and Jeb working on Minecraft?
I think that notch added wolfs for the new players since most of them are scared of crepers, skeletons, zombies... This will make the new players turn up the dificulty since they will feel safer with a pack of wolfs following them.
So as far as wolfs go improve their pathfinding other than that :iapprove:.
P.S. Notch add a wolf smile.
I agree with the OP completely. I managed (somehow) to read every single post. Yes, even the ones that made my head hurt due to bad grammar, being completely off-topic, or worse... A short summary, if I may:
What this post *IS* about:
1) Development time (and cash) was spent to develop wolves.
2) Wolves are here.
3) Wolves are buggy.
4) OP is presenting a concern (yes, that is an opinion, folks) that excessive time (and cash) will be spent on fixing/refining issues with wolves instead of focusing on A) bug fixes and :cool.gif: adding content that would improve core gameplay.
What this post *IS NOT* about:
1) Hating Minecraft (OP-er has posted multiple times how much he/she loves the game).
2) Hating Notch (see above).
3) Hating Wolves (see *IS* #4 above) - Love 'em or leave 'em; NOT the subject of post.
4) BETA development stage - Yes, we know it is in BETA. The concerns expressed are about FUTURE development time and focus.
Thank you to previous (rational) contributors. So far I have seen one valid counter-argument in this thread. Yes, other valid points were made by posters (thank you to those who kept it at a debate level without getting ugly) but in almost every case they were off-topic (though I have no doubt that most were well-intentioned).
Summary: Tame-able mobs are not a bad addition, in and of themselves. However, we would like to see a stronger focus in future updates on core game mechanics and bug fixes. All of us have an attachment to certain features of the game; why else would we enjoy this game so very much? In this update I find the ability to hold Shift to hang on to a ladder probably the most significant feature for me (Two thumbs up, Mojang!). Thank you, that is all for now.
This x 100
They understand. Learn from him/her kiddies.
Wolfs = Treat as regular passive mob (pigs and such) Ignore them, they don't even have any drops.
AI = This is the BETA. All games in beta need to be tested and polished. I remember when Halo reach BETA was out for us to test, that was glitchy as a bi**h. Remember, WE are the beta testers, so just report the problem as usual like we are supposed to and the'll get fixed along the lines.
Notch and his team = They are probably developing the game from an iPad from a bar sipping on some MGD, but hey, they are doing a hell of a job. This is a Beta and it plays (most of the time) a complete game!!
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Software guy "It's a hardware problem"
Hardware guy "Its a software problem"
Person trying to play Minecraft "THAN WTF IS THE PROBLEM?"
I'd personally like to see more time spent on fixing serious bugs, but sadly Mojang is not my company.
I was going to say more, but I thought about it and it was even less useful than what I ended up with. ;-)
And here we have a wonderful example of what I was talking about with everyone's favorite fur-balls getting out of control.
Thanks man. It's always nice to have someone inadvertently arguing my side of this.
Don't worry about it man. It's easy enough to tell the trolls from those making constructive counter arguments like yours.
However, if you'll forgive me, I'll wait until the morning before responding to your other long (and thoughtful) post. It's quite late in ths part of the world :smile.gif:
OP doesn't need to speak for everyone because not everyone shares his views. God forbid Minecraft has something that will be a challenge to develop. A lot of people like wolves. Some do not. I don't understand how adding something, whether simple to implement or not, could possibly ruin Minecraft.
1. I did read the whole post
2. You would rather clear out bugs before new content? there is pattern you know; 1.2,1.3,1.4 etc. added new content and 1.1_01, 1.2_01 and 1.3_01 fixed bugs and add minor details. There will be 1.4_01 to balance Wolfs :biggrin.gif:
Many good things come from Sweden, like minecraft and.... umm.... did i alredy say minecraft?
if u put redstone in jukebox, will it play redzone?
totally. But I also like the wolves because they own pigs for u. Who doesnt like that?
The game is still unplayable in Anything lower than a C2D, redstone does the same things as it did 12 months ago. (unless you think boxes that make sounds (oh so useful for a miner) are useful.)
And... well, we had all sorts of irrelevant updates. From minor useless mobs, to dyable sheep.
I think the only nice new feature in all this time is the bed. And that one doesn't work properly. Because the guys are spending their time on fixing some crappy dogs that wont let you go back upstairs cos they are in the way. Awesome. Oh, and useful too.
I agree with you. I think that Wolves ARE a cool idea, but for a while Notch and the crew will spend a ton of time on this one feature. It's hard to make realistic AI and the updates will struggle because of it. What I think they should do to improve it is have the dogs teleport behind you, make it so if you are standing there they don't come up and push you around too much. My wolfs have almost killed me multiple times. And make it so they don't wander off too much and keep going around in random circles. Also to sense not to jump off a huge drop. That last one is a huge problem for me because I live on top of a mountain.
Once that is fixed they should not bother with wolfs for a couple updates so that everyone else that would rather be building/exploring ect.
THEN 3-5 updates later they should work on extra stuff or the dogs like doghouses, dogy-treats used to teach them tricks, and other fun stuff like that.
And yes I am aware I switched from Wolf to Dog many times. I call them dogs because they are really dogs because their domesticated, well, they will turn into dogs because of adaptations changing for domesticated lifestyle.
I'm sorry but the thread isn't for YOU who didn't read the whole thread, but everyone ELSE that did.
Jayles. tamed wolfs arent dogs. as my mom had a wolf.
also wth is wrong with the bed o-o i use it fine perfectly in single player and multi player.
P.S Left 4 dead is scary then minecraft snarles. and skeletons actually scare me more then creepers >.<
and remember way to pull the defend him card. like half of us havent heard that before. i dont realy give to shits if people think i love or hate notch. ive bashed him myself before on alot of things.
Overall we have no place to be complaing because we gave him 15 dollars to make this game. so we have no say in jackcrap. he could cancel the game completely. then the ones saying were always defending notch would be crying as they only act tough.
a) Tell them to stay put or simply don't domesticate them.
:cool.gif: Stop prejudicing wolves! They came out a few days ago and you have to understand that the A.I. isn't fully developed! Chill the hell out. Also, if you don't like their "stupid" nature, there are three choices:
1. Tell them to stay put.
2. Go around the cliff/hole.
3. Don't tame them!
c) Are you kidding me? If you don't like wolves, then don't tame them! What is your problem?
I zap people. I zap them in the head, feet, hands, arms, eyes, ears and their genit.....
Yes they are. Dogs are tamed wolves. If you want to, they can be called "Tamed wolves' puppies."
I zap people. I zap them in the head, feet, hands, arms, eyes, ears and their genit.....
I agree the path finding needs work, especially staying away from lava and not running in front of your pick axe or jumping to their death.. But that's really all I see wrong with them.
I for one am waiting on FlowerChild or one of the other resident rationales to respond to my post: in the meantime, I stand by my claim that improving "intelligent AI routines" a la the zombie pigman and the wolf is a core feature of the game.
But besides that, remember: the OP's primary concern is the wolf's development time and Mojang's prioritization, not necessarily that wolves are the worst thing ever for the game. And on both sides: flaming will probably just provoke more flaming at this point, and we're not really getting anywhere because the few thought-out posts get buried.
It's horribly demoralizing to read this thread.
a) Wolves are cool. They'll be brilliant when they are fixed.
:cool.gif: The game crashes if you crouch and take a screenshot, sometimes corrupting your world. This is an old bug. There are many others like it.
Prioritising the two is left as an exercise to the reader.
I said I'd clarify, and then didn't. My apologies.
That is basically the core issue in this discussion. Maybe they can walk and chew gum at the same time, but the OP is concerned that they may not be as good at it as they think. I share that concern.
My brain is getting tired of this thread now. Exhausted, even. I'm leaving now, and I shan't come back (unless anyone requests a reply on PM regarding something I've said in the thread). Happy discussing!
[opblock] [Sheep] [opblock]
[opblock] [opblock] [opblock] Fire: A complete guide to not burning down your house
Duke, kindly also respond to the rest of my post before you assert that the limited dev resources invalidate working on wolves, when the body of my first post is devoted to precisely that.
I've clarified multiple times that i do not find advanced AI routines to be a waste of time.
And I am under the impression that there are more than two developers working on Minecraft: Notch and Jeb are just the best publicized. What evidence can you muster showing it's just Notch and Jeb working on Minecraft?
So as far as wolfs go improve their pathfinding other than that
P.S. Notch add a wolf smile.
This x 100
They understand. Learn from him/her kiddies.
Wolfs = Treat as regular passive mob (pigs and such) Ignore them, they don't even have any drops.
AI = This is the BETA. All games in beta need to be tested and polished. I remember when Halo reach BETA was out for us to test, that was glitchy as a bi**h. Remember, WE are the beta testers, so just report the problem as usual like we are supposed to and the'll get fixed along the lines.
Notch and his team = They are probably developing the game from an iPad from a bar sipping on some MGD, but hey, they are doing a hell of a job. This is a Beta and it plays (most of the time) a complete game!!
Hardware guy "Its a software problem"
Person trying to play Minecraft "THAN WTF IS THE PROBLEM?"
Playing Minecraft with a Xbox 360 controller