hi there! i am new to minecraft and i have a couple of general questions.
1) i have been reading the wikis. in the programs and tools session, i found editors even for inventory and copying structures across save files. what is the point of playing if you can simply edit your save file to add ores and stuff?
2) i spent two days straight playing, enjoying digging, making, falling, and dying. i am a little fatigue and tired of doing the same things over and over again. what are some of the objectives most players set for themselves when they first start playing?
3) i saw players put torches in ground all around in their videos and i initially thought they were for decorative purpose and night guiding to places. then i read somewhere that torches on ground actually deter mob spawning at night! i keep coming across with tips and tricks randomly. is there some sort of survival guide with brilliant ideas like that?
that's all for now from my first weekend of play! thanks!
The answer to your fist question, is, don't do that? Don't use any editors to change your world save or inventory. Just because those tools exist, and it's a good thing they do, in some cases, doesn't mean you have to use them. Just forget they are even available. Until, your world becomes corrupt after months of work and the only way to recover it is to open it in MC Edit and remove the area that is corrupt.
The most common goal players set is to kill the ender dragon and/or a wither. They may seem difficult to do at first, but after you've played a while, both are pretty easy. Other than that, build something epic, explore, or just fight monsters.
Yes, the light level does affect what will spawn in an area. At night when there's no sunlight, torches will prevent hostile mobs from spawning in that area. Put enough torches around and nothing will spawn.
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To tell them how to live is to prevent them living.
1-well, its up to you not to do such things. id say its about full fulfillment. i enjoy playing my survival plays, and i get a sense of accomplishment after i have built something, especially large structures like iron farms or mob spawners. besides that, for the most part you can get plenty of ore for almost any build. the longer you play the more you will end up having stock piled.
2-buildings, various farms, librarys, house's, railroads, there is also the nether and its associated boss mob as well as the End and the ender dragon. i usually start with an iron farm myself, but you can make all kinds of automated farms. just look at you tube for any ideas id need be.
3-as far as guides go they are all over the place. id say start with a let play video series on youtube. some of the good ones will give you a good amount of knowledge to start with, and expand upon it as you go.
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Yes i know, my spelling sucks.
Check out my You-Tube Channel (BringerofKaos) for plenty of Minecraft Content and my Lets Play series:
ahhhh...thx much everybody! i now get a sense of what's going on and what to do.
how often would you suggest i back up my game folder? not as much for in game mishaps but for system problems like map corruption, etc. how often does that happen anyway??
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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No, just no
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1. Technically, that's cheating. If you want a survival experience, play normally.
2. Tricky question. There is no point. Well there is, it's just to build, kill, and survive. If your looking to beat the game, find and kill the Ender Dragon. But you can continue after that.
3. There's a YouTube channel called mcspotlights. Watch them. Or, go on the Wiki.
For your latest question, depends. If you are using Mods, it's randomly. If you are playing Vanilla (no mods) then extremely rarely. I don't know how to back up worlds.
Hope that helped.
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I'm not really the "surviving" type, but the goals I set are like building cities and accomplishing things on my server! Everyone has something they enjoy on Minecraft, for example I like creative building! You just need to find what you like.
Friendly tip: Bank important items in chests before you go, if you have a lot of something, put half in the chest (right click the stack) and craft another half also bank at least half of any resources at hand like logs and the sort. That way if you die, god forbid, far away or die somewhere youre unfamiliar with, just look around for a while. just some common sense.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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"what is the point of playing"..."i spent two days straight playing, enjoying"
I started playing at Minecraft 1.0. I didn't learn about beds until 1.4.
Wo, you don't have to hide at night? But what an experience. You don't have to know it all to enjoy. Play with what you know, learn new stuff now and then.
Looking at everyone's goals...but when you play, you set your own goals! If you love the surviving aspect Minecraft, generally your goal is killing the wither and ender dragon. However, if you love the building aspect more, it might be making an amazing house...or even just having tons of farms (wheat, carrot, potato, sheep, pig, chicken, monster farms etc!). As you play, you'll find out your goals. After all, Minecraft is a sandbox game - a game that basically lets you do whatever you want to.
Hope this helps!
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Once upon a time, I was known as love3509. After being unheard of for many months, I decided once again to contribute to the forums, only to find that I could not log in. If you think you can help, read my biography to hear the whole story!
hi there! i am new to minecraft and i have a couple of general questions.
1) i have been reading the wikis. in the programs and tools session, i found editors even for inventory and copying structures across save files. what is the point of playing if you can simply edit your save file to add ores and stuff?
2) i spent two days straight playing, enjoying digging, making, falling, and dying. i am a little fatigue and tired of doing the same things over and over again. what are some of the objectives most players set for themselves when they first start playing?
3) i saw players put torches in ground all around in their videos and i initially thought they were for decorative purpose and night guiding to places. then i read somewhere that torches on ground actually deter mob spawning at night! i keep coming across with tips and tricks randomly. is there some sort of survival guide with brilliant ideas like that?
that's all for now from my first weekend of play! thanks!
1. Just like in real life, you can rob banks and murder people. That doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. If there are features that you believe would be considered cheating or exploitative, you don't have to use them.
2. Try playing multiplayer with your friends. The only limit to the game is your own imagination. Try building a floating castle. Try building a trap for monsters. Try building a canon that shoots TNT.
3. I would suggest going on YouTube and watching PaulSoaresJr's "How to Survive and Thrive" series. He was the very first Minecraft video tutorial maker on the internet and I feel he's also the most entertaining.
Well your goal is technically supposed to be killing the enderdragon. but really. Is there any fun in just heading for the end? build a good medium sized house. right now in my newest survival map (vanilla) I have just recently expanded my 5x6 house into a 2 storey building. If it's too big, whats the use?also the first thing i ever do is make a wheat farm cause i don't like mining. I prefer to do thing such as hunting, chopping trees, fighting mobs, picking flowers, etc. I also love to explore but I've gotten lost multiple times. When I mine I always mine in a diagonal so my mines end up looking like >>>>>>>. I love sailing to because there's lots of water in my world and it's much faster than swimming. I've only been playing for about 7 hours spread across about 3 weeks on that world so I'm not being productive or anything, but I'm relaxing and floating my way through it.
hi there! i am new to minecraft and i have a couple of general questions.
1) i have been reading the wikis. in the programs and tools session, i found editors even for inventory and copying structures across save files. what is the point of playing if you can simply edit your save file to add ores and stuff?
2) i spent two days straight playing, enjoying digging, making, falling, and dying. i am a little fatigue and tired of doing the same things over and over again. what are some of the objectives most players set for themselves when they first start playing?
3) i saw players put torches in ground all around in their videos and i initially thought they were for decorative purpose and night guiding to places. then i read somewhere that torches on ground actually deter mob spawning at night! i keep coming across with tips and tricks randomly. is there some sort of survival guide with brilliant ideas like that?
that's all for now from my first weekend of play! thanks!
1: You can edit the inventory, but there are commands you can use to add items into your inventory if you wish. Such as not being able to find diamonds, you can edit them in. Some people say it's cheating, I don't, because minecraft is a sandbox game.
2: If you get bored, look at a few mod packs. There is Atlauncher, Technic Launcher, and many more installers for great modpacks. Or, try modding minecraft your self! You could also install texture packs to change the look of minecraft. You can also set your own objectives such as building giant structures, making pixel art and so on.
3: Torches, or any other object that creates light, (Redstone excuded) prevent mobs from spawning. Monsters spawn at night, and in caves. Anything with a light level of 7 or below will allow a mob to spawn. That's seven blocks away from a torch. Torches are also useful for guiding your way through caves (Rule: Torch on the left.).
If you want a survival guide, look up some youtube let's plays (None modded if you don't play mods.), and look up the minecraft wiki. It's kept uptodate, and usually is right.
1) Don't download any mods for the game until you've played it awhile. Then you'll know what you want to add.
2) There isn't really a point, it's what you make of it. My personal goal is to beat the Dragon and the Wither on hardcore. I highly recommend anyone play on hardcore (world is deleted after death) everything takes on a whole new level of investment.
3) You can never place enough torches. Torches on the ground also have a better radius preventing spawning than torches on the walls.
1) i have been reading the wikis. in the programs and tools session, i found editors even for inventory and copying structures across save files. what is the point of playing if you can simply edit your save file to add ores and stuff?
2) i spent two days straight playing, enjoying digging, making, falling, and dying. i am a little fatigue and tired of doing the same things over and over again. what are some of the objectives most players set for themselves when they first start playing?
3) i saw players put torches in ground all around in their videos and i initially thought they were for decorative purpose and night guiding to places. then i read somewhere that torches on ground actually deter mob spawning at night! i keep coming across with tips and tricks randomly. is there some sort of survival guide with brilliant ideas like that?
that's all for now from my first weekend of play! thanks!
The answer to your fist question, is, don't do that? Don't use any editors to change your world save or inventory. Just because those tools exist, and it's a good thing they do, in some cases, doesn't mean you have to use them. Just forget they are even available. Until, your world becomes corrupt after months of work and the only way to recover it is to open it in MC Edit and remove the area that is corrupt.
The most common goal players set is to kill the ender dragon and/or a wither. They may seem difficult to do at first, but after you've played a while, both are pretty easy. Other than that, build something epic, explore, or just fight monsters.
Yes, the light level does affect what will spawn in an area. At night when there's no sunlight, torches will prevent hostile mobs from spawning in that area. Put enough torches around and nothing will spawn.
To tell them how to live is to prevent them living.
1-well, its up to you not to do such things. id say its about full fulfillment. i enjoy playing my survival plays, and i get a sense of accomplishment after i have built something, especially large structures like iron farms or mob spawners. besides that, for the most part you can get plenty of ore for almost any build. the longer you play the more you will end up having stock piled.
2-buildings, various farms, librarys, house's, railroads, there is also the nether and its associated boss mob as well as the End and the ender dragon. i usually start with an iron farm myself, but you can make all kinds of automated farms. just look at you tube for any ideas id need be.
3-as far as guides go they are all over the place. id say start with a let play video series on youtube. some of the good ones will give you a good amount of knowledge to start with, and expand upon it as you go.
1. Get Punch Tree
2. Make wood tools (with WorkBench)
3. Find Coal and mine it
4. Make Torches (for Light)
5. Dig Hole (Your New Home)
6. Kill Animals For Food
7. Make Stone Tools
8. Dig For Iron(press F3 Iron is Found at y: 64 Or Below)
9. Make Iron Tools
10. Make iron Armor
11. Dig For Diamonds
12. Make diamond Pickaxe (Because you will not find many Diamonds)
13. Mine Obsidian (made With lava and Water)
14. Make Nether Portal (10 Obsidian and Flint and Steel to Lite it)
15. Find a Nether Fortress (made With Nether bricks)
16. Find Blazer Spawner (In Nether Fortress)
17. Kill Blazes To Get About 10 Blaze Rods
18. Make Blaze Powder (out Of Blaze Rods)
19. Go Back To the OverWorld (Through Nether Portal)
20. Kill Endermen (tall guys with purple eyes)
21. Make Eye Of Ender (Blaze Powder + Ender Pearls)
22. Find Stronghold (made out of Stone Bricks)
23. Find end Portal (in Stronghold)
24. Place Eye Of Ender End Portal
25. Jump in End Portal
26. Dig To The top of the end
27. Destroy Ender Crystals (on Obsidian)
28. Kill Ender Dragon
29. Jump in Portal
30. Watch Credits
Check out this vid
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how often would you suggest i back up my game folder? not as much for in game mishaps but for system problems like map corruption, etc. how often does that happen anyway??
1. Technically, that's cheating. If you want a survival experience, play normally.
2. Tricky question. There is no point. Well there is, it's just to build, kill, and survive. If your looking to beat the game, find and kill the Ender Dragon. But you can continue after that.
3. There's a YouTube channel called mcspotlights. Watch them. Or, go on the Wiki.
For your latest question, depends. If you are using Mods, it's randomly. If you are playing Vanilla (no mods) then extremely rarely. I don't know how to back up worlds.
Hope that helped.
When both sides are doomed, which do you choose?
I started playing at Minecraft 1.0. I didn't learn about beds until 1.4.
Wo, you don't have to hide at night? But what an experience. You don't have to know it all to enjoy. Play with what you know, learn new stuff now and then.
Hope this helps!
1. Just like in real life, you can rob banks and murder people. That doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. If there are features that you believe would be considered cheating or exploitative, you don't have to use them.
2. Try playing multiplayer with your friends. The only limit to the game is your own imagination. Try building a floating castle. Try building a trap for monsters. Try building a canon that shoots TNT.
3. I would suggest going on YouTube and watching PaulSoaresJr's "How to Survive and Thrive" series. He was the very first Minecraft video tutorial maker on the internet and I feel he's also the most entertaining.
Um, there's absolutely no such thing as 'beating' Minecraft. The game never ends. The ender dragon is more for fluff than anything else.
1: You can edit the inventory, but there are commands you can use to add items into your inventory if you wish. Such as not being able to find diamonds, you can edit them in. Some people say it's cheating, I don't, because minecraft is a sandbox game.
2: If you get bored, look at a few mod packs. There is Atlauncher, Technic Launcher, and many more installers for great modpacks. Or, try modding minecraft your self! You could also install texture packs to change the look of minecraft. You can also set your own objectives such as building giant structures, making pixel art and so on.
3: Torches, or any other object that creates light, (Redstone excuded) prevent mobs from spawning. Monsters spawn at night, and in caves. Anything with a light level of 7 or below will allow a mob to spawn. That's seven blocks away from a torch. Torches are also useful for guiding your way through caves (Rule: Torch on the left.).
If you want a survival guide, look up some youtube let's plays (None modded if you don't play mods.), and look up the minecraft wiki. It's kept uptodate, and usually is right.
Mineplex IP: us.mineplex.com or eu.mineplex.com
Hive IP: hivemc.eu
ArkhamNetwork IP: mc.arkhamnetwork.org
2) There isn't really a point, it's what you make of it. My personal goal is to beat the Dragon and the Wither on hardcore. I highly recommend anyone play on hardcore (world is deleted after death) everything takes on a whole new level of investment.
3) You can never place enough torches. Torches on the ground also have a better radius preventing spawning than torches on the walls.