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Quote from Sirjohnmac »It's missing some shrubbery, and it seems a bit large, but other than that it looks spot-on.
Quote from ChronoBasher »Pretty interesting, do you have a link to the gun mod? or is it just a re-skin?
Quote from Epic_Morph »Theres no shame in turing your render down to stop lag while recording, laggy videos really ruin it for me. A nice build none-the-less though, although gold seems a bit expensive for using to build a house with :tongue.gif:
its only large so we can fit in them and not be to small
It's called SDK guns mods and it all fully works like real guns
“When you cut pieces out of the truth to avoid looking like a fool you end up looking like a moron instead.”
― Robin Hobb, Assassin's Apprentice SDK Gun MOD
A nice build none-the-less though, although gold seems a bit expensive for using to build a house with :tongue.gif:
there is another video without lag im uploading now and gold was the closest thing to yellow :smile.gif: