I meant to post this yeasterday but I've not been well, in fact right now it's 6:12am and I've been awake since 5:30am.
In terms of the cathedral, ALOT has happenned. ALOT of advancement and some costly rebuilding, costly in terms of time. I have however, persevereed One thing I didn't appreciate was how symetrical the real life building was, so lining things up has been a bit of a nightmare. From getting both sides exact to having to do the big bay windows (That consist of 3 windows) again and again as things have not lined up.
At first I started the big 2nd side window:
There's two of these big sections on the left and right side of the build and one of the key things I got wrong was the fact that with the towers, only one stuck out, the other comes only slightly out of the middle wall, which meant corrections, including to the original front left side window that was already up.
There have also been changes at the front were I've completetly changed the design of a section. As this was one of the first bits to be built, I didn't really have a clue how to approach it whereas now; I really have gotten into a work flow.
especially with my pillars:
Changes to the front.
From my creative copy:
In the actual survival world:
Over the weekend I have been also staring to build up the walls on the far opposite side not by the ocean, in hopes to build up the big bay window that side, but first I had to build up the lower walls:
As well as the countless trips mining stone (There's a ravine nearby on the ocean side thankfully), I have also been using silk touch and fortune to get plenty of copper. It's a good job it's so abundant as I will need sooooo much. So from time to time I've been fortuning the silk touched ore, smelting them and then laying out the copper blocks in the sun on the interior of the cathedral.
Enough to fill the copper slab roof slops from the side windows AND add to more of the front peak at the front of the build:
(Also reduced the height of the front left tower to match the right one.)
I've also had a hell of a time with the back wall not lining up. So much so, that I have had to make a compromise and make the very back circular section a lot smaller, but it's been an extensive rebuild and rebuild:
There's a possibility I might be able to make it as wide as the side ones again and maybe only lose one of the windows either side at the back, but I've yet to explore this.
I've literally just finally finished rebuilding the 2nd bay window on the original side in order to make sure it's counter one on the opposite side will line up too.
As you seen there is a line between the two bay window sections and their towers as it has to join up all the way along, just like the front; to form the centrepiece. The rounded section which I've built up a little more also has to come right up to that line!
I took more of a break from it yesterday and in the week I'll probably do a little more but not as much as I would normally as I recover from illness. there have been times when I've realised mistakes made and said "I'll get to it tommorrow" but at the same time some of these mistakes in the build have been like an itch I just need to scratch and get right or it'll bug me and bug me.
I will have to build back up some of the last section of the side walls on the coastal aide that I had to tear down, but I'm in the process of building it back up, then it'll be full steam ahead with the opposite side, finishing the 2nd side bay window that side and building up the rest until the corner end!
The 15th December (Yesterday), marked the 3rd official month of my grand cathedral build and things have moved on considerably.
I said to myself that by the end of November I wanted one sude completetly built up, and half a month later I have far suppased this and am currently working on the very top section, right in the very middle of the build.
All the green of the roofs are waxed oxidised copper and I've had to use a tonne of it! Fortunatley with silk touching the ore then fortune III-ing it, it has always been abundant in caves. It's just a matter of keep finding spots in caves to get it. For the front pyramid style roof alone I got 2 shiulkers of copper ore after fotrune III for that section alone. I have removed the window slots above the front peak as when I realigned them up (five each side) I then had to re-centre the arch over the window below it and the three arch entrances. After lining everything up dead centrre withe the middle of the front peak however, the windows I'd just adjusted were now out.
So for now I have left it blank, for now.
I realised recently also, that because of the symmetry of the building IRL, and here that I would have to do the same round the back. After having to minimise the curved section at the rear as things weren't lining up, I spent a weekend building up the back and the back corners. The back has some towers as well which had to be moved around a bit until I was happy with their position compared to the real-life build.
For now, it's pretty plain but detailing will come later. I was glad to get this back closed up and start the pyramid roof to the rear of the building. Here the front of said pyramid is fully done to a basic level, but I need more copper for the sides. I have some ore, just under a stack, so am hoping after I use fortune III on this lot it'll be enough to finish it.
This inside shot is from a bit earlier when all the copper was lying around, but even now little rooms and corridor ways are starting to form at the back.
This side shot shows how much of the back pyramid is done:
I went through a few stacks of wax intitally then went back to the bee dome and grabbed some more and weht through them too. I had to manually wait for the current lot I've just used (Not even a stack of wax) as when I went back I found that only one of my bees was left in the bee dome. It must've been from when I wernt though the nether to another chunk area.
So I've slowed down the last few days as I've been trying to force a new nest to spawn just so I can get another bee and then start filling the dome up again with bees. It's just not giving me one however.
I also did a little more of moving storage down to new storage. Still got some overflow of stuff in the old location and a whole leaves and sapling section to move down. I did make a little walk in section however for the rest of the wood (Later ones like mangrove, bamboo, cherry etc), so I can free that wall of barrels up to organize better.
I guess the next steps are getting the back pyramid roof done, then carry on with the centre top piece. I have to find ways of putting some windows in the top cylinder that will support a dome. Slowly bit by bit there are less gaps up the top of the build and it will be closed in completetly pretty soon. There is some addtional space behind the front of cathedral to close off as well and maybe get rid of some unessasary overhangs.
On my world copy, apart from roofing one of the side cathedral cyclinder bits, my survival version has now surpassed it. In that copy though I did start thinking about a centre floor and designing mews for the inside. I already have some pillars for behind the front doors inside. All lighting inside and out is temporary, to keep the mob cap down as local difficulty in this area is +6. Lighting it nicely on the outside as well will be a challenge. Especially to show it at night.
Meanwhile, I've got, like... a whole half of a city which has a bare foundation of a church/chapel/cathedral that I was going to build in it. I've had that sitting unfinished for over ten years, and then in three months you get a cathedral that has probably more effort put into it than the entirety of what I did in that half of the city.
(Of course, if I actually tried to do it I then could have it done, but this was my way of saying that's fast and impressive work.)
As impressive as it is, it's not always the largest things that are the best. I think that little bee dome is capturing my interest more. With the desire they have to run away and get lost/die, I think I should do that one day. Problem is, I prefer to have the bees as just nature decorations and keeping them contained works against that. Mojang really needs to improve bees.
Meanwhile, I've got, like... a whole half of a city which has a bare foundation of a church/chapel/cathedral that I was going to build in it. I've had that sitting unfinished for over ten years, and then in three months you get a cathedral that has probably more effort put into it than the entirety of what I did in that half of the city.
(Of course, if I actually tried to do it I then could have it done, but this was my way of saying that's fast and impressive work.)
As impressive as it is, it's not always the largest things that are the best. I think that little bee dome is capturing my interest more. With the desire they have to run away and get lost/die, I think I should do that one day. Problem is, I prefer to have the bees as just nature decorations and keeping them contained works against that. Mojang really needs to improve bees.
Thanks. For me one of my actual favourite builds is actually a smaller build, the fishing shop on the corner of the chunk plaza boulevard, formerly a long chunk wall.
It's where that whole project started, I think maybe even filling in a corner for the chunk wall where it turned in around a corner to crete that place. Originally in dirt to begin with until I got the bricks. It was never the prettiest, even when I changed it to bricks and occupied only half that space with some of the chunk wall next to it still showing. (I used this as lore that was once an old store that had long been abandoned).
you can just about see it through the trees:
Until finally:
Even at this stage it was pretty basic, but I just made the empty side part of it, and nothing really changed until I decided to bring the side of that apartment block with the red beams out by a couple of blocks. It took some of the shop extension, but as it was empty then anyway, it didn't matter. It wasn't even a fishing shop then, just an empty shop.
Witht the extension of the apartment block, just by a few blocks it became something more:
Now it's my favourite little place on the world. Sure I have bigger projects like the cathedral or the former ocean monument I turned into a cylindrical sea fort far away, which also got a major change this year. This little place however is my favourite, insided and out. Even finally turning the empty shop space on the top floor this year into a self-contained apartment.
As for the bees, I like to think they have a little independance. There's slots above the windows for them to go in and out of as well as the gap at the top of the dome, and I've observed them use both when the dome has been more full of bees.
Mob A.I in gerneral could use improvement. Why is to so easy to lure a skeletons if you use cover, you know it'll just come over and follow you because they're so dumb then one crit and it's like HAHA Dumb*** skeleton.
As I write this, I am continuing to take a break from my huge cathedral mega-build. I was planning to start again in the new year, but after hitting the 3 month mark on the new project on Dec 15th; I have now decided to rest it until Jan 15th. So that will make for a nice whole month break from it before I get invested in it again.
In the meantime I have been pottering about on the world, less often, and with shorter play times. Just doing odd jobs. I have spent the time using several shulkers and finally getting back to clearing most of the rest of old storage after moving it to it's new location.
In paticular the galleyway nearest me with all the saplings/leaves and vegatation:
Apart from this bow section I have also cleared the galley upstairs, save the pumpking & melon chests which are directly connected to the outside farm via an ice r_ water route. I have plans for this area as a walkthrough area, but recently took down the corner wall I had made and walled off where I am standing. I realize it was the wrong bit to do and will be closing off the former recently cleared vegatation section.
I have also added a crafter to the kelp farm that spits it out into a water stream that connects back to the fuel chest of the kelp farm. I may change the last bit however as it's just a cycle to smelt it to fuelo it. So I may dismantle the water collection into the fuel chest - part.
By January, I had completed the outside of the new Sea Search and rescue building.
[Work was continuing inside but by February, I had a much more interesting distraction.
The old former sea monument site hadn't had any work done to it in the best part of a year. Before I hd started to turn it into a circular base uding a mix of bone blocks and prismirine, but this was well before I started using the Alacrity resource pack. So when I visited it again in february I had to take what I had down as I had a new idea based on something in real life, and the bone blocks didn't cut it any more.
My plan was to turn it into a sea fort / home away from home.Suck a place exists of the UK coast and I wanted to replicate that. An ambitious project realized in the creative copy of my world. So in February I cleared and work continued into March and throughout April.
Also includes an iron stair case utilizing iron trapdoors and of course railings!:
the verey botttom layer still needs work:
By March, as well as the continuing work on the sea fort, I was also considering adding another church elsewhere. After much consideration I decided to put it opposite the ice boat station at the Chunk Plaza Boulevard and began trying to design something in my creative copy. When I rebuilt my old church bigger and better, I was still limited by mountains to the side and behind it. I wanted to do something in free space without those limitations. Also it had been several years so various building techniques of my had also vastly improved. So in a sense I "Wanted to see what I could do" in the present day with unlimited tools and resources, the only limit being of course getting those resources.
In April, as well as continuing the sea fort, I also had enough gold to finally stop being lazy about adding the last gold blocks to the oversized Observatory spyglass at Lookout Mountain. As well as doing some more kitchens at the Chunk Plaza Hotel, I also made sure all the corridors on the far side nearest the office block & Ice Boat station had nice corridors with lighting, paintings and potted plants.
In May it was finally time after some years to say goodbye to the spruce with dark oak trim roof of the main home inside a mountain:
I felt I could do better and I didn't like that the raised living room roof was stonebrick. Originally done when the lava fall was lava and not the faux magma block version is today, due to fire reasons. I decided to use a combination of the new Mangrove wood along with sone deepslate stair trim, especially as the former worked so well with the town hall roof.. There were a couple of sacrifices however.
The old wooden and glass box , the observation deck on the side, would no longer fit this aesthetic. Apart from making a bit rounder in shape it's remained a constant on the side, but looked dated. There was only one thing for it and that was to demolish and rebuild brand new in more sturdy, permable materials. This also went for the wooden exit at the bottom by the dog kennel. known as the "Dog kennel entrance." It was also time to make this a permanent structure of the building after all these years.
It definetly gives off a more Mediterrainian feel these days. Also by the end of May on my creative copy, I was designing a monument for next to the the Sea Search & Rescue centre. I had noticed a strange lump of raised land of it's coast and wanted to do something with it. A monument not for any purporse, but just to be a noticable addition to the build. I had plenty of prismirine so that also seemed a logical choice to make it with. I think it was also this time I decided to make a few little aesthetic changes to the small bridge next to the Chunk Plaza station, foilage, benches, litter bins etc.
This month, more work continued inside the sea fort and I also re-organized the various nether wart related items in the upstairs galled so red was all together one one side and blue was on the other side all together.
Well, congrats on all of your amazing builds this year! I also liked seeing how you were always finding ways to improve and renovate various locations within your world. It definitely provides them with their own unique style and personality.
Well, congrats on all of your amazing builds this year! I also liked seeing how you were always finding ways to improve and renovate various locations within your world. It definitely provides them with their own unique style and personality.
2024 - A year in Review, Part #2
By the middle of the month, changes were afoot at the minecart line ar the back of the science lab. Only3/4 of the track walls had the nice redcoration:
The rest was a mix of andesite and polished andesite. I also wanted to get rid of the cauldron ceiling. The plan was to continue the existing redecoration to the very end of the line and even out to the exit to the front boardwalk outside.
This is in default, those are now stonecutters in the ciling making for an interesting pattern. In the Alacrity resource pack however they look just like the regular stone slabs.
I had also decide on another future major project, and that is where what was going to be the "wetlands" is a distance away from the end of the castle and observatory. The project being, a future stadium. Again in my copy of the world I had cleared the land and started trying to design it, temporarily with snow blocks as they're very easy to build with in creative, though I've still no idea what I might make it with. It's a very modular design.
This is the early land clearing stage, Phase #1:
I realised I needed a way to get to it however from the castle and a new bridge seemed the like a great idea, or rather and old bridge, say from 2011 no longer around and hasn't been for a decade:
I wanted to rebuild this iconic original but basic 2010 bridge, seen here in 2011. With an intent to also improve it a "What if" situation; "What if I had of kept it? How would I of developed it?"/p]
Of course it has one major difference alreasy, and that is, as well as walking over it, there is also an ice boat track down the middle now:
It's an ongoing long-term project, the stadium, and how to develop the bridge, although it hasn't seen any more work done in months:
In addition, I addedand extension onto the castle for the first time in years, a small extension as I was tired of the minecart tracks going into and along the castle wall:
This month I comtemplated changing all the windows at the town hall, some were quartz but when that run out some were diorite the only other available white stair and slab combination at the time. I wanted something more consistent, so therefore proposed vhanging them all to one type.
After some development I came up I liked including sandstone ledges above and below them that compliment the brickwork.
I also finally fufilled puttting spore blossoms at every other interval along the main bridge after finding a new lush cave not far away from the Beta spawn bell tower. Even though I had a dirt column up and pthways as they were over a very large and dangerous cavern fall.
September - December
On the very last day or two of August going into December I finally decided to move my storage after 14 years, converting from double chests to barrels. I was against barrels for main storage as you caouldn't double them up, however, I realized that by using barrels it would be much easier to kep them topped up being singles.
I selected this rarly used back corridor from the moss farm to the super smelters in storage:
On my creative copy I had been designing my "church" which was more a cathedral, based of one in real life. By mid September I had started laying the foundations out in dirt. This build so far has been very challenging, especially as it is a very symmetrical build and so getting that symmetry right has involved coulds rebuilds and re-do's along the way.
Although I have built large things, I consider this my true first "mega-build", not just in this world but in any world. I've never built to this scale with any project, and there's still work to do.
Latest pictures:
In 2025, I don't know what the future will bring. There are still some small key projects to do but it will be the worlds's 15th anniversary in October. I hope to have decided on the future stadium's block I will make with it and have fully designed it on my copy (Well under way) and at least hope to have started it.
I never actually use the outline options in shaders, mostly because they start impacting the look of water if you're level with it and the look of things in the distance, but they look way better than they have any right to for taking pictures.
I never actually use the outline options in shaders, mostly because they start impacting the look of water if you're level with it and the look of things in the distance, but they look way better than they have any right to for taking pictures.
Up until that point i never liked it when players used outlines on shaders, but when I started using BSL at that time, I intitally I just tweaked the saturation. This led to playing with using outlines and I found I kinda liked it after all. It felt like it really helped enhance the new roof even more. Over the years the dividers down the roof has really become a "thing" with me /"my thing".
After the 15th December, I decided to take a break from the cathedral project. The holidays were coming up, everyone's busy including myself, so I thought it would be good to take a break from it. My original plan was to continue in the new year, however, once in the new year; I decided to extend this to the 15th January. Thus I have had a month break from the project. What little I did play was only in very short periods.
Upon starting back I started making simple arches inside which has really transformed things already. No longer does it just look like the back of the exterior, now it's really starting to feel like a building on the inside too.
With all of these that have just a singular block support it's so hopefully, I can build around them and make them more 3 dimensional, so think of them as the inside spines. These arches do make the place look a lot nicer however!
I also started filling in the back roofs to close things in a little:
In the last picture on the back two lower towers, you'll notice ring lighting around the edge of what i've nicknamed the "landing pad" roofs. Lighting this inside and out later on will be a challenge so this is an idea for that section. Due to the way it's built, I was able to have a trench around the edges and fill it with end rods so it comes alive with light and ZERO mobs!
I can't do this everywhere of course, but eventually, subtle lighting and not torch spam will have to be achieved. I aslo filled in the roof around the circular support at the top so I could work on it. There are now three top spots to fill, the roofs over the "silo" style side pieces and the dome that has to go in the middle.
Speaking of the circular support for the dome, my next task was to extend that up further in total to 11 blocks:
I have also done these window designs on the other three sides of the cylider ae well. This also applies to the box support underneath, originally meant to be an octogon. I couldn't just leave it as a plain box so added a couple of little widows either side of the copper peak roof and continued this idea round the sides:
It's just some nice little detailing, and the side ones took some working out. Originally I had them every other block, but that was too many windows in the end so I worked it out evenly and in the revised version it works out that there's a 3 block wide wall between each window leading to about 8 windows to let that light in.
With the dome, on my creative copy, I initially did it in glass and I know yopu can get a nice round glass dome as I've dome them before for the bee domes, however it just wasn't satisfying me. So I started putting copper over the top to match the other roofs as it does have slabs and stairs, and of course now we have copper trapdoors to take advantage of.
The result isn't perfect but from a distance it will look good, so | guess I will need even more copper now! I have been trying to get the top peak at the back closed up also after getting one side back against the wall, trying to get the other side done:
Also at the front of the build, the mid peak above the arched windows; that roof has to go further back against to the wall to close up gaps. One of the other thing I did was decided how to close some of those front parts up on the inside, which meant have to make those decisions. If you look at the overhead map you will notice there are only a few gaps now.
This was whilst I was doing some work behind the front, on the inside:
For my next steps, I don't think I will start the dome yet. I will get that last back roof finished and sealed off. I have also started adding to the top of the left side (front facing) silo (Gotta stop calling them that!) for the gradual sloped roof. Again however, this is going to take SO MUCH copper. In the mean time I will see what I need to add to the "silos", in terms of details and windows next I think.
WOW, rare nowadays to see such elegance and detail put into a large-scale build. I guess that speaks to the patience involved, but it pays off. Really great work here.
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LP series? Not my style! Video series? Closer, but not quite. Survival journal, maybe? That's better. Now in Season 4 of the Legends of Quintropolis Journal (<< click to view)!! World download and more can be found there.
Cathedral Updates
I meant to post this yeasterday but I've not been well, in fact right now it's 6:12am and I've been awake since 5:30am.

In terms of the cathedral, ALOT has happenned. ALOT of advancement and some costly rebuilding, costly in terms of time. I have however, persevereed One thing I didn't appreciate was how symetrical the real life building was, so lining things up has been a bit of a nightmare. From getting both sides exact to having to do the big bay windows (That consist of 3 windows) again and again as things have not lined up.
At first I started the big 2nd side window:
There's two of these big sections on the left and right side of the build and one of the key things I got wrong was the fact that with the towers, only one stuck out, the other comes only slightly out of the middle wall, which meant corrections, including to the original front left side window that was already up.
There have also been changes at the front were I've completetly changed the design of a section. As this was one of the first bits to be built, I didn't really have a clue how to approach it whereas now; I really have gotten into a work flow.
especially with my pillars:
Changes to the front.
From my creative copy:
In the actual survival world:
Over the weekend I have been also staring to build up the walls on the far opposite side not by the ocean, in hopes to build up the big bay window that side, but first I had to build up the lower walls:
As well as the countless trips mining stone (There's a ravine nearby on the ocean side thankfully), I have also been using silk touch and fortune to get plenty of copper. It's a good job it's so abundant as I will need sooooo much. So from time to time I've been fortuning the silk touched ore, smelting them and then laying out the copper blocks in the sun on the interior of the cathedral.
Enough to fill the copper slab roof slops from the side windows AND add to more of the front peak at the front of the build:
(Also reduced the height of the front left tower to match the right one.)
I've also had a hell of a time with the back wall not lining up. So much so, that I have had to make a compromise and make the very back circular section a lot smaller, but it's been an extensive rebuild and rebuild:
There's a possibility I might be able to make it as wide as the side ones again and maybe only lose one of the windows either side at the back, but I've yet to explore this.
I've literally just finally finished rebuilding the 2nd bay window on the original side in order to make sure it's counter one on the opposite side will line up too.
As you seen there is a line between the two bay window sections and their towers as it has to join up all the way along, just like the front; to form the centrepiece. The rounded section which I've built up a little more also has to come right up to that line!
I took more of a break from it yesterday and in the week I'll probably do a little more but not as much as I would normally as I recover from illness. there have been times when I've realised mistakes made and said "I'll get to it tommorrow" but at the same time some of these mistakes in the build have been like an itch I just need to scratch and get right or it'll bug me and bug me.
I will have to build back up some of the last section of the side walls on the coastal aide that I had to tear down, but I'm in the process of building it back up, then it'll be full steam ahead with the opposite side, finishing the 2nd side bay window that side and building up the rest until the corner end!
Closed old thread
16yrs+ only
The 15th December (Yesterday), marked the 3rd official month of my grand cathedral build and things have moved on considerably.
I said to myself that by the end of November I wanted one sude completetly built up, and half a month later I have far suppased this and am currently working on the very top section, right in the very middle of the build.
All the green of the roofs are waxed oxidised copper and I've had to use a tonne of it! Fortunatley with silk touching the ore then fortune III-ing it, it has always been abundant in caves. It's just a matter of keep finding spots in caves to get it. For the front pyramid style roof alone I got 2 shiulkers of copper ore after fotrune III for that section alone. I have removed the window slots above the front peak as when I realigned them up (five each side) I then had to re-centre the arch over the window below it and the three arch entrances. After lining everything up dead centrre withe the middle of the front peak however, the windows I'd just adjusted were now out.
So for now I have left it blank, for now.
I realised recently also, that because of the symmetry of the building IRL, and here that I would have to do the same round the back. After having to minimise the curved section at the rear as things weren't lining up, I spent a weekend building up the back and the back corners. The back has some towers as well which had to be moved around a bit until I was happy with their position compared to the real-life build.
For now, it's pretty plain but detailing will come later. I was glad to get this back closed up and start the pyramid roof to the rear of the building. Here the front of said pyramid is fully done to a basic level, but I need more copper for the sides. I have some ore, just under a stack, so am hoping after I use fortune III on this lot it'll be enough to finish it.
This inside shot is from a bit earlier when all the copper was lying around, but even now little rooms and corridor ways are starting to form at the back.
This side shot shows how much of the back pyramid is done:
I went through a few stacks of wax intitally then went back to the bee dome and grabbed some more and weht through them too. I had to manually wait for the current lot I've just used (Not even a stack of wax) as when I went back I found that only one of my bees was left in the bee dome. It must've been from when I wernt though the nether to another chunk area.
So I've slowed down the last few days as I've been trying to force a new nest to spawn just so I can get another bee and then start filling the dome up again with bees. It's just not giving me one however.
I also did a little more of moving storage down to new storage. Still got some overflow of stuff in the old location and a whole leaves and sapling section to move down. I did make a little walk in section however for the rest of the wood (Later ones like mangrove, bamboo, cherry etc), so I can free that wall of barrels up to organize better.
I guess the next steps are getting the back pyramid roof done, then carry on with the centre top piece. I have to find ways of putting some windows in the top cylinder that will support a dome. Slowly bit by bit there are less gaps up the top of the build and it will be closed in completetly pretty soon. There is some addtional space behind the front of cathedral to close off as well and maybe get rid of some unessasary overhangs.
On my world copy, apart from roofing one of the side cathedral cyclinder bits, my survival version has now surpassed it. In that copy though I did start thinking about a centre floor and designing mews for the inside. I already have some pillars for behind the front doors inside. All lighting inside and out is temporary, to keep the mob cap down as local difficulty in this area is +6. Lighting it nicely on the outside as well will be a challenge. Especially to show it at night.
Map stuff: (Using MCA Selector) chunk editor
Closed old thread
16yrs+ only
Meanwhile, I've got, like... a whole half of a city which has a bare foundation of a church/chapel/cathedral that I was going to build in it. I've had that sitting unfinished for over ten years, and then in three months you get a cathedral that has probably more effort put into it than the entirety of what I did in that half of the city.
(Of course, if I actually tried to do it I then could have it done, but this was my way of saying that's fast and impressive work.)
As impressive as it is, it's not always the largest things that are the best. I think that little bee dome is capturing my interest more. With the desire they have to run away and get lost/die, I think I should do that one day. Problem is, I prefer to have the bees as just nature decorations and keeping them contained works against that. Mojang really needs to improve bees.
Thanks. For me one of my actual favourite builds is actually a smaller build, the fishing shop on the corner of the chunk plaza boulevard, formerly a long chunk wall.
It's where that whole project started, I think maybe even filling in a corner for the chunk wall where it turned in around a corner to crete that place. Originally in dirt to begin with until I got the bricks. It was never the prettiest, even when I changed it to bricks and occupied only half that space with some of the chunk wall next to it still showing. (I used this as lore that was once an old store that had long been abandoned).
you can just about see it through the trees:
Until finally:
Even at this stage it was pretty basic, but I just made the empty side part of it, and nothing really changed until I decided to bring the side of that apartment block with the red beams out by a couple of blocks. It took some of the shop extension, but as it was empty then anyway, it didn't matter. It wasn't even a fishing shop then, just an empty shop.
Witht the extension of the apartment block, just by a few blocks it became something more:
Now it's my favourite little place on the world. Sure I have bigger projects like the cathedral or the former ocean monument I turned into a cylindrical sea fort far away, which also got a major change this year. This little place however is my favourite, insided and out. Even finally turning the empty shop space on the top floor this year into a self-contained apartment.
As for the bees, I like to think they have a little independance. There's slots above the windows for them to go in and out of as well as the gap at the top of the dome, and I've observed them use both when the dome has been more full of bees.
Mob A.I in gerneral could use improvement. Why is to so easy to lure a skeletons if you use cover, you know it'll just come over and follow you because they're so dumb then one crit and it's like HAHA Dumb*** skeleton.
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16yrs+ only
2024 - A year in Review, Part #1

As I write this, I am continuing to take a break from my huge cathedral mega-build. I was planning to start again in the new year, but after hitting the 3 month mark on the new project on Dec 15th; I have now decided to rest it until Jan 15th. So that will make for a nice whole month break from it before I get invested in it again.
In the meantime I have been pottering about on the world, less often, and with shorter play times. Just doing odd jobs. I have spent the time using several shulkers and finally getting back to clearing most of the rest of old storage after moving it to it's new location.
In paticular the galleyway nearest me with all the saplings/leaves and vegatation:
Apart from this bow section I have also cleared the galley upstairs, save the pumpking & melon chests which are directly connected to the outside farm via an ice r_ water route. I have plans for this area as a walkthrough area, but recently took down the corner wall I had made and walled off where I am standing. I realize it was the wrong bit to do and will be closing off the former recently cleared vegatation section.
I have also added a crafter to the kelp farm that spits it out into a water stream that connects back to the fuel chest of the kelp farm. I may change the last bit however as it's just a cycle to smelt it to fuelo it. So I may dismantle the water collection into the fuel chest - part.
By January, I had completed the outside of the new Sea Search and rescue building.
[Work was continuing inside but by February, I had a much more interesting distraction.
The old former sea monument site hadn't had any work done to it in the best part of a year. Before I hd started to turn it into a circular base uding a mix of bone blocks and prismirine, but this was well before I started using the Alacrity resource pack. So when I visited it again in february I had to take what I had down as I had a new idea based on something in real life, and the bone blocks didn't cut it any more.
My plan was to turn it into a sea fort / home away from home.Suck a place exists of the UK coast and I wanted to replicate that. An ambitious project realized in the creative copy of my world. So in February I cleared and work continued into March and throughout April.
Also includes an iron stair case utilizing iron trapdoors and of course railings!:
the verey botttom layer still needs work:
By March, as well as the continuing work on the sea fort, I was also considering adding another church elsewhere. After much consideration I decided to put it opposite the ice boat station at the Chunk Plaza Boulevard and began trying to design something in my creative copy. When I rebuilt my old church bigger and better, I was still limited by mountains to the side and behind it. I wanted to do something in free space without those limitations. Also it had been several years so various building techniques of my had also vastly improved. So in a sense I "Wanted to see what I could do" in the present day with unlimited tools and resources, the only limit being of course getting those resources.
In April, as well as continuing the sea fort, I also had enough gold to finally stop being lazy about adding the last gold blocks to the oversized Observatory spyglass at Lookout Mountain. As well as doing some more kitchens at the Chunk Plaza Hotel, I also made sure all the corridors on the far side nearest the office block & Ice Boat station had nice corridors with lighting, paintings and potted plants.
In May it was finally time after some years to say goodbye to the spruce with dark oak trim roof of the main home inside a mountain:
I felt I could do better and I didn't like that the raised living room roof was stonebrick. Originally done when the lava fall was lava and not the faux magma block version is today, due to fire reasons. I decided to use a combination of the new Mangrove wood along with sone deepslate stair trim, especially as the former worked so well with the town hall roof.. There were a couple of sacrifices however.
The old wooden and glass box , the observation deck on the side, would no longer fit this aesthetic. Apart from making a bit rounder in shape it's remained a constant on the side, but looked dated. There was only one thing for it and that was to demolish and rebuild brand new in more sturdy, permable materials. This also went for the wooden exit at the bottom by the dog kennel. known as the "Dog kennel entrance." It was also time to make this a permanent structure of the building after all these years.

It definetly gives off a more Mediterrainian feel these days. Also by the end of May on my creative copy, I was designing a monument for next to the the Sea Search & Rescue centre. I had noticed a strange lump of raised land of it's coast and wanted to do something with it. A monument not for any purporse, but just to be a noticable addition to the build. I had plenty of prismirine so that also seemed a logical choice to make it with. I think it was also this time I decided to make a few little aesthetic changes to the small bridge next to the Chunk Plaza station, foilage, benches, litter bins etc.
This month, more work continued inside the sea fort and I also re-organized the various nether wart related items in the upstairs galled so red was all together one one side and blue was on the other side all together.
Continued in part #2
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16yrs+ only
Dang You Mfs Are cool
Dang You Mfs Are cool
Just block
Well, congrats on all of your amazing builds this year! I also liked seeing how you were always finding ways to improve and renovate various locations within your world. It definitely provides them with their own unique style and personality.
2024 - A year in Review, Part #2
By the middle of the month, changes were afoot at the minecart line ar the back of the science lab. Only3/4 of the track walls had the nice redcoration:

The rest was a mix of andesite and polished andesite. I also wanted to get rid of the cauldron ceiling. The plan was to continue the existing redecoration to the very end of the line and even out to the exit to the front boardwalk outside.
This is in default, those are now stonecutters in the ciling making for an interesting pattern. In the Alacrity resource pack however they look just like the regular stone slabs.
I had also decide on another future major project, and that is where what was going to be the "wetlands" is a distance away from the end of the castle and observatory. The project being, a future stadium. Again in my copy of the world I had cleared the land and started trying to design it, temporarily with snow blocks as they're very easy to build with in creative, though I've still no idea what I might make it with. It's a very modular design.
This is the early land clearing stage, Phase #1:
I realised I needed a way to get to it however from the castle and a new bridge seemed the like a great idea, or rather and old bridge, say from 2011 no longer around and hasn't been for a decade:
I wanted to rebuild this iconic original but basic 2010 bridge, seen here in 2011. With an intent to also improve it a "What if" situation; "What if I had of kept it? How would I of developed it?"/p]
Of course it has one major difference alreasy, and that is, as well as walking over it, there is also an ice boat track down the middle now:
It's an ongoing long-term project, the stadium, and how to develop the bridge, although it hasn't seen any more work done in months:
In addition, I addedand extension onto the castle for the first time in years, a small extension as I was tired of the minecart tracks going into and along the castle wall:
This month I comtemplated changing all the windows at the town hall, some were quartz but when that run out some were diorite the only other available white stair and slab combination at the time. I wanted something more consistent, so therefore proposed vhanging them all to one type.

After some development I came up I liked including sandstone ledges above and below them that compliment the brickwork.
I also finally fufilled puttting spore blossoms at every other interval along the main bridge after finding a new lush cave not far away from the Beta spawn bell tower. Even though I had a dirt column up and pthways as they were over a very large and dangerous cavern fall.
September - December
On the very last day or two of August going into December I finally decided to move my storage after 14 years, converting from double chests to barrels. I was against barrels for main storage as you caouldn't double them up, however, I realized that by using barrels it would be much easier to kep them topped up being singles.

I selected this rarly used back corridor from the moss farm to the super smelters in storage:
On my creative copy I had been designing my "church" which was more a cathedral, based of one in real life. By mid September I had started laying the foundations out in dirt. This build so far has been very challenging, especially as it is a very symmetrical build and so getting that symmetry right has involved coulds rebuilds and re-do's along the way.
Although I have built large things, I consider this my true first "mega-build", not just in this world but in any world. I've never built to this scale with any project, and there's still work to do.
Latest pictures:
In 2025, I don't know what the future will bring. There are still some small key projects to do but it will be the worlds's 15th anniversary in October. I hope to have decided on the future stadium's block I will make with it and have fully designed it on my copy (Well under way) and at least hope to have started it.
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16yrs+ only
I like that roof design.
I never actually use the outline options in shaders, mostly because they start impacting the look of water if you're level with it and the look of things in the distance, but they look way better than they have any right to for taking pictures.
Up until that point i never liked it when players used outlines on shaders, but when I started using BSL at that time, I intitally I just tweaked the saturation. This led to playing with using outlines and I found I kinda liked it after all. It felt like it really helped enhance the new roof even more. Over the years the dividers down the roof has really become a "thing" with me /"my thing".
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16yrs+ only
Small advances

After the 15th December, I decided to take a break from the cathedral project. The holidays were coming up, everyone's busy including myself, so I thought it would be good to take a break from it. My original plan was to continue in the new year, however, once in the new year; I decided to extend this to the 15th January. Thus I have had a month break from the project. What little I did play was only in very short periods.
Upon starting back I started making simple arches inside which has really transformed things already. No longer does it just look like the back of the exterior, now it's really starting to feel like a building on the inside too.
With all of these that have just a singular block support it's so hopefully, I can build around them and make them more 3 dimensional, so think of them as the inside spines. These arches do make the place look a lot nicer however!
I also started filling in the back roofs to close things in a little:
In the last picture on the back two lower towers, you'll notice ring lighting around the edge of what i've nicknamed the "landing pad" roofs. Lighting this inside and out later on will be a challenge so this is an idea for that section. Due to the way it's built, I was able to have a trench around the edges and fill it with end rods so it comes alive with light and ZERO mobs!
I can't do this everywhere of course, but eventually, subtle lighting and not torch spam will have to be achieved. I aslo filled in the roof around the circular support at the top so I could work on it. There are now three top spots to fill, the roofs over the "silo" style side pieces and the dome that has to go in the middle.
Speaking of the circular support for the dome, my next task was to extend that up further in total to 11 blocks:
I have also done these window designs on the other three sides of the cylider ae well. This also applies to the box support underneath, originally meant to be an octogon. I couldn't just leave it as a plain box so added a couple of little widows either side of the copper peak roof and continued this idea round the sides:
It's just some nice little detailing, and the side ones took some working out. Originally I had them every other block, but that was too many windows in the end so I worked it out evenly and in the revised version it works out that there's a 3 block wide wall between each window leading to about 8 windows to let that light in.
With the dome, on my creative copy, I initially did it in glass and I know yopu can get a nice round glass dome as I've dome them before for the bee domes, however it just wasn't satisfying me. So I started putting copper over the top to match the other roofs as it does have slabs and stairs, and of course now we have copper trapdoors to take advantage of.
The result isn't perfect but from a distance it will look good, so | guess I will need even more copper now! I have been trying to get the top peak at the back closed up also after getting one side back against the wall, trying to get the other side done:
Also at the front of the build, the mid peak above the arched windows; that roof has to go further back against to the wall to close up gaps. One of the other thing I did was decided how to close some of those front parts up on the inside, which meant have to make those decisions. If you look at the overhead map you will notice there are only a few gaps now.
This was whilst I was doing some work behind the front, on the inside:
For my next steps, I don't think I will start the dome yet. I will get that last back roof finished and sealed off. I have also started adding to the top of the left side (front facing) silo (Gotta stop calling them that!) for the gradual sloped roof. Again however, this is going to take SO MUCH copper. In the mean time I will see what I need to add to the "silos", in terms of details and windows next I think.
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16yrs+ only
That is a spectacular interior space. Eager to see what you do with it (although I know that's a ways off).
Geographicraft (formerly Climate Control) - Control climate, ocean, and land sizes; stop chunk walls; put modded biomes into Default worlds, and more!
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Better Forests Varied and beautiful trees and forests, in modern Minecraft.
WOW, rare nowadays to see such elegance and detail put into a large-scale build. I guess that speaks to the patience involved, but it pays off. Really great work here.
LP series? Not my style! Video series? Closer, but not quite. Survival journal, maybe? That's better. Now in Season 4 of the Legends of Quintropolis Journal (<< click to view)!! World download and more can be found there.