Main World Current version: 1.20.1 Started: Alpha 1.20 Resource Pack: Alacrity Shaders: Photon
Data packs: 4 bark blocks, 12 trapdoors, moar stairs and rotten flesh to leather, timber datapack
Brief Introduction(Compacted version): Created in Alpha v 1.2.0, before the original Halloween update, I found this mountain from the back that had a a single block width of water came out the side. I wanted to build a room directly below the waterfall (Widened over time of course) so that there was no glass needed, a water-window you could see through. This was my initial idea. Around the front the mountain was a huge hollow area with lava pouring down in front of the hollow. I had an idea to build a level floor half-way up in the hollow, behind the lava fall, and create a living area. Before the top of the mountain there was another small hole/cave nook which would become the bedroom. These were my two premises for building there.
2014/2015 - 2020: This was the "Re-generation" improving areas inside and outside my mountain home, open plan living new ideas all the time to improve things. The main little jobs are done (Apart from the ongoing Mount DOOOooom Project and "Chunk Wall Plaza".), now I'm onto the bigger projects, I never tire of it.
2020 - 2024: Has seen some major changes including texturizing the castle and improvements to it's back courtyard, the construction of the New Town Hall by the main station and Sea Search 7 Rescue Centre on the island of the end of the main station as well as a complete renovation of the Old sea base (Former sea monument) into a sea fort/home.
The Main homestead - This includes the beach front area and stables behind the neighbouring mountain.
At the front of the house we have the plaque forged in a slab of obsidian, in this area we also have access to the Underground food farms, the tree farms, kennel entrance and the tunnel in the neighbouring mountain to the Horse/donkey and sheep barn buildings.
Donkey loading Bay
Moved it's original location from by the kennel entrance and now resides just outside the boundary wall next to the everyday stables. Here any donkey can be led down directly to the storage foyer at the end of the corridor and tied to the hook (Dark oak fence) on the side wall, to be loaded or unloaded.
This directly leads into the lobby before storage and storage entrance to the library. Previously this was the lower underwater storage extension idea that was scrapped, the above level has been remodelled to house three super-smelters - for food cooking, general smelting and a blast furnace super-smelter for ores.
As we approach the main home entrance there is also a little side entrance to the right for the bunny enclosure. This can also be accessed from the lobby by storage via a water column elevator.
Back in the day the extension was an old darkened mushroom farm - only accessed by the rear corridor from the living room before I knocked through and modernized. The stairs you see in the extension leads down to the dog kennel also.
Near the door to all these areas, back in the Living Room, is the door to the rear corridor and back entrance to the home. Originally in Alpha, the water-windowed corridor was a viewing room, but in this modern day it's now a walk-through from the back entrance through to the dinning room:
From the second to last and last pictures of the corridor, we can see the foyer (Also neighbouring the arch in the main living room) that leads to the Dinning room:
In the back wall behind the pool there used to be changing rooms which were gutted and sealed over. With the modernization, I opened these areas up and the mountain above it so that whole back area behind the pool became a back-lot for the pool.
Back inside the corridor are the stairs up to the bedroom with on-suite bathroom:
Along a short corridor from the bedroom (Previously the original en-suite bathroom location and spare bedroom before that) is the V.I.P. room over looking the pool:
Through the door by the water-window:
Overlooking the pool:
Below that, lies the private garden.
Back at the V.I.P. room, the door to the left of the water window leads to a small lobby and flight of shallow stairs out near the top of the mountain towards the Observation deck. Originally a hole at the side of the mountain (In Alpha) that was formed into a room.
Go back through the VIP room and back down the stairs, and you're back in the lobby By the dinning room where there is a large painting of the home in Alpha - and the water elevator down to storage! Also the Wool Emporium, Concrete Mixing room, Enchantment and Map room, the armory and into the science lab. There are also some farms down what was originally a dug mineshaft down turned into a stairwell that contains: the moss farm, a simple sugar cane farm and new for 2023 a clay/brick farm and stone/stonebrick farm.
Decontamination room:
Behind main lab reception there is also a door to the Nether Wart farm:
*The whole science lab area, potions room, reception were all one very big dark cave originally until BETA that went back round on itself, used as a mob area. Outside the back of the science lab is the emergency minecart exit.
SEE: Minecart Network section further down the page.
BACK IN MAIN STORAGE, if you travel to the end of the extension where all the water related stuff resides (Fish, Shells, kelp, glow ink sacs, fishing rods, etc) There's a dip down to the foyer from the donkey tunnel entrance, of which also leads through to the Library and library study, amethyst and snow farms - both on the stairs down to the main mob grinder, Nether portal and slime farm.
There is also an axolotl tank on the stairs down too!
First up the Library:
Study hall, formerly the old villager trading hall:
Carrying on back down the stairs, we have the amethyst farm, axolotl tank, snow farm and in the very bottom of the mountain the main mob grinder, slime farm and nether portal.
Amethyst farm:
[images] *These side doors we are by lead down to the collection chamber.
This is the only time I've had to use commands to give myself the blocks they grown on as you can oply get that way or from the creative inventory - and I wasn't about to start turning it to creative.
Back to the top and outside round the back there is also the Art Gallery & Museum, following the removal of the floating glass & conrete walkway outside it, the iside of this room was also hugely extended after my first stronghold/End trip. Especially as there are now more ore variants following the Cliffs & Caves update.
*This can also be accessed by that entrance as a corner corridor was added inside to link to the stairs down from the top.
Tree farms:
The Oak and birch trees aret on top of the nearby mountain, where the maze used to be; with nearby acacia anf dark oark tree farms. Further back on the side on the higher nearby mountain we have the jungle and spruce tree farms (With jungle tree-house) and even further back from the spruce trees via a small footbridge across the mountain chasm, a new small cherry tree farm.
Neutral Mob pens:
Horse & Sheep Barns:
Originally located on the reverse wall of the swimming pool, this recently moved (LATE April 2015) to behind a neighboring mountain by the entrance home with tree farms (Formerly a maze)on top and the Dark Oak/ Acacia tree farms via a new tunnel burrowed through the mountain base.
through the tunnel to the buildings:
Horse/Donkey barn:
sheep barn:
The pathway also continues from the sheep farm to a bridge crossing a small lake/nature reserve. In the future a new palace will be in the restored desert following it. Hopefully by the end of 2024.
Oriental garden
Formerly the site of the old apartment block (September 2011, extended & redecorated 2013, demolished: May 2016); I first created an oriental garden or tried to. The main stay of which was the oriental gate, in 2017 I started the oriental home - already half-built in another world originally. This has consequently been taken down.
Bee Farm
After failing to create something sircular free-hand, I went to and mapped out this dome to build, and I nearly went crossed eyed and crazy in the process! The main larger dome has the free bees, whilst the smaller dome is the more smaller farming of trapped bees.
Travelling away from the bee dome via the ocean and some buoy markers there will be a future villa in an area that again had very low chunk error walls and is currently being regenerated.
Chunk Plaza Station
At the Chunk Plaza station, Formerly the Half-way House station.
After October 2018, the old station and the mound of land behind it have been demolished. The old station house was fashioned out of the odd land mass there in Beta so the build molded around it, there was never any "design aspect" in it's creation when made a proper building. After several years it was retired, as it doesn't "Cut it" as a place in today's world. After flattening the old place, it has been re-developed into two separate platforms linked by a stairwell gangway across from one to another and has been re-named into the Chunk Plaza station. In 2023 the station house was extended, with a new roof and over-hang canopy.
In July 2022, on the land adjacent to behind the main reformed Chunk Plaza Station before the corner of the Chunk Plaza Boulevard and what id Now the Fishing shop on the corner; a brand new Town Hall was built and ended up being a new home for the local trading villagers. This has come to be known as the Chunnk Plaza Square. It also contains an unspecified tudor style fronted building to it's right. The Town Hall also marked over 6000 days in 2022, another reason the new town hall was commisioned.
BEFORE Thumbs:
It looms over the station!:
Chunk Plaza Square:
Due to the oldness of the world there's bound to be ugly chunk walls, Just off the 2022 Town Hall, was another ugly chunk wall I have been converting into shops & homes in a re-generation since November 2015. The first birch & jungle trim boardwalk was laid November 2014, but work onn the plaza did not continue really until the previous given date in 2015.
BEFORE Thumbs:
Chunk Plaza Boulevard:
Sea Search & Rescue Centre:
Located on the island off the end of the Chunk Plaza Station and it's water feature, the new centre was inspired by the introduction of bamboo wood and the ability to create rafts. As a result, on the left side of the stairs down to platform #1 of the Chunk Plaza Station an opening was made in the wall and a rural path of course dirt leads the way and can be followed completetly or you can cut across the new (for 2024) footbridge across the recently installed resivior. Which, was a previous idea slow to get started, and also helps the chunk wall apect which was covered on one side by my custom fences.
Halfway House
*In the past (Alpha/Beta)this was halfway to another huge area of land with snow and infinite burning forest. Unfortunately this world got accidentally deleted - twice, so that area of land re-generated and was no more. Pity I loved that area and used to have a cemetery there too; so this was house was halfway between my current home and there. It began as a facade covering the 16x16 gap in the chunk error wall, but in the 2013/2014 I extended and used either side of the chunk walls as extensions, giving me much more room! Various face lifts to make it less flat, upstairs extensions and removal of a flat glass bedroom room for a dome have been added, as well as the neighbouring monorail. In 2023 the exterior gap of the chunk error rail line tunnel was filled in with an forward extension.
Kitchen diner: (Still W.I.P.)
Living Room:
Leads into the back (Formerly storage) into the divided corridor & bathroom:
Upstairs to storage: (Still W.I.P.)
Bedroom from the reception lobby stairs and en-suite bathroom on the right as you go up. Plus the very nice view from the large bay window:
En-suite bathroom:
*In the summer of 2023, a forward extension was added in front the rear minecart tunnel/former chunk error filling the gap for a new station:
From the monorail, the existing trees farms were removed and a path/stairway over the moud to the new bridge added that now goed to BETA spawn:
After 10 years a gold block with a sign was placed at BETA spawn, but that is all. Now however, this area has been celebrated with a brand new bell tower, NEW for the summer of 2023:
*As well as a couple of ice pools nearby for farming ice.
Across the ocean...
St Primus church
Originally I build across the across in Alpha, because I could, and to see what was over there. I ended up building a cobble hut that stood empty for several months as I had no idea what to do with it. Sometime in Beta I converted it into the first version of the church.
In December 2014, I rebuilt this church. After an initial idea to just double-height it I had many ideas on how to improve it, including one wacky idea to box round the mountain behind & beside it and excavate it inside for the new size of the church. In the end, I decided to build on the ground (Grass) behind the church incorporating some of the existing church. This granted much more height to the build and proper stained glass windows. In November 2019 however, with my roofs having developed and improved over time - Just like Mount DOOOooom it was time to give the old roof a new look.
Low-key rear entrance:
Lookout Mountain Observation Platform
So in late 2016 I was going to build a vicarage just down from the church but my friend said halving the mountain would look unnatural and there was too little room to build on top. He did come up with the great idea for a tower on top of the mountain however which is when I envisioned a circular beauty with balconies, look-out platforms and lots of stained glass windows and a giant spyglass added in later years.
Access is from the bottom of the mountain via two water shoots to the first landing then another two to the second landing.
Mount DOOOOoooom:
I found this mountain in Beta, it was odd-shaped and had two dirt columns sticking out at the top; it reminded me of something out of Lord of The Rings! It also looked ugly as it was on a chunk border. I named it so however, in reference to a Monty Python film. The original plan was to keep the original shape as much as possible, but convert it all to stone. By 2012, I had done so much but gave up, for most of that year nothing continued to get done to 2013. Over the years the main tower has been re-built 3 - 4 times and pushed back further in location in 2019, from 2014 were the biggest changes however with perimeter walls, corner towers with two gate towers between the front two and the elimination of the "Stem tower" (Squarish build on top of a back mountain with the later lower mountain being removed to just a thinner tower connecting to the top building) , all helping to remove the flat chunk error side.
Extensions were added to the back of the base of the old Stem Tower to give it more width, a rounder appearance instead of a flat wall as well as a beta tower being removed. One year after the corner towers were built - or at least three of them, the fourth was finally built due to a land mass previously being a problem, detailing on the outside as well as balconies for the corner towers and the inside grounds converted to grass. The one block plank bridge across the ocean was also made into a fuller cobble stone bridge with spruce plank flooring. In 2019, the old redstone block decoration was removed and all four corner towers in November received new "Bell shaped" roofs. A chunk wall along the coast from the fourth tower was also flattened and landscaped right up to a skeleton dungeon I found at ground level further afield. An underground tunnel now runs from the fourth tower to the skeleton farm, as well as a monorail (W.I.P.) from the fourth tower's balcony to the bridge at the Half-way House connecting four areas - home, St Primus church, the Chunk Plaza & Halfway House and Mount DOOOooom.
Behind Mount DOOOOoooom and across the ocean, is multiplayer island - a shrine to the first ever house I built on the first ever Minecraft sever I joined, and others is succession. Built where they cannot be harmed. They still look n00bish because I was back then and it's meant to be a replica, not a modernized version of them.
Minecart Network
Dotted around the world are various minecart lines, all of which in recent months have been uniformed and color co-ordinated. The old rail cart system ran along a long length of wood planks across the ocean, to the left side of the old cobble bridge. When the right side of the bridge changed biomes years ago, it stopped boats getting out that way due to ice, so the only way out by boat was under the bridge. Which they couldn't because of the planks across the surface of the ocean for the minecart tracks.
This was changed in 2014 however, I tunneled underwater for the new glass tunnel, which then continued underground all the way to Mount DOOOOooooom. In 2016 This was demolished to make way for the new tunnel as seen earlier. Creating the old one I had no potions back in beta or stained glass, so this one is a lot prettier and easier to do this time round!
First up is the one at the back of the science lab leading to the Horse & sheep barns and the main line which as the end of the platform comes out at the back of the oriental garden.
Folowing a July 2023 renovation of the entire area, staggered steps to the left now lead up to the barn minecart tunnel, the remainder continuing to the main line also redorated at this time that tales you to the oriental garden and out to the bee dome.
The door to the right leads out to:
The main stairs up on the left side lead out the back:
At the back of the main home there are two lines going off in two very different directions, one to the Half-way House station. This one is in fact on the left parallel to the old one which is these days exclusively for Donkeys & horses.
Next, is the main lines, formerly situated under the main bridge across the ocean; this one can be found these days via the stairs down on this new bit of beach where the floating glass tunnel formerly stood. The main line goes underwater via St. Primus station, and on to Mount DOOOooom. It also continues to the multiplayer House shrine. In the immediate reception area however there's also a second line in recent months that leads to trading hall which is actually a former 16x16 shunk error down the original tunnel to the Chunk Plaza station..
The other Line is more of an ice boat line towards what was the old trading hall, formerly a 16 x 16 chunk error. Today it is no more that a little nature spot with exits back into the main pedestrian tunnel.
Lastly of course is the monorail from the castle which leads back to the Half-way House and The main Chunk Plaza Station, this ties in a complete circuit from the main underwater line back to Mount DOOOooom, back to the halway House, Chunk Plaza station and back to the main home.
There is also the ice boat station at the very far end of the Chunk Plaza Boulevard. Neighbouring the office block next door to it, it takes you speedily back to the horse/donkey and sheep barns area where you can either walk back through the mountain tunnel or catch a minecart lift back to the rear of the science lab area.
Ice Boat Station & route:
Other Areas & bits and bobs:
Pride mountain:
Via portals:
The Sea Fort (Former guardian farm base):
Given that I started re-designing this a couple of years before using the Alacrity resource pack, the old bone blocks no longer lokked good and I had no clear vision before anyway. So in 2024 I have embarked on a massive transformation into a sea fort come home, which also meant reconfiguring the guardian farm as well.
Please give any thoughts, questions, comments, opinions welcome. Especially as it takes a lot of time to compile the pics and make these threads.
How did you manage to stay on one world for so long?
Thanks! I think if it hadn't been for my building style changing (As apposed to using cobblestone for everything), and the regeneration project,; I would've given up long ago. Plus I like the challenge of bringing modern minecraft into it - using stained glass, hardened clay more. Will be a challenge to get the new granite types as I already had to travel 2 & 1/2 thousand + (Blocks/miles?) to get cats, five thousand + (Blocks/miles?) to get coca beans when they came, hardened clay and the different flowers.
So God knows how far to get the new granite types. Might have to make a series of Nether portals..
Behind my mountain home there's more mountains, between which there's been this low one that I've been wanting to do something with for the last 3 & 1/2 years:
When I started my second minecart tunnel to my half-way house, (2nd home built in a huge hole inside a chunk wall); this stange blob of a mountain was to be come the half-way point. Serving as a switch over station where the Minecart ride would end, The plan was to use the upstairs as a second launch point to continue to the half-way house from a tunnel started upstairs. By this point the blob of mountain had been cleared up a little.
I knew eventually I would have to decorate the outside or at least make it look like a proper building and finally give it a use at last. Well, recently I've been doing just that. I was unsure what materials to use, at first considering brick with a stone-brick borders. Sandstone and cobble was a no-no and I didn't want to have to go to the mesa (Again) to get even more hardened clay given how far away it is. After abandoning thoughts of an all stone-brick front, I settled for a traditional snow block with log and stone brick borders. I was hesitant about putting a roof on, especially as it was a facade front with just mountain behind it. However, it looked like a very flat building (Keeping to the same shape of the original low mountain), so I relented and put a roof on, building fake walls around the side to hide the mountain.
The result:
So it finally did get a pitched roof, and after 3 & 1/2 years or more this strange blobby little mountain finally has a use as a working Minecart station and switch-over point!
Have finally been decorating the new enchantment room and decided to make it like the library refurnish to match. Had to re-position the door because of the floor pattern and even then it was still not symmetrical so had to give it two doors in the end but it's coming along nicely!:
Better picture of the library renovation from plank walls:
Thanks. Finally found out how to edit the title to keep the time-line correct,
I'll be updating some of the pics later and will only use shaders for outside shots, as it makes inside too dark. Will change to internal for inside shots. Already some pictures need updating - front view facing entrance doors, Acacia tree farm (Leaves changed to pink blossom), library pictures, enchantment room update, Mount DOOOooooom and the 2nd minecart tunnel pics including the new half-way station point built out of a low lump of a mountain.
Updated a lot of pictures in the first post, however, due to the new forum software (Making more spoliers when you try and edit one.); I've just spent over an hour & half or more re-doing the entire spoiler from scratch. I'm phasing out the shader pics, so although some remain, alot have now gone.
Change log:
Living room - Table and TV unit changed to jungle planks, sofas chained from red wool to brown hardened clay. I was hesitant about using hardened clay but brown wool looks like poo. (May edit it in photoshop myself at some point.) Also the stone brick texture has recently from the original painterly one I chose. I've re-used the stone slab texture so now it's much more shiny than old looking but looks fab! New pictures reflect all these changes.
*New snow golem factory & nether portal area pics to replace shaders pic.
Enchantment room - Following the re-decoration after the initial construction of the room, the new pictures reflect the new walls and floors.
Storage Room - After re-decorating months ago the new pics reflect what it now looks like after the 2010 cobblestone walls and stone slab floor have been purged.
Science lab - Reception are redecorated in the last week, removing the beta sand walls, new floor too. Also removed the line between two joined stone slabs in photoshop. so the new science lab pics also reflect this. Also I finally got rid of the old decorative sandstone trim at the bottom of the walls, in favor of the new look stonebrick. I was thinking about not keeping the rear storage cupboard, but in the last week I have been busy doing a lot of brewing - so I guess it gets a reprieve!
*Lobby to the rear exit tunnel from the science tab had also been redecorated from the previous picture.
*New underneath walkway picture, showing the change from stone-brick walls to red & yellow hardened clay walls.
*Dining room & Kitchen - The former is just a replacement of the shaders pic, the kitchen however, has had a major push in the last week after a year of abandonment and shows the new look.
*New non-shaders corridor (off the living room) and bedroom shots. Ditto for the Elevator and rear view lounge with the water window which has a ew floor replacing the black & white checker one.
*Art Gallery & the lesser seen library! - Just a replacement picture for the art gallery, although there are more paintings now, the library is more substantial though! Last time I reported I was finally giving it a make over (Another area that was abandoned for a year), and bringing it into the modern age. Pleased to report all the walls and floors are now done! I'm now installing the bookcases - which may take a while! New pics without changes show the work more clearly now.
*Various replacement pictures of pics using shaders. Including the wheat farm because of the new stone-brick look, also the acacia trees were changed into pink blossom leaves a long time ago. Half-way house also has new interior, non shader pics. The front of the apartment block has also changed - stairs up to it fac-on, rather to the side, and there's a new board-walk approach.
Mount DOOOOoooom - Well, what to say... A LOT has changed since the last picture. The rest of the mountain underneath the back tower was continually changed to a cobblestone stem support, roofs have gone on (Although the back one needs finishing and converting to nether-brick), and the huge chunk corner round the back had been transformed into a free standing tower! (As evident from the front facing picture on the right of the pic). In the last week I have started adding detailing too - mossy cobblestone, vines and in the last day (Literally) spider crawling prevention on the walls. (I.E. cobblestone stairs) Also the first picture should have been the last in order.
*Farms reflect the new brick-glass pane surroundings replacing wooden fences and the horse stable now reflects the new stone-brick.
Eventually all the pics will be non-shader pics as my computer is starting to strain these days using them. Please give a like if you like my continued hard work on my main world.
Firstly, thanks to the mods for moving this. I don't know why I thought it should be in the screenshots forum as it's more of a progressive thread about the continuing update of my old main world from Alpha.
First up I will cover a couple of quick updates, then will share my plans for when I do eventually update this world to 1.8. (Currently n 1.7.10.) First up after moving the old emergency Minecart exit the other month, I realized I could use the space for something else if I opened up the area - previously a 3 - 5 block wide tunnel. After blocking it up, then un-blocking it again I finally thought of something - but it won't be until 1.8. A bunny home.
I was looking everywhere for somewhere to put them in the future and I didn't want them to go outside - or in with the dogs. Of course I will need to decorate it before hand, but I'm not sure how yet? I think I'd like a natural grass floor for them or maybe made of hay bales? Not sure about the walls, would also like sky-lights if possible.
Another thing I've done is finally get rid of this monstrosity from 2010! (Originally made of cobble.)
You can see how synthetic it is where the dirt is extended out from the mountain to meet the stairs, this was long over-due. My idea was to cut it right down until there was a 1/4 of stairs left and take the extended syntheic dirt filling supporting it right back - all the way back to the bare mountain wall revealing the original mountain wall again. From the stairs - a short gravel path by the birch tree farms up to the mountain wall where the stairs will now continue inside the mountain:
Meeting up with the adjoining path at the top:
With the remaining stairs left I put dirt up the sides of course to make it look more natural.
1.8 plans
Doors & Fences - It goes without saying of course I'll be going around changing doors frantically, I already experimented on the creative copy and there won't be many original oak doors left. Similarly I will also look at fences and fence gates - whatever suits best.
Painless stained glass blocks/panes - Everywhere? Well almost. After updating the painterly texture pack to 1.8 I really wasn't sure about the very plain look without borders - until I changed the glass canopy ceiling of the back dining room porch, which currently looks like this:
Now imagine that glass in stained glass - black. It will look amazing! It also means a bit of a redevelopment around that area too, the natural dirt walls around by the tennis court that have fences on them - will be proper walls. It'll mean moving a few fences and trees but will be worth it. I'll be using the new red sandstone which in my choices with painterly is a bluey-gray color. (My own lore is that you have to smelt it for it to harden like clay and it looses it's color :p)
The main bridge - I said I might pull it down and with 1.8 that time has come. It's been there - and made of cobble since 2010 and hasn't really changed much over the years:
No bridge:
Earliest version:
No change in Beta!:
Autumn 2011 - present
So what to replace it with? Already I have taken spare older saves and tried a number of different designs, but one hasn't stuck with me yet.
Please note the following are creative pics on a creative copy of the world:
Design #1
I built this many many months ago, you can tell because there's a lot of oak planks, personally I would change this to jungle planks.
If this was chose I would "1.8" it, I.E. matching fences and fence gates. The other idea was dropping the fence/block decoration to bridge floor level and have occasional gates with little seating platforms on the outside of the bridge for fishing.
Design #2 Ultra Futuristic.
Originally this started out with open sides to the bridge with the same side decoration as above except white stained clay for plank blocks and light blue glass panes where the fences are, but bridge ground level. The problem came when I started to try and add depth and columns on the outside, so I was going to have light blue glass all the way along. Eventually ths turned into just segments and then the design really took off!
I think it's a bit too futuristic for the style of my world though and therefore out of place. I'm very happy with the design and process of it though. Although i have 2 stacks of Lapis currently in my survival world would it be enough? The there's the constant trips 2000 miles+ to the Mesa, it is an alpha world after all.
Design #3 - More natural toning it down.
After the above design I wanted something more natural per say that I could actually build in the actual survival world. This design is a little freakish but does usual natural resources:
I dunno, my only concern is it looks a bit fake with trees in the middle of the ocean? Maybe if I remove the top trees idea?
Design #3 (A work in progress)
I only started this last night so it's still half done and I had to correct the gap between supports so it was even (Hence ones on the unseen side being out of place). It uses the redstone sandstone variants I talked about ealier (Sneak peek!) but I dunno, it's a little plain.
Whatever I decide, The quest continues and the current bridge has to go. Before it was "oh I don't know if I can bring myself to knock it down, it's been there so long..", but after copying the save multiple times and knocking it down several times, all sentiment has gone! Not a problem any more! Plus, I have older saves to reminisce how it currently is.
The church One plan I have is to utilize the mountain next to the church:
Creative copy pic:
IF I go ahead with that, it'll effectively turn the church into a cathedral. The original idea to double the height will be kept (Except originally where it currently is.) and it would enable proper sized widows with proper stained glass. The old church would have to be demolished of course and incorporated, but dropped by four blocks to the ground for it to be level. Part of the existing church would be new "Grounds/parking/entrance possible small cemetery). The ground around the current church would of course be dropped down 4 blocks in the process.
I'm sure there's more ideas but this post is already too long. I'll post more if I think of them or get any new ideas.
Changing this thread to more of a record or "Diary" and will no longer edit the main first post as the editor eats quotes and spoilers not matter what I do. (At least we now know the editor is being worked on!) The first post has magically restored itself however, wasn't like that after my last edit.
First off, I have finally updated the world to 1.8 and gone travelling for the new stone blocks. I had no choice in updating however as whether it was the main launcher or magic launcher I could no longer play 1.7.10. I only have Rei's minimap and "Enderman don't pick up blocks" for mods, I removed boththem and even tried vanilla 1.7.10 but it wouldn't even start and just gave me a crash report. Reluctantly, I updated.
As recently reported in the "What have you done recently" thread,the new bunny area is coming along and the temporary walls of cobble have come down:
I need to add more orage though, possible black otherwise it looks a bit too "Cow pattern" like.
The old 2010 bridge also has come down as it no longer fits the look of the world, the rest of home in a mountain has developed over the years, this barely has. Time for change:
(Work in progress)
In other news, the rest of the landing down to the nether portal (Bordering the stairs down) has also been decked out in jungle planks/log border to match the extension walls from the kennel on the outside that goes around the corner. More cobble removal. The Acacia tree farm (Pink blossom/fake cherry trees) has also moved up to where the Dark Oak tree farm is - where there's more room.
What I might do today is start making a change to the back patio walls by the tennis court (With the glass roof). Changing from sandstone to red sandstone (With the decorative version border) and a black glass roof. This of course is a "Dip area from the tennis court and backs onto the dinning room/kitchen on the outside.
I will also change the rear lounge floor - again. After changing the walls from clay blocks to magenta hardened clay a good while back, I also gave it a bright cyan carpet all across - hate it now. Might go back to a wooden floor, maybe spruce planks, dark oak boarder either logs or planks. Tone down the floor.
Long story short: I watched a minecraft video, got interested, downloaded a cracked launcher, started building an epic base, got sad when I discovered I couldn't mod, save screenshots, log into servers or even change skins with the launcher, started contemplating buying the game, saw this thread, decided to buy game after I get out of work today. It'll be hard replicating my current cracked launcher base with the same seed, but I guess I can make a formal journal now that I have to restart. Thank you for your inspiration sir.
Long story short: I watched a minecraft video, got interested, downloaded a cracked launcher, started building an epic base, got sad when I discovered I couldn't mod, save screenshots, log into servers or even change skins with the launcher, started contemplating buying the game, saw this thread, decided to buy game after I get out of work today. It'll be hard replicating my current cracked launcher base with the same seed, but I guess I can make a formal journal now that I have to restart. Thank you for your inspiration sir.
As of yesterday the church is now officially condemned! The boarding has gone up - by board that is an 8 block high oak plank boarding around it, ready for demolition and rebuilding - bigger, stronger,faster (Wait.. what?!), longer..)
Originally I was just going to double height it then I got a crazy idea about boxing round the mountain around it and excavating inside, but I have since, had a better idea thanks to experimenting on a creative copy of the world. The plan is to build on the existing ground behind the church on the grass, it will still go into some of the mountain but will give me the length to build a proper full length church, also proper sized stained glass windows let alone being double the height. The existing church will be pulled down after although some of it will form the new entrance. At least I won't have to look at the mess during the works.
Also last post I mentioned changing the sandstone of the back patio off the dinning room, well it's gone and the glass roof changed. The spoiler in the last update showed what it was like, so here's how it's coming:
Very nice job :'3 I can remember my first Minecraft world, and that was made around Beta 1.7.3, or just over 3 years ago. I never really played it much though, and it's got nothing on yours!
Kudos, my man
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Main World
Current version: 1.20.1
Started: Alpha 1.20
Resource Pack: Alacrity
Shaders: Photon
Data packs: 4 bark blocks, 12 trapdoors, moar stairs and rotten flesh to leather, timber datapack
Brief Introduction(Compacted version): Created in Alpha v 1.2.0, before the original Halloween update, I found this mountain from the back that had a a single block width of water came out the side. I wanted to build a room directly below the waterfall (Widened over time of course) so that there was no glass needed, a water-window you could see through. This was my initial idea. Around the front the mountain was a huge hollow area with lava pouring down in front of the hollow. I had an idea to build a level floor half-way up in the hollow, behind the lava fall, and create a living area. Before the top of the mountain there was another small hole/cave nook which would become the bedroom. These were my two premises for building there.
2014/2015 - 2020: This was the "Re-generation" improving areas inside and outside my mountain home, open plan living new ideas all the time to improve things. The main little jobs are done (Apart from the ongoing Mount DOOOooom Project and "Chunk Wall Plaza".), now I'm onto the bigger projects, I never tire of it.
2020 - 2024: Has seen some major changes including texturizing the castle and improvements to it's back courtyard, the construction of the New Town Hall by the main station and Sea Search 7 Rescue Centre on the island of the end of the main station as well as a complete renovation of the Old sea base (Former sea monument) into a sea fort/home.
The Main homestead - This includes the beach front area and stables behind the neighbouring mountain.
2. The Halfway House area.
3.Chunk Plaza Square including the Chunk Plaza station and the recent town hall area in the last year.
4. The overseas area incuding the church and castle Mount DOOOooom, incl Lookout Mountain observatory.
Main Home & surrounding areas
At the front of the house we have the plaque forged in a slab of obsidian, in this area we also have access to the Underground food farms, the tree farms, kennel entrance and the tunnel in the neighbouring mountain to the Horse/donkey and sheep barn buildings.
Food farms:
Melon farm & pumpkin:
*Flying machine cactus cutter
Donkey loading Bay
Moved it's original location from by the kennel entrance and now resides just outside the boundary wall next to the everyday stables. Here any donkey can be led down directly to the storage foyer at the end of the corridor and tied to the hook (Dark oak fence) on the side wall, to be loaded or unloaded.
This directly leads into the lobby before storage and storage entrance to the library. Previously this was the lower underwater storage extension idea that was scrapped, the above level has been remodelled to house three super-smelters - for food cooking, general smelting and a blast furnace super-smelter for ores.
Kennel Entrance
From the "Tunnel" underneath the living room. (From the dog kennel entrance door.)
*leads up to main foyer by dinning room
As we approach the main home entrance there is also a little side entrance to the right for the bunny enclosure. This can also be accessed from the lobby by storage via a water column elevator.
Main living room:
living room extension:
back up:
Back in the day the extension was an old darkened mushroom farm - only accessed by the rear corridor from the living room before I knocked through and modernized. The stairs you see in the extension leads down to the dog kennel also.
Near the door to all these areas, back in the Living Room, is the door to the rear corridor and back entrance to the home. Originally in Alpha, the water-windowed corridor was a viewing room, but in this modern day it's now a walk-through from the back entrance through to the dinning room:
From the second to last and last pictures of the corridor, we can see the foyer (Also neighbouring the arch in the main living room) that leads to the Dinning room:
Back patio leads to the pool, formerly a 16 block high mountain.
In the back wall behind the pool there used to be changing rooms which were gutted and sealed over. With the modernization, I opened these areas up and the mountain above it so that whole back area behind the pool became a back-lot for the pool.
Back inside the corridor are the stairs up to the bedroom with on-suite bathroom:
Along a short corridor from the bedroom (Previously the original en-suite bathroom location and spare bedroom before that) is the V.I.P. room over looking the pool:
Overlooking the pool:
Below that, lies the private garden.
Back at the V.I.P. room, the door to the left of the water window leads to a small lobby and flight of shallow stairs out near the top of the mountain towards the Observation deck. Originally a hole at the side of the mountain (In Alpha) that was formed into a room.
Go back through the VIP room and back down the stairs, and you're back in the lobby By the dinning room where there is a large painting of the home in Alpha - and the water elevator down to storage! Also the Wool Emporium, Concrete Mixing room, Enchantment and Map room, the armory and into the science lab. There are also some farms down what was originally a dug mineshaft down turned into a stairwell that contains: the moss farm, a simple sugar cane farm and new for 2023 a clay/brick farm and stone/stonebrick farm.
Decontamination room:
Behind main lab reception there is also a door to the Nether Wart farm:
*The whole science lab area, potions room, reception were all one very big dark cave originally until BETA that went back round on itself, used as a mob area. Outside the back of the science lab is the emergency minecart exit.
SEE: Minecart Network section further down the page.
BACK IN MAIN STORAGE, if you travel to the end of the extension where all the water related stuff resides (Fish, Shells, kelp, glow ink sacs, fishing rods, etc) There's a dip down to the foyer from the donkey tunnel entrance, of which also leads through to the Library and library study, amethyst and snow farms - both on the stairs down to the main mob grinder, Nether portal and slime farm.
There is also an axolotl tank on the stairs down too!
First up the Library:
Study hall, formerly the old villager trading hall:
Carrying on back down the stairs, we have the amethyst farm, axolotl tank, snow farm and in the very bottom of the mountain the main mob grinder, slime farm and nether portal.
Amethyst farm:
*These side doors we are by lead down to the collection chamber.
This is the only time I've had to use commands to give myself the blocks they grown on as you can oply get that way or from the creative inventory - and I wasn't about to start turning it to creative.
The other areas:
Snow Factory:
Mob grinder:
Finally the Nether Portal area W.I.P.
Back to the top and outside round the back there is also the Art Gallery & Museum, following the removal of the floating glass & conrete walkway outside it, the iside of this room was also hugely extended after my first stronghold/End trip. Especially as there are now more ore variants following the Cliffs & Caves update.
*This can also be accessed by that entrance as a corner corridor was added inside to link to the stairs down from the top.
Tree farms:
The Oak and birch trees aret on top of the nearby mountain, where the maze used to be; with nearby acacia anf dark oark tree farms. Further back on the side on the higher nearby mountain we have the jungle and spruce tree farms (With jungle tree-house) and even further back from the spruce trees via a small footbridge across the mountain chasm, a new small cherry tree farm.
Neutral Mob pens:
Horse & Sheep Barns:
Originally located on the reverse wall of the swimming pool, this recently moved (LATE April 2015) to behind a neighboring mountain by the entrance home with tree farms (Formerly a maze)on top and the Dark Oak/ Acacia tree farms via a new tunnel burrowed through the mountain base.
through the tunnel to the buildings:
sheep barn:
The pathway also continues from the sheep farm to a bridge crossing a small lake/nature reserve. In the future a new palace will be in the restored desert following it. Hopefully by the end of 2024.
Oriental garden
Formerly the site of the old apartment block (September 2011, extended & redecorated 2013, demolished: May 2016); I first created an oriental garden or tried to. The main stay of which was the oriental gate, in 2017 I started the oriental home - already half-built in another world originally. This has consequently been taken down.
Bee Farm
After failing to create something sircular free-hand, I went to and mapped out this dome to build, and I nearly went crossed eyed and crazy in the process! The main larger dome has the free bees, whilst the smaller dome is the more smaller farming of trapped bees.
Travelling away from the bee dome via the ocean and some buoy markers there will be a future villa in an area that again had very low chunk error walls and is currently being regenerated.
Chunk Plaza Station
At the Chunk Plaza station, Formerly the Half-way House station.
After October 2018, the old station and the mound of land behind it have been demolished. The old station house was fashioned out of the odd land mass there in Beta so the build molded around it, there was never any "design aspect" in it's creation when made a proper building. After several years it was retired, as it doesn't "Cut it" as a place in today's world. After flattening the old place, it has been re-developed into two separate platforms linked by a stairwell gangway across from one to another and has been re-named into the Chunk Plaza station. In 2023 the station house was extended, with a new roof and over-hang canopy.
[a href=""]Previous #1[/a] | [a href=""]previous #2[/a]
Chunk Plaza Square & Chunk Plaza Boulevard
In July 2022, on the land adjacent to behind the main reformed Chunk Plaza Station before the corner of the Chunk Plaza Boulevard and what id Now the Fishing shop on the corner; a brand new Town Hall was built and ended up being a new home for the local trading villagers. This has come to be known as the Chunnk Plaza Square. It also contains an unspecified tudor style fronted building to it's right. The Town Hall also marked over 6000 days in 2022, another reason the new town hall was commisioned.
BEFORE Thumbs:
It looms over the station!:
Chunk Plaza Square:
Due to the oldness of the world there's bound to be ugly chunk walls, Just off the 2022 Town Hall, was another ugly chunk wall I have been converting into shops & homes in a re-generation since November 2015. The first birch & jungle trim boardwalk was laid November 2014, but work onn the plaza did not continue really until the previous given date in 2015.
BEFORE Thumbs:
Chunk Plaza Boulevard:
Sea Search & Rescue Centre:
Located on the island off the end of the Chunk Plaza Station and it's water feature, the new centre was inspired by the introduction of bamboo wood and the ability to create rafts. As a result, on the left side of the stairs down to platform #1 of the Chunk Plaza Station an opening was made in the wall and a rural path of course dirt leads the way and can be followed completetly or you can cut across the new (for 2024) footbridge across the recently installed resivior. Which, was a previous idea slow to get started, and also helps the chunk wall apect which was covered on one side by my custom fences.
Halfway House
*In the past (Alpha/Beta)this was halfway to another huge area of land with snow and infinite burning forest. Unfortunately this world got accidentally deleted - twice, so that area of land re-generated and was no more. Pity I loved that area and used to have a cemetery there too; so this was house was halfway between my current home and there. It began as a facade covering the 16x16 gap in the chunk error wall, but in the 2013/2014 I extended and used either side of the chunk walls as extensions, giving me much more room! Various face lifts to make it less flat, upstairs extensions and removal of a flat glass bedroom room for a dome have been added, as well as the neighbouring monorail. In 2023 the exterior gap of the chunk error rail line tunnel was filled in with an forward extension.
Living Room:
Leads into the back (Formerly storage) into the divided corridor & bathroom:
Upstairs to storage: (Still W.I.P.)
Bedroom from the reception lobby stairs and en-suite bathroom on the right as you go up. Plus the very nice view from the large bay window:
En-suite bathroom:
*In the summer of 2023, a forward extension was added in front the rear minecart tunnel/former chunk error filling the gap for a new station:
From the monorail, the existing trees farms were removed and a path/stairway over the moud to the new bridge added that now goed to BETA spawn:
After 10 years a gold block with a sign was placed at BETA spawn, but that is all. Now however, this area has been celebrated with a brand new bell tower, NEW for the summer of 2023:
*As well as a couple of ice pools nearby for farming ice.
Across the ocean...
St Primus church
Originally I build across the across in Alpha, because I could, and to see what was over there. I ended up building a cobble hut that stood empty for several months as I had no idea what to do with it. Sometime in Beta I converted it into the first version of the church.
In December 2014, I rebuilt this church. After an initial idea to just double-height it I had many ideas on how to improve it, including one wacky idea to box round the mountain behind & beside it and excavate it inside for the new size of the church. In the end, I decided to build on the ground (Grass) behind the church incorporating some of the existing church. This granted much more height to the build and proper stained glass windows. In November 2019 however, with my roofs having developed and improved over time - Just like Mount DOOOooom it was time to give the old roof a new look.
Low-key rear entrance:
Lookout Mountain Observation Platform
So in late 2016 I was going to build a vicarage just down from the church but my friend said halving the mountain would look unnatural and there was too little room to build on top. He did come up with the great idea for a tower on top of the mountain however which is when I envisioned a circular beauty with balconies, look-out platforms and lots of stained glass windows and a giant spyglass added in later years.
Access is from the bottom of the mountain via two water shoots to the first landing then another two to the second landing.
Mount DOOOOoooom:
I found this mountain in Beta, it was odd-shaped and had two dirt columns sticking out at the top; it reminded me of something out of Lord of The Rings! It also looked ugly as it was on a chunk border. I named it so however, in reference to a Monty Python film. The original plan was to keep the original shape as much as possible, but convert it all to stone. By 2012, I had done so much but gave up, for most of that year nothing continued to get done to 2013. Over the years the main tower has been re-built 3 - 4 times and pushed back further in location in 2019, from 2014 were the biggest changes however with perimeter walls, corner towers with two gate towers between the front two and the elimination of the "Stem tower" (Squarish build on top of a back mountain with the later lower mountain being removed to just a thinner tower connecting to the top building) , all helping to remove the flat chunk error side.
Extensions were added to the back of the base of the old Stem Tower to give it more width, a rounder appearance instead of a flat wall as well as a beta tower being removed. One year after the corner towers were built - or at least three of them, the fourth was finally built due to a land mass previously being a problem, detailing on the outside as well as balconies for the corner towers and the inside grounds converted to grass. The one block plank bridge across the ocean was also made into a fuller cobble stone bridge with spruce plank flooring. In 2019, the old redstone block decoration was removed and all four corner towers in November received new "Bell shaped" roofs. A chunk wall along the coast from the fourth tower was also flattened and landscaped right up to a skeleton dungeon I found at ground level further afield. An underground tunnel now runs from the fourth tower to the skeleton farm, as well as a monorail (W.I.P.) from the fourth tower's balcony to the bridge at the Half-way House connecting four areas - home, St Primus church, the Chunk Plaza & Halfway House and Mount DOOOooom.
Behind Mount DOOOOoooom and across the ocean, is multiplayer island - a shrine to the first ever house I built on the first ever Minecraft sever I joined, and others is succession. Built where they cannot be harmed. They still look n00bish because I was back then and it's meant to be a replica, not a modernized version of them.
Minecart Network
Dotted around the world are various minecart lines, all of which in recent months have been uniformed and color co-ordinated. The old rail cart system ran along a long length of wood planks across the ocean, to the left side of the old cobble bridge. When the right side of the bridge changed biomes years ago, it stopped boats getting out that way due to ice, so the only way out by boat was under the bridge. Which they couldn't because of the planks across the surface of the ocean for the minecart tracks.
This was changed in 2014 however, I tunneled underwater for the new glass tunnel, which then continued underground all the way to Mount DOOOOooooom. In 2016 This was demolished to make way for the new tunnel as seen earlier. Creating the old one I had no potions back in beta or stained glass, so this one is a lot prettier and easier to do this time round!
First up is the one at the back of the science lab leading to the Horse & sheep barns and the main line which as the end of the platform comes out at the back of the oriental garden.
Folowing a July 2023 renovation of the entire area, staggered steps to the left now lead up to the barn minecart tunnel, the remainder continuing to the main line also redorated at this time that tales you to the oriental garden and out to the bee dome.
The door to the right leads out to:
The main stairs up on the left side lead out the back:
At the back of the main home there are two lines going off in two very different directions, one to the Half-way House station. This one is in fact on the left parallel to the old one which is these days exclusively for Donkeys & horses.
Next, is the main lines, formerly situated under the main bridge across the ocean; this one can be found these days via the stairs down on this new bit of beach where the floating glass tunnel formerly stood. The main line goes underwater via St. Primus station, and on to Mount DOOOooom. It also continues to the multiplayer House shrine. In the immediate reception area however there's also a second line in recent months that leads to trading hall which is actually a former 16x16 shunk error down the original tunnel to the Chunk Plaza station..
The other Line is more of an ice boat line towards what was the old trading hall, formerly a 16 x 16 chunk error. Today it is no more that a little nature spot with exits back into the main pedestrian tunnel.
Lastly of course is the monorail from the castle which leads back to the Half-way House and The main Chunk Plaza Station, this ties in a complete circuit from the main underwater line back to Mount DOOOooom, back to the halway House, Chunk Plaza station and back to the main home.
There is also the ice boat station at the very far end of the Chunk Plaza Boulevard. Neighbouring the office block next door to it, it takes you speedily back to the horse/donkey and sheep barns area where you can either walk back through the mountain tunnel or catch a minecart lift back to the rear of the science lab area.
Ice Boat Station & route:
Other Areas & bits and bobs:
Pride mountain:
Via portals:
The Sea Fort (Former guardian farm base):
Given that I started re-designing this a couple of years before using the Alacrity resource pack, the old bone blocks no longer lokked good and I had no clear vision before anyway. So in 2024 I have embarked on a massive transformation into a sea fort come home, which also meant reconfiguring the guardian farm as well.
Please give any thoughts, questions, comments, opinions welcome. Especially as it takes a lot of time to compile the pics and make these threads.
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16yrs+ only Minecraft/2014-05-16_181835_zpsb6ced9f8.png
How did you manage to stay on one world for so long?
Thanks! I think if it hadn't been for my building style changing (As apposed to using cobblestone for everything), and the regeneration project,; I would've given up long ago. Plus I like the challenge of bringing modern minecraft into it - using stained glass, hardened clay more. Will be a challenge to get the new granite types as I already had to travel 2 & 1/2 thousand + (Blocks/miles?) to get cats, five thousand + (Blocks/miles?) to get coca beans when they came, hardened clay and the different flowers.
So God knows how far to get the new granite types. Might have to make a series of Nether portals..
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16yrs+ only
Behind my mountain home there's more mountains, between which there's been this low one that I've been wanting to do something with for the last 3 & 1/2 years:
The result:
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16yrs+ only
Have finally been decorating the new enchantment room and decided to make it like the library refurnish to match. Had to re-position the door because of the floor pattern and even then it was still not symmetrical so had to give it two doors in the end but it's coming along nicely!:
Closed old thread
16yrs+ only
Keeping at a project for that long really carries its own reward, your dedication should be applauded
BTW, love that swimming pool.
Well played
We live in the age of smart phones and stupid people.
I'll be updating some of the pics later and will only use shaders for outside shots, as it makes inside too dark. Will change to internal for inside shots. Already some pictures need updating - front view facing entrance doors, Acacia tree farm (Leaves changed to pink blossom), library pictures, enchantment room update, Mount DOOOooooom and the 2nd minecart tunnel pics including the new half-way station point built out of a low lump of a mountain.
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16yrs+ only
Change log:
Living room - Table and TV unit changed to jungle planks, sofas chained from red wool to brown hardened clay. I was hesitant about using hardened clay but brown wool looks like poo. (May edit it in photoshop myself at some point.) Also the stone brick texture has recently from the original painterly one I chose. I've re-used the stone slab texture so now it's much more shiny than old looking but looks fab! New pictures reflect all these changes.
*New snow golem factory & nether portal area pics to replace shaders pic.
Enchantment room - Following the re-decoration after the initial construction of the room, the new pictures reflect the new walls and floors.
Storage Room - After re-decorating months ago the new pics reflect what it now looks like after the 2010 cobblestone walls and stone slab floor have been purged.
Science lab - Reception are redecorated in the last week, removing the beta sand walls, new floor too. Also removed the line between two joined stone slabs in photoshop. so the new science lab pics also reflect this. Also I finally got rid of the old decorative sandstone trim at the bottom of the walls, in favor of the new look stonebrick. I was thinking about not keeping the rear storage cupboard, but in the last week I have been busy doing a lot of brewing - so I guess it gets a reprieve!
*Lobby to the rear exit tunnel from the science tab had also been redecorated from the previous picture.
*New underneath walkway picture, showing the change from stone-brick walls to red & yellow hardened clay walls.
*Dining room & Kitchen - The former is just a replacement of the shaders pic, the kitchen however, has had a major push in the last week after a year of abandonment and shows the new look.
*New non-shaders corridor (off the living room) and bedroom shots. Ditto for the Elevator and rear view lounge with the water window which has a ew floor replacing the black & white checker one.
*Art Gallery & the lesser seen library! - Just a replacement picture for the art gallery, although there are more paintings now, the library is more substantial though! Last time I reported I was finally giving it a make over (Another area that was abandoned for a year), and bringing it into the modern age. Pleased to report all the walls and floors are now done! I'm now installing the bookcases - which may take a while! New pics without changes show the work more clearly now.
*Various replacement pictures of pics using shaders. Including the wheat farm because of the new stone-brick look, also the acacia trees were changed into pink blossom leaves a long time ago. Half-way house also has new interior, non shader pics. The front of the apartment block has also changed - stairs up to it fac-on, rather to the side, and there's a new board-walk approach.
Mount DOOOOoooom - Well, what to say... A LOT has changed since the last picture. The rest of the mountain underneath the back tower was continually changed to a cobblestone stem support, roofs have gone on (Although the back one needs finishing and converting to nether-brick), and the huge chunk corner round the back had been transformed into a free standing tower! (As evident from the front facing picture on the right of the pic). In the last week I have started adding detailing too - mossy cobblestone, vines and in the last day (Literally) spider crawling prevention on the walls. (I.E. cobblestone stairs) Also the first picture should have been the last in order.
*Farms reflect the new brick-glass pane surroundings replacing wooden fences and the horse stable now reflects the new stone-brick.
Eventually all the pics will be non-shader pics as my computer is starting to strain these days using them. Please give a like if you like my continued hard work on my main world.
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16yrs+ only
First up I will cover a couple of quick updates, then will share my plans for when I do eventually update this world to 1.8. (Currently n 1.7.10.) First up after moving the old emergency Minecart exit the other month, I realized I could use the space for something else if I opened up the area - previously a 3 - 5 block wide tunnel. After blocking it up, then un-blocking it again I finally thought of something - but it won't be until 1.8. A bunny home.
I was looking everywhere for somewhere to put them in the future and I didn't want them to go outside - or in with the dogs. Of course I will need to decorate it before hand, but I'm not sure how yet? I think I'd like a natural grass floor for them or maybe made of hay bales? Not sure about the walls, would also like sky-lights if possible.
Another thing I've done is finally get rid of this monstrosity from 2010! (Originally made of cobble.)
You can see how synthetic it is where the dirt is extended out from the mountain to meet the stairs, this was long over-due. My idea was to cut it right down until there was a 1/4 of stairs left and take the extended syntheic dirt filling supporting it right back - all the way back to the bare mountain wall revealing the original mountain wall again. From the stairs - a short gravel path by the birch tree farms up to the mountain wall where the stairs will now continue inside the mountain:
Meeting up with the adjoining path at the top:
With the remaining stairs left I put dirt up the sides of course to make it look more natural.
1.8 plans
Doors & Fences - It goes without saying of course I'll be going around changing doors frantically, I already experimented on the creative copy and there won't be many original oak doors left. Similarly I will also look at fences and fence gates - whatever suits best.
Painless stained glass blocks/panes - Everywhere? Well almost. After updating the painterly texture pack to 1.8 I really wasn't sure about the very plain look without borders - until I changed the glass canopy ceiling of the back dining room porch, which currently looks like this:
Now imagine that glass in stained glass - black. It will look amazing! It also means a bit of a redevelopment around that area too, the natural dirt walls around by the tennis court that have fences on them - will be proper walls. It'll mean moving a few fences and trees but will be worth it. I'll be using the new red sandstone which in my choices with painterly is a bluey-gray color. (My own lore is that you have to smelt it for it to harden like clay and it looses it's color :p)
The main bridge - I said I might pull it down and with 1.8 that time has come. It's been there - and made of cobble since 2010 and hasn't really changed much over the years:
Earliest version:
No change in Beta!:
Autumn 2011 - present
So what to replace it with? Already I have taken spare older saves and tried a number of different designs, but one hasn't stuck with me yet.
Please note the following are creative pics on a creative copy of the world:
I built this many many months ago, you can tell because there's a lot of oak planks, personally I would change this to jungle planks.
If this was chose I would "1.8" it, I.E. matching fences and fence gates. The other idea was dropping the fence/block decoration to bridge floor level and have occasional gates with little seating platforms on the outside of the bridge for fishing.
Design #2 Ultra Futuristic.
Originally this started out with open sides to the bridge with the same side decoration as above except white stained clay for plank blocks and light blue glass panes where the fences are, but bridge ground level. The problem came when I started to try and add depth and columns on the outside, so I was going to have light blue glass all the way along. Eventually ths turned into just segments and then the design really took off!
I think it's a bit too futuristic for the style of my world though and therefore out of place. I'm very happy with the design and process of it though. Although i have 2 stacks of Lapis currently in my survival world would it be enough? The there's the constant trips 2000 miles+ to the Mesa, it is an alpha world after all.
Design #3 - More natural toning it down.
After the above design I wanted something more natural per say that I could actually build in the actual survival world. This design is a little freakish but does usual natural resources:
I dunno, my only concern is it looks a bit fake with trees in the middle of the ocean? Maybe if I remove the top trees idea?
Design #3 (A work in progress)
I only started this last night so it's still half done and I had to correct the gap between supports so it was even (Hence ones on the unseen side being out of place). It uses the redstone sandstone variants I talked about ealier (Sneak peek!) but I dunno, it's a little plain.
Whatever I decide, The quest continues and the current bridge has to go. Before it was "oh I don't know if I can bring myself to knock it down, it's been there so long..", but after copying the save multiple times and knocking it down several times, all sentiment has gone! Not a problem any more! Plus, I have older saves to reminisce how it currently is.
The church One plan I have is to utilize the mountain next to the church:
Creative copy pic:
IF I go ahead with that, it'll effectively turn the church into a cathedral. The original idea to double the height will be kept (Except originally where it currently is.) and it would enable proper sized widows with proper stained glass. The old church would have to be demolished of course and incorporated, but dropped by four blocks to the ground for it to be level. Part of the existing church would be new "Grounds/parking/entrance possible small cemetery). The ground around the current church would of course be dropped down 4 blocks in the process.
I'm sure there's more ideas but this post is already too long. I'll post more if I think of them or get any new ideas.
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16yrs+ only
First off, I have finally updated the world to 1.8 and gone travelling for the new stone blocks. I had no choice in updating however as whether it was the main launcher or magic launcher I could no longer play 1.7.10. I only have Rei's minimap and "Enderman don't pick up blocks" for mods, I removed boththem and even tried vanilla 1.7.10 but it wouldn't even start and just gave me a crash report. Reluctantly, I updated.
As recently reported in the "What have you done recently" thread,the new bunny area is coming along and the temporary walls of cobble have come down:
The old 2010 bridge also has come down as it no longer fits the look of the world, the rest of home in a mountain has developed over the years, this barely has. Time for change:
(Work in progress)
In other news, the rest of the landing down to the nether portal (Bordering the stairs down) has also been decked out in jungle planks/log border to match the extension walls from the kennel on the outside that goes around the corner. More cobble removal. The Acacia tree farm (Pink blossom/fake cherry trees) has also moved up to where the Dark Oak tree farm is - where there's more room.
What I might do today is start making a change to the back patio walls by the tennis court (With the glass roof). Changing from sandstone to red sandstone (With the decorative version border) and a black glass roof. This of course is a "Dip area from the tennis court and backs onto the dinning room/kitchen on the outside.
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16yrs+ only
You're welcome, good luck!
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16yrs+ only
As of yesterday the church is now officially condemned! The boarding has gone up - by board that is an 8 block high oak plank boarding around it, ready for demolition and rebuilding - bigger, stronger,faster (Wait.. what?!), longer..)
Originally I was just going to double height it then I got a crazy idea about boxing round the mountain around it and excavating inside, but I have since, had a better idea thanks to experimenting on a creative copy of the world. The plan is to build on the existing ground behind the church on the grass, it will still go into some of the mountain but will give me the length to build a proper full length church, also proper sized stained glass windows let alone being double the height. The existing church will be pulled down after although some of it will form the new entrance. At least I won't have to look at the mess during the works.
Also last post I mentioned changing the sandstone of the back patio off the dinning room, well it's gone and the glass roof changed. The spoiler in the last update showed what it was like, so here's how it's coming:
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16yrs+ only
Kudos, my man